» Fantasy » This Is My Kingdom Come, Megan Rees [ready to read books .txt] 📗

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frightened and needs help; can’t you just accept that we all get offended at some point in our lives? You probably offended him first, anyway.”


The dark haired teenager shrugged. “Is Luna awake yet? I need a word with her about something important.” he inquired, moving away from the subject of the Prince.


“I don’t believe so. I checked in on her ten minutes ago and she’s still fast asleep: she really must be exhausted. How hard is she being worked?”


“I was kicked off the training program, so I only see her a few times a day. Today has probably been the most I’ve seen her in a single day.”


“Did she not visit you in jail? I’m sure that status as Councillor would let her pass.”


“Only Councillor Airing and the actual Council visit the prisoners. Luna is a young spokesperson and doesn’t have any advantage with it really apart from a fancy title and attending the Council meetings.”


“Do you think she and Atlas were chosen deliberately to get back at you?”


“I don’t think so. If they were truly trying to get back at me, then they probably would have exiled me from Nighthollow altogether. Besides, I’m sure the Council have me somewhere near the bottom of their priorities because I’m not an adult and I don’t reign superior over anyone.”


“Your power is very strong, Ash. You may not realise it, but controlling gravity over objects is a pretty big deal. I have seen you save lives on numerous occasions because of your power. The Council should be afraid of you.”


“The Council aren’t the slightest bit scared of me. Robert probably has them all believing that I’m a little weakling incapable of such damage, so to them I’m just another Pureblood trainee to mess with. We had a Demon attack Nighthollow just before we left and it was one of the older girls who defeated it because she can bring life to everyday objects. I just threw a window at it and probably injured a few people because it spat the shards out. I know Luna was hurt during that fight because of my actions.”


“You have to stop portraying yourself as the bad guy because we all know that you’re as good as any of us. You’re a skilled young warrior with the courage of a lion and the spirit of a survivor. I’m sure many others can vouch for that.”


Ash opened his mouth to reply, but he suddenly stared over at the door when he heard someone breathing. He motioned for Adele to move away from the door silently, ignoring the confused expression on her face as he grabbed the dagger from his bedside table and crept towards the door, remembering one of Thorn’s first lessons when he’d taken over from the previous tutor. You move at your quietest when you are graceful in your steps. Moving on your toes isn’t the easiest way you can travel, but it’s the best chance you’ll have of surprising your enemy. This may not always work on Demons and the Moon’s Children, but it will definitely work with most other species.


Once he’d reached the door, Ash grabbed the handle and flung the door open, revealing a relatively tall figure with honey brown hair. Ash knew immediately who it was. “What are you doing here, Oscar? Why were you eavesdropping?” he inquired sharply, pointing his dagger at the Prince threateningly.


“I heard my name and managed to catch the comment about being a spineless rat,” Oscar retorted hotly. “I’m glad you think so highly of me, Ash.”


“It’s a pleasure. I take pride when I insult people: especially those who wish to return the favour.” Ash replied bitterly.


Adele glared at the two boys fiercely. “No fighting or things will get messy,” she warned them before turning to Oscar. “Is there any news on that prisoner?”


“Bill said she was awake and he was waiting for Luna to wake up.” Oscar responded, taking a slightly calmer side with the immortal blonde girl.


“His name is Will,” Ash corrected the Prince through gritted teeth. “How stupid are you, your Majesty?”  


Oscar’s brown eyes flashed a warning. “Is that a challenge, reject boy?”


I won’t let him speak to me like that! Ash told himself, glancing towards a chair in the corner of the room and slowly lifting his hand up, bringing the chair up with him. The brown haired Pureblood let out a laugh until Ash jerked his hand violently across and thus flinging the chair across the room, hitting Oscar and knocking him over with a loud thud. He let out a gasp, clutching his right arm and fixing a look so murderous Ash wondered why he hadn’t been stabbed yet.


“That’s enough,” Adele snapped. “That was completely uncalled for, Ash. I suggest you go and cool off somewhere preferably away from Oscar.”


“With the utmost pleasure.” Ash spat.




Luna paced back and fourth, glancing at her light blue socks as they moved across the wooden floorboards. “State your name.” she said simply.


In the middle of the room, the prisoner that Leon had brought back earlier sat hunched in a chair with her wrists no longer bound by the ironchain. “What good will my name do for your precious investigation?” she snapped back.


“If you refuse to cooperate, I will have to simply force you to do so in the most unpleasant way possible,” Leon warned her sharply. “Answer my friend’s questions truthfully, or you won’t like the consequences.”


The black cloaked woman let out a grunt. “Sierra Nightlock.”


“And how old are you, Sierra?” Luna inquired, staring up at the young woman.


“Seventeen.” she answered.


“You are part of a group of masked Purebloods, correct?”


“That’s right.”


“What is your group’s name and objective?”


“You really think I’m going to tell you our plans, little girl? The Silhouettes don’t give in meekly to such stupid questions.”


“Telling me would save you from whatever pain Leon is willing to inflict on you.”


“I couldn’t care less. I’m a goner anyway for getting caught: my master doesn’t react well to any of us being taken prisoner. The last one was stabbed in the back quite literally.”


“We’ll come back to that one, then. Where are The Silhouettes located?”


“Like I’m really going to tell you that. What’s your interest in me, anyway?”


“My brother was kidnapped and my friend was stabbed this morning. We were wondering if you had any connection to that event.”


“Are you talking about the blonde kid and the werewolf?”


“Then you were involved,” Luna felt a sense of satisfaction that she’d finally found the group responsible for the ridiculous crime. “What are you intending to do with my brother?”


Sierra didn’t meet her pastel blue gaze. “You’ll have to find that out for yourself if you actually succeed in finding out hideout. All you’ll get out of me is that he won’t be harmed. He is safe.”


“That wasn’t the answer I was hoping for, but thank you for cooperating,” Luna replied with a sigh. “You will remain prisoner here overnight until we decide what to do with you.”


Sierra shrugged, clearly not looking bothered as Luna and Leon left the room and firmly locked the door so she wouldn’t escape. Leon was the first to speak when they were outside the room. “I know we didn’t get a location or motive, but at least we know Cody is safe.”


“I’m not sure if I can put all my faith in her,” Luna admitted sadly. “There’s something about her which I don’t trust.”


Leon shot her a sympathetic look. “We’ll find Cody,” he promised her. “Even if it means venturing forever, we will get him back for you.”


Luna didn’t say anything to reply. She was grateful for the fair haired Halfblood’s determination to save her brother, but she had little hope that anyone would find Cody. Though Sierra had given a name of the group and confirmed they were involved, they had no idea what was happening to Cody or where they were based.


What if we never find Cody?

Chapter 13 - Help And Silence

“The Silhouettes?” Cassie frowned at the name as Luna explained the questioning. “I’ve got a hunch that whatever they do isn’t good news. That Sierra seemed pretty scary.”


Atlas glanced up, his green eyes troubled. “Even the most terrifying of people have their weaknesses.”


“Is there something bothering you, Atlas?” Luna asked in concern. “You seem a bit skittish.”


“Everything’s fine.” Atlas replied hastily, but Luna traced the uncertainty in his voice. She sighed in slight irritation. “I can tell you’re lying. I won’t judge you if it’s something bad.”


“He had a fight with Ash while you were sleeping,” Oscar replied dryly, turning a small black pebble over in his hands. “It wasn’t pretty.”


“What the heck were they fighting over?” Luna groaned.


“Your relationship with Ash. Atlas thinks he’ll hurt you emotionally because he’s damaged.” Oscar told her simply.


Cassie looked a little surprised. “I thought I heard someone yelling about being a monster. Will told me I was imagining it, but how bad was the extent of the row?”


“Ash can’t speak to anyone in a civil manner. He was rather shifty when Adele went to talk to him about her interrogation on me and he threw a chair at me,” the honey haired Prince sighed. “He disappeared, but I’m pretty sure I saw him return to his room looking a bit sorrowful.”


Luna raked her hands through her wavy blonde hair, groaning. “Oh my God. Atlas, did you really need to fight with him about that of all things? Robert and Councillor Airing were already sceptical about it because they overheard our discussion about going that far when we were in prison,” She was shaking her head. “I’ll talk to him. We’re intending to leave to find Cody tonight and I would prefer if he came.”


“Who else do you want there?” Cassie queried.


“Atlas, Leon, Adele and perhaps one of Celeste’s werewolves. They might be able to find out where The Silhouettes are based seeing as they know all magical business in London.” Luna replied.


The curly haired woman nodded. “Good choices. If you want to talk to Ash, I’ll find a werewolf who can help you out.”




Imogen had been one of the five werewolves who had stayed with Celeste since she was stabbed and brought to The Lodge. She could remember the day better than most when the sixteen year old had just turned up out of nowhere and started taking in the Packless werewolves of London. Many of the Winter Pack would probably not have lasted much longer if Celeste hadn’t appeared.


Now, their strong-willed leader was in a coma-like state with the possibility of loosing her leg.


The Pack had been in turmoil over who would take leadership of them if Celeste was forced to step down for a while. There were three candidates after the prosperous role: a former member of one of the American Packs, an exile from a Pack in Brazil and just a normal Londoner. Imogen had never been interested in politics, no matter how much it was shoved down her throat.


Before the Winter Pack had been formed, she was a dropout from school living out on the streets since she was eleven because she couldn’t control her wolf. She was now nearly sixteen and had found a home for the first time in five years. She’d made many friends

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