» Fantasy » Kingdom of Arzialla, Marilyn Arias [highly illogical behavior .TXT] 📗

Book online «Kingdom of Arzialla, Marilyn Arias [highly illogical behavior .TXT] 📗». Author Marilyn Arias

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she replied.
“Do you want to die?”
She seemed to give thought before answering. “Not really.”
“Then put on your seatbelt,” I told her.
Jason chuckles.
“What?” I asked him.
“You’re amusing,” he said.
“You’re cute when you’re mad,” he said.
I rose my eyebrows. I may look annoyed at the outside but to be realistic, my heart’s fluttered just because of the fact that he called me cute. I hid it though. “Well, I’m going to be adorable as long as this child is under my care.”
He gives out another laugh.
“Sorry, mother,” Caitlin teased.
I just gave up and faced forward with my arms crossed. As soon as I looked through the windshield, I saw what seemed like a woman standing in the middle of the road. All I could make out from the darkness was her bright red hair. Jason was going sixty in a forty-five road and he wasn’t slowing. Is it her?

“Jason,” I said, low and scared.

“Hm?” he asked casually, glancing at me.
Before I could even tell him what’s in front of him, we were already getting dangerously close to her and all I could do was scream his name and brace myself. I watched her turn around and look at us before the bumper hit her. The car came to an almost complete stop. Not from the crash but from Jason suddenly hitting the breaks from the reaction of my shrieks. There was no crash. There was no woman in front of us, lying on the ground and bleeding. A few cars swerved around us and honked their horns at us.
Jason continued driving.
“What was that all about?” he shouted.
I gulped and realized how I’m panting. What was that? She was there, but then she disappeared. What?

I looked back to make sure I wasn’t hallucinating, but I saw nothing on the roads except for other cars. I faced forward and took a deep breath.
“I thought there was a kitten. It was actually a plastic bag,” I lied. “I’m sorry…”

Mila, Wake Up- Zelimir

MY SWORD CLASHES AGAINST SERGEANT Major Orde’s sword, making a sharp shing!

His blade slid across mine and he attempted to swing it at me. I dodged it and I tried to attack his shoulder but he blocked my sword with his. The sun beamed against me and I could feel sweat dripping down my forehead and neck. Orde backed up as I kept moving in closer every time our swords touched.
I started thinking about the first day he started teaching me how to sword fight.
“Alright, before we start, give me a reason why I should risk my chances of getting caught and having my butt thrown in prison for teaching a child without a license,” he told me as we stood in the woods. We couldn’t practice in the fields that were close to the Arziallan walls and we certainly couldn’t practice within them. As I knew, it is forbidden for anyone to learn sword fighting from anyone who does not have license to do so but the military wouldn’t accept me and I was desperate to learn.
“Because I’d like to have a second chance to be part of the military,” I told him.
He rose one eyebrow. “Why do you want to join the military?”
“Because it inspired me,” I told him. I felt like that wasn’t sincerely what I meant to say so I quickly gave thought to it and stared at the horizon, at the direction of where Arzialla should be behind Orde. And then, being careful of what to say, I said slowly, “It inspired me… to… not only protect my family but to protect other families.”
“Why do you feel like you need to save families?”
I hesitated, again being careful with my choice of words. “Because I know how it feels to lose a family and I wouldn’t want to let anyone else go through that.”
“But who would you want to save them from?”
I shrugged. “Anyone… Anything… But exclusively from Gavrils.”
“So you just want to be a hero,” he said, not questioning.
I thought about it for a second and then nodded.
“Are you sure you want to learn how to sword fight? It takes an average boy about five years to master,” he told me.
“Yes, sir.”
I remember asking him later that day why he couldn’t just give me knowledge in order to make things easier.
“Knowledge and experience are two completely different things,” he answered. “You can always gain knowledge but if you haven’t practiced, then there’s no use for it. It’s good to be school smart but once you’re out in the real world, what’s the use of it?”
My thought was interrupted when Orde’s sword almost slashed my face. He swung his sword at my head again and I dodged it by crouching down. I felt the tips of my hair being the only thing that his blade sliced. I found a spot where Orde was most vulnerable at the moment and I stretched my leg out., spun in the spot, and let my leg hit his ankles, knock him down. With much grace, I stood up and just as he was lifting himself from the ground, the tip of my sword touched his Adam’s apple.
He laughed out loud. “Nice fight, Zelimir. You got me once again.”
I pulled my sword away from him and offered him a hand. He took it and I pulled him up to his feet.
“I must say, I’m more than impressed. You’ve become a powerful swordsman within only eleven months,” he told me.
“Has it really been that long? It feels like it was only yesterday when I begged you to teach me the basics of using a sword,” I chuckled.
He laughed too and nodded as in agreement. “If this was a training session in the military, I’d say they’d notice you’re fast improvement and immediately accept you as a true knight. You’d be awarded a position and a sword of your own.”
“I know,” I said with a sad smile. “You still can’t award me with one though, huh?”
“Nope. Order and pay like a normal customer,” he said.
“That’s no fair,” I pouted.
“Child, legally, yes it is. Especially since I’m not supposed to be ‘awarding’ you for anything like this,” he told me.
“I know but the swords are so expensive,” I complain.
I honestly was hoping for him to at least lower the price for me. He noticed how disappointed I was and swung his arm around my shoulders. “Well, I’m not going to leave you without some kind of celebration at least.”
“What do you mean?”
“The king is having an annual military ball soon. Since I used to be a soldier, I’m invited. Friends and family of every soldier is welcomed to come too but only so much can come for each soldier,” he said.
“And… you’re inviting me?”
“No, I’m inviting this young maiden and I want you to know that. Yes. This has something to do with the military so I thought you’d be interested,” he laughed at me.
“Alright!” I said with glee.
“You can invite Mila if you really want to too,” he added.
“I’m sure she’ll love to join,” I said. And then I remembered something. “What should we wear?”
“Well, for male soldiers such as I, we’re supposed to wear our uniform. For female soldiers, they have the option to wear a ball gown. But for guests like you and Mila, just wear your very best. It’s an extremely formal party.”
I gave a slow nodded and thought of what I have in my wardrobe. I have nothing formal…

“I’m going to have to go shopping then…”
“I can help you with that. I’ll pay for all you need,” he offered.
“Oh no. Don’t,” I insisted.
“You worked hard for his moment and besides you earned this. You need to be awarded,” he said.
“Well… alright then,” I said. “When’s the party?”
“This Saturday,” he said.
Today’s Thursday so we have two days to prepare for the night.

Tomorrow comes quickly. Too quickly. There was a knock at our front door early in the morning and Mila screamed for me to answer it. She was busy frying eggs and she couldn’t leave them alone. I crawled out of bed and lazily walked over to the door. I opened the door and the fall wind entered, cooling the house. I shivered a bit. I wasn’t entirely awake when I answered it and it took me a minute to realize who I’m facing.
“Why are you here? Especially at crack of dawn?” I asked Orde.
“What do you mean? It’s only six in the morning,” he joked.
Class starts about two hours after dawn so I was wondering why he’s interrupting my valuable sleep before having to prepare to go to school.
He saw how I didn’t laugh and frowned, clearing his throat. “At a time like this, especially when a ball is tomorrow, formal clothing shops will have nothing left at the end of the day. And since most of the citizens are going to be at work or about to go to school, we should take advantage of this time and purchase clothes for you. Because by the time you step into shops to look for formal wear after school, the place will be packed.”
I groaned in complaint and figured he’s right. Especially if he’s probably gone to these parties every year. I looked around, thinking of what to do and I noticed he has his sword with him in a sheath. I was about to tell him to just wait outside but then Mila would smack me upright in the head with a wooden spoon and ask where my manners were.
“Come on in,” I told him. “Hey Mila! Could you make something for our guest while I change, please?”
“Who is it?” Mila asked, not yelling like I did. She’s a morning bird who wakes unnecessarily early and falls asleep before it gets dark.
“It’s Sergeant Major Orde. Please do me the favor and keep him company while I dress up,” I asked her. I turned to Orde. “She’s in the kitchen. Just sit down. Make yourself right at home.”
I left him alone and just when I turned to go to my room I heard Mila ask him if he’d like warm coco or something. I went into my room and I looked at the bed. I could feel a pull from it. I could hear it whisper, “Come, lie down. Poor thing, you’re so tired, aren’t you?” I could feel myself falling asleep just standing.
I need a bath. I need something to wake me up I thought. I gathered clothes and took them with me to the bathroom. I pulled my shirt off and I went to the tub. I turned the knob to turn on the faucet and I cupped my hands under the rushing water. I splashed water on my face and slapped my cheeks a bit to wake myself up. I looked up at the mirror that was hung on the wall

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