» Fantasy » Ancient Mystic's War of the Realms Saga, Lady Adellandra Dratianos [romantic novels in english .TXT] 📗

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around his friend’s shoulder and led him out of the Woods. “Come. A lot has changed since the Crusades ended.”
Before long, Red Wolf had reunited with Katherine Hawk and met their daughter Celine. Katherine sensed the pain her canine husband was in and went to him. Red Wolf watched as her hands turned colors on Wolf’s facial wound. Her eyes were closed until the colors stopped. When she removed her hands, the wound was gone.
“There, all better now?” Katherine kissed the spot she’d healed, which made Wolf blush.
“Aye, thank you.” Wolf replied. “Red has come to join us.”
Red Wolf was about to protest about joining them, but he was interrupted.
“Red. Now, why does that name seem familiar?” Katherine asked, staring into Red Wolf’s eyes. “I remember now. Red Wolf Moondancer, is it?”
He nodded, smelling the venison and licking his lips. His stomach rumbled. Katherine smiled at him, setting a place for him to eat at the table. Once Celine was sent away with her cousin Tiger-White, it was time for business.
“What took you so long to visit?” Katherine smiled as she asked. “The Wars and Crusades are long over, and there is peace once again in our world.”
“I have come to ask Wolf to accompany me on a journey.” Red Wolf explained the vision of his mother to the couple.
Katherine was sitting by now, fascinated by the revelation. “If your family is still alive, surely that would mean yours as well, Wolf?”
Wolf was deep in thought, thinking it over. “Aye, I will join you. I wish to know if my parents and brothers still live.”
“Do you know where the Underground is?” Red Wolf asked.
Wolf shook his head, looking to Katherine.
“Celeste told you Braken Joel knows?” Katherine replied. “The obvious choice would be to go to him.”
“Where is he?” Red Wolf and Wolf echoed. Katherine shrugged.
“Can you not use the Ancient Mystic’s Empathy to find him?” Wolf asked her.
“I guess, my love, but it would be difficult.” She answered. The canines stared at her. “I will try.” She promised, closing her eyes.
Her frown turned into a smile when she opened them again. “That was easy. He is at the Feline Palace with Panther, Young Guardian, and Toby.”
Red Wolf knew Toby well, he was a tiger feline who also used to be a Warrior. He remembered Young Guardian, the Lord Guardian’s own successor. It would be the first time Red Wolf ever met her in person.
“Hurry you two, or you’ll miss them!” Katherine shooed them out once Wolf packed his gear. She kissed her husband’s lips. “Be careful, Wolfton Stargazer! You do not wish to miss the birth of your son!”
The statement startled Wolf, but before he could question her, Katherine playfully shoved him and a laughing Red Wolf out the door.
Story: #1:
Journey to the Underground

It didn’t take long for Wolf and Red to reach the Feline Palace. Panther Grey, once a Crusader, now a Companion-Crusader answered the door. Red was awed by the new Companion the moment he lay eyes on the black panther feline.
“Red Wolf, I would like you to meet my Heart-Brother, Panther Grey.” Wolf was proud as he introduced them.
“Come in, Wolf. Ariana’s here with Joel, you know.” Panther said, leading them.
“How can a feline be your brother?” Red Wolf was confused.
“When the Master Banished me to the Outer Realm, it was his body I was Banished to.” Wolf explained, smiling. “Come, meet your Young Guardian.”
“I hear my title.” Young Guardian came from the shadows to smile at her canine friend. “Who do you wish me to meet?”
Red Wolf kneeled immediately, seeing the Jewels of the Province pinned to her gown. She wore a tunic belt that carried her wand and a short-sword of her own. “I am Red Wolf Moondancer.”
“Nice to meet you, Red Wolf, but I’m uncomfortable with the Companions kneeling to me.” Ariana’s voice was light, and she smiled when their eyes met. “Where do you live?”
Red Wolf nodded. “The Grey Area’s Shady Kingdom.”
“Lord Max’s domain. How is he these days?” Young Guardian asked. “I haven’t the energy after patrolling to visit.”
“He is well, to be expected from him, I guess.” Red Wolf stammered. “He granted me leave on a special quest.”
“He believes he has found his family.” Wolf replied. “In the Underground.”
“Funny, that’s what I’m here for.” Young Guardian laughed, telling her story of Braken Joel’s visit to the Outer Realm.
“Aye,” came the voice of Braken Joel Hawk as he stood beside them. He saw who she was talking to and nodded. “Sire Wolfton, Companion Red Wolf. Have you come to join the quest?”
Red Wolf told his story, to which the Young Guardian smiled.
She hugged Wolf. “This is perfect! A giant family reunion! Oh!” Young Guardian turned, racing to another room, where Tobias Snow was waiting patiently. The boys followed.
“You’ll join the quest, Toby.” She told him.
“What quest?” Toby was confused but intrigued. When she explained, he was shocked. “Mama. Papa. ‘Kita.” He looked to his Young Guardian friend’s smiling face. “In the Province Underground? Is this true, Ariana?”
She nodded, hugging him. “Aren’t you happy?”
“You would never guess how much.” Toby replied. He turned to Braken Joel. “So, this is what you truly summoned me here, for, then?”
Braken Joel nodded, smiling. “I will lead you to the Underground, to your families.” He saw a confused Panther Grey sitting on the sidelines, listening to the conversation. “I apologize for using your home as a meeting Palace, but it was the only way I could get them together.”
Panther still didn’t know what to think about the Elder Feline brother of Katherine Hawk. “If it was necessary, Braken Joel, I understand. It’s too bad you just missed Marie and Destiny.”
“I will greet them another time.” Braken Joel supplied. “For now, we must be going.”
“To bring home the Elders!” Young Guardian cried.
“To bring home the Elders!” Cried Braken Joel, Toby, Wolf, and Red Wolf after her.


“We rest here.” Declared Braken Joel, setting his gear down on the Province ground.
“We have to keep going.” Red Wolf exclaimed in a low growl. “Matéré is waiting.”
Young Guardian looked to him. “We rest, Companion.” She remarked. With the help of Braken Joel and Wolf, she sat on the ground. “I tire easily nowadays. Besides, I don’t even know where to go.”
“Which is why I lead this convoy.” Braken Joel replied.
In an effort to distract his friend, Wolf replied. “Toby, we need wood for a fire. Will you take Red and collect it?”
Toby knew what his old Warrior friend was up to. “Certainly. Come, Red.”
The two of them left, with Braken Joel collecting stones.
Young Guardian was interested. “What are you doing, Joel?”
“Setting a barrier around us, so we are not disturbed.” Braken Joel replied simply.
She knew when to listen and when to speak. This was definitely a time to keep her mouth shut. As an Ancient Mystic, she knew the importance of survival magic, and didn’t question his actions any further.
“Are you able to shift?” Wolf asked.
“I don’t know how, Wolf.” Ariana supplied. “Even if I did, I wouldn’t know how long I’d be able to hold the shape, or even what to shift into.”
Wolf smiled. “Why not try my shape? You are a powerful Ancient Mystic, especially in this world. It would only be your mind that shifts, not your body, so the babe would not be harmed.”
“Just because I’m not pregnant now doesn’t mean I’m not in my world.” Ariana told her Canine Companion friend. “My mind, Magic, and emotions are going through hell right now. I don’t think I’d be able to shift, even if I could.”
“Enough, Young Guardian!” Wolf laughed. “I merely wanted someone to hunt with, that’s all. No need for the lecture.”
“Oh.” Ariana said softly. She thought about shifting, and how fun it would be. She knew enough about wolves, thanks to him, but to become one? She sighed.
“What are you sighing about?” Came Braken Joel’s voice. He had finished with the correct spells to seal them inside a bubble of magic. “Are you exhausted already?”
“No, it’s not that.” Ariana remarked. “I was wondering if I could change my form.”
Braken Joel smiled, changing from a feline-man to a full Balinese feline. You are Ancient Mystic, as am I. You are also my father’s successor, bearing great magic of the Ancients. Did he not say you can do anything your heart and mind desires?
She pet him as he sat beside her, head on her crossed legs. “I never tried before. How do I do it? It’s not like I’m half-Companion already like you are. I’m full mortal, and that’s all.”
That’s not all and you know it. Braken Joel sent back, purring. Think of yourself as the animus and you will become it.
Ariana looked down to her Companion friend before glancing at Wolf, who was listening intently to the one-sided conversation. Not being telepathic, Wolf couldn’t hear the Balinese’s thoughts.
“You really think I can do it?” Ariana asked them.
“Only way to know is to try.” Wolf suggested.
Ariana pat Braken Joel’s head, saying. “That’s it. Up, Joel. I want to try it out.”
Wolf stood with her. “You do not have to, my friend.”
“You long for a hunting partner? Who better than me?” Ariana grinned.
Wolf watched as she closed her eyes and took deep breaths. She began to change form, from a full-human to a full female wolf. She looked up at Wolf with wide, canine eyes.
What do you think? She sent to him.
Time to hunt. Wolf changed his form and the two were off.

When they came back, they changed back to themselves. In Ariana’s hand were two rabbits.
Braken Joel congratulated her, telling Red Wolf and Toby what she’d done.
“You can shift?” Toby asked. “I never knew.”
“It’s terribly draining.” Ariana told him. “I only lasted until I caught a rabbit. My head began to ache, and I shifted back. Wolf changed form and nursed me until I was better. I have him to thank.”
“Good job, brother.” Toby clapped Wolf on the back.
“How is he your brother?” Red Wolf asked.
“I am married to his wife’s twin sister.” Wolf replied.
“By the way, Braken Joel...” Toby started, pulling Joel away before Red Wolf could do anything else.
“I will start the fire. The night is getting chilly.” Red Wolf announced, turning away.
“Did I say something wrong, Red?” Wolf asked his former Warrior friend.
Red Wolf shook his head. “Nay, I have a lot on my mind.”
When he was gone, Ariana stared after him.
“Do not fret over him, Ariana.” Wolf supplied. “We used to be Warriors together. He misses his family as much as Toby and I miss ours.”
“There’s something different about him, though.” Ariana announced. “Something that’s just not right.”
“If you mean his wishing to be alone all the time, you have nothing to worry about.”
Ariana turned back to Wolf. “What do you mean?”
“I should not tell you this, but since you are his Young Guardian as well, I suppose I should.” Wolf said. “I swore him to secrecy during the Wars.”
“Is it bad?”
“Define bad.”
“Just tell me, Wolf. Please.”
“Very well.” Wolf replied. “It all started in the Wars. He and I were on the same watch when I sensed something wrong in the air. Red was beside me, guarding a large gem only the Master knew about at the time. Both of us wanted to investigate, so we called two Warriors to take our places. We followed our senses to the Perilous Forest. He ran ahead when he supposedly sensed something nearby. He
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