» Fantasy » In Between, Rizonne Alexander [read novel full txt] 📗

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he is not your father.” She told him off. “Amber stay out of this” he warned her. “No, I am not going to stay out of anything. Both of you got me involved and yes Bastiaan started it. UNINTENTIONALLY!” She emphasized. “Bastiaan did not want you dead, your parents did. Why punish him?” Amber said more sympathetic. Bastiaan walked over to the sofa and sat opposite me. Amber grabbed the arm of the chair and sat on it next to her dad. “Daddy, whatever may happen; you are my father. Nothing can change that.” She said to him hugging him. For a moment tears filled my eyes and then Rhamaz followed. “But what about you two?” Rhamaz asked. “You can’t be with my brother, that is not right.” He said again. “And who said I wanted to be with the King of Vampirie Est Laude?” She responded, and my heart dropped. I felt shattered by those words. “Dad, why don’t you start by asking us how we feel and why instead of making this about you? Because I do feel that you are being selfish right now.” She said again which kind of sparked some sort of hope. “And when did you grow up?” Rhamaz asked her, smiling. “Look Dad, I don’t how I feel at the moment but right now I need to focus on my show which is in three hours. When I’m ready I will speak but I need you two to speak. Properly!” She said raising her voice. Amber ran upstairs, and I could hear she jumped onto her phone. I heard her rambling things and bolted down again. “I need to leave now okay.” She kissed her dad and ran out the door. Once again it was me and him alone. “What next?” I asked again. “What do you want?” He asked me. “I want you to help me win this war Rhamaz. I feel like an utter fool in hiding. I’m not fit to be King.” I said to him. “If you are not fit to be King then what are you fit to be?” He asked again. “Anything besides leading a community, for once I want to be free. Since I have been staying here I feel more restful. At peace. I want out.” I replied with a sigh. “Well that is a very hard thing to do. I wonder what your father will say, should you give up the throne.” Rhamaz stated. “Our father.” I responded, and he just glared at me. “Right, so you say you need my help? What happened?” He asked me, and it sounded positive. “Alright, the first time I was attacked was about seven years after my coronation. A witch struck me with a chamber glass. Then a Pixie tried the same thing. I know the Pixie, her name is Neriah.” I explained. “Neriah? That name sounds familiar. Wait, hold on.” He said which made me move forward on the sofa. He went into his phone and then turned it to me. “Is this her?” He asked me. “Yes” I said shockingly. “But how did you get hold of that photograph brother?” I asked still in shock. “The mystic world has upgraded little brother.” He said laughing. “She is on the wanted list for treason amongst the witches; so, it could be that she got the glass from the same witch who struck you years ago.” He explained. “That makes sense yes.” I responded in thought. “But what motive would she have to send you back?” He asked me. “Because I did not want her anymore, well that’s the only reason I can think of.” I responded. “So, you saying a lover’s quarrel? Really now Bastiaan? You want me to sort out a lover’s quarrel?” He said upset. “Rhamaz, it might be a lover’s quarrel, but to try and kill a King or send me back to asylum when I just got back after twenty years? Rhamaz I was there for twenty years. I was trapped and there was nothing I could do but wait to be woken.” I explained to him. “Understood. So, you expect me to travel with you Vampirie Est Laude?” He asked me, and I could hear it is with a heavy heart. “Please” I responded and then suddenly a telephone rang. It was the landline in the house and Rhamaz jumped up to have it answered in the kitchen. He came back looking confused. “The phone call is for you? Some old lady wanting to speak to you. She sounds Russian.” He explained, and I bolted to the telephone immediately. >> “Halo << I answered. >> Bastiaan? << the voice said softly. >> “Nora?” << I asked again. >> “Indeed my Lord, you need to come back urgently. Dregicht is behind everything and he has taken over the whole castle. he is planning to open up the castle to the dark world. Your mother and father are being held captive! Come please!” << she said and hung up. My stomach fell to the ground, my head began spinning. “Rhamaz! Rhamaz!” I shouted as loud as I could. Immediately he was in front of me. It felt like I could not breath. “Bastiaan, sit. What happened?” he asked handing me some water. “That was Nora, the castle executive. Dregicht is behind it all and is planning to open the castle to the dark world. They have our parents captured.” I explained out of breath. “Fuck, that is some deep shit.” He responded. “We need to go brother, I need your help. I can’t do this on my own.” I pleaded with him. “I don’t know.” He said combing his hair with his fingers. “I haven’t been there since the age of twenty-three. This is so hard.” He said again. “I need you Rhamaz. Please. We don’t have much time.” I responded. “I am not doing this for you Bastiaan, but for my daughter okay. Fine. I will go with you and you can be the one to save your parents, not me.” He responded, left the kitchen and immediately got on his phone. I ran upstairs to grab some documents. Rhamaz shouted from beneath to say that he is ready, and we should get going. I do not know what the exact plan is, I do not know what is happening at the castle and I do not know what to expect. “Rhamaz! I just need to leave a note for Amber. Please brother.” I said peeping down stairs towards him, he just glared back at me.


My Dearest Amber Lily

I have a heart filled with sorrow because I need to leave right now not having to give you a proper goodbye. The war has increased and matured to the point where I must go back. Dregicht is behind all of it, Nora called to let me know. Your father has decided to join me, to help me. I’m leaving France not knowing what to expect at the castle and not knowing what is going to happen. The saddest part of this is that I do not know how long I will be away.

I would like to declare my love for you, I know it is wrong, but my heart is pumping the passion that your blood brought upon me. I love you Amber Lily. I loved you from the first drop of your blood that entered my body to revive me. I do not know if you feel the same, if you don’t, I would understand.

See you soon

King Bastiaan

Chapter 7 - Rhamaz’s POV


We arrived in Czech, the journey was short and simple however me and Bastiaan had to be undercover. On the way we decided to side track Dregicht and take him down without him noticing that we both have come back to Czech. Before we left I called my wife to inform her of the happenings and to please foresee over my business. The argument that we had over the phone was not what I expected but I understand her. My vampire life I left behind and the insecurities that she has of me going back to that life is valid. We built a great empire together and have a beautiful daughter – Amber Lily. From a far I could see the castle as we approached on foot through the other side of the forest. I became anxious, I did not want to show it. Our plan was to go through the castle output pipes, a dirty place but there was no other choice. Bastiaan was quiet for most of the trip to Czech, I did not even have the energy to ask him what is on his mind because I’m too caught up on my mental state with regards to returning home. We finally made it to the pipes, I could hear chatter on the deck of the castle. Me and Bastiaan were both ankle deep into the mud that surrounded the castle. “Rhamaz” he said. “Yes?” I answered. “Thank you for doing this, I know it must have been hard. You know, coming back here and all. I just want to say that I appreciate it.” He responded. “You really need to stop with your sobby shit and man up please. You’re depressing me.” I answered and we both laughed. Yes, we both laughed for the very first time after so many years. We both jumped into the pipes, it was really dark, and we switched on our torchlights. “Brother, within the next twelve metres we go right, I’m sure they are keeping our parents in the below dungeon and going right basically places them right above us.” He told me. “Bastiaan, what are you on about? I told you I’m not planning on saving them, you go ahead. I will find Dregicht and simply rip his heart out.” I responded. “No, that’s my job. You don’t have to save them, you just going with me.” He replied. We both walked for a while until I stopped for a moment. “Excuse me, do you think I’m dumb? If I go with you it would look like I’m with in on the whole saving part.” I replied to him astonished. “Rhamaz, stop please. I will make sure to announce that you had no part in saving them. Now let’s go please.” He said. Within seconds we were on the corner where we had to turn right. We took a right and I started to hear voices above us. I indicated to Bastiaan that they were now above us and that we shouldn’t talk. A Vampires hearing is very sensitive. We walked further down so that we were directly under the dungeon that our parents could possibly be held in. I’m sure the talks were coming from the office directly next to the dungeon where books of prisoners were kept. We were about five metres further up when I started to hear more talking, but it was softer and distressing. I signalled to Bastiaan to hear. He gave a thumb up to say that it was our parents. Somewhere on top needs to be an opening, I remember it because that is how I escaped. Our father held us all captive before he killed my sisters and

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