» Fantasy » Soul Searcher, D.M. Richardson [best e reader for academics txt] 📗

Book online «Soul Searcher, D.M. Richardson [best e reader for academics txt] 📗». Author D.M. Richardson

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caught my eye. Rayne was getting into her car. She must be leaving for that party. She never left the house unless she was going to school. I made a split second decision. “Dad I have to go.” I didn’t give him a chance to respond. Instead I turned on my heal and ran down the hallway grabbing my keys as I ran out the door.

I started the engine just as she turned the corner. I followed her at a distance as she turned onto the highway on her way out of town. I kept distance between us so she wouldn’t notice she was being followed. After about forty five minutes she turned into a small town.

I followed her for about six blocks when I saw her pull over and park. I parked my car about a block down from hers where it would be blocked by some trees. I ran down the road and hid behind another tree before she could get out of her car. She climbed out and walked to her trunk. After a minute she pulled out a large box wrapped in pink paper. She walked around the car and I finally looked at the house.

It was small but had a large yard. The yard was decorated in pink balloons and streamers. There were at least a dozen small children running around playing tag and squealing. The adults were all clustered around some fold out picnic tables talking and watching the kids play.

As Rayne reached the yard a small blonde girl broke from the group of children and ran to her as fast as she could. Rayne dropped the box and caught the girl as she launched herself at her. They were both laughing as Rayne spun the girl in circles hugging her tightly.

“Rayne you came!” she squealed.

“Of course I did! I promised didn’t I?” Rayne answered letting the girl slide to the ground. She picked up the box propping it on her hip as she grabbed the girl’s hand. They walked back to the party, and Rayne put the present on another table with other gifts.

The girl ran to play with the other kids, and Rayne walked up to an elderly woman. They hugged and smiled at each other. Then they got serious and split from the group. I had to hurry to make sure I was completely hidden as they were headed right for me. They walked hand in hand and I wondered if it was from endearment or if Rayne was supporting the elderly woman.

“Gale how are things? You don’t look well.” Rayne asked her with concern in her voice.

“Oh things are going. My MS has taken a turn for the worse and Fred had a heart attack a week ago.”

“Oh no I’m so sorry.”

“It’s not your fault hon we’re just old. I wanted to tell you that we didn’t send you away because we didn’t care about you. We’re just too set in our ways, and anything new is uncomfortable for us.” she said in a hurry. From her tone it seemed that it was something she’d been wanting to say for a while.

“It’s okay I don’t hold any ill will toward you or Fred. You guys were one of the best homes I’d been in. I was happy for the time I had. But what about Kristi? How are things with her?”

“Not good I’m afraid. We don’t have enough money even with the check from the state. With the hospital bills there’s just not enough. She’s such a sweet girl and a true joy to have, but like I said. We’re getting old we can’t run around with her like she needs. I’m afraid we won’t be able to keep her for much longer.” There were several moments of silence.

“Can you wait awhile before you let her go? I just need a month. I can find a true home for her.” Gale sighed.

“We all think we can work miracles when we’re young.”

“No I’m serious. I’ve been saving for the past year. I have enough I just need to find the right home.”

“I don’t know.”

“Please just one month that’s all I need. I can send you money if you want me to.” There was a note of desperation in her voice that made my chest clench. Gale sighed.

“Okay one month, but that’s all I can do.”

“Thank you.”

“Rayne! Come play!” Kristi yelled.

“Okay I’m coming.” Rayne called back. I watched as Rayne and Gale made their way back to the party.

I decided it was best to leave now. It was obvious now that the party she had promised her friend that she would attend was Kristi’s birthday party. There was nothing here for me to see other than that the girl was very much loved by Rayne, and loved her equally.

Chapter 5




I felt eyes on me but when I turned around there was nobody there. I turned back to Kristi as she told me all about her day at school the day before. I was so glad I could talk Gale into keeping her for a while longer. I had been saving every penny I earned for over a year in order to pay for Kristi’s adoption. I hadn’t found the right family yet, but I had assumed I had more time.

Now I had four weeks to find a really good home for the little girl before she was shipped away. If she was transferred I might never find her again. I loved her like a sister. She was the bright spot in my otherwise dark world. When I was transferred to Gale and Fred’s home I was miserable. But the first night I was there this adorable little two year old blonde girl crawled into my bed because she had a nightmare. I took care of her as if she were my own blood.

When Gale and Fred insist that I leave I made them promise I could come and visit her. They understood my need and assured me that I could come over anytime I wanted. Gale might have sounded callous when she spoke of giving up Kristi. But the tears in her eyes spoke otherwise. She was the equivalent of a grand daughter to them. She touched everyone she met and she deserved a real home with a real family. I would not see her with my fate.

It was just getting dark when I said my goodbyes. I left Kristi holding Gale’s hand with tears running down her face and a promise that I would visit her again soon. I drove away with tears in my eyes and my hands shaking.


Forty five minutes later I pulled into the Keely’s driveway. I got up and made my way up to the door. Before I could answer it an idea struck me. I took a few steps along the porch and pulled my cell phone out. I found Jack in my contacts and pressed call. It rang once then twice and his mellow voice answered.

“Rayne how’s it going?” he asked in a chipper voice. He’s been the only constant thing in my life. He’s been like an uncle that was always willing to talk whenever I needed it, and when I didn’t. He’s the one that got my cell phone for me. It’s the only thing I ever let anyone else buy me and actually keep it.

“Hey Jack.” I answered trying to keep my voice down so I wouldn’t alert Koner and Sara of my presence on the porch.

“What’s wrong?” He always knew when there was something wrong with me. Sometimes I wondered if he had an ability of his own, but no he just knew me really well.

“Has Gale talked to you yet?” I asked. I heard him sigh and I could see him in my mind dropping his face into his free hand and rubbing it over his hair.

“Yes. I was hoping you wouldn’t find out so soon. She talked to me yesterday at our monthly meeting.” Jack was Kristi’s case worker as well as mine. It made things convenient for what I was about to ask him.

“What do you plan to do?”

“I don’t know what I can do. Gale can’t afford to keep her, and with her and Fred’s health they can’t keep up with her.” For some reason I got really angry.

“Will you listen to yourself!? Everyone keeps talking about her like she’s a dog instead of a little girl. God how can so many people treat children like ill mannered pets?”

“Now I didn’t mean it like that and you know it. I love that little girl just like you do, but my hands are tied.” he kept his voice calm so I wouldn’t have anything else to yell at him for anymore. I sighed.

“Are you sure there’s nothing?” I asked.

“Why are you taking this so personally?”

“Why aren’t you? She’s just a little girl. She just turned three today. She doesn’t deserve to be tossed from home to home until she ages out of the system.” the other end of the line was quiet for a moment.

“I know Rayne. I’m sorry but there’s nothing I can do. I wish it wasn’t true but it is.” I took a deep breath.

“There may be nothing you can do, but maybe I can.”

“What do you mean?”

“I’ve been saving. I have enough money to pay for her adoption.”

“Rayne your not old enough to care for a child.” I barked a laugh.

“I know that. I’m not talking about adopting her myself.”

“Then what are you suggesting?”

“I need to find a good family for her. I have the money and I talked Gale into waiting a month.”

“How do you plan on finding a family for her?”

“Actually that’s why I need you. I know you have access to potential adoption families. I need you to bring me some of them.”

“I’m pretty sure that’s illegal. Those files are classified for the families privacy.”

“I know that’s why I’m going to have to leave the details to you. But I can pay for it. You can just tell them that a private backer is paying for it.” he sighed again. I’m pretty sure I’ve given him more than one ulcer in the last eleven years.

“And how would I get those files to you?” I jumped up and down a few times in joy. I had convinced him.

“You can copy them and bring them to me when we have dinner. It has to be soon though. I’m short on time.”

“Okay I’ll have something for you when we have dinner next week.”

“Thank you, you have no idea what this means to me.”

“I know.”

“It’s late I need to get inside.”

“Alright I’ll see you on Friday.” I hung up and stood there breathing deeply for a moment to slow my heart rate. I felt eyes on me again and turned.

Down the street I saw a curtain fall closed just as I looked. It was Zeke’s house. Then I remembered the tutoring. I groaned. What was he up to?

I went inside and was greeted by Sara and Koner. I said hello and turned to go to my room. They didn’t bother me and I took a quick shower. I spent the rest of the night reading until I couldn’t keep my eyes open anymore.


The next morning I woke up late. I

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