» Fantasy » The Blue Moon, Madeline Gottlieb [the beginning after the end read novel TXT] 📗

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over to her and got on his knees, grabbing her arms, ready to pull her up. Under him, Zach could hear the ground cracking. He looked into Teriha’s silver eyes and she shook her head as he tried to pull her up.

Cara came up beside him with the fire and used one hand to grab Teriha’s arm as well. As the cracking got louder, Teriha continued to shake her head. “Get out of here, now!” She cried, trying to get a grip with her feet.

Zach was surprised when Cara refused and continued to try to pull her up. “We’re not leaving you Teriha.” The ground cracked beneath them and Teriha screamed as they lost her grip and fell through the gap them. Zach reached out and grabbed Cara, who had gotten a grip of Teriha, and closed his eyes, thinking only of the Elders of these woods. When nothing happened, he thought that this was as bad as it could get. But Zach wasn’t ready for what was coming.
Ancient Laws

He waited for the impact; the impact that would end all this chaos in his life. But it never came. Instead, he landed softly on his knees on soft grass, next to Cara and Teriha, who were just as lost as he was. They were no longer in the cave, but in a very small clearing surrounded by trees they couldn’t see past.

They stood up slowly, looking around. Teriha walked to the middle of the clearing and knelt down, brushing at the ground. Cara and Zach walked up behind her and Cara gasped. “It couldn’t be…”

He stared down at the ground. In front of Teriha was a large stone with writing on it.
Et ver daryk o leiv var tu Ceruhia o Ahuson.

Teriha said the words out loud and exchanged glances with Cara, who shook her head. “This is very bad.”

“Is anyone going to tell what it means?” He muttered, glaring at the both of them.

Teriha let out a shaky breath. “It means that our home and Ahuson are about to become the battle grounds for this war…and that the light is dimming quickly.”

“What is Ceruhia?” He asked, remembering that's where everyone else was.

“Ceruhia is our hometown,” Teriha said quietly, her eyes still on the stone, “it’s where the High Elves lived as well. But years ago, I was sent to Ahuson after my family was killed and then the High Elves were murdered when the war started.” Her silver eyes found Cara’s and the two shared a sad glance. “The only people left are the elves who wanted to just live in peace.”

Do you see now warrior, why you didn’t die?

Zach's eyes widened as Cara jumped to her feet. “What do you want from us?” She screamed, tears falling down her face. “You have already taken my family, what more could you possibly want?”

Warrior that was the past, war is upon us now. There are more important things than the past.

He’d never seen Cara so angry. “Cara, calm down.” Teriha grabbed Cara’s shoulders and held her there, quietly talking to her. It worked, slowly, but Cara finally stopped screaming. “We must hurry to Ceruhia.” She turned her silver eyes to Zach.

You will not make it. The ancient laws will not allow you out of the woods.

“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.” He muttered, staring around the woods. “Are you trying to make us lose this war?”

No, warrior, I am not. But as ancient law says, one must stay and never leave.

All three of them stared at each other and Zach knew if he said that he would stay there would be a fit. Cara glanced at Teriha, who did nothing but stare back, and Zach knew what was coming. “I’m sure we can all go.” He muttered.

Teriha shook her head. “I’ll stay.” She turned to Cara. “Save our home, if anything, and stay alive, for Christian.” The two hugged and Teriha walked over to Zach.

“Teriha, please, there has to be some way that you can come with us.” He begged her. She smiled sadly and he placed his hands on her cheeks and kissed her hard. Zach rested my forehead against hers. “Please, please…”

Warrior, you show sadness. Why?

“Do you not know the word love?” Cara spoke up, her eyes looking for the Elders. “You say that you’re ancient, and that you’ve seen everything, and yet you don’t know what love looks like?”

But does Teriha of Ceruhia know what love is?

Cara and Zach turned their gazes to Teriha, who was staring at the ground, who shrugged. “It’s a long story, something we don’t have time for.” As she turned away, the air around her seemed to shake and then there was an old man standing there, waving a cane at them.

“You youngsters argue too much.” He turned his gaze to Cara. “You say the High Elves are gone, yet I see two here.” He cocked his brows and his bright brown eyes went to Teriha.

Cara stared at him. “Who are you?”

With a grin, he bowed. “I am the first Elder of these woods. And in front of me, I see two very beautiful High Elves,” his eyes turned to Zach, “and the last Warrior that will ever walk in this realm again.”

From the corner of his eye, Zach saw Teriha shift uncomfortably. “We cannot be High Elves.” She whispered.

The old man smiled. “Oh dear, those ancient laws still around?” He laughed and placed a fragile hand on Teriha’s shoulder. “The Elves in Ceruhia no longer want to go by the law. The High Elves are no longer chosen by their title, but by what they have done.” With a smile, he turned to Cara. “And I see two elves here that would give their lives to save others.”

“You say that the two are High Elves now and yet you want Teriha to stay in these woods?” Zach asked, utterly confused.

The man pointed a shaking finger at him. “You see, warrior, these woods needed to know if the three of you were worthy to let go. When Teriha here, offered her life, I could see that Cara did not want her to stay, and you especially, young warrior.” His brown eyes stared into mine and whispered, “You would’ve stayed here with her because you love her.”

“What are you talking about old man? I don’t love her; I’ve only just met her!” Zach said, annoyed.

He smiled. “You seem to forget that the Elders of these woods know everything, and we can see into the soul of the ones who walk in here. And even though you will not admit it, you truly do love her.” From the corner of his eye, Zach could see Teriha blushing and Cara grinning. “All three of you can leave these woods and you are always welcomed back.”

With that, the man bowed and disappeared, pink leaves swirling in the air where he once stood. As the leaves hit the ground, everything seemed to have moved and there was the exit out of the woods. Smiling, Cara ran towards it, grabbing Teriha’s hand and pulling her along. Zach followed more slowly, thinking about what the Elder had said. Will I end up loving Teriha? He thought to himself, and then mentally slapped himself, remembering that he had kissed her.

Smiling, Zach jogged to their sides as they walked out of the exit and then the trees moved together and closed the Elder Woods.

The Plains of Reiro & the Sky Pirates

After they’d left the Elder Woods, they stopped in the middle of our trek to Ceruhia and decided to rest. The three were out in the open, something Cara didn’t like, so she used magic she’d learned from Chris to cloak them from any unwanted visitors. She’d also taught Zach to start a fire the way she and Chris had, and soon they had a fire going to warm themselves.

“What do you think has happened in Ceruhia?” Teriha asked quietly, sitting near Cara. Ever since the Elder had announced that Zach loved Teriha, they hadn’t spoken to each other, and she avoided his gaze.

Cara let out a sad sigh. “I’m sure Christian has everyone there under control.”

Teriha nodded. “Who’s taking the first watch?”

“I will,” He mumbled, looking up at the cloudless sky. It wasn’t a full moon, but it was getting there, and from what Zach had heard and read, blue moons only happen on a full moon.

“Well, then I’m going to sleep.” Cara yawned, getting comfortable and closing her eyes.

He looked over at Teriha. “Are you going to spend the rest of your life ignoring me?” She shook her head. “Look, what the Elder said-”

“Is it true?” She turned to look at him with her silver eyes burning into his soul. “Do you feel that way?”

“I-I… you make me feel… different, Teriha. I can’t explain it.” Zach stumbled through the words, groaning at how stupid he sounded.

She sighed and ran her hand through her hair. “You know it won’t work between us, right?”

Of course he knew. Zach understood that elves didn’t age as humans did, but Cara and Christian were together, and they managed it. But he didn’t say that, instead, he nodded. “I know.”
I’m going to get some sleep.” She smiled sadly at him. “Wake me up when you’re ready for me to take watch.”


The night was quiet. Only a few knights passed by, but our cloak had worked and they didn’t see them. After seeing the bags under Cara and Teriha’s eyes, Zach decided that he’d just watch all night, which they didn’t like.

“I told you to wake me up.” Teriha said, her arms crossed over her chest. “You need to sleep to.”

To his surprise, Cara rolled her eyes. "Leave him be, Teriha, we needed the sleep more than he did and he knew it."

Teriha rolled her eyes and then gave Zach a grin. "Zach, teach me how to fight."

He felt my eyes widen. "Fight... as in with a sword?"

Instantly, he knew it was the wrong thing to say, especially to someone as stubborn as Teriha. "Why is it that you think that I am not as capable as fighting as you or Cara are? This is my war too!" It wasn't that Zach didn't think she couldn't fight, but part of him just couldn't bear it if she was in the midst of the battle and never came back.

"Fine, I'll teach you."

Teriha wasn’t that bad at sword fighting, and she learned quickly, which was good. When Zach decided they were done, about an hour later, her eyes were bright and she had a large smile on her face. Cara had sat there, watching the two as they'd practiced, and corrected us whenever they messed up.

As Zach was drinking some water, Cara got to her feet and held her hand up to tell the other two to be quiet. Zach stood there as Teriha stepped up next to her and the two stared at the field they were on. As he opened his mouth to say something, there was

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