» Fantasy » Vitrian Secrets, Dele Andersen [great books for teens TXT] 📗

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bulky man next to him. She wasn't sure how the man got there. She must have been totally out of it while in her short-lived trance to miss his entrance.

The man was handsome—sort of. His face was firm and tough-looking. No form of a smile. He looked as plain and direct as any tough person could be and reminded Wanda of her vice-principal; although her vice-principal was much shorter, he always wore the same straight look on his face.

“Wanda,” her mother said. “This is Alexis, the head of the Vitrian elders here at the fortress.”

“Alex is—Alexis,” Wanda reiterated, trying to pronounce the name. She sat still, as stiff as a chicken left in the freezer for days.

It wasn't Alexis' name or his height that surprised Wanda. It was the cicatrix on his face. The scar ran from the side of his left eye to just above his left ear; it cut deep into his cheek and down past the left side of his lips. It was deep and looked impossible for him to have survived whatever caused it. He didn't seem bothered by Wanda staring at him. Neither pain nor hatred could be seen in his eyes.

“You can call me Alex if Alexis sounds unusual,” the man said, and Wanda got a hold of herself when she heard his deep voice.

“Sorry,” she said.

“It's okay.” Alexis smiled coldly. The smile was barely noticeable; it then faded away as quickly as it came. “I see it is true. You can see.”

Wanda's expression turned into bewilderment; what did he mean?

“You can see my scar,” he clarified, and then gazed directly into Wanda's eyes. “I got the scar some years ago,” he said like he had read Wanda's mind and needed to tell her. “By a powerful demon, one of the strongest I've ever fought. It took the Healing Méndez to save my life.”

“I don't understand,” Wanda said.

Sofia took her daughter by the hand and explained, “Humans can't see demons, nor can they see the wounds caused by demon talons or bites.”

“Wow!” Alexis said. “You definitely are The Chosen.”

Bathe wiggled uncomfortably when Alexis said this.

Alexis squinted and focused his attention on Wanda. His face was as severe and as plain as possible, like his smiling muscles were removed when he received the scar. His stare made her uncomfortable; his looks, his voice, and his persona were all domineering. He had trimmed blond hair and brown eyes that sparked with a strong sense of strength and confidence, which made Wanda uneasy.

“What happened to your brother is not your fault,” Alexis said. “You shouldn't, and we would not let you, carry such a burden. It was beyond your control. You did not have the power nor the knowledge to handle the situation.” He said the last words gently. “You were kept away from knowing the Vitrian ways.”

Relief flooded over Wanda after hearing those words from this huge man who had fought a powerful demon. A mountain of guilt lifted off her, as if Alexis could read all that was going through her mind concerning Jason.

A smirk followed Alexis' words, dry and empty as the Sahara Desert. Wanda didn't have to ask him; she could see the scar had caused severe damage to his nerves, making his expression humdrum.

Sofia, on the other hand, twitched the instant Alexis spoke. Wanda turned to her mother and saw her looking straight at her. She had a smile on her face, but Wanda could tell it was fake. There was something, like some history between her and Alexis, that did not sit right. She couldn't place her finger on it . . . perhaps hatred—some animosity that existed in the past.

“I think we should give you some space to rest,” Bathe said with a smile that Wanda could see was more genuine than her mum’s and Alexis’.

“Actually, I'm fine. I would like to go home now,” Wanda replied. She didn’t know what to make of everything. Creatures chasing her and Jason, her mum holding on to past secrets, Bathe acting funny like he was hiding something, and now Alexis, who seemed to be friendly and warm but expressionless.

“Well, about that—” her mum started when a nurse walked in.

“Ventress would like to have a word with you now, Mrs. Troms,” the nurse said.

“Okay, thanks.” Sofia stood up immediately, and Wanda reckoned it must be something urgent, probably something about Jason.

“I would like to come along.” Wanda tried to get up.

“No, darling,” Sofia smiled. “You need to rest.” She kissed her daughter on the forehead.

“Seriously, I'm all right,” Wanda said.

“Maybe you should let the doctors decide on that,” Alexis said. He still looked straight at Wanda like there was something he needed from her.

“Yes, I think so, too,” Bathe agreed. “And the nurse will bring you some food, so please eat well even if the doctor says you can leave the hospital.”


“No buts.” Sofia used her stern tone like whenever she wanted her daughter to stick to the plan. “We have to make sure you are totally all right.”

Wanda was surprised at the statement, but she expected nothing less. Jason was in the medical center, so her mum would not want to see her other child wounded or ending up in the operating room as well. But she had a feeling her mum hated agreeing to Alexis’ and Bathe's suggestions.

“There's someone I want you to meet,” Sofia said with a beautiful smile, anticipation in her eyes. “He will keep you company while I am with Ventress.”

“You want me to meet someone?” Wanda couldn’t keep the surprise from her voice as her mother walked toward the door.

Sofia stepped out, and a few seconds later stepped back into the hospital room.

Wanda gasped and shouted, “Petter!”




Chapter 7


Chapter 7


The instant Petter stepped into the room, excitement and anxiety swept over Wanda at once, such that she felt she was running a temperature.

Wanda shrugged off the anxiety quickly. She was happy to see Petter, someone she could confide in and share the thoughts she'd been having. She wasn’t sure if Petter knew any about what was going on or if her mother had invited him to come because of her. She was excited to see a familiar face, someone she was close to and could communicate with. She was about to get off the bed when Bathe put his hand to her shoulder.

“Let the doctors confirm you can get up before you do so,” Bathe warned.

“But I have no cuts or demon poison,” Wanda said. The statement was more of a question than a comment.

“No, you do not,” Bathe replied. “All the same, it's proper to confirm that you're fit to get up or fit to go home before you decide on doing so.”

“Home?” Wanda said hopefully as she remembered how they had rushed out of the city.

“Yes,” Sofia replied and smiled. “Home, here in the fortress.”

Wanda heard her mother very well and it confused her, she wondered how come they have a home in the Vitrian Fortress. She eyes examined her mother’s, she had expected her mother to say house and not home. She recalled Bathe had explained in the car when they were on the road that her father was a Vitrian. The word home as her mother used it meant the place was a home for them and it baffled her, but she didn’t question her mother. There was a lot on her mind and she wanted to discuss with her mother when Bathe and Alexis were not around.

“If you need anything . . .” Alexis' deep voice filled the room as he sat down on the bed next to Wanda. Even in his sitting position, his height was visible. A doctor and nurse stepped in as he spoke. “Anything at all, just let me know. Your father was a good friend and a wonderful Vitrian, and we will do all we can to ensure Jason, you, and your mum are well and safe. Losing him and Xavier was a great loss to this fortress.”

“Thanks.” Wanda raised her head and looked at him. She was shocked to see the scar gone. Alexis was handsome, with a cleft chin and dimples like Sean Connery. His face was now smooth as a baby's. He was smiling genuinely, so affectionately that Wanda was befuddled.

“Your scar,” Wanda muttered. Alexis, Bathe, and Petter smiled, knowing Wanda was bemused.

“Let's give the doctor some space.” Alexis got up with the smile still on his face. Wanda was surprised that such a person could exist. A minute ago, his expression was as cold as ice, but now with his scar gone, he looked lovely and caring. He had a daunting presence, even beyond his height and stature, something that said she was not worthy to come near him.

“Petter, I am sure you can fill Wanda in on what happened to my face once the doctors have finished.”

“Yes sir.”

Petter answered so formally, it perplexed Wanda. She wondered if Petter knew Alexis before now. She watched them as they walked toward the door and stepped out. The doctor and nurse moved toward Wanda and commenced their checks.

Two hours later, Wanda heard someone clear his throat, and she turned to the door.

“Petter,” she said, faintly surprised she hadn’t known he was there already. “How long have you been standing there?”

“You mean here by the door?” Petter walked toward her.

“Yes.”  Wanda turned back to the mirror she was facing.

“Thirty seconds, maybe a minute,” Petter replied. “Hope you liked the food.”

“Yes, I did.” Wanda looked at the bedside table and the barely touched food on it. She turned back to the mirror. “So, what were you doing standing by the door for half a minute?” Wanda tried to pack her hair up in a bun.

“Watching you,” he replied affectionately. “You look beautiful already, you know. You don't have to worry too much about your hair or appearance.”

Wanda's hand twitched, and she blushed, her cheeks almost turning rouge in her reflection. She and Petter had been close before, and she might have had the feeling he liked her at some point, but he'd never used such words with her. She stared at him through the mirror as he stood behind her. It was like the boy she knew had suddenly turned into a man in twenty-four hours.

“How did my clothes get here?” she asked, looking at herself and the clothes she had changed into.

“Bathe and a few of the Vitrians went back to your house earlier today to get them. You have more here in the fortress.”

The statement made Wanda remember the incident on the road and the creature that attacked them. Her hands trembled, and she couldn't coordinate them over her hair very well.

“Can I pin that up for you?”

Petter butted into her thoughts, and his affectionate attitude again threw Wanda off balance.

Still amazed by his sudden charm, Wanda's muscles twitched as she placed the pin in his palm. He touched her hair, and a zap of electricity went through her body. There was some sort of chemistry between them, and that gave her the jitters. Before now, she could have been playful with him without experiencing anything emotional.

She looked in the mirror at what she was wearing; black jeans and an embellished, sleeveless purple top. The design complimented her blond hair and accentuated her figure. She’d

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