» Fantasy » Kvistr, Melissa Nichols [red white royal blue txt] 📗

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difficulty killing the two in Helgrind, and Saphira was a year old then."

"These Ra'zac aren't as old as those two were and they certainly won't be trained or guided by an evil king. They're untrained, unguided renegades looking for food. With the three of us and our dragons this will be an easy kill."

"Alanna, I said no! You leave them to Saphira and me. I want you two to evacuate the city and take them up the river to Woadark Lake." He pointed to a lake on the map. It was the closest thing to Teirm."You won't be alone, Eragon. Murtagh will be going with you, and I've already asked Arya. She's on her way." Nasuada stepped forward, her voice as calm as ever."Then we should be victorious. I know Arya and Murtagh both have the skill to bring down these Ra'zac."

"Nasuada, I won't leave! Your life is already in danger daily."

"I'm aware, Murtagh, but don't fear. I've survived assassins before. I'll let someone else sample my food before I eat it."

"And the enchantments? You won't last two days!"

"I'll up the number of my guard. Murtagh, you and Thorn are needed with Eragon. As brilliant as he is, he'll have a hard time killing fifteen Ra'zac even with Saphira there."

"Arya and Firnen will be there as well, and they're more suited to this than I and Thorn are."

"Murtagh, this is great opportunity to get the people to stop fearing your name."

"That was a low blow." Murtagh muttered, clearly displeased.

"It's truth. Must I order you to Teirm or will you save face and go?"

In response, Murtagh didn’t say anything. He grumbled and pouted, but he didn’t object anymore.

"Arya is expected to arrive in three days. When I talked to her this morning she was in Ceunon. I insist you stay here until then. Alanna and Faolan can look around the city, explore the area.""We can resupply. Besides, I'm sure Faolan would like to eat something besides what he’s found in Ellesmera."Faolan had begun hunting for himself a little over three months ago, which means no more rats except for snacks. Alanna didn't mind her dragon no longer needing the rats. He hadn't needed afterhours tutoring since he learned how to speak for himself."They can eat any of the large livestock they wish when they get hungry." Nasuada assured Eragon and Alanna immediately relayed the information, as she had been since their arrival, to Faolan whom immediately pounced upon the cattle he had been investigating. Once the four dragons, Thorn included, had a kill, the thunder flew off.

The strategic meeting continued for a bit more, then the Riders were shown to their rooms. Eragon had given his permission for them to do what they wished for the next few days so Alanna and Dusan went exploring. First they explored the castle but there wasn't much to see so they continued on to the city. Again, there wasn't much to see. The city was still rebuilding after the rebellion and there were distinct sections to the city. One half of the city held only businesses and merchants selling their wares, while the other half held only houses.By the time the twins had seen what interested them, including the local swordsmith for Alanna and the library for Dusan, the dragons had returned. Alanna immediately went to Faolan.Once Alanna was ensconced in the saddle, Faolan took off and they took their time exploring the land around them.

Chapter 12

A couple days later, Alanna roused herself from her waking dreams to the sounds of a dragon nearing. After a brief stretch, Alanna dressed and rushed outside, Delois on her hip, to greet Firnen and Arya as the green dragon touched down in a field. Eragon was already there and Alanna saw the two hug. Alanna was surprised by this. Neither of them seemed like the type of individuals to express emotions, but Alanna was sure this was the hug of two lovers greeting each other after time apart. Alanna slowed and, instead, watched Firnen and Saphira nuzzle, and then together they nuzzled Faolan. Thorn was laying on the side of another field, watching and obviously puzzled."What a scene." Murtagh stated as he came up beside her. "Which are you watching? The dragons or their Riders?"

"Both, I suppose."

"That sounds like a half-answer."

"Arya is a true-blooded elf. We aren't supposed to show emotion, yet she hugs Eragon back as surely as he hugs her. What I see there is... uncomfortable so I shift my eyes to Faolan, the other half of my very soul. It’s difficult for me to see my queen display any amount of emotion to anyone, let alone romantic affection for our mentor, so I shift to Faolan because of our bond, as I'm sure you understand. And what I see there comforts me, yet saddens me. I remember my parents. They loved me as parents should love their offspring, and I loved them. I remember nights when my brother, parents and I would sing our treehouse back to health. I remember the four of us going down to a nearby lake or meadow and enjoying the nature that we love, having a picnic in the forest, watching the wildlife pass us by."

"But that stopped?"

"Both of my parents were killed in the revolution, in the same battle where Oromis and Glaedr were killed."

"I'm sorry for your loss."

"Thank you."After a moment of silence, Murtagh spoke again. "So, what do you think about Eragon as a mentor?"

"He's very capable. He has a good teaching strategy. We start the day with going through the Rimgar to stretch and strengthen our muscles, and then we have to listen to nature for an hour, our way of becoming one with all of the wildlife around us without committing to the mind of one species or individual. After that, we spar with our swords for a while, and then we sit in the hut and read our scrolls. We learn from the scrolls for several hours, and then I practice writing in both the ancient and human languages. Once the sun goes down, we practice magic and we are sent home. At the same time, our minds are still connected to our dragons and we have to be aware of what they are doing and learn what our dragons are learning as well. Eragon says it's the same way he was taught, and I prefer this way over the old way. Before the Fall, Riders and dragons were trained slowly, magic not being introduced for several years. The usual age a dragon would be before they'd be sent on a mission with their Rider would be fifteen. Fifteen years of nothing but studying and training. This way that time will be cut in half, and the Rider and dragon would have more time to be on missions and do their duties before they have to train the next generation."

"I never would have figured Eragon would make a good teacher."

"He has to be. Arya and I would be little without him to guide us, just as Eragon would be long dead had he not gone to Ellesmera to train after he killed Durza. Arya and I are at a greater advantage than Eragon was at that time, but the point is the same."

"Indeed. Elves are strong and very capable with magic, but natural talent isn't much without proper training."

"Precisely. So, Eragon had to step up and train us. Why do you ask?"

"I have training, but its dark magic. I want to embrace being a Rider, in all that entails."

"You wish to come back to Ellesmera with us."

"Yes. I know that means leaving Nasuada, but I've made arrangements. She is in good hands that kept her safe when assassination attempts were twice as numerous as they are lately. I feel confident she will be fine when I come back, so I should make the best of this time and train."

"How noble. Well, at least there'll finally be more competition. I've been sparring with Eragon and Arya both, and while I still receive more blows than I give, I am learning their style and weaknesses. It'd be nice to figure out another opponent."

"Bloodthirsty little devil, aren't you?"

"I simply enjoy a challenge. While I'm sure I won't hesitate to kill in battle, I'm sure I won't enjoy it. But that's what training is for; preparation for whatever may come. For the first generations after a revolution and shift in power, that almost certainly means preparation for war, as well as healing and keeping the peace. But I quite certainly consider a human that laid post-transformation Eragon out on his ass a good challenge. You'll keep me on my toes, I'm sure."

"I'll certainly try, but you'll me training me as much as I'll be training you. I've never crossed swords with an elf before, and I will be sure to learn a lot from our matches."

"Good. Well, I guess we should all be heading inside. Now that Arya is here…what the devil?” Alanna looked at Arya again and saw nothing unusual. But, at Eragon's side, she saw an Urgal clutching a small silver dragon hatchling. “Four out of five. An Urglagra Rider, the first of his kind. And, from the looks of him, he's young but already taller than others of his age. He'll be a Kull. Oh, he'll be a wonderful challenge to train with. We'll be able to learn so much from him that the scrolls can't tell us."

"A Kull?"

"Oh, don't stare. They're coming this way. And close your mouth; its unsightly and rude." Alanna said even as she dashed forward to greet Arya. “Arya, welcome back. It’s good to see you again." Alanna stated after the two elves had gone through the traditional greeting. “It’s good to see you as well, Alanna. You seem to be well."

"Yes, Faolan and I have enjoyed the new surroundings and food."

"Alanna, I'd like you to meet Vegz Otveksson." Eragon stepped in and gestured to the newest Rider. “Hello, Vegz. I am Alanna Aiedialsdaughter."

"You're a Rider as well?"

"Yes, I am. My dragon is Faolan." She stroked Faolan's nose, whom had separated from his parents and had come over to investigate the new arrivals. “He’s beautiful. I mean- you're beautiful, Faolan Bjartskular."

He's nervous. Faolan observed.

Well, what do you expect? He's only been around elves and dragons for at least a week, and now he's got four Riders and three very large dragons surrounding him. I'd be shaken up as well if I were him. "Faolan thanks you for the compliment, though he humbly says he is not more beautiful than Master Saphira."

"Which one is…she?"

That would be me, hatchling. Saphira had tromped up to stand beside Eragon and now lowered her head to look at Vegz and his dragon. Understandably, Vegz stiffened and tried not to show any fear."You can relax. She won't harm you."

"And that red dragon over there is Thorn Redtooth?"

"That's right." Murtagh stepped up to the group. "And I'm his Rider."

"Murtagh Redsword." Vegz muttered and Alanna was sure she saw his blood drain from his face. Murtagh had clearly made quite the impression on the Urgals during his life, and not a good one."Very good. Now, Eragon, I suggest we plan out the rescue of Teirm. With fifteen Ra'zac, even as young and

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