» Fantasy » Vordona, Odalyse Macias [ebook reader with highlight function txt] 📗

Book online «Vordona, Odalyse Macias [ebook reader with highlight function txt] 📗». Author Odalyse Macias

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tripped and ended up against his chest. I stared up into his eyes and said “Well then speak up, unless you pulled me back for no reason.” He stared into my eyes as well and I felt my heart pick up speed. “I came back because I missed you and wondered how you were.” He said. I snickered and couldn’t help but think of that disastrous night.

We were in the middle of war us facing our opponents I was next to Jonah like always, what else was I supposed to do when I was betrothed to him. All the men were lined up I was the only girl on the battle field. We were waiting for the signal for us to attack from the general in command and that was in front and able to be seen by all on an elegant black horse. I grabbed Jonah’s hand for confidence he looked at me and gave me a ‘we are going to be ok’ smile and I gave him one back. “Just follow me I will make sure nothing happens to you,” He said. I nodded and said “Okay.” My heart started to beat faster and faster with more and more time that pased until the signal was made. I was equipped with a shield and a sword with throwing knives in my sleeves and boot a bow strapped behind me and about twenty-four quivers and two extra hidden in my other boot. I was also equipped with body armor enough to protect me but not so much where I was not able to move reflexively and elegantly. When the general gave the signal for us to advance we did it with poise and speed but we wasn’t fast enough for us to look like barbarians. I stuck to Jonah as I was told and stuck as close as I could while advancing. Once we were half across the battle field did they start advancing after they started to advance we started to run and they started to run then we started yelling our battle cries.

Each side met together fights springing everywhere, I lost Jonah while in the process I was on my way to go find him when all of a sudden there was a guy three times the height that I was 5’5. He was in complete contrast to what I looked like where I had black hair as black as night he had blond hair as bright as the sun.  My green eyes a complete contrast to his brown. What little I saw of his skin was covered with tattoos where all I had was a birth mark on my collar bone in the shape of what others would say looked like a wolf other than that he was the complete opposite of me.“What is a pretty little thing doing in a bad place like this,” He said. I got in my stance and he was astonished either that I was standing up to fight when I’m like an ant to him. “Hahaha,” He laughed and that made me mad. He stuck out his hand either in a mocking submission gesture or to try and grab me, but either way that was a mistake and I slashed at him and was satisfied to see blood and a howl escapes from him. “You bitch,” He yelled. “Now, now is that a proper way to speak to a lady,” I said in a mocking tone and a childish grin on my face. He gave a growl and lunged at me which I dodged easily because he is a big oaf that doesn’t know how to coordinate moves. He got up and took another lunge at me; I took a step to the side and slashed at his leg saw more blood and heard another howl. Another man stood up to help his friend another mistake he came running. I threw my hand down and felt my throwing knife slide into my hand I grabbed it correctly and threw it; it struck home in the middle of his chest he fell dead instantly I did this in under a second. The big oaf, stood up again limping. Never underestimate your opponent, no matter size or shape you never know what they can do I always say. He didn’t lunge like he did the first time he came upon me smart move there. He circled me and I circled him he did not see me swish my hand and take out my other throwing knife. I threw it and another strike home not in his chest to much muscle to really do any damage in his chest, but in his neck it protruded from his neck he had a shocked face when he fell dead. I went up to both dead bodies grabbed my throwing knives cleaned them and put them back in the holster. I took off looking for Jonah again when I was running someone grabbed me I turned fast and was ready to strike but I saw that it was Jonah that grabbed me. “I thought I told you to stay next to me,” He said. “I did then I lost you in the middle of all the fighting,”   

“Well from now on stay right next to me okay,” He said. “Okay,” I said. He gave me a serious look that said ‘don’t play with me’ so I repeated myself but louder. While we were having this little conversation in the middle of the battle field three guys came up behind Jonah. I threw my hands down and my throwing knives came rushing I threw two and struck home, grabbed my sword and defended the first attack whirled my sword with the flick of my wrist and sent the opponents sword flying in the air. He kept running and ran past me so I turned and cut him down. Jonah looked at me with a shocked face. “I didn’t know that you can move like that or had the elegancy to go with the skills either,” He said. He said that when I was bent down getting my throwing knives from the bodies, I didn’t know whether to take that as a complement or an insult. “Now you do,” I said with a wink. He held out his hand and I took it then he took off and I followed him. As I was running after Jonah I ran into more soldiers, again asking why a girl was on a battle field. So again I had to do what I needed to do and showed then what a sweet girl like me was doing on a battle field.

 I could tell that Jonah was just imagining what I was imagining, when I looked into his eyes. Then I heard my dad calling me downstairs in the living room. “Luna are you home,” “Yes dad,” I said. “Just a minute,” I went down stairs told him I had to put some stuff up in my room and went back up. Jonah was gone and the window was wide open and the blinds where fluttering about. I went over to it and closed it shut.

Then I went back down and we left the house. On the drive to the forest I couldn’t help but thinking of that day I first found out about myself and my heritage. The car stopped and we both got out and walked to the old Mc. Garnet house we walked straight into the house and started getting supplies we might need when we go running. Shoved that all in a back-pack and left to go running. After we found our spot we took all the supplies we brought out of the back-pack (water, extra clothes, salve, first aid kit, and a map). Once we got all the supplies out of the back-pack I looked at my dad we nodded at each other and got down all fours then the change came on. The agonizing pain of the change where your bones feel like they are splitting into two and your skin is being ripped into millions of pieces. As if your brain is splitting into two different parts, where one part of your brain is in control and the other is in stand-by mode and you’re seeing through different eyes, hearing through different ears. Then finally the pain ends and we take off running through the forest. The pain will subside with time but right now im still a new to the werewolf side of life so the pain is still there. I have seen my dad change a couple times and he doesn’t seem to be going into pain when he changes so I know there is truth to the saying. It hasn’t been long since I found out that I was a werewolf.

I still remember that day when I followed my dad to these very exact woods and saw him change, I changed that exact time. As the transformation finished and I was a wolf I followed him from a distant. It was weird for me the first time the sights the smells and the sounds, I was able to see in the dark and smell and hear miles away from where I stood. As I was following him he all of a sudden started to run I tried to follow but he was too fast for me and my new body. I stopped and looked around for him but he was no were in sight then out of the corner of my eye I saw a flicker of light. I turned and there was a man with a gun staring at me with the gun pointed at me I growled and he gave a gasp and took a step back but never put down the gun. He was shaking but kept the gun still right when he was about to shoot, out came a bark and a growl and something lunged at the hunter. I turned around and ran; I ran as fast as I could away from the man and the thing that attacked him. When I couldn’t run anymore I stopped while panting. I heard the rustle of leaves and turned around as fast as I could but not fast enough I was jostled by a body and was pinned down by another wolf. I kicked my hind legs and sent the other wolf flying I got up in a flash and stood growling at the wolf. He was black with a little bit of brown blotches all over his coat and a white patch over one eye his eyes where the same as my dad’s but I didn’t put that in notice till later and was twice the size I was. I was black with a white line going all around my neck and half way up the back of my neck and the same eyes I have had. I growled and let out a bark with a lunge towards the other wolf to let him know that I was not going to give up. He tilted his head like I was a joke to him and took a step towards me.

Then I heard a voice in my head. “Do you not recognize me dear daughter,” said the other wolf. I couldn’t help but gape at him I didn’t know we could communicate like that basically being a pup in this new world. “DAD!” I said. As realization took place I went up to him and gave a sniff. It smelled just like him and then I remembered I was following my dad in the woods and lost him this wolf looked exactly like the wolf I was following. “I didn’t mean to scare you,” He said. Then dawning hit me the hunter that was going to shoot me. “Dad we have to go there is a hunter in these woods he was about to shoot me but something attacked him,” I said. “It’s alright hunny you don’t have to

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