» Fantasy » Another World, Lillian Anonymous [best ebook reader txt] 📗

Book online «Another World, Lillian Anonymous [best ebook reader txt] 📗». Author Lillian Anonymous

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"Come on its just up ahead!" yelled double X as he took the lead. X was the leader of our pack, we call him double X because when he bites his victims he leaves a double X patter in their necks. We were following him to a wolf one of the fledglings had found sleeping on a rock in a clearing. Tonight was my initiation, I was joining a pack of vampires i had become friends with. My initiation was to kill a wolf with a silver dagger on a full moon. I speed up my vibrant red cloak trailing behind me, as we neared the clearing I could smell the wolf which was strange because the wolfs around here usually stay downwind of us when they know we're out hunting. We got to the clearing laying on the rock was a white wolf sleeping. "Here you go Red." X said handing me the shiny silver knife. I took the dagger and nervously approached the wolf. I came up to the wolf and knelt beside it. It opened one eye and then closed it again, it shifted and yawned then became still again. This was very odd behavior for a wolf thats knelt over by a person with a knife. "Whats taking so long hurry up its just one wolf, whats the hold up?" X asked impatiently. "It's awake and its not fighting back!" "Who cares? kill it already I'm hungry!" I hesitated. Then it spoke, "It's ok just kill me, my life was a complete lie anyway." "What do you mean your life was a lie?" She sighed then spoke again, "I lived with my father in a different world or realm or something, when he died my mom came back into my life after being gone since I was a baby. Then a year later she moves me here and tells me what my life would've been if I stayed here. Then about 20 minutes ago I find out my life's even weirder then I thought when I turned into a huge wolf so... I don't really care anymore whether I'm alive or not. I know it doesn't make sense but if you were me you'd understand, its ok just kill me and make it fast." I paused for a second. "I cant kill you. I said putting the dagger down." "Why not?" she said sitting up. "I can't kill nice people its just not who I am." "What do you mean you cant do it!" X yelled angrily. "I don't want to be apart of your pack anymore X." I said. "Fine! your out, I'll kill the stupid wolf myself." He said running towards us. "No!" I screamed guarding the wolf with my body. X came up and threw me out of the way. I flew across the clearing and hit a nearby tree. X picked up the dagger and raised it above the wolf, even though she said she was fine with dieing I still saw fear in her eyes. As I got to my feet a huge dark haired wolf sprang out of the trees and knocked X off the rock and onto the grass. The white wolf stood up and jumped off the rock. Two girls came from the place that the wolf came from, the one with the dark hair and blue eyes (snow white) held a bow and had a set of arrows on her back. She took an arrow out of the case quickly and set her bow then fired at X who was now pinned to the ground by the wolf. She fired the arrow and hit X in the shoulder. The other in his pack went to help him, the wolf swiped them away with one fatal sweep of his large paw, then they laid still and motionless. Two of them ran for the two girls. The one with the bow shot one it the forehead, the other girl had long blonde hair in two braids, she broke of a piece of wood from a tree and jabbed the other one in the heart. Just then the moon was covered by a thick patch of clouds. The two wolves changed back into their human form. The dark wolf was a tall brown hair boy, and the white wolf was a average height brown haired girl. The boy was over powered by X and he was flung across the clearing and landed hard on the ground, knocked out cold. X stood up and pulled the arrow out of his shoulder and picked up the dagger then ran for the girl. The girl hesitated then tried to run but X was two fast and he pushed the girl to the ground. He pinned her down with his knees and held the dagger above him as the girl screamed. The two girls and I tried to get to him but more of his goons flung us away across the clearing. He brought down the dagger, the girl grabbed his wrist and struggled to stop him. I sprinted over to her and attacked X he fell on his side and I toppled next to him. Before I could get up he was on top of me dagger in his right hand, this time the girl got up fast and kicked X's arm. He released the dagger and it went flying across the clearing, she ran to the dagger and picked it up before he could get to it. As he was running towards her she threw the dagger, the dagger hit him sharply in the chest, he stopped running and stumbled a bit, blood dripping down his shirt and landing on the ground. He stared at her with one last look of hatred, then his eyes went cold and he fell to the ground. his body turned into ashes and melted down into the earth leaving behind the silver dagger. The remaining live vampires ran away into the woods. The other vampires that got stabbed or scoured turned into ashes as well, leaving behind the object that killed them. I got on my feet and ran over to the girl. The two other girls came over to the boy and tried to wake him up. I turned back to the girl. "Are you alright?" I asked concerned. "Yeah. I'm fine just a little shaken up by what just happened?" she answered. "Whats your name?" "My name is Megan." "My name's Reddia but most people call me Red." "What just happened?" she asked staring at the boy who was slowly coming to. "Tonight was my initiation the clan of the guy who attacked you." I replied. As we walked over to the boy the moon came out from behind the clouds and Megan and the boy turned back into wolves. "What happened?" he asked rubbing his probably throbbing head.

Chapter 3

"We were attacked by vampires when you tried to be Mr. Hero." The girl with dark hair said to the boy who saved me. "Oh! Did we win?" he asked looking around."I think so. The surviving vampires might come back though so we should leave." "Ok!" he said standing up. "Thanks for saving my life." I said to the boy. "No problem I do it a lot. It's kind of a force of habit." "You should get back to your home. We could walk you there if you want. There's no telling when the vampires could come back." the blond haired girl said. "sure" I said. "Where do you live?" the dark haired girl asked. I hesitated, "I live in the castle." I said somewhat sighing. They all looked at me then at each other then back at me. I shifted uncomfortably. "Ok! well lets go." the blond haired girl finally said after a long moment of silence. We started walking, then Red tapped me on the shoulder. "Could you possibly not tell Queen Terria about the events that just took place?" she asked me nervously. "Sure, it wasn't your fault, you didn't actually kill me so... It never even happened." "Thank you!" she said with a look of relief.

When we got to the tall front gates. They said goodbye to me and I walked across the bridge to the courtyard. I went to the tea room, the tea set that I picked out was still sitting on the tree stump table. It had a note on it,

Dear, Megan I didn't know when you were coming back so I left a note! your room is in the west wing the door has your name on it if you cant find it asked someone whose still awake.


Love, Mom.

I put the note back down and walked out of the room and over to the grand stair case. I walked up the stairs to the west wing, I went down the long wide hallway looking at every door until I found my room. It had my name carved on a wooden slab. I opened the door and went inside, all of the boxes of my stuff were neatly stacked in one corner of the room. I had a oak wood desk and dressers and a large dark wood wardrobe. I found the box full of my blankets and bed spreads. Then put my bed together and found my pajamas, I got into bed and turned off the bedside lamp and went to sleep.


Publication Date: 05-07-2013

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