» Fantasy » Unraveling Selena, Marisa Maichel [13 ebook reader TXT] 📗

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study them." Father made a small noise in his throat.

"My baby is not going to kill himself! I will make sure of that!"

"Could he have traces of episrona left?" Louis asked. They all pondered that.

"Impossible," Grandfather finally said. "He was cured."

"His immune system should have killed the virus," Father said.

"Not necessarily. The virus is extremely powerful. Ninety five percent of the people infected turn into wolves."

"What happens to the other five percent?" Louis asked.

"They die," Uncle Soren told him. Both Louis and Father let out a squeak.

Grandfather spoke up. "They die from the pain, the heat, the too-fast heartbeat, the pressure, or someone kills them before the change can be completed."

Father hugged me. He buried his nose in my fur. Then he got a look of disgust. "I love you, Reese, but you stink."

"Real wolves stink worse," Louis reminded him.

I rumbled, then heard something. Other wolves. I stood up and howled.

"Wolves," Uncle Soren growled. He looked at me. "Ignore them, Reese. I know they're calling out to you, but-Reese?"

My alpha was howling for me. Alpha!

"Reese? Son?"

My entire body ached to go to my pack and join my Alpha. The pack was calling...calling...howling....


I took off outside and started running towards the woods. I could hear voices calling my name, but I ignored them. I needed to find my Alpha.

The trees grew dense and thick, and I passed the cemetery. My heart was pounding, beating. My blood was pumping throughout my entire body. My chest heaved with each breath I took. This was exhilarating.

I was free. No constraints. No loyalties except to the Alpha.

I skidded to a halt as I spotted the rest of the pack. They were all looking at me, some growling, some greeting me with rumbles. A small female came up to me and nudged me. I rumbled, returning the stroke of affection. My stomach twisted as she rolled on her back, exposing her belly to me.

I needed to mate with her. But the Alpha had not yet greeted me. She realized this, too. She rolled over and sat up, her paws rubbing the ground. The female started licking me, grooming me in preparation.

The Alpha made his presence known. He was the biggest one, twice my size. He rumbled appreciatively at my submittance. I flattened myself on the ground and exposed my belly, wagging my tail. He planted his nose in my belly and sniffed me all over.

When he finished, he howled. He was accepting me into the pack. The other pack members wagged their tails and smelled me, greeting me and introducing themselves to me. The small female from earlier put her paws on my shoulders. I realized this was Sadie. She gave me a sloppy lick, a wolfish kiss. I licked her back.

Only one member seemed put out. Justin. He was watching me from the side, glaring at me. I glared back. He wanted my female. My female? My female was Sarah. No... she’d broken up with me. I had no female.

I shook violently. I overheard crashing in the forest, and my Alpha howled.

"Reese! Thank the gods!" The blond vampire stopped in front of me. Then he cursed loudly. Blond vampire...father. My father. Another vampire stopped beside him. This one was large and had long burgundy hair that was coming loose from his ponytail. He breathed, gasping for unneeded air.

"Mordecai, what is wrong with you?" the large vampire asked. "Father is going nuts! He's worried about you and Reese! He blames himself!"

"Why does he blame himself?"

"You know I can't answer that. Well...this is a problem."

All the other wolves were growling at the bloodsuckers, glaring at them threateningly.

"This is all your fault," Father said. "If you hadn't agreed to fight Damon, this wouldn't have happened!"

"I won't deny that it's my fault that Reese was infected," Uncle Soren said. I whimpered and bent low, wagging my tail. "He recognizes us."

"He's in better control than the rest of them," Father said, backing away slowly. "Why haven't they attacked us yet?"

"Faolan is ordering them to stay put, I'll bet," Uncle Soren replied. "They can't go against his orders since he's the Alpha."

Faolan headed forward. He whined a bit, and Father stroked his fur.

"He recognizes me, too," he said. "He recognizes me as his mate. Faolan, am I right?"

Faolan nudged him, then gave him a big lick on the cheek.

"He definitely knows you," Uncle Soren said. "He wants you to pet him."

"There you are!" Grandfather came running up to us. "Boys, what the hell were you thinking?!"

"Father, look," my father said. "Both Faolan and Reese recognize me."

"That's great, Mordecai, but you forget that there are thirty other wolves watching us!"

"We're safe," Uncle Soren said. "The pack won't dare disobey a direct order from Faolan. And Faolan has accepted Mordecai as his mate."

Justin growled. Sadie looked at me questioningly.

"Father," I tried to say, but it came out sounding garbled.

"He's talking to me!"

"Father," I repeated. This sounded much clearer.

"Amazing," Grandfather said in awe. "He's in complete control now. He understands us. He even said 'Father'."

"What is it, baby?" Father asked me. Faolan growled when Father stopped petting him, so Father continued his loving strokes.

"Father, I know what's happening," I said. They all stared at me.

"That sounds more like Reese," Uncle Soren said.

Faolan growled and snapped at my paws, then climbed over Father and held him.

"I love you, Faolan, but one, you nearly bit my son, and two, you stink."

Justin's growls got louder. And then he leaped.


I woke up with a huge ache everywhere. I was in a room I didn't recognize, a girl's room. I looked down and saw Sadie, asleep.

What happened last night?

Sadie opened her eyes and smiled at me. "Morning, sleepyhead."

"Sadie...what happened?"

"When Justin attacked Mordecai, you attacked Justin. Then Faolan got involved and...well, the whole pack's pissed at either Justin, Faolan, or me."

"Why you?"

"You don't remember?" Her eyes grew wide.

"I don't remember anything past the point of Justin attacking my father."

"Well, he hit you pretty hard. It sucks that you don't remember what happened after the fight, because it was amazing."

"Sadie, did we...did we have sex?"

"We did. I've wanted to do that for so long...I thought you'd never ask me."

"Crap. Fuck. This is bad." I got up and started to pace, then realized I was naked. "Where are my clothes?"

"Faolan left you a shirt and a pair of jeans." She pointed to an outfit on the chair.

"Thanks," I said, quickly pulling them on.

"Are you leaving?" Sadie asked.

"Yes. What happened last night cannot be repeated, either by word or action."

"What?" Sadie's eyes grew big.

"Look, Sadie, you're great, but you're not my girl."

Sadie frowned, eyes shining. "What does she have that I don't?"

"Nothing. I simply do not love you. I've always loved her, ever since I first saw her."

And curves, I added mentally.

"WHAT?!" She threw off the covers and started towards me.

"Whoa, Sadie! What's going on?"

"We have a mental connection, you dope! More proof that we're meant to be together!" She threw her arms around me, still naked, and kissed me. I grabbed her around the waist and threw her off.

"Whoa! Harassment's a two-way street!"

"You jerk!" she cried, eyes swimming with tears. "You asshole! Freak! Bloodsucker! Tick! Leech! Bat!"

She called me all the typical vampire insults and then some.

I ran out the door. I started running home. I didn't stop until I literally ran into Louis. I knocked him down, and he got up, picking me up as well.

"I thought you'd be with that chick longer," he said.

"Louis, I screwed up. I'm so confused. I fucked Sadie, and now we have a mental connection! First of all, how do I get rid of it, and second, why didn't I have one with Sarah?"

"Sarah never opened her mind to yours," Louis said. "I'm afraid you're stuck, buddy. You told Sadie you loved her and then you donged her. And she has a major crush on you, and she opened her mind to yours, and vice versa. What did you expect?"

"I don't know...everything's a mess, and it's all my fault."

"Stop saying that! Geez, you're worse than Mordecai or Grandfather when he gets in one of his suicidal moods. The best you can do is block her. You can do it mentally, or you can do it permanently by magic. Either way, you'll have less of a headache if you do it yourself."

"I have a headache now!"

"Good point. Well, I don't know any witches or warlocks that are on our side at this point. Glen and I don't talk anymore, and you and he hate each other anyway. You're not talking to Mason, and Krauvas and Mordecai had a blow-out. Scarlett is obviously not an option...hey Dad, do you know of any witches that can help Reese with his mental connection problem with Sadie?"

"I don't," Uncle Soren said, stroking his chin. "Hmm. Old Agatha might be willing to help, but she's an old woman. I'm not seeing many options here."

"You're an old man," Louis teased him. "She's younger than you!"

"I'm your old man, punk," Uncle Soren responded, grinning.

I groaned and slid to the floor. "If I hadn't been so jealous, none of this would have happened."

"Your breakup with Sarah is unrelated to you being a werewolf," Uncle Soren said, serious again.

"Yes, but-"

"No buts. I'll take you to see Agatha-after you take a shower and get out of those stinky clothes. Give them to Mordecai, he'll love them."

The moment we reached the street where Agatha practiced, Uncle Soren parked and led me to the shop.

I ran into Sarah.

"Hello, Reese," she said, looking embarrassed.

"Hello, Sarah," I said. "Look, Sarah-"

"Hey, babe." A vision of perfection kissed my girl on the cheek. I looked at her.

"Caden Cartwright?"

"That's my name," he said. "Isn't your name Grease? Or Geese?"

"Huh, that's funny. My name is Reese, and I thought your name was Fartwright." Childish, yes, but it felt good.

"Cartwright, goth boy. I was just taking my girl here to Third Planet to pick up some incense and maybe some matching rings."

I shook with anger. "This is who you're dating now?" I said to her.

"Well, we're not together anymore. We won't be together ever again; we've broken up too many times because of your jealousy and insecurity."

"I know that it's completely my fault, but that's why you have to listen to me. I love you, Sarah. I always will. I'd die if anything ever happened to you and I wasn't there or I could have prevented it. Even if we're not together anymore, I'd still die for you."

"You said it, not me," Caden jeered. Sarah looked at her shoes and bit her lip. Her eyes shined like they always do when she's trying not to cry.

"I can't deal with it anymore," she finally said. "I can't deal with the heartbreak and the jealousy."

"I never said you had to take me back. I'd rather be your friend than a stranger."

"Let's go, Reese," Uncle Soren said, grabbing my arm and pulling me to the side.

"Whoa," Caden said as he looked at my uncle. "Did you see that guy, Sarah?"

I followed my uncle to a shop containing crystals and jewelry. He opened the door. A woman with short brown hair was sitting at the reception desk.

"Can I help you?" she asked, unsmiling.

"Tell Agatha that Soren and his nephew are here," Uncle Soren told her.

An old woman came out of the back room, wearing shawls in colors of midnight blue and dark purple with stars. She was tall and thin, her silver hair tied into a bun.

"Soren!" She reached out her arms and hugged him. "It is good to see you again, my friend. What ails you?"

"It is my nephew," he said, gesturing to me. "He was bitten by a werewolf and transformed last night."

"Ah, I may have something for that. I'm afraid I'm down to my last few baggies of wolfsbane, however. It is becoming rarer and rarer all the time."

"Can we do anything to help?" I asked.

"Hmm," Agatha hummed, tapping her chin. She looked at me and narrowed her eyes. "You're in love. Her name is Sarah. But

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