» Fantasy » The Unicorn Tales, Evelyn J. Steward [english readers TXT] 📗

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time to time, and though unused for centuries, it retained some residual magic. Searcher knew he could summon a spell to conjure up food for their riders, indeed for them all. Jansis was his benefactor. He had 'talked' to others whilst under the spell on that lonely market stall, but she was the only one that heard him, heeded him and released himself and Goldmane, his mate. She deserved the best that he could provide. She would certainly receive his love and protection. The problem in Troll Forest was, who would protect him?
Trolls were mischievous. Often downright cunning and nasty, but a stay ion the forest could not be avoided. They all needed rest and food. Once inside the cottage, Searcher would weave spells to make them safe until they had to leave at daybreak. However, there was no way to rise into the air from cottage clearing; the trees formed an impenetrable curtain above with their network of branches all interleaved. The two unicorns would have top make their way by hoof through the midden of tall trunks for some distance before a large enough clearing might appear, one great enough to give room for takeoff.
Between the cottage and that distant clearing lurked many dangers. Trolls were the main forest dwellers but there were other indescribable creatures who dwelt in pockets of brush and woodland by curtesey of the tolls who sometimes used them as lookouts or for skirmish tactics. Clever demons, the Trolls.
Keeping both ears pricked for any untoward sounds, Searcher and Goldmane trotted through the trees as fast as they could. They were so relieved when they spied the cottage in-between two vast oak trees. These giants were the boundaries of the magic. Once inside the circle, the unicorns and their riders were safe, for the time being.
"Wake up Jansis," Searcher nudged his rider's leg. "We are resting here tonight."
Jansis was busy yawning and only heard the last few words. "Tonight? Is it that late already?" Goldmane nudged her rider but Shanna had been awake for some time and was too scared to say anything.
"Everyone inside the cottage quietly," urged Searcher. "I hear movements in the forest and I must locate the magic thread that will keep us safe from harm'"
On the outside, the cottage looked dilapidated. Shanna dismounted Goldmane. She gave the old building a glance, wondering just how anything that old and decrepit could keep them safe from harm. As Jansis opened the door, it creaked badly, much to the chagrin of Searcher who knew that any unnatural sound could bring Trolls running to their location at any moment.
Once inside however, it was a different place entirely. Clean and tidy, a fire burnt in the hearth and warmth and light crowded the large room.
Hay magically appeared in a stone trough near the doorway for which the unicorns were grateful. They munched away happily for it had been a long time since they were able to take in nourishment. After a few minutes, Searcher's strength returned. He whinnied and tossed his head. Food for the two humans appeared on a rough-hewn table. Steaming drinks, meat, platters of fruit and cake.
Shanna had long since discarded her incredulity and viewed the banquet with lust. Jansis just sat down and tucked into the welcome meal. Neither woman had realised just how hungry they were.
The firelight gave off and amber glow as they finished their repast. Shanna sucked sticky fingers and a bowl of water appeared beside her with a small cloth for her to dry her hands on.
"Umm! This is luxury, no doubt about it," exclaimed Jansis who had eaten so much, she could feel her distended stomach groan. "Have to exercise a lot to get that off," she said as she viewed the bulge.
Shanna laughed as she examined her own belly, patting the hump finally as if it were a well-meaning friend. "That was some meal."
"Eat hearty," Searcher told them. "I don't know when or if we will find another meal such as this in the coming days." He carried on chewing a wisp of hay. "Now yo8u must sleep. There are made beds in the next room. Rest easy for tomorrow the road is long and dangerous and there is no certainty that we shall survive this forest." He nuzzled Goldmane who had eaten well herself. "We are safe tonight, but tomorrow is another matter."

© Copyright Evelyn J. Steward. June 2002
Words 2516

Text: Two friends, a china unicorn and....magic
Publication Date: 11-23-2011

All Rights Reserved

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