» Fantasy » Lina's Quest, Whitney R. [book recommendations for teens .txt] 📗

Book online «Lina's Quest, Whitney R. [book recommendations for teens .txt] 📗». Author Whitney R.

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brown hair made its way down to the middle of her back. She had the most perfect skin, that was tan and on her left arm I saw the royal tattoo that you don't see until a royal has turned 18. Then I saw her wings, they where white with red swirls that sparkled and the outline of the wings was red. I really wanted to see what color her eyes were, but I'll have to wait until she awakens to see them. After a while I see her eye lids start to flicker. Then her eyes come open and looks up at my and stares at me. Her eyes are the most beautiful bule I have ever seen, they are like blue fire. She starts to move her eyes to my wings and then she starts screaming. She gets up and starts backing up. She backs into the wall, hitting her wings causing her to hurt because they are fragile. She starts to fall and I grab her. Then she turns her head to me and ask "Who are you? Why do you have wings? How did you find this place? Why are you here?" I just start to smile at her.


I open my eyes to see a gorgeous guy standing in front of me. He has dark brown hair and eyes. He has to be at least 6'2" cause his head is about a foot shorter then the shed and the shed is 7 foot. After stareing into his big brown eyes, I see blue so I move my eyes to look over his shoulder and see to big blue wings sticking out of his back. I start to scream and try to get up. After I get up I start to back away from him only to run into the wall behind me. Once I hit the wall a sharp pain goes through my back and I start to fall to the ground. Before I make a face plant into dirt, two strong arms catch me. I turn my head to look at him and ask "Who are you? Why do you have wings? How did you find this place? Why are you here?" I start freaking out again. 'I wonder why my back is hurting so much and why my left arm feels all tingly?' I think to myself.

He looks at me and smiles. 'Awe he has dimples, I am always a sucker for dimples. What am I thinking this could be some crazy loonatic.' I think to myself. Then he says "I am Everhart. I have wings because I am a faery. I found this place using my faery finder and I am here to make sure you are safe and take you to my mom."

I look at him like he is crazy and ask "Have you you lost your marbles?" "You have got to be kidding! First, there is no such thing as a faery." I say. "And Why do you have to keep me save? Why do I you have to take me to your mom?" I ask.

I look at him and see the humor in his eyes and he says "I have not lost my marbles." He says with a smirk. "Faeries do exist I am one and so are you."

'Ok, this guy has totally gone bannanas.' I think to myself. "I am not a faery!" I say with a matter of fact tone. He starts to laugh at me and then he takes his hand touches something that sends a pain up my back. Then it hits me "I HAVE WINGS!! OH NO THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING TO ME! THIS WAS SUPPOSED TO BE A GOOD DAY! I JUST GOT OUT OF THAT HELL HOLE OF AN ORPHANAGE! NOW I AM A FAERY! WHY ME? WHAT DID I DO TO DISERVE THIS?" I yell hyperventlating and then tears start rolling down my face.

Everhart pulls me into his chest while I cry. He starts to try to calm me down saying "Just calm down. Breathe slow deep breaths in and out. There you go, in and out. Everything will be okay. My mom will expain everything when get to her house. Just calm down."

After about an hour of me crying into Everhart's chest and him trying to calm me down by petting my hair, I finally stopped. Everhart bent his head near my ear and said "It is time to go now. We need to be heading toward my mom's house before other faeries start to come look for you."

"Why would other faeries start to look for me?" I ask

"I can't tell you. My mom will tell you once we get to her house, but we need to leave before anymore start to come." He explains.

"Ok! Let me grab my bag and I'll come with you." I say.

He starts to crawl through the hole in the shed while I got get my backpack. Good thing I hadn't unpacked anything yet. I start to put the back pack on and then I remembered that I had wings. I push the bag through the hole and crawl out of the shed. When I get out I look up to see Everhart holding out a hand for me to grab. I grab his hand and he hoist me up to my feet. "Thank you" I say.

"Your welcome, Lina." he says smiling.

"How do you know my name?" I ask

But, before he could answer my question an arrow hits the side of the shed. "RUN LINA!" Everhart yells. I start to run as fast as I could. I glance back to see Everhart shoting arrows in the direction the first arrow came from. Then I see an arrow coming directly at me and before I can get out of the way it hit me in the arm. I scream because it hurt so much. I cluch on to my arm right above the arrow and not paying attention to where I am going trip over a tree stump and hit my head on a rock. I hear my name called, but I can't responed then everything went black.


"How do you know my name?" she asks.

But, before I could answer an arrow hits the side of the shed. I yell "RUN LINA!" as I start to grab for my bow an arrows. I look around to see if I could find the person who is shooting at us and see a guy behind a tree. I start to shoot at him, but I can't get a clear shot. Then I hear Lina scream. I turn around and she that an arrow is sticking out of her arm and then she fell. I yell "Lina!" and start to run over to her. She was not moving so I picked her up and took off flying. I hid us behind a building and made us undetactable to a faery finder. Then I saw the train and that one of the box door was open. I made sure the coast was clear and picked up Lina and flew us into the box. The box had two elepahants in it, one was the mom and the other was the baby. Put LIna down in the hay and took her back and looked in to it to see if there was anything to help clean up the wound. She had a little firstaid kit that had cleaning wipes and bandages and needle and thread. Good thing she is unconscious cause I am going to take out the arrow and sew her up. After fixing her arm for her I bandaged it up and layed down to sleep beside her.


I got her in the arm, but before I could finish her off, that guy grabbed her and flew off. 'Damn it' I cursed myself. I knew it wouldn't be that easy. Now I got to tell Riikard that I lost her. I almost had her, but at least I know her name now. 'Lina that's pretty' I think to myself.


Publication Date: 12-08-2010

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