» Fantasy » Lorkana, Emily Zimmerman. [epub ebook reader TXT] 📗

Book online «Lorkana, Emily Zimmerman. [epub ebook reader TXT] 📗». Author Emily Zimmerman.

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I could see was part of my body, it was now furry, and huge! The guards slammed into the room, letting out gasps “get Demetrio and Vivia, now!” one of them yelled to the other.
He leaned in front of me “your majesty, don’t fight it! It’s less painful if you let it happen” he informed urgently.
Aileen cried and barked again, obviously not sure what she could do to help me. I was just going to yell at the guard that there was no way to fight it, when Vivia and Demetrio slammed their way into my room, along with Salvator, Ben, Rain, Kail and Baelof.
“Johanna, the transformation is almost complete; you just have to let yourself change!” Vivia insisted, leaning down in front of me.
“I am!” I growled.
“No, you have to relax, Johanna, the change will not complete unless you relax!” she explained.
“How do I relax when it feels like I’ve got twenty daggers piercing my skin?” I asked.
“Close your eyes and think of something comforting to you, try and imagine something comforting” she replied.
I squeezed my eyes shut, wanting to get this over with, and thought of only one thing, Logan. He was my anchor; the one I so adamantly insisted would live, the one who stole all my thoughts away with a simple touch, the one whom I loved so completely and unequivocally, and the one I was connected to, by heart and soul.
Suddenly, the pain stopped, and all that was left was utter weakness, I couldn’t stand, I couldn’t do anything. I opened my eyes, using the last of my strength to lift my head in a ditch effort to stand, before completely blacking out.
Chapter nine:

I opened my eyes, and sat up, my breathing hard, where am I? It was dark, but I could see as if the room was perfectly lit. I was in the hospital ward, Aileen slept on the floor beside my cot. My white gossamer dress was wrinkled and, to my dismay, ripped from my thigh down, leaving a slit on the side. I had no idea how it could have happened, I didn’t think when I changed that I heard any ripping sounds, and wouldn’t my entire dress be ripped?
“Johanna!” Logan’s voice came from the opening.
I looked up to find him, his arms around both Demetrio and Rain as they carried him in, he had a fresh scar across his right eye, and he wouldn’t put weight on his left leg. Other than that, he seemed fine; his silver eyes were bright as they stared into mine. I jumped from the cot, forgetting about the slit in my dress. I noticed his eyes flit down to my exposed leg and blushed deeply, holding the slit closed.
“Is everyone alright? Did anyone get hurt?” I asked Demetrio.
He nodded “Vivia has had her arm, from her elbow to her wrist, slashed. But other than that, we have no other casualties” he murmured.
“Good. I’m glad you’re all safe and home” I put my hand on his arm “thank you” I said fervently.
He grinned his roguish grin and kissed my hand “anything for the lovebirds”
I rolled my eyes and shoved him toward the opening, waiting for both of them to leave before turning to Logan. He held out his arms and I ran into them, careful not to hurt his leg as I situated myself on his lap, gripping his shirt and snuggling into his chest “I’ve missed you so much, Logan. Please tell me this isn’t a dream” I inhaled his scent, relishing in his warmth.
“It never was a dream, Love.” He whispered.
“I’ve missed you so much” I repeated.
“I know. It’s been hell without you. I’ve missed you like a fish without water. I love you so much” he buried his face in my hair, inhaling deeply.
Suddenly, he pulled back, a shocked look on his face “you smell like wolf” he murmured.
I nodded “didn’t they tell you? I changed…a few nights ago? Last night? I don’t know how long I’ve been sleeping, but that’s why I have this rip in my dress” this brought his attention back to my bear leg and he absently traced it with the tip of his finger, a rakish grin spreading over his face. He wrapped a strong arm around me, slipping his hand into my hair.
“Let me bite you again, Love” he whispered in my ear, making me shiver.
I nodded, leaning my head into the crook of his neck and kissing his warm skin softly, making a low growl emanate from his chest.
He moved my sleeve and pressed his lips to my shoulder where he’d bitten me before, running his tongue along the bite mark. I gripped his shoulders, moaning as pleasure passed through me. He tightened his hold in my hair and wrapped his other arm around my waist.
Slowly, he sunk his teeth into my shoulder, I muffled my moan in his neck, and before I could comprehend what I was doing, instinct took over and I sunk my teeth into his shoulder, I felt his muscles tense, and he snarled. He tightened his hold on me and pulled his teeth from my shoulder, a desperate moan escaping his lips as soon as he broke from me.
I licked his shoulder, giving it a soft kiss after it healed. He licked mine as well and pulled back “I love you” I murmured breathlessly, staring deeply into his eyes.
He sighed in what seemed like relief “I thought I’d never hear those words from you” and then he pulled me into a deep kiss.

Authors note:

Please tell me what you think! if you like it, favorite it and all that jazz, if you would like me to notify you when I update, please friend me! -Note; I won't notify anyone who doesn't friend me, it's too hard- thank you for reading! I hope you liked the chapter!

Chapter ten:

Two weeks later:
I was to be officially crowned queen today. We were to begin the ceremony in the spirit sanctuary so that my mother and father could be present. I sat in my room, staring in the mirror as I let Lilia work on me. I was wearing a dark blue floor length dress with strands of beads hanging from the bottom of the bodice and falling almost all the way to the floor, the skirt was flared. The bodice was very flattering and beautiful.
Lilia had left my hair down, using a beautiful silver hairpiece to pin a few natural curls back from my head. She had just put lip color on me when there was a knock at my door.
“My lady. Logan is here to see you” the guard, Harold poked his head in.
“Let him in please, Harold” I said with a smile.
He nodded and opened the door. Logan strode in and stopped immediately when he saw me. A slow smile spread across his face as I stood and adjusted my dress, turning to face him.
“Thank you Lilia. I look beautiful” I hugged her and then she bowed her head and walked out the door.
Without a word, Logan reached me in two strides and pulled me into him “you look gorgeous” he murmured.
I blushed and pushed away from him “you cannot kiss me. Lilia worked hard on my makeup and you’ll smear my lip color” I smiled playfully at him.
He sighed “you are a delicious torment, my love”
I rolled my eyes “don’t you think you’re being a little dramatic? Besides, you can kiss me all you want after the ceremony” despite my assurances, I leaned up and pecked him on his lips.
He sighed again when I pulled away “that lip color doesn’t need to be there anyway, your lips are exquisite without needing help” he grumbled.
Before I could answer, there was a knock at the door “my lady, Vivia and Demetrio are here to see you” Harold informed.
“Let them in” I murmured.
Vivia walked in and her face broke out into a smile “you look gorgeous. Johanna” she pulled me into a brief hug.
Vivia stepped aside and Demetrio pulled me into his bear hug, lifting me off the ground as he did it. I laughed breathlessly as he let me go, setting me back on the ground.
“Are you ready, Johanna?” Vivia asked me.
I nodded and looped my arm through Logan’s. We walked down the stairs, Vivia and Demetrio in front of Logan and me.
Logan entwined his fingers with mine, seeming to feel my nervousness. “There is no need to be nervous, love. I will be with you. Forever.” He vowed in my ear.
I took a deep breath and smiled up at Logan. “Thank you.” I whispered.
He smiled a breathtaking, heart stopping smile. “Anytime.”
As we arrived at town square, I noticed everyone was gone. They must have been at the spirit sanctuary.
We arrived at the spirit sanctuary after a few minutes, and my heart was skipping a few beats. Everyone was there; they all bowed down on one knee as I passed.
As we came into the forest, I saw mother and father, standing in front of the resting rock. Logan sighed and reluctantly let me go. “You must speak with your mother and father alone” he murmured.
I nodded and touched his cheek briefly with my hand. I turned and walked toward my parents. They both smiled and hugged me. “Hello my daughter. It has been too long.” Mother murmured.
She took her crown from her head and set it on a red silk-spun pillow which sat on the resting rock.
Aileen sat faithfully beside me, calm as ever. All too soon, the ceremony began.
“Princess Johanna Julian Marianna. Do you vow with your heart and soul to rule under the influence of your ancestors, to follow in their footsteps, to be as wise as they once were and will always be?” father called loud enough that everyone could hear, but he was staring at me.
Without hesitation, I called “I do”
“Do you vow to listen to your people, to be wise in your decisions and to keep your people as safe as they can be?” he said.
“I do”
“And do you vow to stay

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