» Fantasy » Complicated, Bianca Gray [heaven official's blessing novel english TXT] 📗

Book online «Complicated, Bianca Gray [heaven official's blessing novel english TXT] 📗». Author Bianca Gray

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to kill someone since dragon claws can go through anything including vampire skin,” said Sama lost in her dream.
“Vampire skin?” I asked. She turned to look at me.
“Yes. Vampire skin is the strongest. Almost nothing can go through it. Sometimes we used their skin for shields but if the opposing team had dragons, we would lose automatically. Hmm I wonder…” Sama said thoughtfully. She looked at me with wide eyes.
“What?” I asked warily, not sure whether I wanted to know or not.
“Since we’re probably going to be in some kind of battle with the polar bears…” she started to say, looking at me with worried eyes, afraid of how I would act. I sighed. I knew the rest of the sentence.
“We could probably use Marigold as a weapon,” I said slowly closing my eyes. When I opened them, Sama was nodding her head, her shoulder length hair going up and down.
“It could work,” she said.
“But do you know that it would?” I asked. Sama shook her head violently, her eyes darker than usual.
“No,” she said quietly. She quickly darted her eyes to the floor. I knew she was hiding something but I didn’t press it. I shrugged.
“You know, I totally forgot about why I came to the North Pole in the first place. Now you reminded me. Hey, do you think that Marigold knows she’s a dragon?” I asked. Sama looked back up at me.
“Probably,” she said.
“Do you also think that she has witch powers as well?” I asked. Sama stared past me. I looked behind me and the closet door was open. Marigold was sitting there staring at us intensely.
“No,” Sama said firmly. Marigold stood up and walked to us.
“Why not?” she asked, her voice sounding childlike. I gasped.
“She…can…talk?” I asked. Marigold blushed and sat down, pretending to play with her hands. Sama looked as surprised as I did. Sama shrugged.
“I guess she can,” she whispered. I picked Marigold up.
“Say something else,” I demanded. Marigold stared at me for a minute.
“Well, I know that if you don’t stop the polar bears soon, they’ll take over the world,” she said in her high voice. She looked over at Sama.
“And they will kill anyone with the slightest power,” said Marigold. She looked back at me and showed her pearly white teeth. Then I heard a whoosh that blew my hair back. Sama and I looked at each other and rushed out of the closet. There was another golden egg sitting on the bed. Marigold stared at it.
“Mama, you have to touch it,” she said softly. I shook my head slowly. This couldn’t be happening to me. She looked back up at me.
“It’s Ivory, my sister,” she said.
“Your what?” I asked.
“Ivory, my sister,” she repeated. I groaned.
“Is she a dragon as well?” I asked. Sama and Marigold nodded.
“Great,” I said under my breath. I put Marigold down and walked over to the giant bed. I took a deep breath, closed my eyes, and leaned over to touch the egg. Right when I put the slightest amount of pressure on the egg it hatched. A child the same size as Marigold stretched and smiled, showing her pearly teeth. Her hair was unnaturally silver.
“Ivory,” whispered Marigold while Ivory leaped over to her. They both hugged each other quickly.
“We have to hurry,” said Ivory slowly, listening to the sound of her voice. She giggled. Then she laughed. Then she groaned. Then she giggled again. Marigold just stared at her like she was crazy, then she nodded.
“Yes, we do sister,” said Marigold. They both nodded once. They started to blur. It was so fast that I couldn’t see the whole transformation but then Ivory and Marigold were both dragons. I gasped. Drew behind me was frozen. Marigold, I think, was the yellow and red dragon. Just like a marigold, the flower. Ivory was an ivory dragon. They were both beautiful in every way. Their eyes were fierce but they were wide with excitement. They each had a twinkle in their eye. Their claws were a little big.
“Wait, what?” asked Drew, confused.
“We are dragons,” someone said in a godlike voice. We were staring at the dragons but neither of them had opened their mouth. It must be only in the mind.
“Ok, that makes sense,” Drew said in a sarcastic tone while rolling his eyes.
“Yes it does make perfect sense,” someone said in a godlike voice but a little bit more childlike. We heard a high giggle. Ivory rolled her dragon eyes at her sister, Marigold. Oh, now I knew who was talking. Ivory was apparently more mature and serious. Marigold was not.
“I don’t understand,” I said.
“You don’t understand much,” mumbled Sama. I threw a glare in her direction.
“Like you do?” I asked through my teeth. She nodded flashing a smile at me.
“Of course,” she said in a bragging kind of way. I stuck my tongue at her. She did it right back at me only she added the waggling of her finger, her thumbs touching her ears. Ivory sighed.
“The polar bears?” she said in her godlike voice again. Drew was staring at her.
“Please change back to human. It won’t make me feel as nervous,” said Drew. I laughed while Marigold and Ivory changed back to their childlike selves.
“What?” asked Drew.
“You? Nervous?” I said laughing.
“Ha ha,” mumbled Drew. Marigold laughed with me but like her father, Ivory did not. I never really noticed her before. The first thing I saw was her hair. It was a faded silver color. Now I really looked at her. Ivory’s eyes were a strikingly icy blue. They really stood out on her face. Her lips were a light pink and her skin wasn’t the same color as her sister’s. It was a shade lighter. It was kind of like the contrast between Sama and I. I was darker she was lighter, in every way. In our eyes and our skin. That was strange…for me. I had twins and one was lighter and one was darker in their skin and eyes. Ivory was as well really pretty. I realized that her cheeks weren’t really rosy. It was more a faint pink. Ivory saw me staring at her and she smiled a hard smile. Ivory seemed much more mature…and different. I was sure she was different from what I am and what her sister is. Marigold yawned, her lips making a huge oval.
“I’m hungry,” she said. I just laughed. She smiled at me. Well, actually she was beaming.
“Ivory, are you hungry?” I asked. She nodded her head and followed us out. My grandfather led the way. When we passed the enchanted graveyard again, I shuddered. One of those bodies almost took my going-to-be-husband away from me. We made it into the red kitchen. It seemed like everywhere I went was red…except Sama’s room. She seemed determined to pretend she wasn’t even here.
“What do you want to eat?” I asked them, washing my hands.
“Spaghetti!” screamed Marigold. I heard everyone pause and then they continued doing what they were doing.
“What about you Ivory?” I asked her. Ivory seemed lost in her thoughts. Then she looked at me.
“I’m sorry, what?” she asked.
“What do you want to eat?” I asked again. She sighed.
“What Marigold is eating, please,” she said. I snapped my fingers and white dust circled around two bowls filled with spaghetti. Marigold digged right in while Ivory just swirled her fork around. Ivory’s nose was wrinkled.
“Ivory, aren’t you hungry?” I asked concerned. I sat down next to her.
“Immensely,” she said. Immensely? What kind of a child used the word immensely? I asked myself.
“Then why aren’t you eating?” I asked.
“It smells bad,” she said while wrinkling her nose.
“What do you want to eat then?” I asked.
“Can I have some meat?” she asked. I snapped my fingers and her bowl of spaghetti were replaced with raw meat. I groaned.
“Sorry about that,” I said but before I could pick it up Ivory had the meat in her hands and her teeth sinking into it. When she put it down, the meat was dry. I dropped the plate but Ivory caught it with her feet and held it out towards me.
“Can I have some more?” asked Ivory her icy blue eyes were more liquidly. Marigold just burst out laughing. She clutched her stomach and then fell onto the floor rolling around.
“That was funny!” she exclaimed while wiping her eye. Ivory rolled her eyes.
“Well can I?” she asked. Then Sama burst into the room. She looked at the dry meat and the bloody plate and stared at me with wide eyes.
“Ivory…is a vampire,” she whispered.

Chapter 12
Whoop Dee Do

It was funny how each one hit me. I was surprised and shocked but at the same time I wasn’t.
“But Ivory’s a dragon,” I said. Sama smiled at me.
“And a witch and a vampire,” she said. I groaned. Great, I thought. Then she looked down.
“Why is Marigold knawing on the table leg?” she asked warily. I glanced down and sure enough Marigold was chewing on the table leg. She was already halfway done with it. I grabbed her and snapped my fingers and the leg reappeared. Marigold shrugged.
“I was bored,” she said. I sighed. Ivory sighed as well. But she also looked confused.
“What is it?” I asked her.
“What’s a vampire?” she asked. And I thought that she knew everything.
“A creature that drinks blood,” I said. She widened her eyes. I was confused. So was Sama.
“Don’t you feel compelled to drink my blood?” asked Sama. Ivory shook her head slowly. She wrinkled her nose.
“Actually you don’t smell good at all. You smell like cherries,” she said in a matter-of-fact tone. I stared at her like she was crazy.
“Don’t you like cherries?” I asked.
“No, they smell weird. Why would anyone eat those disgusting round things? Yuck!” she said disgusted. Now even Marigold stared at her like she was crazy.
“What?” asked Marigold. Ivory sighed.
“No they smell weird. Why would-,” repeated Ivory.
“No I got that but why wouldn’t you like cherries?” asked Marigold, interrupting Ivory. Ivory just stared at her.
“That’s what I’m trying to tell you!” Ivory exclaimed.
“Well, then tell me,” said Marigold.
“No, they smell weird. Why would anyone-,”
“I got that part. I want to know why you don’t like them,” said Marigold. Ivory just stared. I grabbed her before she could hit her sister. Marigold just shrugged like she really didn’t know why Ivory would hit her. Is she really that oblivious? I asked myself.
“I don’t know WHY she won’t tell me why she doesn’t like cherries,” said Marigold shrugging her shoulders.
“I’m hungry,” said Ivory between her teeth. I held her harder since she was going to leap onto her sister. I appeared some raw meat and handed it to her.
“Drink, eat, whatever you do, this,” I told her. She angrily bit down on the meat and started sucking. I put her down. Ivory walked up to her sister and turned her head away childishly. And I thought she was the mature one. Ivory and Marigold suddenly stared at the door with a lot of hatred in their eyes.
“An intruder
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