» Fantasy » My Alpha's mate, Shivani Sharma [romantic novels to read txt] 📗

Book online «My Alpha's mate, Shivani Sharma [romantic novels to read txt] 📗». Author Shivani Sharma

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Oliver says, his sentence sparks my curiosity.

“Okay, shoot!”

“Not now, tonight. I first want to enjoy you a little bit more.”

“But whyyyyy?” I whine he’s making no sense right now.
We spent the day just being lazy and watching some movies. We watch Frozen because I saw that he had that movie. And to my surprise he was softly singing along to all the songs, I chuckle slightly.“What’s wrong?” Oliver asks with curiosity

“O nothing I just find it funny that you know all the songs from Frozen.” I hear him groan.

“My niece and sister always make me watch, I hate it.”

It is 7 in the night, and I’m starting to pack for my trip back to the Netherlands.

“Oliver you still need to still tell me that thing, you wanted to tell me this morning.

“O yeah that’s right, I forgot about that one.” Oliver just simply states.“You might want to sit down for this one.” Oliver’s tone is scaring me, is this the part where he tells me he secretly has a girlfriend?

“So do you know the story of werewolves?” Oliver asks.

“Of course I know the story about werewolves, I read a lot of novels in a different type of books app, super possessive Alpha finding his Luna overcoming their fears, and having there happily ever after. Yeah I know that shit”

“Well... I’m a werewolf, a soon-to-be Alpha to be exact, and well you’re my mate. The future Luna of this pack.” He states and I burst into a fit of laughter, hmm maybe my superman is insane.

“That’s a good one Oliver,” I say still giggling, I wipe the tears from laughing out of the corner of my eyes. And look at his face, there is no hint of joking on there, no hint of a smile either.

“You’re joking, right? You aren’t serious are you, because werewolves are just stories they don’t exist.”

“But I am a werewolf Elina. Everybody in my family is, didn’t you notice how everybody called my father Alpha.” He states I look at him like he’s crazy

“Okay, well fuck this I’m out.”

“What do you mean you’re out?” Oliver asks with disbelief written all over his face

“Like I’m saying I’m out, I am not going to deal with your shit Oliver. I’m not going to live in your weird-ass dream world you call real life.”

“DON’T CONTACT ME, DON’T CALL ME, DON’T COME TO MY PLACE, DON’T EVER TAKE UP CONTACT WITH ME AGAIN.” I almost scream at him, he flinches away from me, by now tears are threatening to escape my eyes.

“I’m out Oliver, goodbye.” And with that, I turn around, grip my suitcase, and march right out of the door. Saying goodbye to Oliver forever.

(Oliver P.O.V)

“I’m out Oliver, goodbye,” she said to me while indirectly rejecting me. I was hardly trying to able to control my tears and run after her.

"I am not crazy, and what I said to you is true, Elina, just give me a chance to explain myself, I can also so you if you want but please, believe me, Elina," I pleaded to her while grabbing her arm trying to stop her from walking out of my life.

"You know what Oliver, you need a check-up because you really have gone insane, and please let me go if you ever had loved me in your life," she said removing mu hand from her arm. She calls a cab, gets inside the car, and drives away from me and I break down in front of my house unable to bear the pain of losing her, and I didn't know when I passed out due to the pain in my chest.

Chapter 20

(Oliver P.O.V)

I wake up, feeling a huge headache, and tried to open my eyes, as soon as, I open it I was blinded by the bright light and close my eyes. I blink my eyes a little time to get used to it and open it again to see my family and friends are back and hovering over me.

"Are you okay, Oliver?" My dad asks looking worried and I shake my head which only increases my headache making me groan in pain.

"My baby, what happened to you? Why did I find out you passed out near the gate and where is Elena? " my mom asks looking worried while caressing my head and a lone tear fall from my eyes.

I open my mouth to say something but word fails to come out from my mouth. I put my hand over my head massaging my temple to lessen the pain.

"Here," mom said passing a cup of water with a two-pill of aspirin and I gulp it down in no time and give the cup back to my mother.

"Have some rest, we will talk about this later okay," dad asks with a small smile on his face.

"Come on, everyone," dad said rushing others out of my room.

"But," mom protest.

"I know that you are worried about him, Ruth but he needs rest we will talk to him when he is in condition to talk but right now, he needs to rest okay," dad said to him and she nodded her head at him and they walk out of my room.

"Mate," my wolf whimper in my head.

"I know but don't worry we will find a way to get her back," I said to him, he whimpers again and hides somewhere in my mind and I fall asleep thinking about how to win my mate back.

I wake up when I heard a knock on the door and turn to see my mother standing behind the door with a small smile on her face.

"How are you feeling, baby?" she ask walking towards me.

"Better," I said forcing a smile on my face.

"Now will you tell me what happened and why did we find you pass out at the gate?" she asks taking the seat on the edge of the bed. I nodded my head and she helps me sit on the bed. I tell her everything that happens when they leave me and Elena alone so that we can spend some time with each other.

"My baby, don't worry just give her some time, I know she will come around in time, you know Mansion tells Stella about him being a werewolf and her being his mate, and when she didn't believe him he shifts into a wolf in front of her and she freaks out, then passes out on him."

" When she wakes up she freaks out on him again and runs away from him. She comes back today when back to him today saying that it broke her to stay away from Manson, and how to have a soul mate bond with someone not worrying about her boyfriend cheating on her back, and now she is planning to move in here to stay with him, I know if Stella can accept him, then Elena can also accept you. Asks Stella for help, it will become easy for Elena to accept you when she finds herself and her best friend in the same boat," she said smiling at me and I nodded at her sighing in relief. Maybe mom was right, maybe it will work. I hope so.

"Thanks, mom," I said smiling at her.

"Mention not, Now go get fresh, you must be starving, I will prepare your fav dish for lunch, okay?" she asks and I nodded at her with a small smile on my face. After she walks out of my room, I grab my phone and call her in hope that she will talk to me only to disappointed.

"Mate," my wolf whimper.

"Don't worry, we will find our way back to her," I assured him, he whimpered again and block me. I walk to my closet to grab some clothes and walk to the washroom to get ready for the day.

(Olivia P.O.V)

I landed back to LA feeling disoriented, and alone, don't know why. I sigh and decided to go to my home instead of going to my hostel since I have two days left before my college begins.

I am still upset and angry at Oliver but I miss him already. I feel like someone squeezing my heart and I don't want to do anything but run back to Oliver and hide in his arms. I shake my head and hier the cab and go home.

After reaching home, I spend some time with my family, catching up with them, and go to my room to get fresh and come down for lunch. Has I was about to enter the washroom and when I heard my phone goes off. I pick it up to see Oliver is calling me. A lone tear falls from my face and I harshly wipe it away from my face. I cut the phone than walk inside the washroom, as soon as the hot water touch my body, I break down in the shower unable to control the dam I was holding for so long.

When I feel my body goes numb, I compose myself and dressed in a sweatshirt and pant. I go down to have lunch with my family and then come back to my room to have a nap. As soon as I get in the bed I was out like a light.

Chapter - 21

 (Oliver P.O.V)

It’s has been a week since Elena leaves me without letting me explain anything or to prove myself to her. I have tried to call her, but every time I call her, it goes to the voicemail. I guess she has blocked my number so that, I cannot able to reach her.

I have also tried to reach her by Facebook, but she has also blocked me there. I have also asked her best friend to talk some sense into her to at least give me a chance to prove myself but, she said that she has tried it many times but she always change the topic or bluntly said that she did not want to do anything with me.

I think it is enough. I don’t think I will be able to take it anymore. I will make her listen to me forcefully if I have too. With that, I mind link Racee.

“Racee, I want you to order my pilot to get the plan ready by tomorrow,” we are leaving for the LA, tomorrow,” I said to him through the mind link.

“And also tell Manson and Stella to pack their things, they are coming with us,” I said and cut the mind link without waiting for his reply.

“Dad, would you mind handling pack and

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