» Fantasy » Soul of Light, Sophie Matthews [short books for teens TXT] 📗

Book online «Soul of Light, Sophie Matthews [short books for teens TXT] 📗». Author Sophie Matthews

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While making my way through the crowd I noticed Hair’s surprised look. I think she expected me to be disabled for life by now. I reached my friends and Mirai hugged me tightly. I responded her embrace with equal enthusiasm to show her that I was fine.

-So, why did they make us come all the way here?

-You know how it is… said Shiel grinning. The Headmaster just summons us when he thinks he’s thought about something brilliant and wants to enlighten us too.

-I heard that the new Supervisor is coming today, said Lia a little bit too enthusiastic. They are probably going to introduce him to us.

- How do you know is a man? I asked suspiciously.

-I don’t. But I have a hunch that we already met him.

-You mean the guy that saved her? asked Shiel

-It’s logical if you think about it. A total stranger shows up to save the damsel in distress… she paused emphatically allowing me to get a chance to pinch her for the remark

-…the same day that a new teacher comes? It’s too much of a coincidence.

Now one was going to convince her otherwise, and I had to admit that her logic kind of made sense. Suddenly, a sharp noise filled the hall: the signal that told us to be quiet and pay attention. Everyone became still. The Headmaster emerged from behind the curtains of the stage. As usual, he was dressed awkwardly : velvet jumper, green trainers and a fathered hat that made the audience burst into laughter. He was a bit eccentric and childish but he was said to be a powerful Mage. I suppose the proof of that was his position as a Headmaster and the way that even the most arrogant students didn’t dare to defy him. He let us all laugh for a while than raised a hand to put a stop to it. The laughter stopped immediately. We knew that we didn’t want to upset him. He scrutinized the Hall from one end to another. He took a dignified position, as dignified as he could look in that outfit.

-         Good evening my dear students. I know that I usually ask you to come here so I can share a bit of my wisdom with you. But today I didn’t came up with anything. Today, I called you here so I can introduce you to someone that has come to help you became wonderful citizens. I hope you will appreciate and make good use of the experience and knowledge that he can share with you.

He paused slightly and whispered something to someone staying behind the curtains.

-         Let me introduce you to Nicolo Mavoli.

The man that had saved me for the discipliners came on the stage. Most of the students were left dumbstruck by his presence just like I had been. I immediately noticed that the Headmaster had announced a different name than the one he had told me. Lia was gleaming at my side, wearing an “I told you so!” look on her face.

-Tell the students a few words my dear. You know… To break the ice, said the headmaster smiling.

I couldn’t take my eyes off him. He seemed to shine even brighter in the huge room. He looked around the room with narrowed eyes.

-I see that the students seem to be divided in two groups. Can I ask which is the criteria of this division?

One of the front line students answered mockingly:

-         The criteria is magical power. The powerful ones have Guardian Spirits, the week ones don’t.

He looked at him with anger and than asked in a sharp tone:

-And what exactly is power? And what is the reason you were given this power? There is anyone here who can answer me?

The Headmaster watched him with interest. One of the S students answered:

-Power is magic, is the ability to rule and make yourself respected by the weak ones…

-WRONG! he shouted.

All the students and teachers looked at him in astonishment. No one has ever before dared to contradict this view.

-         Real power, he continued, stands in kindness, courage, compassion and empathy, in admitting your own limitations. The reason you were given this power is to protect the ones you call ‘weak’, to give them your strength, to be the pillar that sustains them and comforts them.

He paused and looked at his bewildered assistance.

-You’ve all grown weak. You’ve all forgotten you true destiny. You don’t have power so you can show off, oppress others or make your lives easier. Power means responsibility. The ones that don’t use their gift for good, for becoming a beacon in the darkness, will be punished. You think you know what it means to be a mage. You have no idea how much work and dedication is necessary.

Monday, 20 June 2011

It seemed so odd to see the order of things contradicted. He was challenging the very way our society worked. He was saying it was wrong.

-         You are the future of this world, but if you remain as you are, ignorant of its realities, of its real order, that future will be a very grim one and in time  everything that we know will be destroyed, everything that was build with the sweat, blood and effort of your ancestors.

He closed his eyes for a second then looked at us again.

-         What I say may seem complicated, but there will be some changes in the teaching process that will help you understand what I am talking about.

The headmaster put his hand on his shoulder and said:

-         Will be waiting anxiously for those changes won’t we, my dear ones?

The entire hall was as silent as a grave. Everything he had said came as a shock to all of us.

-         Alright, it’s time for you to go to bed. You have a new day of study ahead of you tomorrow.

He waved us away with his hand and then took our new teacher with him and disappeared behind the curtains. The entire room turned into a noisy hive. Everyone was commenting about what had happened. Miss Xarria clapped her hands and send us all to bed again. This time we all obeyed. We said goodnight to Mirai and set for our own dormitory.

-         You know, said Shiel, this change might end up being a good thing.

-         How exactly? I asked exasperated. He won’t manage to change the way those rich kids think. He’ll make our lives even more miserable if he upsets them.

-         Maybe, or maybe not. Let’s wait and see, said Lia playing with her hair.

I rolled my eyes and said goodnight to Shiel. Then I went with Lia to our own room. I got to my own bed and prepared to sleep. The last thought I had before I fell asleep was that our new teacher could accomplish everything he wanted.

 20 June 2011     



Chapter 3

I had been abandoned in front of an old monastery when I was a newborn baby. On a cold winter day the bell of the monastery called and the sisters found a child on its steps. They fought it was a miracle that I hadn’t died in that cold. The ones that remembered the day I was left at the monastery said that I was sleeping soundly, without a worry ion the world, rapped up in a white cashmere blanket. Inside it was a neatly written note that said: “Her name is Vaira.” and nothing more. Sister Rose said that my skin was as hot, as if I’ve been right beside a stove all this time and not outside in the cold. I always thought that this meant that someone had been holding me just moments before I was left in front of the church. I secretly hoped that it meant that the person that brought me there did care about me, that they had made a mistake, that they will someday comeback for me, that I wasn’t unwanted, and that I wasn’t worthless. Except my blanket I also had a thin silver necklace around my neck that ended with a round pendant engraved with what seemed an Ancient symbol that no one could read. From then on I began to live in the monastery along with the other orphans. They soon realized that I didn’t have a Guardian Spirit so my chances of being adopted by a respectful family decreased significantly. Still, there were a few couples that wanted to adopt me but I did my best to change their minds. I didn’t want to leave the orphanage. I was afraid that if I did my parents couldn’t find me when they came back for me. So I turned into a complete tomboy. The sisters were driven mad by my behaviour, but Sister Rose read right through me. She became almost like a mother to me. She always believed that I was special, that I was a miracle bestowed on the monastery. I doubted that. If I would have been special my parents would have kept me. I was optimistic and cheerful most of the time. But sometimes I had nightmares about people running and screaming, about darkness and coldness, and than I woke up crying. In those nights I was afraid and I felt helpless, insignificant, and dark thoughts about my parents came to me. Why had they left me? Did they know that I didn’t have a Guardian Spirit and that’s why they left me? Were they going to come for me? How many nights was I going to wake up crying alone without anyone to hug me, comfort me, without someone to wipe my tears away? The only comfort I found back then was the heat of my pendant. I never told anyone because I was afraid they would say I was crazy but every time I was cold or sad there was heat coming from it. It was a heat that washed over me and took away all my sadness, sorrow and turned it to peace and warmth. It was what kept me going through all those lonely and frightening nights.

23 June 2011 




 I woke up the next day with a deep pain in my bones, a reminder of last night’s events. Thankfully I didn’t have to attend classes today. Miss Xarria had given me an absence permit for today so I could rest and recover. When I opened my eyes the room was dimly lighted through the heavy curtains. Obviously Lia had left them that way so I could sleep. It must have been around nine or ten in the morning. The morning classes were already half finished. There was a note from Lia on the desk.

“Make sure you don’t sleep the whole day. If you don’t show up for lunch will come to check on you and bring lunch. Take it easy today.


Her name was written in wavy letters. It was so beautiful it made me jealous. I went to the sink and splashed cold water on my face. I grabbed the first thing I could find, got dressed and left towards the cafeteria to have my late breakfast.

As I walked trough

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