» Fantasy » Welcome To The Nightmare, S.K Nuanes [best selling autobiographies TXT] 📗

Book online «Welcome To The Nightmare, S.K Nuanes [best selling autobiographies TXT] 📗». Author S.K Nuanes

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down so, once would land. A dark force would destroy all of them at once.
They all died at the same time, I turned back to Dmitri who rolled his eyes then said, “Fine, it’s my turn again.”
He jumped off the stump, and then ran at me, I got the sword and blocked him.
The strengths were equal to one another, “Come on Brent it doesn’t make sense why you won’t give in.”
“Because!” I snapped, knocking Dmitri off balance.
Ayperos grinned inside, and shot an explosive amount of energy through out me, I stabbed Dmitri right under the heart, driving the sword right through him; the sword was creating a slicing sound. Dmitri groaned in pain.
“I am not going to tell the likes of you that story.” I growled low.

Dmitri looked up at me, I couldn’t control my arm the sword went deep in and was breathing touching his heart.
“This battle is over, now tell me are you the one who is causing possession?” I asked, low.
Dmitri shrugged then said, “Yes, I was assigned this town. Just my servants are doing my dirty work.”
“Well I suppose parasites travel together.” I growled low.
I ripped the sword out of him and it returned to its dagger form.
The energy levels returned to their average levels, I walked away I grabbed my head, worse headache ever it seemed.
As if someone was crushing my skull, although they could if they wanted, to just kept causing the pain. Since it would be amusing to watch me suffer.
I kept on walking, I had no idea where I was going, I just couldn’t face Robert, I wasn’t planning on telling him I was the cause of Annabeth’s death.
Then the ground underneath me felt weak, I dropped down, I couldn’t react fast enough.
I dropped down and landed on my feet, I looked up I fell couple of feet, I could probably make it back up, but I wanted to explore more of what I found.
Do hope this isn’t like how curiosity killed the cat.
Then came into a basement room, it almost seemed, but this wasn’t normal…
The entire room was covered in spider webs or their silk, then everywhere in the room, human size bodies were wrapped up and dangling from the ceiling.
Some small bodies were wrapped up, looked like animals.
It reeked horribly, of dead rotting bodies. Someone needs to use some air fresheners.
“What the hell, is this place?” I looked around.
I walked trying to avoid the bodies, then a half wrapped one started to move. It’s right arm started to lift.
I stopped to look at it groaned, “Help…me.”
Then it dropped to the ground dead, I knocked down one of the doors it lead to a large room, where it was hard to see the top.
I walked to one of the walls, and pulled out a box. I opened it there was a heart.
This entire room had all the hearts, what I was searching for…finally found it.
Now I didn’t think it would be this easy to break in. I was hoping for some kind of alarm.
I looked around and thought how easy it would be to destroy almost all the demon population. It couldn’t be this easy, couldn’t it?
Then the roof was making a loud sound, like a sprinkler would make.
I looked up, a dark cloud slowly lowered, the smell of it was relaxing, crap knock out gas.
I rushed back to the door, and tried to open it, damn it was closed tight. Oltiz, of course to keep intruders inside, until the gas reaches them.
It came faster; I had to get out of here, fast.
I grabbed my cell phone and dialed Robert’s number, he better pick up.
Even though he probably wouldn’t get here in time, would be a net. In case of something going wrong. Which in my case, something always goes wrong.
He didn’t pick up, I growled low then said, “Robert, I am in trouble again. Hopefully will still have my cell phone, trace the phone.”
I hung up, and put the phone in my pocket, just as the gas reached me.
It was a strong hint of jasmine and nitrous oxide. I dropped to the ground, and felt weak in all my muscles. I couldn’t move them; I felt something clouding my throat.
My eyes grew heavy, a figure walked in chuckling. I could barely sense who it was, I passed out before I saw the face.

“Does that hurt?” A voice growled.
Which was the trigger, which made me mumbled and awake to reality.
A sharp pain was through my stomach, I opened my eyes the first thing I saw was my sword pierced into my stomach. Blood had dried on me, and the table.
My hands were tied above my head; my ankles were chained to the bottom of the table.
My shirt was removed, along with the leather jacket; all that was left was my pants.
I saw the tormentor it was some random demon, I didn’t even know.
The room was round, the walls were black, hardly any light, only some torches. Two stairways lead up to a balcony, which wasn’t very high.
“Enough.” A voice said, the demon looked up at whoever ordered him to stop.
There stood Angel, her hair was layered, it was still blonde, her eyes had contacts in they were a gentle green, she had a dress on, it was black with a pearl trim, it had one shoulder strap, and she walked in high heels that were a dark purple.
“Princess…I will leave you two.” The demon said, getting on all fours crawling out of the room.
She rolled her eyes and made her way down the stairs, and over to the table.
“I forgot how gorgeous you are without a shirt.” Angel said, running her finger along my chest.
“Where the hell am I?” I asked, in pain.
The sword wasn’t the sword I knew, it must taken on a new master, and following what they want it to do.

“Brent baby, a small chamber close to the Gates Of Hell, a demon found you passed out. In the Heart Chamber, so they brought you here.” Angel said, smiling at me.
I tried to break free, but the chains tightened down I snarled low.
“No use, in trying to break free. It will cause you pain.” Angel said, running her hand through my hair.
“Don’t touch me.” I said, trying to jerk my head away from her.
Angel smiled then leaned in close to me, “We are meant for one another. You and I, will be married, you the King of Hell. Me by your side, haven’t you always wanted a little one. I can give you that, and so much more.”
“I don’t want that title.” I growled low.
“Sure you do.” Angel said, kissing my neck softly.
“Angel stop it!” I snarled low.
I growled low, baring my canines at her then she smiled and kissed me closed to the lips.
“Why am I here?” I asked, trying to keep her away from kissing me on the lips.
Angel then stroked my hair then said, “Well, Satan has given orders to keep you here. Until further orders are given.”
“Of course.” I exhaled.
Angel stroked my cheek, then said, “Didn’t you miss me?”
“So we are just going to be chatty while a sword is piercing through my body. Bit awkward wouldn’t you say?” I asked, rolling my eyes.
Angel sighed and got up, and pulled the sword out, she then climbed onto the table, and then she sat on top of me.
“So, how about we get together.” Angel said, stroking my chest.
I glared at her then said, “No.”
Angel leaned down so only few inches were separating our noses.
“I missed you.” Angel said, softly.
I glared at her then said, “As if.”
Then the doors slid open, Angel sat up and jumped off the table, there was a demon, “I will take it from here.”
“Alright, bye my love.” Angel said, smiling at me as she left.
The demon grabbed the sword, and stabbed right under my heart, I let out a loud scream.
Then a loud clapping sound, caused the demon to turn towards the balcony, my stomach dropped out of my body, my heart twisted in a double knot, my anger ignited in flames.
There he stood. The one. The only. The infamous.
“Been a long time son.” Satan said, with a dark smile.
The demon bowed down to him, and then exited the room.
“I was hoping to avoid you longer then this.” I growled low.
Satan walked down the stairs and looked down at me, “Well you tried, I will give you that,”
Satan smirked then said, “I been patient, and you are taking advantage of that.”
“Well if you’re waiting for me to give in, not gonna happen.” I said, with a laugh.
Satan grabbed the sword then said, “I can easily have this pierce your heart.”
I glared at him, Satan smirked, and he let go of the sword handle and walked over to a table. He picked up something, and then walked back over to me.
“What is that?” I asked, raising an eyebrow.
Satan pulled it out a sharp razor knife, “This knife is from, one of the fire pits. Stings like hell may leave a burn mark or two.”
“I would consider this child abuse.” I said, rolling my eyes
Satan laughed then said, “Yes it is.”
He ran the sword along my side, it was hot as a fire, and the tip was sharp as a demon’s claw.
Then he laid the side on its side, and then pressed it on my skin.
I bared my canines and screamed in pain, Satan smirked he took it off, “Now, will you be a good boy and give up?”
I glared at him then said, “Never.”
Satan smirked then said, “Alright its your choice.”

One week later…

I felt as if I barely had any blood in me, my head felt light.
All over the floor was either blood I coughed up, or blood Satan had caused to come out.
I had bruises of all different colors on my face, my lip was bleeding, my chest and torso had burn marks everywhere, and blood was still coming out of the wound right under my heart.
It seemed like all my bones were broken or bruised, my muscles felt as if they were torn apart.
“A whole week of being tortured didn’t think you would be this stubborn.” Satan said, rolling his eyes.
“Being blood related to you, is my torture. It is nothing to have physical torture.” I said, barely able to talk.
“Where are your ‘friends’? No rescue party?” Satan asked, looking around with a laugh.
“I hate the idea of a rescue party for me…” I said, having trouble able to talk above a whisper.
Satan had a laugh then said, “Might as well give up. You are nothing but a dying body now.”
“If I die, I will be happy cause for a few moments I won’t be your son.” I growled low.
“So dramatic.” Satan said, annoyed rolling his eyes.
I smirked then he got up from a throne then said, “I have other business to tend to, in the meantime, a demon will come and keep torturing you.”
He walked out, then another demon walked in, he had a limp to his right back leg, he looked human, his skin was pale white, his eyes were both bright blue and nothing else, he had elf ears, yellow teeth, he looked almost skin and bones. He had nothing but black pants on.
He had on a mask that covered his entire face. The mask

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