» Fantasy » Night of Fate, Kinomi [black authors fiction TXT] 📗

Book online «Night of Fate, Kinomi [black authors fiction TXT] 📗». Author Kinomi

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/> I stood up, feeling a little better than I had before.
“Don’t make me wait all day. You said you could prove it,” he said opening his eyes.
I nodded.
“Prove what?” Kein asked standing up.
“You’ll see,” I said still looking Toshiro in the eyes.
“The night…it’s coming fast…be back by sunrise,” Toshiro said.
I closed my eyes then vanished, teleporting to the outside border of Shing’s Galaxy. When I got there the pain almost vanished.
I took a step into the Galaxy, knowing Shing would come when I did.
Just as I had expected, Shing arrived like lightning.
He had a worried look on his face. “You just came three days ago, back so soon?” he asked.
I leaned over, putting my hands on my knees in exhaustion from the pain.
“Mikazuki?” he asked.
“Please come with me,” I said taking his hand.
He nodded, waiting for me to do something.
I teleported us back to the valley.
When we got there, I immediately changed to my elfin form, landing on my knees.
Toshiro looked at me. “Faster than I thought…,” he said looking at me.
Shing looked confused. What’s going on Mikazuki? He looked at me to notice I was on my knees. “Mikazuki!” he exclaimed bending down towards me.
I tried to smile. Don’t worry, just ask Toshiro, he’ll explain. I thought looking at him.
Kein looked away from Shing and me. She’s letting him call her by her first name….
Toshiro took a step near us; Shing instinctively got in front of me.
Toshiro seemed saddened. “Is it really true Mikazuki? You’re not playing games are you?” he asked.
“I’m not lying, Toshiro! What can’t you understand?!” I exclaimed.
Shing caught onto what we were saying by listening to Toshiro’s thoughts. He looked at me. Are you really in pain because of me?
“I don’t know! If I am, I don’t care!” I yelled. You’re the only one I’ll accept.
“Exactly my point…,” Toshiro said looking away. “What would your family say?”
“Leave my family out of this, Toshiro!”
“How can I, I’m only obeying their orders!” he said.
I closed my eyes. You can stand up Shing…. I thought standing up. Stay behind me…I don’t know what I might end up doing. I thought.
Toshiro laughed. “Do you really think you can actually hurt me?” he asked.
Shing stood up and took his place behind me.
I took my Great Spirit form. “Are you testing your luck?” I asked.
He smiled taking his Great Spirit form. Must I? He thought.
“You don’t know me!” I shouted. “Leave, and don’t come back!”
“Heh, where to go?” he asked.
“Anywhere except my Galaxy!”
“How can I? Your parents left me here to care for you if something like this happened,” he said.
“They’re not here now…I’m the one giving the orders now! Leave!”
Toshiro slowly took the form of my father. “How could you kick your own father out of your Galaxy?”
“You’re not my father!” I said sending a spell that would bind him. Even thought tears were welling up in my eyes.
Toshiro was caught in the bind, then transformed back into his normal form, coughing.
“You know better than all, I hate repeating myself!” I said. “Don’t come back!” I said teleporting him to a different Galaxy, an abandoned one. I put the mark of Solitude on him so he couldn’t come back.
Shing looked at me. Is it true that you being with me is what is causing you pain? He thought.
“No, it was him. He cast a spell on me that made me think I was in pain. I’m not, now that he’s gone,” I said, knowing that even though he was doing that, it was for me.
I kept my thoughts to myself as I thought of what could really happen. Is it true that something like that could happen? Is it true that something horrific will happen if I stay with him? I asked myself looking down.
Shing looked at me, then at Kein. “Is something wrong, Kein?” he asked gently.
Kein looked at him surprised. “You’re asking me?” he asked rudely as he looked away.
Shing smiled. “Of course; you’re of great importance to Mikazuki, why wouldn’t I be worried?” he asked turning his body towards Kein, giving him his attention.
I looked at Shing then at Kein, knowing that something was about to happen.
Kein looked at me, knowing I was worrying about him and Shing. He looked back to Shing with a straight face.
There was a long silence before any of us did anything.
Kein bowed to Shing as if he were a king—let me rephrase that; like he was respecting a king.
Shing and I both were amazed.
“I’ll give up,” he said still bowing.
Shing looked at me confused, then back to Kein.
Kein looked up. “I’ll give up on Mikazuki.”
“What do you mean, Kein?” I asked.
“I keep arguing about Shing, only because I’m jealous. I’ll stop. I’ll let you choose who you want,” he said. “Only on one condition,” he said looking at Shing.
“What might that be?” Shing asked.
“Take care of her. If you make her cry…,” he stopped in the middle of his sentence, knowing there was nothing he would be able to do to a Master Spirit. He looked away.
Shing put his hand on Kein’s shoulder. “You’ve got my word,” he said.
Kein looked Shing in the eyes; he put his hand out as if to seal the promise.
Shing shook his hand. “Thank you.”
“You must mean a lot to her…after all, she leaves her Galaxy a lot just to see you. She’s never done that before, other than to fight,” he said letting go of Shing’s hand.
I watched, knowing there was a bond beginning to form.
Shing looked at me as if to ask what he said was true.
“It’s true,” I said biting my lip. “I use to never leave the galaxy other than to fight.”
Shing looked at me astonished, and Kein looked at me heartbroken that I would admit.
Kein looked away. “I’ll leave,” he said walking away.
Shing and I waited until he left.
She walked over to me. “You really do that just for me?” he asked.
I smiled. “Of course,” I said taking his hands. “Why wouldn’t I?”
“Well, I just entered your Galaxy one day out of the wild Universe. I’m just surprised that you would do that for me…,” he said putting his hand behind his head.
I smiled. “Can I try something…?” I asked half afraid.
He saw my thoughts and took a step back in half confusion and half astonishment. “Are you really going to?” he asked.
“I…I really want to see if it works…if not, I’ll still be happy being with you,” I said smiling.
He took a step forward while taking his human form, which had short black hair and leaf green eyes.
I too took my human form, wanting to be different than normal, I made my hair turn black as well.
He put his right hand around me, pulling me to him. Then took my wrist and held it ever so gently with his left hand. Our faces were just inches away from each other.
I could hear his heart racing with anxiety and uncertainty.
My breath was already uneven, trying to figure out what to do as my heart pounded frantically in my chest.
His eyes were half way closed, still looking into mine as he moved his face closer.
My eyes were half way open as well, gazing into his ever so green eyes like I was lost in a forest and he was the way out.
He pulled me even closer, to where I could feel his breath tickling my face. Are you sure…? He thought when our lips were only centimeters away.
I’m just as sure as the ground beneath my feet. I thought, making up my mind.
He slowly pressed his lips to mine, still looking into my eyes.
I felt like my heart stopped.
It seemed like a shock wave just burst from us and to every edge of the valley.
I could feel as our hearts started beating to the same rhythm.
I finally closed my eyes to feel the wind circling around us. I felt Shing’s grip tighten ever so slowly as he let go of my wrist and put his hand on my cheek.
I could feel us moving, when I opened my eyes, we were in Shing’s Galaxy. Snow was falling ever so softly.
In the same moment we were back in the valley.
The wind died down and I pulled my head away to hug him. I could fee tears of joy dripping off my cheeks.
Did it work? I thought.
Though it was night, a bright light appeared to the side of us.
Shing and I both looked, it was my father and mother’s Spirits.
They reached down smiling.
“You’ve made your choice…Mikazuki. Be happy, we’ll always be with you,” they said as they both embraced me.
“Mother…father…,” I whispered as I felt a slight presence appear.
“He is now your guardian…as you are his, sister,” my brother said coming into view.
Shing looked at me. This is her family. He thought taking in every detail.
My mother looked at Shing and embraced him.
She started to fade as she whispered in his ear.
My father was next, he did the same and started fading.
“No! Don’t leave!” I said trying to grab them.
My brother went to me and hugged me. “Live happily and don’t worry about what anyone else says,” he said letting go and going to Shing.
Kohaku was almost as tall as Shing, but not quite.
He too embraced him and whispered something.
He stopped talking right before he completely faded away.
I closed my eyes, knowing that they weren’t going to come back. I collected myself and wiped my tears away.
“What did they say to you?” I asked him
He smiled. “They’re kind. They told me I couldn’t tell you until a certain time—that, I can’t tell you about, either,” he said.
I heard no thoughts in his mind other than things about me.
I smiled. “Then I won’t ask,” I asked hugging him.
Shing took my hand as we looking at the sunrise.
“Let’s speak of this to no one, yet,” I said biting my lip.
Shing smiled and kissed my hand like a prince would to a princess. “Yes, my lady,” he said smiling.
“I’ll return tomorrow to talk to you again,” he said.
“I’ll be waiting,” I whispered smiling.
He vanished into thin air.
I stood there a while before walking into the village.
I was in a daze before I heard Kein trying to get my attention when I was sitting down by the fountain.
“Mikazuki!” he finally exclaimed.
I snapped into it. “Oh, Kein; what is it?”
“You’ve been out of it all day, did something happen last night?” He asked.
“No…not really,” I said with a smile on my face as I thought of last night.
Kein wasn’t buying it. “What happened when I left?” he asked. “You didn’t—”
“Kein; no way, pervert!” I exclaimed after reading his thoughts.
“Okay, just making sure,” he said sighing.
“I’m going to get some rest though…,” I said standing up and walking away.
When I got to my house there was a rose on the step that I had never seen before.
An ice blue rose…? I thought picking it up.
The rose felt ice cold, there was a small note attached.

You deserve the finest of roses, so I brought you a rose from my galaxy, though they are nothing like the beautiful roses in your galaxy.
My love belongs to you,

I smiled and
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