» Fantasy » Caught By the Dragon: Maiden to the Dragon, Book 1, - [ebook reader with internet browser txt] 📗
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“That’s putting it mildly. . .” I muttered. A sudden, horrible thought came to my mind and my heartbeat picked up. “So what happens if the Maiden doesn’t get along with the lord? I mean, what happens to the girl? All these Choosings can’t work out.”

He looked straight ahead and pursed his lips together. “She is allowed to create a new life here, but once she is of this will she will remain within the lord’s household. To return to her own world would mean certain death.”

I cringed. “So even if I did get away from you I couldn’t go home? Ever?”

He turned his head to face me. His dazzling eyes studied me for a long while before he nodded. “I am afraid so. Would it be any different I would still tell you the truth.”

I swung my legs over the side of the bed and turned away from him. My shoulders shook. A few loose tears swam in my eyes. “So I’m trapped here. Really, truly trapped here.”

He seated himself beside me and laid a hand on my shoulder. “I promise I will make your life here the best I can, whether your chosen as my mate or otherwise.”

I whipped my head to him and frowned. “Even if I wanted it, you think it’s okay for me to have to jump through all these hoops to be your wife?” I leapt to my feet, taking the blanket with me, and spun around to face him. “You think it’s okay to steal me from my home and bring me here-”

“No.” He stood and grasped my shoulders. “I do not believe it was right, but what is done is done. Nothing can change that. Nothing can return you to the life you once had.” He leaned down so we were face-to-face. “But life does not end. You are a woman of exceptional stubbornness, but in that stubbornness I sense a great strength. I believe you have the strength to be my mate, and I will be much pleased with that.”

I turned my head to the side and sniffled. “That’s what you say to all the kidnapped girls.”

He chuckled. “Only one, and she stands before me.” He paused and looked into the distance. A smile teased the corners of his lips. “Or perhaps my three hundred years of life have made me forget the others.”

I started back. “How old are you?”

The lord grinned and his eyes danced with glee as they looked down at me. “Has no one told you the longevity of dragons? Does your world no longer have stories of them?”

I shook my head. “No. I mean, yeah, it’s got stories, but I didn’t think they were real.”

He opened his wings. The tips scraped against the walls. “Are these not real enough for you?”

My naughty eyes wandered down to his naked torso. That was very real. I blushed and averted my eyes from his body. “Y-yes, very real.”

He chuckled and out of the corners of my eyes I watched his wings fold. “Perhaps you would be less distracted if I clothed myself. You will catch your death of cold in only that sheet.”

I clung the sheet tighter to my body. “I’m fine.” A slight chill floated through the window frames. I shuddered.

“I will have Darda bring you your new clothes,” he offered.

I glanced at him and frowned. “I’d rather have my old ones.”

He shook his head. “They are not suitable for this life.”

“I’d still rather have them,” I insisted.

The lord sighed, but nodded. “Very well. I will have them returned.”

He walked to the head of the bed and pulled on a cord. It must have been the bell to my hunger because my stomach growled again. He chuckled. “And then perhaps we will dine together.”

I scoffed. “Do I have a choice?”

The lord walked over to his dresser and pulled a pair of pants on. “There is always starvation.”

The door to the chamber opened and the old woman stepped inside. She shut the door behind herself and bowed to us. “You rang, My Lord?”

He gestured to me. “Your Lady wishes to have her old clothes returned, and have breakfast prepared.”

She bowed her head. “As you wish. There also came a message for you, My Lord, from Lord Cayden.”

The lord arched an eyebrow. “Let me see it.” She pulled a small folded note from her pocket and walked over to hand it to him. He unfolded the letter. A smile slipped onto his lips. “Yes. Reply that we will be pleased to have them for breakfast before the ride.”

“Yes, My Lord.” She left the room.

I glanced at the note he pocketed. My eyes flickered up to his face. “Who are we eating with?”

“The young dragon lord who owes you a great deal of gratitude,” he replied as he pulled out a white satin shirt. “Without your interference last night he would not be the joyous man he is this day.”

I blinked at him for a moment before I remembered my ‘sacrifice’ to Stephanie. “Then he got Stephanie?”

The lord nodded. “Yes, he ‘got her,’ as you so eloquently put it, and is most pleased with his catch. He is fortunate, as this was his first choosing after becoming the lord of his domains.”

I looked the lord up and down. “So are you really three hundred years old?”

He slipped the shirt on and chuckled. “Are you displeased with my aged appearance?”

I snorted. “I’ve seen teenagers in worse shape, but seriously, how old are you?”

He furrowed his brow as he buttoned his buttons. “I will be three hundred and twenty-eight come this Harvest.”

I blinked at him. “Seriously?”

He chuckled. “Very seriously, but I hear the patter of Darda’s feet.” There was a knock on the door. “Enter.”

Darda slipped inside. In her hands was the bundle of my clothes. She walked over and bowed to me. “They have been cleaned for you, My Lady.”

I took the pile and looked over my clothes. A washing machine couldn’t have done any better. “Thanks.”

She bowed again. “I am glad to be of assistance.”

My stomach rumbled. The lord chuckled. “Your Lady is curious to know if breakfast ready.”

“Yes, My Lord, and Lord Cayden and his Maiden await you,” she replied.

He turned to me. “Then dress, My Lady, and we shall feast with friends.”


I slipped discretely into my clothes and Darda led the lord and me down the long halls to the ground floor. We passed many other servants of various sizes, and some even of different builds. Swarthy ones with beards and thin ones with pale skin. Some of them wore the green and red colors, others had on clothes that matched those colors of the other dragon lords. All of them stepped aside and bowed their heads to us as we passed.

The main stairs led to a large entrance hall that connected with the castle’s interior courtyard. Darda led us left and into a magnificent banquet hall. There were no primitive benches crowded with ruffians. Here there was a single long table with high-backed chairs and elegant curves. The wall opposite the double-doors was covered in tapestries that depicted dragons flying over countrysides. Several of them bore the crests of the various dragon lords.

At the end of the table farthest from the doors sat two familiar faces. One was the pale, young dragon lord, and the other was Stephanie. She turned in her chair and her eyes fell on me. Her face brightened with a smile. She stood and rushed over to me as well as her golden-hemmed white dress would allow.

Stephanie clasped my hands in hers. “Miriam! I’m so glad to see you!”

My dragon lord came up to stand beside me. His eyes twinkled with mischief. “So that is your name.”

I glared at him. “You don’t have to use it if you don’t want to.”


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