» Fantasy » The Story of the Glittering Plain<br />Which Has Been Also Called the Land of Living Men or the Acre, William Morris [ebook reader for comics .TXT] 📗

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met this even, and that there is no free alien in the island to draw sword against thee.  But beware!  For when we came aland this morning we found a skiff of the aliens tied to a great spear stuck in the bank of the haven; so that there will be one foeman at least abroad in the island.  But we said if we should come on the man, we would set his head on the gable of the hall with the mouth open toward the North for a token of reproach to the dwellers in the land over sea.  But now give out the prize of victory, and I swear by the Treasure of the Sea that we will abide by thy word.”

Said the champion: “These are the terms and conditions of the battle; that whichso of us is vanquished, he shall either die, or serve the vanquisher for twelve moons, to fare with him at his will, to go his errands, and do according to his commandment in all wise.  Hearest thou, chieftain?”

“Yea,” said he, “and by the Undying King, both thou and we shall abide by this bargain.  So look to it that thou smite great strokes, lest our hall lack a gable-knop.  Horns, blow up for the alien champion!”

So again the horns were winded; and ere their voice had died, in from the buttery screens came a glittering image of war, and there stood the alien champion over against the warrior of the sea; and he too had a vizard over his face.

Now when the folk saw him, and how slim and light and small he looked beside their champion, and they beheld the Raven painted on his white shield, they hooted and laughed for scorn of him and his littleness.  But he tossed his sword up lightly and caught it by the hilts as it fell, and drew nigher to the champion of the sea and stood facing him within reach of his sword.  Then the chieftain on the high-seat put his two hands to his mouth and roared out: “Fall on, ye champions, fall on!”

But the folk in the hall were so eager that they stood on the benches and the boards, and craned over each other’s shoulders, so that they might lose no whit of the hand-play.  Now flashed the blades in the candle-lit hall, and the red-haired champion hove up his sword and smote two great strokes to right and to left; but the alien gave way before him, and the folk cried out at him in scorn and in joy of their champion, who fell to raining down great strokes like the hail amidst the lightning.  But so deft was the alien, that he stood amidst it unhurt, and laid many strokes on his foeman, and did all so lightly and easily, that it seemed as if he were dancing rather than fighting; and the folk held their peace and began to doubt if their huge champion would prevail.  Now the red-haired fetched a mighty stroke at the alien, who leapt aside lightly and gat his sword in his left hand and dealt a great stroke on the other’s head, and the red-haired staggered, for he had over-reached himself; and again the alien smote him a left-handed stroke so that he fell full length on the floor with a mighty clatter, and the sword flew out of his hand: and the folk were dumb-founded.

Then the alien threw himself on the sea-champion, and knelt upon him, and shortened his sword as if to slay him with a thrust.  But thereon the man overthrown cried out: “Hold thine hand, for I am vanquished!  Now give me peace according to the bargain struck between us, that I shall serve thee year-long, and follow thee wheresoever thou goest.”

Therewith the alien champion arose and stood off from him, and the man of the sea gat to his feet, and did off his helm, so that all men could see that he was the Puny Fox.

Then the victorious champion unhelmed himself, and lo, it was Hallblithe!  And a shout arose in the hall, part of wonder, part of wrath.

Then cried out the Puny Fox: “I call on all men here to bear witness that by reason of this battle, Hallblithe of the Ravens is free to come and go as he will in the Isle of Ransom, and to take help of any man that will help him, and to depart from the isle when he will and how he will, taking me with him if so he will.”

Said the chieftain: “Yea, this is right and due, and so shall it be.  But now, since no freeman, who is not a foe of the passing hour, may abide in our hall without eating of our meat, come up here, Hallblithe, and sit by me, and eat and drink of the best we have, since the Norns would not give us thine head for a gable-knop.  But what wilt thou do with thy thrall the Puny Fox; and whereto in the hall wilt thou have him shown?  Or wilt thou that he sit fasting in the darkness to-night, laid in gyves and fetters?  Or shall he have the cheer of whipping and stripes, as befitteth a thrall to whom the master oweth a grudge?  What is thy will with him?”

Said Hallblithe: “My will is that thou give him a seat next to me, whether that be high or low, or the bench of thy prison-house.  That he eat of my dish, and drink of my cup, whatsoever the meat and drink may be.  For to-morrow I mean that we twain shall go under the earth-collar together, and that our blood shall run together and that we shall be brothers in arms henceforward.”  Then Hallblithe did on his helm again and drew his sword, and looked aside to the Puny Fox to bid him do the like, and he did so, and Hallblithe said: “Chieftain, thou hast bidden me to table, and I thank thee; but I will not set my teeth in meat, out of our own house and land, which hath not been truly given to me by one who wotteth of me, unless I have conquered it as a prey of battle; neither will I cast a lie into the loving-cup which shall pass from thy lips to mine: therefore I will tell thee, that though I laid a stroke or two on the Puny Fox, and those no light ones, yet was this battle nought true and real, but a mere beguiling, even as that which I saw foughten in this hall aforetime, when meseemeth the slain men rose up in time to drink the good-night cup.  Therefore, O men of the Ravagers, and thou, O Puny Fox, there is nought to bind your hands and refrain your hearts, and ye may slay me if ye will without murder or dishonour, and may make the head of Hallblithe a knop for your feast-hall.  Yet shall one or two fall to earth before I fall.”

Therewith he shook his sword aloft, and a great roar arose, and weapons came down from the wall, and the candles shone on naked steel.  But the Puny Fox came and stood by Hallblithe, and spake in his ear amidst the uproar: “Well now, brother-in-arms, I have been trying to learn thee the lore of lies, and surely thou art the worst scholar who was ever smitten by master.  And the outcome of it is that I, who have lied so long and well, must now pay for all, and die for a barren truth.”

Said Hallblithe: “Let all be as it will!  I love thee, lies and all; but as for me I cannot handle them.  Lo you! great and grim shall be the slaying, and we shall not fall unavenged.”

Said the Puny Fox: “Hearken! for still they hang back.  Belike it is I that have drawn this death on thee and me.  My last lie was a fool’s lie and we die for it: for what wouldst thou have done hadst thou wotted that thy beloved, the Hostage of the Rose—”  He broke off perforce; for Hallblithe was looking to right and left and handling his sword, and heard not that last word of his; and from both sides of the hall the throng was drawing round about those twain, weapon in hand.  Then Hallblithe set his eyes on a big man in front who was heaving up a heavy short-sword and thought that he would at least slay this one.  But or ever he might smite, the great horn blared out over the tumult, and men forbore a while and fell somewhat silent.

Then came down to them the voice of the chieftain, a loud voice, but clear and with mirth mingled with anger in it, and he said: “What do these fools of the Ravagers cumbering the floor of the feast-hall, and shaking weapons when there is no foeman anigh?  Are they dreaming-drunk before the wine is poured?  Why do they not sit down in their places, and abide the bringing in of the meat?  And ye women, where are ye, why do ye delay our meat, when ye may well wot that our hearts are drooping for hunger; and all hath been duly done, the battle of the champions fought and won, and the prize of war given forth and taken?  How long, O folk, shall your chieftains sit fasting?”

Then there arose great laughter in the hall, and men withdrew them from those twain and went and sat them down in their places.

Then the chieftain said: “Come up hither, I say, O Hallblithe, and bring thy war-thrall with thee if thou wilt.  But delay not, unless it be so that thou art neither hungry nor thirsty; and good sooth thou shouldst be both; for men say that the ravens are hard to satisfy.  Come then and make good cheer with us!”

So Hallblithe thrust his sword into the sheath, and the Puny Fox did the like, and they went both together up the hall to the high-seat.  And Hallblithe sat down on the chieftain’s right hand, and the Puny Fox next to him; and the chieftain, the Erne, said: “O Hallblithe, dost thou need thine armour at table; or dost thou find it handy to take thy meat clad in thy byrny and girt with a sword?”

Then laughed Hallblithe and said: “Nay, meseemeth to-night I shall need war-gear no more.”  And he stood up and did off all his armour and gave it, sword and all, into the hands of a woman, who bore it off, he knew not whither.  And the Erne looked on him and said: “Well is that! and now I see that thou art a fair young man, and it is no marvel though maidens desire thee.”

As he spake came in the damsels with the victual and the cheer was exceeding good, and Hallblithe grew light-hearted.

But when the healths had been drunk as aforetime, and men had drunk a cup or two thereafter, there rose a warrior from one of the endlong benches, a big young man, black-haired and black-bearded, ruddy of visage, and he said in a voice that was rough and fat: “O Erne, and ye other chieftains, we have been talking here at our table concerning this guest of thine who hath beguiled us, and we are not wholly at one with thee as to thy dealings with him.  True it is, now that the man hath our meat in his belly, that he must depart from amongst us with a whole skin, unless of his own will he stand up to fight some man of us here.  Yet some of us think that he is not so much our friend that we should help him to a keel whereon to fare home to those that hate us: and we say that it would not be unlawful to let the man abide in the isle, and proclaim him a wolf’s-head within a half-moon of to-day.  Or what sayest thou?”

Said the Erne: “Wait for my word a while, and hearken to another!  Is the Grey-goose of the Ravagers in the hall?  Let him give out his word on this matter.”

Then arose a white-headed carle from a table nigh to the dais, whose black raiment was well adorned with gold.  Despite his years his face was fair and little wrinkled; a man with a straight nose and a well-fashioned mouth, and with eyes still bright and grey.  He spake: “O folk, I find that the Erne hath done well in cherishing this guest.  For first, if he hath beguiled us, he did it not save by the furtherance and sleight of our own kinsman; therefore if any one is to die for beguiling us, let it be the Puny Fox.  Secondly, we may well wot that heavy need hath driven the man to this beguilement; and I say that it was no unmanly deed for him to enter our hall and beguile us with

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