» Fantasy » Darkness And Light, S.K Nuanes [intellectual books to read TXT] 📗

Book online «Darkness And Light, S.K Nuanes [intellectual books to read TXT] 📗». Author S.K Nuanes

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They have back up." The voice said, approaching the table more.
The figure was silent trying to think, of what to do, "Kill them."
They turned around, and had pictures of the royal family children, Lysander, Mason, and Sami.
The figure got up, and got a single dart, and closed their eyes, and threw it at the pictures.
It landed on, Sami's picture.
"So the first target, is helpless little Sami." The figure said, looking at it.
Chapter One : Silver Sword

"So what is wrong with you?" A voice asked, looking at Lysander.
They were sitting on a hill that was out of the city, the hill over looked the large empire, "Mason, is back in town."
The figure, who Lysander was talking to was his friend, May she had on black glasses, that were in the shape of small rectangles, she had on a short sleeve green shirt, with light blue jeans, she had on no shoes, she had long brown hair in a braid, her skin was a soft ivory, her eyes were hazel, and she looked sixteen as well.
"Since when?" May asked.
"A few days ago." Lysander sighed.
May sighed, looking at the dew on the grass, it just got done raining few minutes ago. "Are you feeling ok?"
"Yeah, why?" Lysander asked, looking at May.
May shrugged then said, "There has been people growing ill, even the emperor has it. You could get infected."
"No, my immune system is off the charts. You know that May." Lysander said, looking at her.
"What about Sami? Isn't she pure human?" May asked.
There was silence, then Lysander said, "Yes, plus the fact her being blind, doesn't help her chances of being well."
"Are you planning on attending the Spring Festival?"
"I'm planning on taking Sami, if the head nurse will allow it." Lysander said, laying down on the hill.
May nodded then said, "Right, her condition may restrict her from attending."
"Its a real shame, that she can't see every beautiful thing in this world, also she is lucky. She doesn't need to see all I have seen." Lysander sighed.
May rubbed Lysander's upper back with her hand, "At least you're there for her."
Then Lysander looked up at the city, scanning the place, he could feel something was off. "Something isn't right..."
"What do you mean?" May asked, confused
Lysander exhaled then said, "I'll see you later."
He ran to a small hole hidden by bushes, that lead into the city, Lysander inhaled the air deeply, there was a hint of blood in the air. He knew there was something, wrong. What was it, a man walked past Lysander glaring at him, he bumped into him hard. "I'm sorry, didn't see you there." The man said, slowly turning around.
"It's alri---." Lysander said, he noticed the man. The man, had a long burn mark going across his face, he had bright blue eyes, he had a wicked grin on, he looked twenty, he had a long blue robe on, and his hair was a light red.
The man was involved with a large massacre back 2002, Lysander knew the face of the son who led the attack. "Hey Lysander, I haven't seen you since then."
"I thought you killed, in that explosion." Lysander said, looking at the man.
"Let's talk about this, somewhere else." The man said, walking away.
The smell of blood sunk from the man, Lysander followed him, "I see you are still dressing as a commoner."
There was silence, Lysander didn't trust the guy, he knew what had happen that night. He couldn't trust him, only if he had his swords.
They arrived to a saloon, no one paid attention to them, "How the hell, did you survive. We all saw you blow up in that fire."
"Well, I thought I was doomed. Then I was saved, I was taken out of the city. Then I spent all the years training..." The man said, grabbing the glass and taking a sip.
"What are you, I can smell the blood on you. Clearly you are something else, or a psychopath." Lysander whispered.
The man looked at him, "I'm not human, so better watch your mouth Lysander."
"What are you?" Lysander asked, in a whisper.
"I changed my name to Phoenix, does that give you any clues?" Phoenix said, looking Lysander.
Lysander thought of the possibilities, then he looked at him, "You can control fire?"
"I can create a fire anywhere I desire, in someone's body even. And I can control it at will, with hands and mind." Phoenix spoke, smirking
"So, that fire gave you a new life? What about everyone else who was slaughtered?" Lysander said, low.
Phoenix looked at him then chuckled, "They were killed, their will power to live was to weak, so the fire consumed them. I was speared, even if my body is covered in burn marks. I shall never die now."
"Don't get so full of yourself." Lysander said, glaring at Phoenix.
Phoenix grabbed Lysander by the throat then slammed his head down on the counter, which was marble, there was a small dent in the counter. Everyone was now staring at them.
"I can easily kill you, you're the weak one here. A member of the royal family, shouldn't be weak. Even if you have everything you want, being full of yourself is apart of you. So I would recommend keeping your mouth shut. There are many people who want to kill you."
Phoenix hand was putting a lot of pressure onto, Lysander neck. Leaving a small burn mark.
He let go of Lysander and got up then left the bar, Lysander got up and left without saying anything to anyone.
Lysander placed his hand on the back of his neck, where the burn mark was. Lysander exhaled he walked back to the castle. The burn mark healed quickly, Lysander didn't know how he could heal so quickly, since the age of five. Everyone in the castle knew something was special about Lysander. Although somethings some doors are best left closed.

Mason was practicing fencing, his trainer would always remain silent, some said his tongue was cut off in a fight, yet he was the best fencing teacher in the entire empire. Mason had been fencing, ever since he was ten. Both of the brothers, were skilled with a sword. Mason was a brutal swordsman, he was able to find a weak point in someone, by staring into their face. Yet his master, was a tricky one to beat. The timer ran out, Mason groaned, taking the mask off of his head, "Why the hell can't I win?"
"Its cause, you aren't good enough to take someone down." The teacher said, leaving his mask on.
Mason glared at him then growled, "What did you say?"
The teacher showed, no fear he looked at Mason, "You are to brutal, you can't focus on the task. All you desire is the end result. That result, is just a dream. Since you can't even close your eyes, and take the path to be able to reach. The dream, or the end result."
"What do you tell, Lysander?" Mason said, low.
The teacher exhaled then spoke, putting his sword away, "I am not in charge of him."
Mason glared, and walked out of the room. In his room, he had a dark gothic theme, a girl laid on a black sofa next to a fireplace. "What is it? You seem sad."
"I'm not sad, I'm angry." Mason said, walking over to the girl. He played with her hair, as he tried to calm himself down, "Lysander, my half brother. Is the favorite, he gets what he wants, and will be emperor one day. He doesn't even want it, and I can't have it as long he is alive."
Mason, stroked the girls hair, he ran his hand down her neck.
"I'm sorry, anything I can do to help?" The girl asked, batting her eyes at Mason.
He chuckled, and pushed her down on the sofa, keeping her pinned down hard.
"Oh sweetie, there is so much you can do for me. But for tonight." Mason growled, low. He chuckled, then bared his teeth at the girl.

Lysander laid in the large bath tub, he stood up and pulled the plug, and grabbed a towel, then wrapped a towel around himself.
Once he stepped into his room, he inhaled the smell of blood, Lysander hurried, to get on boxers and a pair of black sweats. He hurried towards the smell. Mason stood in the hallway, a man laid on the floor, his skin was a sickly grey, he had coughed up a puddle of blood, he was one of the servants. He was infected with the disease the emperor has. "Please...kill me."
"Why would I do that?" Lysander asked, narrowed his eyes. He was confused.
The servant coughed up more blood, "You have to, please."
The servant pulled a knife, out of nowhere and came towards Lysander as if he was possessed.
Lysander kicked him in the face, then pressed his foot down on his throat, Lysander growled low at the servant, and soon after that the servant died. There was a large hole through his back, claw marks. Lysander took his foot off the servant and looked at the body.
A dark feeling slowly came over Lysander, pulling him down into a dark abyss, a sharp pierce ran through him, it was a dart. It felt more like a sword.
"This isn't good." A maid sighed, shaking her head. She got Lysander on his feet, she had his arm on her shoulder, as she lead him back to his room. She laid him down in the bed, and covered him with a blanket.

The maid cleaned the wound, she had given him. "I'm so sorry Lysander, you don't need this..."
As the maid left the room, she got into the hallway, and there was Mason standing there with a knife up to her neck.
"Tell me, what is so special about my brother. If you don't tell me, your throat is easy to cut as butter. And I would hate to take away Sami's favorite maid. So tell me, for Sami's sake."
"I don't know, what you're talking about." The maid said, stuttering.
Mason chuckled then let the cold knife, rest on her throat, "I will say this one more time. What the hell is so damn special about my brother!"

Chapter Two : A Game In Your Mind
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