» Fantasy » This Strange Addiction, Julie Steimle [little readers txt] 📗

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of property in New York City, so I doubt they had much to go on.”

Cringing, Audry nodded.

“Alright…” Jessica then really concentrated, thinking over what might have given them away. “What about letters? Has Silvia ever mailed any letters home? To her father? And, ugh, mother?”

Thinking of return addresses, knowing Silvia never wrote any, Audry shook her head. “No. Not that I know of.”

And yet one letter did come to mind. It would have been ages ago. And it would have been long before Silvia had moved in with her.

“But there is one,” Jessica said. “I can see it on your face.”

Coloring, Audry pulled back. Jessica was an amazing detective. “Well, this was a while back. Remember when you and I first met? When you found out I knew Silvia and Rick?”

Jessica nodded. “Yeah?”

“Back then Silvia had asked me to get one of Rick’s hairs—”

Jessica drew in a breath, actually shocked.

“And Rick gave me one with a message for Silvia,” Audry continued.

Intrigued, Jessica listened intently, biting her thumbnail.

“He told me to tell her that if she really wanted to leave the coven, she ought to talk to her brother, Daniel,” Audry recited. “And I gave her the hair.”

Rolling her hand for Audry to continue, knowing there had to be more, Jessica said, “And…?”

Shrugging, Audry explained, “Silvia purposely lost his hair. I saw her do it. And she told me she had sent one of Harlin’s hairs instead—as if that makes a difference. She said it was kind of as a prank on him because he was still stalking me even after the court order.”

“Oh…” Jessica nodded more, eyes widening.

“And I think that was the last communication by letter that she sent them,” Audry explained.

But Jessica grew introspective on that last thought. It was way before Audry and Silvia had moved in together. And she thought hard about it. Nodding to herself, she murmured, “I bet the coven visited him…. Harlin.”

Blinking, Audry wondered if that were true. What did they do? A DNA test and track him down? Or was this more of that silly scrying stuff that Silvia believed in?

“And if they did, they were probably angry to find one of Silvia’s exes.” Jessica though out loud. “I bet… they might have even come back to him to see if they could find her through him.”

Shaking her head, Audry groaned. “But Harlin has never been to that apartment. He doesn’t know where it is.”

Nodding, Jessica agreed. “I know. I made sure of it. So… how did they find Silvia?”

“They didn’t,” Audry said, lifting her hands. “Silvia hasn’t been there for three weeks. They found me.”

Lifting her eyes slowly, Jessica nodded. “Oh my… Yeah. I bet that’s it. I bet they think you can lead them to Silvia. I bet they got a lot out of your ex. Did he own anything of yours? Take anything that personally belonged to you? Something like a lock of hair?”

Staring, Audry shook her head. Jessica was thinking about that scrying stuff. Did Jessica actually believe that worked?

“A hair tie?” Jessica persisted.

Stiffening, Audry wondered. She was missing a scrunchie. Back when Harlin was still stalking her, he had pulled it out when she had kicked him in the groin one time to get away. She had never gotten it back. It made no sense to ask for it, for pity’s sake. It was a cheap thing. But Audry nodded.

Closing her eyes, Jessica cringed. She nodded to herself. “Ok. So they found you. That means we need to get you a bodyguard.”

Moaning, Audry stared up at the ceiling. “Ugh. You and Rick. Why is it you two don’t think I can handle myself?”

Laughing, Jessica raised her eyebrows. “What? Did Rick tell you you needed a bodyguard?”

Audry shook her head. “No. But he tried to set one up for me at this cleanup I was at last week.”

Laughing more, Jessica nodded. “You should take it.”

“No,” Audry moaned. “I don’t need a bodyguard.”

“Why? Because you have that boyfriend?” Jessica shot back cynically, one eyebrow lifting.

Groaning, Audry knew Jessica did not really like Hogan. Just like Silvia, Jessica always eyed him as if she had found him suspicious and lacking. Of course Jessica was another person who had ‘shipped’ Breacon.

“Come on,” Jessica said. “Has he proposed yet?”

Moaning this time, Audry said with hanging shoulders, “Hogan is just looking for the right time. We were pretty close to it yesterday, but then one of his exes showed up and….”

Interest settled in Jessica’s eyes. And a bit of hope. Not hope for Hogan and Audry to get together, but for them to break up.

“Look,” Audry said levelly. “I know you don’t like Hogan for the same reason Silva doesn’t—”

“We just care about you,” Jessica said, pleading a little.

“But I am in love with him,” Audry said plainly. She shook her head. “Look, I understand that—”

“Can I interrupt for a just a second to point out that I asked my friend Semour to search up Hogan Orwell’s history, and he found—”

With a loud groan, Audry leaned back from Jessica. “Oh for pity’s sake! I know about the Goddess List, Ok?”

Jessica went quiet. Shocked. She stared.

“Look,” Audry said, “You, Silvia, and Rick all pointed it out. And Hogan already told me all about them. I know all about them. I’ve met two already now.” She breathed out, annoyed and yet flattered that so many people were trying to protect her from another Harlin. “Jessica, I understand you care about my safety. But please, will you trust me? I’m not a mental infant.”

Nodding with clear dismay, Jessica sighed. “Sorry. I just…”

“I know you ‘ship’ me and Rick,” Audry said.

Looking up at her, Jessica blushed. But then she shrugged. “What can I say? I like you that much. And I’d like to see Rick happy.”

Closing her eyes, Audry gently massaged her forehead. “Why in the world do you think I would make Rick Deacon happy? We are so unalike.”

Jessica snorted. “Are you kidding me?”

Audry eyed her.

“You and he? Not alike?” Jessica laughed. She shook her head and leaned back. “You’d be good for him.”

“He won’t go vegan,” Audry said.

But Jessica laughed more, nodding. “Nope. Not ever. But that’s not what I am talking about.”

Audry lifted her eyebrows wondering what she meant.

“The problem is,” Jessica murmured as if to herself, “that Rick is afraid that if he gets close to somebody, that person will get hurt.”

It was the family legacy. Audry knew it. People connected to the Deacon family—friends and relatives—often were murdered. His grandmother. His grandfather. His family steward. And now a friend while on a trip in Germany. Rick had every reason to be worried.

“So… are you going to continue dating this guy?” Jessica asked, clearly wishing Audry wouldn’t.

Sighing, Audry said, “Yes. I’m a little mad at him, but yes. We promised to forgive each other for our pasts. I can’t be hypocritical about that.”

“But what if his past is much worse than yours?” Jessica asked. “What if he really is like Harlin—just a better actor?”

Thinking on that, though stiffening over the very idea, Audry replied, “If that truly is the case, then yes, it would be over between us. But Jessica, you have to know, Hogan has always been open with me. And he had always been a gentleman. I can’t imagine him actually being like Harlin. I mean, I know I’m attracted to troublemakers—but Hogan feels like the real deal.”

Jessica nodded, sighing. Patting Audry on her knee, she said, “Ok, just… send me a wedding invitation, and I’ll be there for you.”

There wasn’t much conversation after that. Jessica had to go in to work as she was putting in part time shifts at the local precinct in the afternoons, and Audry had to get back to NYU to finish her paperwork for the rest of her PhD research that year. Jessica walked her to her car.

As Audry climbed into the driver’s seat, she noticed across the street that one car she had seen on the freeway. It was too far away, but someone was sitting in it, probably watching them.

“What is it?” Jessica asked.

Audry would have blown it off, but she was getting creepy chills. Looking to Jessica, Audry pointed. “That car. I think it followed me.”

Jessica peered down the road at it, frowning. She then took out her cell phone, zoomed in and took a picture of it. “I’ll run the license plate. You be careful and keep in touch. Ok?”

Nodding, Audry got into her car.

When she put the key in the ignition and turned it, the engine rattled to life.

“You should get that checked,” Jessica said with a laugh.

“Do you know a good mechanic?” Audry rolled down the passenger side window, leaning over toward the seat.

Nodding, thinking on it, Jessica replied, “Yeah. I know a really good one. And he might even give you a discount if you mention me or Rick. He’s a friend of ours.”

She pulled a card out of her wallet and handed it through the window to Audry. Taking it, Audry looked at the name, but it was something like Mighty Machine Maintenance. No mechanic name on it.

“Thanks.” Audry tucked it into the sun-flap above the windshield. She wondered if she had time that day to go there. It wasn’t in the plans. Perhaps later in the week when she and Hogan maybe have made up and he could drive her places she could take it there. She knew she did not want to be mad at Hogan forever.

The car which had followed her there did not follow her on her way back. But as she rattled down the highway, something came loose. Audry could feel it. And then, the car began to smoke.

Audry pulled to the side of the road, clenching the steering wheel and cursing her luck.

Getting out, Audry carefully popped the hood to open it. She leaned back and let the smoke escape, prying up the car hood. Parts inside were splattered with oil. No fire, though. Just steam and smoke.

Her mind went to the card. Audry wondered if they had a tow truck. Going back to get it, taking it from the window flap, Audry took up her cell phone and dialed the number.

<< Mighty Machine Maintenance. This is Chloe speaking. How may I help you? >>

“Hi. Do you have a tow truck?” Audry asked, gazing down the highway. The traffic whizzed by, the wind from their momentum blowing her hair forward.  

Brightly, the woman answered, “Why yes! Where can I send it?”

Audry looked towards the nearest mile marker and named the highway to the receptionist on the phone, giving the marker number. “It’s a dirty white Honda hatchback.” Then she proceeded to give her license plate number.

<< Perfect. We’ll send Bobby right away. >>

“Do you know how long it will be?” Audry asked, realizing this was going to mess up her plans at NYU. She would be without a car now.

<< About an hour, I think. But don’t worry. Bobby will get your car safely here. >>

When the woman hung up, Audry sighed and stepped back to the driver’s side of her car to look for something to do. She might as well wait by keeping busy.

She texted Hogan first.


I’m having car trouble. Nothing for you to worry about. But I may need you to pick me up at the shop and take me home. Can you?


Then, thinking about it, Audry texted Jessica.


My car broke down on the way home. I called that mechanic for a tow truck. Just letting you know in case I turn up missing. ;)


As she sat there, going over her notes while texting to let those in the office who might be waiting for her know she would not be in, a car slowed down. The driver leaned out and called to her. “Do you need a lift?”

It was a man in a suit with a lady and two kids.

Audry smiled and waved them away. “I called a tow truck. I’m ok. Thanks.”

Nodding, the man then said, “Are you sure? We’ve got room.”

Chuckling, Audry waved for them

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