» Fantasy » Twin's Luck, Kelsey Hunsdon [most interesting books to read .txt] 📗

Book online «Twin's Luck, Kelsey Hunsdon [most interesting books to read .txt] 📗». Author Kelsey Hunsdon

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I gritted my teeth and shifted my weight grabbing for the doorknob. I hobbled over and slowly pulled it open. There was space between me and the kitchen so I took a deep breathe and then set out. It was strange at first the feeling of something hard touching my feet. The weight that I had to bear seemed strange but my small legs still barely held me. By the time I made it to the counter I could walk partially normal. I found a bowl in the cuoboard and the filled it with milk and cereal. I was walking to the couch and my foot caught something on the floor. I went spralling and milk coated the floor. I struggled to my feet and grabbed a towl from the counter.
" What happened?" I looked up as Ash came through the door. He was still so breathtaking. He wore black clothing and a hunting bow was slung over his shoulder. His eyes sparkled in the morning light.
" I tripped." He knelt beside me and took the towel from me. I sighed and stood up taking the empty bowl with me. I dropped it in the sink and leaned against the counter as he cleaned up my mess.
" Why are you walking?" He asked without looking up.
" You have to stop babying me Ash." He didn't answer me he just wrung the towel out and set it to soak in the sink. He went and set his bow down by the door.
" Destiny, you shouldn't push yourself."
" Ash," He looked up at me. "I need to be ready when they come, You can't protect me forever." He looked at me for a while and then sighed.
" Fine." He crossed his arms and washed me. I walked over to him.
" I want to spend more time outside." He nodded and opened the door for me. I walked out and took a deep breath. He came out and I saw a swtring skinned rabbit hanging. The small clearing was bland and plain.
" Can we hike?" I turned to him but he was watching me carefully.
" Are you strong enough?" I rolled my eyes and ignored the seriousness. He walked past me and I followed him into the woods. I found a small worn path and he walked through. I tripped but he caught me before I even touched the ground. Our eyes shared a look and then he held my hand for the rest of the way. He grabbed me a chair from inside and sat me in the sun. It warmed my skin and I must have fallen asleep because I woke up in my bed in the middle of the night. I got up and walked quietly out into the other room. I saw Ash's shape underneath a blanket on the couch. I walked over and sat on the edge being careful not to wake him. His face was smooth and completely calm in sleep. He was so peaceful that it was hard to remember him as the cold, dark prince he once was. I brushed the hair from his face and his eyes crept open.
" What's wrong?" He whispered.
" Nothing." I said smiling down at him. He stroked my cheek with his hand.
" You should sleep in the bed." I said quietly, he needed the rest more. He was my provider for now weither I liked it or not. He watched me for a whole and then suddenly he was standing and I was craddled in his arms. He strode towards the bedroom and put me down. He laid down beside me. I pulled the blanket over him and then snuggled against his chest.
" Is this ok?" I nodded and then closed my eyes against him.
A few days had gone by unchanged, my walking had progressed, and my hair was back to original length. I could go hiking without issue and I could keep the house clean without Ash's help. I woke up and he was already gone, leaving me undisturbed. I walked out with my shorts and tank top on. I slipped on some black tights and a sleevless top. I washed dishes and ate breakfast. Looking out the windows for any sign of him. I sighed and tapped my nails against the counter. I finally slipped on some boots and went outside. I don't know what I was looking for but everything was the same and there was no sign of him. I sighed and stormed back inside. I swept and mopped the floors. He came in while I was sitting on the couch contemplating what to do next.
" Morning." He set his bow down. I rushed over and threw my arms around him.
" What's wrong?" His arms tentaviely rapping around my waist.
" Nothing." I said into his shirt. I had missed him that's all. That night we lay in bed, both of us thinking to ourselves. He had closed his eyes for a few minutes but I knew he wasen't asleep from his breathing. Memories of Oliver had been running through my head.
" I love you." I hadn't meant to speak it but I felt relieved that I had. His purple eyes shot open and he turned to look at me. After a moment his expression softened.
" You are my life." With that he beant his head and pressed his lips against mine. Our first kiss was fire and I felt my fingers knot in his hair. His hands constricted around my waist and he pulled me close. I felt him everywhere as if he was the sun to my earth. He sighed and pulled back to look at me. I smiled and then he kissed my forehead before going back to sleep without a word.
Something startled me from my sleep and my eyes shot open. Ash was leaning across me his eyes trained on the window. I opened my mouth but his hand covered it. He held a finger in front of his lips. He slowly crept over me and to the door. He opened it a crack and then listened for a moment. He signaled for me to follow as he crept out. When I rounded the he already had his boots on and his bow was held in his hands. My knuckles where white around Oliver's sword and I followed him to put on my boots. We both froze when a shadow crossed one of the windows. He put an arrow in his bow and pulled it taught. I unshealthed the sword and fasten the sword case around my waist. I pulled a jacket around my shoulders quickly. Ash handed me a bag that was made of rough brown material and had a srap across the front. I nodded and soundlessly crept across the room to our food. I grabbed a bag of fruit, a set of clothes for each of us, a blanket and the stash of money we had, all while shadows were being cast across the walls. I pulled my arms through and fastened the buckle across my front. We stood still as the shadows stopped and then the front door flew from the hinges. Ash let his arrow free and a cry came from outside. He dropped the bow and charged forward pulling out his sword. I slung the bow across my shoulder and threw his quiver in the bag. I snuck out the door and I could hear the fighting around the back. I found a dead body and my mind nearly ran away. A dead Winter guard was laying across the ground an arrow in its throat. I swallowed and forced my mind to work, fear was not an option. I ran and found Ash fighting several more. I pulled his bow out and loaded and arrow. I aimed perfectly and when I set it free it pierced through the spinalcord of a guard. Ash didn't have to look to know who is was but the others looked around in wonder. This gave Ash time to take down the remaining two. I walked to him and put the bow across my back again.
" You ok?" I asked him, checking for marks. He nodded but then his eyes shot towards the house. I felt him grab my wrist and we ran towards the cover of the woods. We hid just inside and watched the house. Suddenly a horse burst through the clearing. My blood ran cold as I recognized Rowan's sneer. He rode up to the house and observed the reckage. I heard him sigh loudly.
" Come out, come out where ever you are." He laughed bitterly and unmounted his horse. Ash gave my hand a squeeze and then walked away. I wanted to cry out but I knew better. I merely watched in horror. Rowan's eyes grew wide for a moment and then he sneered.
" Ahh, little Ash. It's been a long time." Ash didn't respond and he stood a few feet away from him. I could only see a section of Rowan around Ash and I wondered if he was trying to shield me.
" Mother is very unhappy." Rowan said as he looked Ash over. His eyes focused on the shealthed sword for a moment and then a cocky aura filled him.
" Why don't you give up the abomination and end this little family spat, before somebody gets hurt?" His eyes seemed taunting, he was merely waiting for Ash to snap. I slowly unstrung the bow from around me and pulled a arrow from the quiver.
" I never would have thought you would have a soft spot for that sort of thing, but I guess you never know." He shrugged and reached to grab the hilt of his sword. He raised it and held it before Ash's throat as I aimed my arrow directly at his shoulder.
" Not talkative today, Ash? Hmm?" He took a step closer and that's when I let the arrow free. It flew by Ash's head so close I nearly fainted but it struck Rowan in the shoulder so that he dropped his sword. Ash placed a boot in Rowan's chest and launched him backwards. Rowan hit a pole as Ash grabbed the reins to his horse. He charged towards me and I ran towards him from the woods. Rowan's expression when he saw me was priceless. Ash held out his arm and I grabbed his forearm as I swung up behind him. We entered the shadow's of the woods without another word.
" Nice shot." Ash called back to me. I smiled and held him tight resting my chin on his shoulder.
" I got lucky." He shook his head and I looked over at his expression.
" It's in your blood." I laughed.
" I'm an orphan, always have been."
" Doesn't matter who claims you, it's the blood that's in your veins. Techniqually I'm an orphan too." He shrugged and used the term so casually that I couldn't help but watch his face. I pressed my cheek against his and he sighed. We shot through the overgrowth and I lost track of direction.
" Where are we going?" I asked in his ear.
" I had a dream." He said quietly.
" So?"
" Shujii warned me about Rowan, said I needed to keep you safe." I watched him for a moment.
" Why wasen't she in my dream?"
" She knows that you blame her for Oliver's death."
" I blame Rowan." Ash shrugged again.
" Never the less some of the blame falls upon her shoulders." I let the silence stretch on as my brother's face filled my head. Then I had a flashback. It was of Oliver and I sitting around a playset when
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