Twin Armies, A.M. Nate [fox in socks read aloud TXT] 📗

- Author: A.M. Nate
Book online «Twin Armies, A.M. Nate [fox in socks read aloud TXT] 📗». Author A.M. Nate
"Oh! Then come in, come in!" She let them step in and walked them into the kitchen," I'll go get him.How about you
two have a seat and when I come back I'll make you some food, you both look hungry."
The cheerful lady left the kitchen.
"He's here honey, it's so strong, this feeling. Its almost painful." Jayna said sounding out of breath.
"Don't worry I'm sure it will go away."
Unle Garrid
"Jayke? Is that you? And Jayna?" Garrid said from behind them both. They both spun around in their seats to see
an astonished looking uncle Garrid.
"Un....uncle...Ga..Garrid?" Jake stuttered.
Jayna just gasped.
Jayke and Jayna both got out of their seats and stood up not knowing what to do. It surprised them both when
Garrid came up and gave them both a hug.
"I didn't think they'd send anyone. But they sent you. Both of you."
"It was Jayna's idea. She was the one that wanted to ask for a Search and Rescue mission."
"Jayna, really? I knew you were smart, but all these years you denied it."
Jayna blushed and looked down.
"Oh, I'm being so rude. I'm sure you met my wife, Kelsie?"
"Uncle, she's a human, thats illegal." Jayke whispered.
"Oh,no,no,no! Shes one of us."
"Really? Ughh...We've been here way too long. We can't even tell our own kind from humans."
"I need some air and some time to get used to this feeling of closeness." Jayna said.
Jayke looked over at her and gasped. She looked pretty bad, her hair was stringy,she was sweating, and her
breathing was shallow.
"I'll take her outside. She's looking bad." Kelsie volunteered.Kelsie helped her up and they walked slowly to the
"Oh, Jayna you'll need to take a shower. You're burning up honey."
"It's my talent. It's been awhile since I've used it."
"I know what you mean. I had something a lot like yours when I was younger. I could hear people's thoughts,
I thought that if I suppressed it for a long time that it would go away. There were thoughts I didn't want to hear.
Especially when my parents fought." Kelsie stared out into space for a moment.
"Kelsie, are you really one of us?"
"Yes, I was sent down to scout at the sametime your Uncle was sent. Only about a month before."
"He's not my uncle. He's Jaykes uncle, but Jayke says that soon we're going to get married, so I guess Garrid
would be my uncle by law."
"Oh! You're a bride to be? That is so wonderful. Can I design your dress? I'm a clothes designer but I never had a
real line of clothing."
"Yes, I'm a bride to be. Sure, you can design my dress but it has to go with the necklace that Jayke gave me."
"Oh thank you so much! I promise you won't be dissapointed. Where is the necklace?"
"Right here," the pink necklace was around her neck like it always was.
Kelsie gasped,"It's beautiful! Your dress will be surounded by that necklace."
Jayna got out of the shower and found some clothes lying on the bed in the guest room. She guessed
they were Kelsie's.She pulled them on, the pants were a little long so she rolled them up a little.
She walked into the kitchen and saw everybody talking around the table. Everyone looked up and
watched her walk in and sit down.They were all smiling,
"What are you all so happy about?"
Jayke held up a small velvet box and said,"I finally got your ring."
Jayna gasped, she was too shocked to speak.
Jayke walked around the table,put it on her finger, and kissed her. Jayna looked at it, smiling, with
tears falling down her cheeks. It was a diamond on a delicate silver band, with the words 'forever' imprinted in the
silver. She got up,walked over to Jayke and wrapped her arms around him.
Still crying she whispered,"I love you so much."
He pulled back and wiped her tears away from her cheeks,
"You have no idea," he said.
Jayke was holding Jayna when she fell asleep. Jayke was sleeping when he woke up to Jayna
screaming, "Baby, whats wrong?"
"Go. Check. The. Bedroom." Jayna said out of breath.
Jayke got up and walked into his uncle's bedroom,Kelsie was crying and kneeling next to Garrids bed. Jayke
walked over to her not knowing what to expect.
The first thing he saw was blood, and lots of it.He looked at his uncle, there was a knife protruding from his chest,
he wasn't breathing, and there was just so much blood.
"Kelsie, what happened?"
"I..I...Don't know," She sobbed,"I went to the kitchen for some water, and when I came back....There was blood....
So much blood..."
Jayke dropped to his knees, his face in his hands, Jayke was crying.
"No,no,no...not now. He can't be gone, I just found him, after four years,and this? Why, why,why!?!"
They were all sitting around the kitchen table when there was a knock at the door.Kelsie got up, looked
out the window, and left to get the door. A few minutes later Marya walked in, she was comforting Kelsie.
"Jayna,Jaykob,Kelsie, we have to go back to Sakeno, and take Garrid with us. We will have a burial among the
stars.It was a terrible way for him to....go...but we must go back.Go get your things, but hurry."
After that everything went by fast.
When they were ready Jayna had on a black dress,the pink necklace,her ring, and a black veil.
By the time they left the house the sunrise was just coming up, they could see the purples,pinks and oranges.
"We need a ride, wheres the limo driver I hired you?"
"He said he was staying here for a couple days,I could try to find him using my talent." Jayna suggested.
"But Jayna, doesn't it hurt? I mean with what happened this morning?" Jayke asked sounding a little worried.
"No honey, after a while it goes away.Like yesterday, when we were so close."
"Okay, Jayna, lead the way." Marya said.
The sun was in the middle of the sky when Jayna finally found Denmark's house.
Jayna went up and knocked, the feeling wasn't hurting her like it did when they found Garrid. Denmark
answered the door with a smile on his face.
"Miss Redcloud, Mr. Starkwake how can I help you? Do you need a ride?"
Jayna nodded,"We need to go to Washington."
"Yes, ma'am. Let me get my things and I'll take you."
"Thank you,Denmark."Jayke says.
They waited on the porch for Denmark to get his things, as soon as he's out of the door he tells them to wait
where they are while he gets the limo.When he pulled up with the limo everyone got in the backseat. Jayna had
her head on Jaykes chest with his arms around her. Marya was reading and Kelsie was looking out a window.
Jayna fell asleep in Jaykes arms. Her dreams were restless. She dreamed that she had a sister, her sisters face
was blackened out but Jayna could tell she was bad.
"Kill me, if you have to. I'm the one that killed Garrid." She laughed.
Then another person she recognized but couldn't remember who she was walked in the room. "Wake up, your
having a nightmare.Wake up,wake up,wake up!" Said the other girl.
Jaynas eyes flew open, she gasped she wasn't in the dark place anymore, she was staring up at Kelsie,Jayke and
Marya's worried faces.
"Honey, what happened? You were tossing and turning, and you tried to choke me."said Jayke. Jayna could see
little finger bruises on his neck.
"I'm sorry Jayke. It was so scary, the dream. This girl said she was my sister and that she killed Garrid." Jayna
started to cry.
Mary sat back,"It's just what I feared. Jayna you do have a sister, a twin sister. Your mother took her and hid her
from us because of her birthmark, it was a sign. An evil sign. Remember your history studies the chapter about
Weston Firesoul?"
"Yes. He was thrown out of Sakeno for attempted take over of the throne."
"Well your mother hid her with him. Alaina grew to love him, just like you love Jayke. He wants power still and she
is helping him. Last we heard they had a child named Mayze but he ranaway.Theres no more records about Mayze
accept that he would be six now. You must have some kind of mind link with your sister, most twins do,but nothing
so terrible like yours has ever been heard of." Mary told her.
"Why didn't anyone tell me this? Jayke did you know?"Jayna asked.
"No honey I didn't,but the night before we had the hearing you muttering something like 'Alaina Marie' in your sleep.
I figured it didn't matter so I went back to sleep."
"It's okay, you didn't know." Jayna's heartbeat was back to normal by now.
"Jayna, no one told you because we were afraid that you'd go looking for her and help her with their army."
"Army? I wouldn't join an army. If someone had told me she was evil then I wouldn't of even gone."
"Jayna,your sister has unique capabilities. She can make people do what she wants them to do. Her talent is just
like Kelsie's but she can talk to people in their minds and tell them what to do. And if they don't do it, it is very
painful.See this mark,"Marya lifted up her shirt to about her bellybutton and on her side was something that
looked like a burn mark,"Your sister did that when she was a baby, because I didn't pick her up."
"But I'm not evil like her.Are we like the oppisites of each other?"
"Yes, your souls and destinies are different but you look alike."
All of a sudden Denmark tells them,"We're in Washington, what city do you want to go to?"
Before anyone else can answer Jayna says,"Seattle, we want to go to Seattle."
"Yes ma'am."
"Jayna, why are we headed to Seattle?"
"Because I know where Mayze is."
"Jayna, we're supossed to be heading back to Sakeno."
"I know but we can save Mayze.He's living in an abandoned building on the east side of Seattle. I can take you to
"Jayna, I doubt you've ever met him,how could you know where he is?"Marya asked.
"It may not say in my record but I know where my family is,good or evil,at all times."
Marya looked worried, "This could be dangerous,Jayna,This means you know where Alaina is."
"Marya she's everywhere.There's too many people's minds that have been messed up by her that I don't know
where she is. It scares me because I feel her everywhere I go.Even in Sakeno I could feel her."
"But thats impossible, she can't control anyone in Sakeno. We have blocks against that."
"Well she must've some how gotten in to Sakeno, taken over someones mind and gotten out of there. If I were her it would've probably been someone importent like a Night Child,Star Sister,or Moon brother."
"It's not Marya,Jayna, so we can trust her.I doubt its a Moon Brother. Most likely a Night Child, they have more
power than Star Sister or Moon Brothers." Kelsie spoke for the first time since they had left.
"It possible but I don't see how she could've gotten in,"Jayke spoke up,"I thought there were barriers all around
Sakeno to tell who's entered and who's left."
"We set those barriors up after we threw Weston out."
"But shouldn't Weston be dead by now?That happened 150 years ago."Jayna asked
"He is immortal and can shape-shift to look younger than he really is. Apparently your mother trusted him enough
to let him raise Alaina."
"My mother must've known him then."
"She did, because she was his wife for a few years,but then when she heard about him trying to
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