» Fantasy » Wolverton, Julie Steimle [interesting novels in english .txt] 📗

Book online «Wolverton, Julie Steimle [interesting novels in english .txt] 📗». Author Julie Steimle

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New York was split into two schools. It was a secret kept from those staying behind at the original school who was going and who was staying, so when it happened everyone who had been left behind freaked out. And because my dad was the major shareholder of the school, all those that stayed at the original school—all the boys at least—confronted me while I was in the shower with nothing to protect me. I had to escape as a wet naked wolf to my room to get clothes, because streaking as boy through the school wasn’t exactly a good idea.”

Daisy put a hand over her mouth giggling. “You really do get embarrassed easily. Have you never gone skinny dipping?”

Blushing, Rick laughed. “I didn’t say that. It’s just—”

“In front of the girls you get embarrassed,” she cut in, smirking. 

His face was entirely hot now. He averted his eyes. “It’s only natural. Besides, what about you? What is your most embarrassing moment?”

Flushing, Daisy ducked her head in her shoulders and said, “Actually, I think it was the first time I went to the singles’ bonfire.”

Rick blinked and peered at her. Her cheeks were pink.

“It was the first time I stood in the line and changed with the group,” she said. Meeting his gaze, she added. “It is a little embarrassing for us girls who had just started going through puberty—stepping out in front of all those grown men, having hardly a chest to show for yourself, especially next to all those grown women. I mean I’ve filled out since then, but back then they were the size of strawberries.”

It put such an image into Rick’s head that for a moment he could not shake it out. He tried to.

“Oh man…” Rick sat down.

Daisy sat next to him. “Are you ok?”

He shook his head. Meeting her gaze, he confessed, “To be honest, I’d love to go on the hunt with all of you, but that part… I am not sure about.”

Nodding, Daisy sat back, leaning on his arm. “Yeah. It takes some getting used to.”

He shook his head more, wondering if his father would had a fit if he knew he honestly was considering joining in on such a ritual.

“If you makes you feel better,” Daisy added, “You could just stare at moon during the ritual. Most of us do that, actually.”

“No.” Laughing, Rick shook his head. “No, no, no. I can’t just stare at the moon. Just one look at it and I’ll transform. Usually I do anything to avoid looking at the moon if I want to stay human.”

Shifting to face him, Daisy stared at his eyes as if trying to get a read on them. “You really are one with the moon. Aren’t you?”

He cringed. Rick never quite thought of himself in that way. One with the moon indeed. Afflicted by the moon was more like it.

“Ok then,” she said. “Stare at the fire. Or keep your eyes on the faces of the people. Don’t look down.”

Rick laughed, shaking his head at her. With a crooked grin, he said, “You really want me to come to this bonfire tonight, don’t you?”

Nodding, Daisy hunched her shoulders. “One can hope.”

Shivers went down his arms, causing his heart to race.

But then more seriously, she reached out touched the side of his face, brushing away his hair, pity in her eyes. “I can tell you have a wounded soul yearning to be healed. I think that’s why you have been sticking close to me. I want to help you.”

So much in him ached. So much in him yearned. And gazing at her, so much in him wanted more than just to be a terrified werewolf, but at peace in her arms.

He leaned in and kissed her.

The Night Hunt







Chapter Eight



When they broke apart, Rick blushed, realizing what he had just done. “I… I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to—”

Daisy pecked him on the cheek and brushed his hair from his face. “It’s ok. It’s just the moon.”

“Just the moon?” Rick pulled back, staring at her. He still had the urge to kiss her, to do more actually, but he was fighting the impulse as it really didn’t make any sense. He barely knew her.

Chuckling, Daisy gazed softly at him. “I bet this is the first time you ever relaxed during the full moon.”

He stared back, but nodded. There was no way he could relax during a hunt.

“It happens sometimes,” Daisy said, shrugging. “I can guide you through it safely.”

He stared at her, amazed. Enraptured, really. She was like a guardian angel—a sweet, soft, and luscious smelling guardian angel. And it was making his head swim.

“I think I should entrust you in the hands of someone else though,” she said while smirking at him, “So you can make it safely to the hunt tonight without making any impulsive decisions you really are not committed to making.”

Nodding, Rick agreed. She didn’t want a one night stand, and neither did he. Not really.


She took him Kurt. 

“You look whipped,” Kurt said once he saw Rick, laughing.

“I am not whipped,” Rick protested, feeling hot under his shirt as Daisy sauntered away, waving. He waved back, entranced, watching the motion of her body as she went off. She was just so….

But laughing, Kurt shook his head. They walked to where the guys were gathering. Much of the day had gone. The sun was lower in the sky, not quite near sunset yet, but heading back down to the other horizon. They could already see the moon rising.

Rick shuddered, staring at it, and shook off the hair growth that had naturally sprouted.

“Amazing,” Kurt said when he saw it.

He took Rick to where they were scrubbing potatoes for the feast tomorrow. Besides hunted-down and wolf-killed deer, the pack also roasted pork and other things on the bonfire. They had salads and treats for those who did not hunt, but supported it.

“So, are you joining us at the bonfire?” Kurt asked.

Laughing, Rick replied with a nod. “That is the question.”

Kurt peered at him funny. “Well, what do you have against it?”

Cringing, Rick then eyed him, “I hear you all go out to this ritual naked as the day you are born, and that kind of bothers me.”

“Why?” Kurt stared at him, clearly not seeing the problem.

“Why?” Exasperated. Rick shook his head. “Think about it. You’re standing here and the girls are standing across….” He lost his train of thought, feeling lightheaded as that last notion went through his brain. His heart was still thundering.

“Oh… moon fever,” Kurt murmured, staring at him.

“Moon fever?” Rick looked back to him, feeling overheated. “What is that?”

“This is your first time giving in to the wolf,” Kurt said, amazed.

Shaking his head, trying to clear his thoughts, Rick went back to scrubbing potatoes.

“Hey,” Kurt leaned near him. “Don’t fight it. I know you feel out of it and all, but breathe in and out. Your head will soon find focus.”

Rick set down the potato and tried to pick up another. For a second his hand felt like a paw and he forgot how to grip with it.

“Hey, hey, hey, it’s ok.” Kurt then waved over for someone to come to him. “You don’t have to do anything. Just sit back and maybe rest a while.”

Putting down the scrub brush, Rick nodded.

Someone brought over something to drink, putting it to his lips. It was warm and tasted like milk with cinnamon in it. After a few sips, he blinked back into focus. He noticed that someone was wiping down his legs with a damp cloth. It tingled and cooled.

“Oh, you’re wiping off bug repellant. Don’t do that,” Rick protested.

“I think you put on too much,” that guy said. “It is making you woozy.”

 Blinking at him, Rick massaged his forehead.

Going up to him, the man-wolf, held up a flashlight. “Let me look in your eyes.”

Rick complied because he had no choice. He was getting dizzy.

“Too much…” the man murmured. He then made Rick track his finger, which he couldn’t do. “Listen to my voice. Do as I say. Sit up straight.”

With effort, Rick did so, heaving a sigh and gazing over once at the road where the last of party things were being gathered.

“Interesting,” the (Rick guessed he was a doctor) said. “Track my finger with your eyes.”

He did, or tried to.

“Uh, huh.” The man then pulled out a bottle and unstoppered it. “Breathe this in.”

Rick leaned in and whiffed. For a second, all his sinuses were afire. Pulling back, Rick covered his nose with his hand. “Oh! Man! What is that?”

Stopping it up again, the man smiled at him. “There. You will be able to have a clear head tonight before the bonfire.” He then looked to Kurt. “I don’t want him applying any more of that ‘bug repellant’. Whoever handed it to him should be swatted. That wolf has enhanced senses, and that was seriously overkill.”

Kurt nodded. He then looked back at Rick. In his eyes, he was entirely sorry. He scooted closer. “Are you ok?”

Rick blinked at him. “What just happened?”

Cringing, Kurt said, “That balm has strong fumes. Usually men don’t put it on themselves. It’s mostly for girls.”

Rick stared. “Did Daisy know?”

Shrugging Kurt huffed. “She probably wasn’t thinking about it….”

Still bleary-eyed Rick drew in deep breaths. Then he said, “So it wasn’t moon fever?”

Peeking at him, Kurt cringed. “More like a combination of moon fever and allergic reaction.”

“Allergic reaction?” Rick sat up sharper now.

Kurt nodded. He then stared out at the woodpile, a lot on his mind. He finally said, “Maybe you shouldn’t go to the bonfire. I’d hate to see you pass out into it.”

“I’m not a weakling,” Rick muttered, rising. He felt a little wobbly on his feet, but a lot better.

“I’m not calling you one,” Kurt got up after him. “It’s just…” He shook his head and leaned in toward Rick, whispering. “It’s just that some of the wolves get frisky after the kill. And you are so easily affected by the moon and that balm, I’m afraid that—”

“I heard you passed out.” Daisy trotted up the road looking distraught as she gazed up to the porch where they had been scrubbing potatoes. “Is it my fault? Someone told me they had to wash off the insect repellant from your skin. You had a reaction.”

Rick chuckled, shaking his head, walking over to the porch rail. “I’m all right.” She looked adorable, worried like that. In a way, she was like a daisy, delicate and tender. He hoped in the next few days he could actually get to know her.

Kurt stepped back from her, sighing.

“Oh, good.” Daisy trotted around the rail and rushed up to him with a hug. Enveloped in her smell, Rick breathed her in.

“You are so whipped,” Kurt muttered.

Daisy kicked at him, shooing the boy off. Kurt only took a step back, not entirely getting out of her way, but stepping behind Rick for protection.

Pulling back, Daisy said them, “I need to go prepare for the ceremony. I just popped by to make sure you were ok—”

“Or rub your scent all over him,” muttered Kurt.

“—because it freaked me out when I heard.” Daisy brushed Rick’s hair from his face again, checking his eyes to make sure he was fine.

Smiling, Rick sheepishly scratched the back of his neck.

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