» Fantasy » Blind Loyalty, M J Marlow [spanish books to read txt] 📗

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the Sheriff the moment they left me alone. Since you were sedated, you did not see him arrive with the cavalry and take the men into custody.” He saw her bite her lip. “Something’s bothering you, child.” “I’m confused, Father,” Joanna told him honestly. “People are telling me the worst things about you and they think I should remember them happening.” She looked at him pointedly as the pain hit her. “They say you drugged me so I wouldn’t remember, Father,” she continued, her eyes shining with tears. “You would never do that, would you?” When he didn’t answer her she grew frightened. “Please, Father. I don’t want to go back to the Judge’s family if they are going to keep telling me these lies.” “It is only three more weeks, Joanna,” James said gently. “When this is over, we will go somewhere together.” He saw her eyes light up and wished for a brief moment that the reason for their going there was really meant as a treat for the pretty girl. But it was obvious that it was time to lose her in the slave market he and his associates ran. “You’ve always wanted to see London. How would you like to go there?” Joanna nodded and leaned into his touch as he stroked her cheek. He would let her leave the estate? She took a bit of her omelette and sighed. She wondered if they could take Cook with them. She made the most wonderful food. “There are cooks in England, Joanna,” James smiled at her fondly. “Our cook has a family here that would miss her if we took her traveling with us.” Joanna looked ashamed of herself. “I’m certain she would be happy to know you miss her cooking, darling.” He picked up the extra fork and cut off a piece of omelette for himself. He smiled as he ate. “This is good.” They sat eating the omelette together and for a few moments Joanna actually enjoyed being with her father. He was happy to have her here with him, all smiles and fond looks. She began to grow uneasy then, because this state never lasted long. Soon enough she would do or say something that would set him off and then he would hit her. But an hour passed and they were still speaking civilly to each other. They finished the food and went downstairs to the Study and he closed the door. “I am going to miss you, Joanna,” he said as he sat behind the desk. He nodded towards the bookshelf. “Take your books with you, darling. I’d like to know you’re not forsaking your studies while you are gone.” She did as he asked and froze as she saw a familiar leather bag sitting by the bookshelf. “There was nothing in your mother’s desk you needed to see, darling,” he smiled as she opened it and found only the photo album inside. “Just some old legal documents you wouldn’t have understood. I’ll let you see them when you come back to me.” Joanna wondered if she would be coming back, as she put her books in the bag. The people who were pressing charges against him seemed to think they had proof enough to find him guilty. She frowned and sat down on the floor. But how could they? She never remembered him doing more than spanking her when she was being willful. What could they have on her father? Mr. Braxton seemed to know something that he had been about to share with her. She was so confused. “Am I really such a bad girl, Father?” “No, Joanna,” James looked at her seriously. “You are not a ‘bad’ girl; just a bit impulsive and headstrong.” He held his hand out to her and she rose with a grace that always impressed him. She was only a child and there was no awkwardness about her. She came to sit on the arm of his chair and he put his arms around her waist. “I’ve been hard on you, child, only because I am concerned about your welfare. You are my child and I care for you.” There was a knock on the door. Joanna went back to packing her books and James turned to the door. “Come in.” The door opened and Judge Winbourne was standing there. “Winbourne,” he nodded. “As you can see, Joanna is almost ready to go.” “Hello Grandfather,” Joanna smiled and came over to kiss her grandfather on the cheek. She set the bag down and went to her father. She threw her arms around his neck and kissed his cheek. She was going to miss him. “I will you miss you too, darling,” James nodded and returned her embrace. He caught the look of surprise on Winbourne’s face at the exchange. “I’ll have your passport processed while you’re gone.” Her smile was worth his promised treat to her. “Call me at the clinic later, dear.” Joanna nodded and left the study. Winbourne looked like he wanted to say something but then thought better of it. James went to the door with him and watched as his daughter left. He wondered why he had ever thought abusing his daughter was a sound decision. She had been so happy with just his kind smiles and promises of treats he had been denying her. He turned to Charles. “We’ll be going to London after the trial, Charles,” he said to his man. “See that my daughter has a passport and arrange for the hire of a jet.” “What if you lose, sir?” “I don’t think that’s going to happen,” James smiled as Joanna leaned out of the window of the Judge’s sedan and waved at him. He turned to Charles. “But if it does go badly, we will have a plan in place. Joanna is going to England, no matter what the outcome. It is time for her to disappear.” “Yes, sir,” Charles nodded. “I’ll get Duncan on the paperwork and send word to Alton to have the jet ready.” He pulled out an envelope. “You asked to see the report the moment it arrived, sir.” “Thank you, Charles,” James nodded and took the envelope. He went into his study and missed the dark look on Charles’ face. There was no way he was going to stand by and let Leighton take Joanna to England. He knew what happened there, and he had promised Hannah he would keep the girl safe. That was why he had helped Genie compile the evidence that would be used to take the girl from James. That was why he would get up on the stand at the trial, with the documents he kept hidden at James’ order, and tell everyone exactly what kind of bastard James Leighton really was. The first week passed quickly. School went on as before. Joanna grew closer to her long lost family and made daily phone calls to her father. He was allowed to take her to lunch and on outings as long as Rachel was with them. Joanna was growing more and more confused. He could not be the man they all insisted he was. They kept telling her of the harm he had done to her, but she could remember none of it. All she knew was that her father was the man she had always wanted him to be and she did not want to lose that. If there was any sad note during that time it was in Aidan. He had been distant to her when she had come back to school as if everything they had shared together was forgotten. Not once did she think her father had done something to her friend. He had promised not to hurt him, after all. It started to change the second week. He found her seated on the bleachers with Sarah and the other girls on the squad discussing the dance during their lunch hour. “Joey,” he smiled as he sat down next to her. “Can we talk?” “If you want,” Joanna shrugged, wondering at the warmth in his eyes. He looked a bit annoyed. She looked at the girls. They had been in the middle of something. Could he really want her to interrupt this and talk to him? “Do you have anything I want to hear?” “Quit teasing him, Joey,” Sarah shook her head at her cousin. “Go on. I’ll let you know what we decided.” Joanna got up and went with Aidan. He took her to the other end of the field and they sat down on the grass. She smiled as she remembered the picnic on her birthday. His hand moved down to touch hers and she let it remain there. It felt nice there. She looked up at him and saw the affection in his gaze. He liked her and that made her feel very happy. “Are you really going to the dance with your brother, Joey?” Aidan said softly as he leaned towards her. “I’d like you to go with me.” “He asked me, Aidan,” Joanna replied. She had already told Patrick she would go with him. Aidan knew that. He didn’t look pleased but she was not going to make it easy for him. He nodded and accepted her decision. She knew she was being difficult, but Aidan had been used to hurt her. It was going to take a while for her to forget that. “Could I do anything to help you forget what happened and forgive me?” Aidan’s hand moved up to toy with one of her curls. She made him stop and held his hand down. “I don’t like this distance between us, Joey.” “Kiss me,” Joanna touched her lips and he leaned forward and kissed her gently. She pulled away a moment later. She smiled at him shyly. Then she frowned as she remembered what her cousin had told her the first night she had met Aidan. He was toying with her. She got to her feet and he caught her hand. She pulled free, shaking her head. “I can’t do this, Aidan. You don’t mean any of this…” “I meant it all, Joey,” Aidan broke in. He held her by the arms. “I have never known anyone like you.” Joanna pulled away from him and ran. He was just toying with her like every other girl he had ‘hit on’ before her. When he was done playing, he would go back to Sarah like every other time. She stopped at the edge of the field and chided herself for being such a baby. He hadn’t made any promises to her. Why should she expect him to treat her any differently than any other girl? Her hand went to her throat as another sob rose and she felt the locket. Surely a boy who gave you a locket as a marching band played would not be lying to her? She was so confused. Joanna entered the classroom of a woman she felt she could discuss such things with. She froze as she saw the teacher talking to her father’s security chief. She frowned as she continued in. She didn’t know he knew Miss Dearborn. “Charles,” Joanna froze. “I didn’t know you knew Miss Dearborn.” “Hello, Joanna,” Charles smiled at her. “Miss Dearborn is my sister.” He saw the confusion in the girl’s eyes. “She was just asking me if I would like to be a chaperone at the Homecoming Dance.” He noted her pale face. “Are you all right, Joanna? Has someone upset you?” “A ‘girls only’ conversation, Charles,” his sister smiled and shooed him out of the room. She closed the door and sat down at her desk. “Now Joanna,” she smiled as she went into French, “let us discuss what is upsetting you.” A few moments later she patted Joanna’s back and handed her a handkerchief. “Do you feel better now, child?” Joanna smiled back at her and nodded. “I am honored to
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