» Fantasy » Clan Fighters, Kaitlyn Garlets [ebook reader with built in dictionary .TXT] 📗

Book online «Clan Fighters, Kaitlyn Garlets [ebook reader with built in dictionary .TXT] 📗». Author Kaitlyn Garlets

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when he accidentally bumped into him while he had some money to get something decent, which at the time was a bag of potato chips. He was down the potato chip isle and saw someone suspicious and he went to check it out. Like the Skincrawlers, he was a bald man, about in his thirties who was looking at William from a distance.
Griffen knew that there was no camera's in this store, so he could use his fire if he had to use it to protect an innocent person from that kind of pain and suffering. Griffen followed him down an isle and saw that the guy was following William up and down every isle that he went down. Griffen knew that he was going to spring any second, so he acted fast. He yelled for William, who he didn't know his name at the time of course, but he yelled for him to move, and William looked at him like he was crazy and just kept looking at some dried fruit or something like that.
The guy who was tracking him turned around to see who had said that and instantly knew that he was a Firewiller. He lunged, missing him as Griffen dodged him, falling onto a shelf that fell to the ground, causing a reaction with all the other shelves, making the all fall over to.
William looked like he peed his pants, and he ran to the front of the store to tell the owner that his store was under attack, but the owner was in deep sleep and didn't even hear him say anything, so William ran behind the counter.
At the same time that William jumped behind the counter to hide, Griffen got up from falling on top of the shelves and grabbed the Skincrawler's shirt to make sure he didn't have skin to skin contact and with his free hand, he sliced the Skincrawler's neck, his head falling off his surprised body.
Griffen never told this one to Reece because even he thought it was too gross.
Griffen had grabbed the head once he was sure he was dead and held it in one hand, the blood dripping on the tiled floor and all over his arm and he dragged the bottom half with his other hand, which was harder than he thought.
He realized that he had to take the body and burn it, or people would be suspicious. So he dragged the body until he made it to the counter and dropped it, looking over the counter where he had quickly seen the guy jump over the counter and hid for protection.
"Hey, dude! Get up!" Griffen had said. The owner of the small store stirred in his sleep, but he didn't wake up.
William got up slowly and had said, "Are you going to kill me?"
"No, I just saved your ass, so your going to help me with it."
"What is that thing?" William had asked.
"I'll tell you later. What's your name?" Griffen had asked.
"My name? Why do you want to know my name?" He had asked, looking both frightened and confused.
"Just tell me your name," Griffen said, hoping that no one would walk in and see the body on the floor.
"William. William Ried. What do you want from me?" he had asked.
"I don't want anything from you. This thing did. He was going to eat you, now help me get his to an alley so that I can burn him."
"Dude, I don't want to know what they heck is going on, and I'm calling the cops, man!" William said, taking his cell phone out of his pocket. He didn't even get to dial the nine because Griffen yanked it out of his hand even before he realized that it wasn't in his hands anymore. "Hey! Give it back!"
"No," Griffen said and crushed it in his hand, the pieces falling to the floor like confetti. "I will explain what just happened if you help me get this to an alley!"
William looked like he was going to barf, but he did what he was told and grabbed the head as Griffen dragged the rest of the Skincrawler outside, where thank God, it was dead outside with no people.
"Over here," Griffen said once he saw the closest alleyway. He dragged it over into the dark and lit his hands with fire.
"What the hell?" William asked, taking a step back.
"Dude, its okay. What tried to attack you was a Skincrawler. They eat humans. If they touch your skin, they can literally jump into your skin and eat you from the inside out. I don't think that you would have liked that. If he had gotten inside you, then I would have to have punched him out of you. I'm not going to eat you or burn you or whatever. Just calm down. Now, do you believe me or not?" Griffen asked, throwing a fireball at the body. "Are you going to let go of that head?"
William realized that he was still holding the Skincrawler's head and he quickly threw it into the already burning pile.
"I don't understand what's going on!" William asked.
"You don't have to. But all you need to know is that I just saved your life and you should be grateful." Griffen didn't even need to tell him to not tell anyone else because no one would ever believe him, no matter what.
"Thanks. I owe you one. Who are you?" William asked, relaxing a little.
"I am Griffen."
"No last name?" he had asked.
"Nope. I didn't really know my parents. I just gave myself a name."
"Huh. What are you, exactly?" William asked, now really interested in what he was seeing.
Griffen had explained everything to him and told him that he was a Firewiller and that he was only part human.
Once everything was explained to him, William had asked Griffen to come over to his apartment and have a beer with him, and Griffen, who had never heard of a beer before or what it was, went with him and soon found out it wasn't something that enjoyed.
"Whazz thiz stuff I'nm dwinking?" Griffen asked, drunk after having six beers.
"Your drinking beer. You know, alcohol."
"Alcohol? I hate this stuff!" Griffen said, laughing hysterically.
William laughed with him until they were both passed out on the couch in William's apartment.

Once they woke up, like always, they had a hang over and Griffen was barfing nonstop and so was William.
They had been best friends ever since. Once Griffen was better and had a clear mind he asked for William's phone number, just in case he ever needed a favor. He gave it of course.

Griffen smiled when he thought about when he had gotten drunk for the first time. It was his last time.
He had tried to call William one day for a favor, but it said that it had been disconnected.
So now he typed the phone number into the bar on Google and saw that the number popped up William's name and current address.

{~Chapter Six~}

Monika walked over to Reece's house, feeling like she had done something that she would never have done in her whole life. And she has never gone against someone's word, especially her boss' words. She was going to go see where Reece's brother had died. She knew it was bad, but she just couldn't help it.
Monika opened the front door to Reece's house slowly and peeked inside. There was the living room right in front of her like Reece had said, and she saw the red door as she moved into the house and closed the door behind her, trying to not make any noise.
Then she remembered from watching too many Law and Order shows, they could get fingerprints from the crime scene and she had just opened the door, and now her finger prints were all over the door handle and the wall she had touched.
"Oh, shit. The cops will come after me if they found out that I was touching her stuff!" Monika said to herself.
She looked around the house and saw nothing that looked like a crime scene, and she remembered that Reece had told her basically not to go upstairs, so she knew the crime scene had to be upstairs. She walked over to the door that she thought led to upstairs, and she opened it, finding that she was right about the door leading to the second floor. She took a step onto the stairs and winced when the first one made a creak as she went up the rest of them.
She made it to the top of the stairs and gasped when she saw blood stains all over the floor. There, on the floor was a large blood stain the size of a man. And it was in the shape of a man and Monika knew that this is where he died.
She thought that it was very odd that the blood dripped perfectly into a shape of a man, but she just let it go because she knew that he had died from something that no human would even think would exist.
She took another look at the scene before her and turned to leave when she ran right into someone-or something-that she really didn't want to run into ever in her life.
She let a ear piercing scream out of her mouth, but it was covered up by the Skincrawler.
"Shut up, you little piggy. I'm not going to kill you. I don't believe in killing anyone unless they are already dead."
Monika's eyes were so wide, she thought that they would pop out of her head any second.
"Now, I am going to let go of your mouth, and if you scream again, I will kill you, okay?" The Skincrawler asked.
Monika shook her head, even though she planned on screaming again.
"Your lying. I can see it in your eyes. Now, please, I only want to talk to you. Please," the Skincrawler was practically begging her not to scream.
She nodded again and he slowly let go of her mouth. She pressed her lips together tight so she wouldn't.
"I only want to talk to you. I want to talk to you about how I became like this."
"Why?" Monika managed to spit out. "Why should I listen to someone like you who goes around eating humans?" she asked, total disgust in her words.
"Because I can help you. I can help your friends. I know that you want to help them. But if they saw me like this, then they wouldn't want my help. They would kill me right on the spot. But I only came to you because I knew that you can't stand a chance against me."
"Okaaaaay.....what does this have to do with me?" She asked, not following him.
"I was bitten by a Skincrawler. That is why I am like this. And I think that your friend that had one in her will end up like me. I can't be too sure, though," The Skincrawler said, thinking.
"Wha-what? What do you mean? She did have one in her, but Grif-I mean Roger got him out."
"You don't need to lie to me about what his name is. I know who Griffen is. I know your friend's name is Reece and I know that yours is Monika. But your only human, which I am surprised by that. I have been watching Griffen for a while now and he doesn't seem like the
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