Woken Up, Sian Reynolds [different ereaders txt] 📗

- Author: Sian Reynolds
Book online «Woken Up, Sian Reynolds [different ereaders txt] 📗». Author Sian Reynolds
I was sat iin the middle of the table, with my legs crossed when Borden came back two hours later. He gave me a weird look.
"We've been through your file and found that you have no living family. That means you've been living on the strets for two years." He gave me a symperthtic look. "Yeah, so you can read. You want a sticker?" I asked, and give him a smug smile. He looked like he was having a hard time keeping his cool.
"We've made some phone calls, and a man named Mike Cross will be here to take you to live in a home for trroubled teens. You need a gaurdian and Mike said he will gladly take you in." I just stared at him. What the hell does he mean a home for troubled teens!? I'm not 'special' and need to be cared for! "What the fuck!!! What do you mean troubled teens!?" I was really pissed off now.
"Its a home for young people who have no family and have had problems with the law. Its meant to help you make good decsions and get your life on track." He made it sound so simple and normal. I was about to open my mouth for a witty come back, but I was cut off, "Mike will be here soon to take you to get your stuff then drive you to the house." He turned on his heel and marched out of the room.
Mike was here in about twenty minutes. He's a middle aged man with short light brown hair. He's tall and slender with small beady eyes, and he always seems to be smiling. "Hello Alexandria, nice to meet you. I'm Mike, I'm in charge of Clockwork House. That is where you're going to be living." He said all of this with a smile on his face. I then made it my personal mssion to break him. "Clockwork is a stupid name for a house." I said glumly and turned on my heel and marched out of the station.
Half an hour later Mike had driven me to pick my stuff up, I had a very hard time explaining to Sol and the others whatt had happpened. I begged them to help, but they said it was my fault and I had to face what I had done.
I only had clothes, pictures of my family, a few weapons that Sol had given me, just knives, and some other stuff that, lets say I had required over the years. "Is all your things?" Mike asked, "Its only that I thought you would have more stuff." I gave him one of my stares he looked away. "Do you want to change out of your clothes? Its just they're covered in blood and the rest of the kids might be intimmidated" I gave him a evil grin and wink at him, "Good." was all I said.
It was a good hour and half drive to the house. It turns out its in the middle of now where in a freaking field! We sat in silence for the whole journey there and I was jittery and pumped full of adrenaline for being in a small space with a stranger for so long. So when we finally pulled up in front of the house I jumped from the car and a full three hundred and sixty turn scanning as much as I could looking for possible threats. Only when I looked around did I realise that the sun must be coming up soon. Jezz, I've been awake all the night.
Mike picked up most of my stuff, but insited on taking my bag that had 'Bite Me' written on the back in studs. "So this is the house, what do you think?" Asked Mike. Honsetly, it looked amazing. It was an old Victorian style house with big windows and flowers climbing up the sides, and flowers planted all around the windows and floor. "It looks like a shit hole." I replied. Mike muttered something under his breath that sounded a bit like "We have a lot of work to do." That brought a smile to my face.
I followed Mike through the front doors and into the hallway. It was painted a light red with photos and paintings hanging on the walls, no doubt done by the other residaints. We walked all the way down the hall into a room. It was the bottom of the stairs and was made out of white stone and it lead of in many directions. But the one thing that caught my eye was the group of kids standing on the stairs whispering to one another.
"Ah! I see everyone is up bright an early to welcome our new house mate." Mike with a smile, "This is Alexandria!" He gestured to me, I was standing right behind him so he had to move out of the way so the kids could see me. I stood up straigth and held my head high. "Its Alex, and if anyone calls me Alexandria, I will make sure that you lose your vocal cords." I said that with aggresion and hatred.
"Um, I'm going to go fill in some paper work. How about you stay here and get to know everyone." I was then left alone with a bunch of smiling zombies.
Chapter ThreeI sighed and turned around to face a tall girl. She haad bleached blonde hair, big blue eyes and full pink lips. Her skin was slightly tanned and she was dressed in all pink. She also had a ridiculous smile on her face.
"Hi! I'm Jasmine! It's nice to meet you!" She stuck her hand forward wanting me to shake it. "Well it's a shame that I can't say the same for you." She looked taken back. Good. She took back her rejected hand. "I hope that we can be friends. If you ever need anything let me know!"
Ugh! Why do people have to be so annoying?! I had to crush her like a bug. "Look, I don't want to be your friend. You look like a bimbo and I hate bimbo's. I don't want your help either. I'm not planning on staying in this shit hole long, and if you get in my way or bother me at all, you'll wake up with no fake hair on top of your empty little head. So stay out of my way and shouldn't have a problem." I gave her a smug look. Then Jasmine burst into tears and ran off making a high pitched noise. She was followed by three more girls who shot her the dagger look with their eyes.
Well that was interesting.
Mike then choose's that moment to return. "What's wrong with Jasmine?" Asks Mike looking concerned. I was about to answer him when I'm cut off. "She met the new girl." said a manly voice from behind me. I quickly turned around to face a hard chest. I looked up to see the most handsome face ever.
I took a few steps back and stood up straight. The guy was just over six foot and had dark brown shaggy hair and hazel eyes. He had sun kissed skin and rippiling muscles bulging underneath his shirt. He had high cheek bones and kissable lips. What!? Did I just think that?!
"I'm Liam. You must Alexandria." He shot his hand forward pleading me to shake it with his eyes. "Its just Alex." I snarled at him. He smirked at me, clearly trying to get under my skin. I would not give him the satisfaction. He stepped back to and gestured to two other guys behind him. They were equally good looking. One loomed over the rest like a giant. He had black hair and silvery eyes and tanned skin, with massive muscles too. The second had blonde hair and blue eyes and a breath taking smile. He's shorter than the other two and didn't look as strong.
"This is Will," he gestureed to the giant, "And this is Mark." The both stood open mouthed and eye raping me. I smiled and I knew I could have some fun. "Hi. I'm Alex." This time I shot my hand forward and they both shook it. "Nice to meet you." said Mark. I winked at him and turned to Mike.
"Where is my room?" I asked. "Its upstairs. I'm going to find Alice. She's the other worker here. Liam could you show Alex to her room please?" Liam nodded a 'yes'. Mike then headed down one of the halls.
"Well follow me Alex. Would you like some help with your bags?" Since when did he start trying to be nice? "No." was all I said. "Suit yourself." He said and started climbing the stairs, taking two at a time. I quickly picked up my bags and followed with Will and Mark behind me.
"We all have our rooms along this corridor." explains Liam as we walk down a long corridor. As we pass door with a picture of a red hand on it cleary indicating for you not to enter, Liam gesturs to it, "This is my room, and this is Marks, and that is Wills'." He points to a door oppisite his and one on the left hand side of his. "Yours is at the very end of the corridor." He points to a a black door with a metal door nob on it.
I quickly walk towards it just wanting to collapse and fall asleep and be away from everyone. Including Liam. He just gets on my nerves.
"Hey wait! Where are you going?" Man Liam is fast. He caught up with me quickly. We now stood outside my door. "Well I was planning on going to un pack my stuff and stay in my room." I say sounding irratated. "Would you like some help unpacking?" He asks and flashs me a stunning smile. I use this to my avantage.
"Yes, as a matter of fact I would." Liam's smile grows wider showing of his white teeth. I turn aaround to face Mark, "Mark could you please help me unpack?" I ask sweetly and I give him a shy smile. "Um sure." He rarther eagerly walks to towards me, opens the door and I step into my room, Mark follows me and I shut the door my hip bumping it. Leaving Will and Liam with theirs mouths open.
Wow. Today just keeps getting interesting.
Chapter Four"So, this is your wardrobe, over there is your bed obviously, and the bathroom is down the hall." Says Mark nervously. I
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