» Fantasy » Titular, Blake Daugherty [rainbow fish read aloud .txt] 📗

Book online «Titular, Blake Daugherty [rainbow fish read aloud .txt] 📗». Author Blake Daugherty

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way bread just in case they had to go see to the cattle or sheep in the nearby countryside. So all the men even Nicosla and Naham carried the bread. Even though they would not ever have had to herd sheep with their occupations. It was just custom that all men have a bread pouch that he carried with his money pouch if he was a city farer. His boots were beginning to chafe a little from the run yesterday and all the walking today. Camden was accustomed to hikes for stray sheep so he would not let a little chafe get at him. Probably from the running after crossing rivers he thought. All this transpired as they brake bread and drank water from a nearby creek. Titular is a land of much water so no one ever went with thirst.
That night they camped along a hillside to protect them from the springs cool breezes that could turn chilly. As he wrapped himself into his cape he found himself wondering what Vintularia would be like. By the end of the next day he was tired of walking and the chaffing had worsened. Still he had not complained. Around midday they began to come upon farms and mills along the creeks and rivers. They all looked the same with thatched roofs and the mills had slate roofs. All the farms had chickens in the front yard and were colored a nice pale yellow or off white. The mills tended towards pink or light blue. They passed three mills by mid afternoon and knew it was a sure sign that the town was nearby. No village ever had more than one mill. That was how he could tell that Vintularia was a town it probably boasted at least two inns. As the farms got thicker and closer together they came to a blacksmith. The smith was forging horseshoes and they stopped to inquire how much farther to the town. Upon their inquiry they found they were almost there maybe a fifteen minute journey to the edge of the town.
The town itself was magnificent to Camden who had seem little more than thatched and wooden buildings before. Some of the buildings were made of white brick and a creamy pink color. The town hosted three inns and Naham chose the one closest to the center of the town as the council was nearest to there. When the inn saw they were housing a priest and his entourage they immediately gave them the best rooms even though he and Nic had to share one. Naham said that the council would pay for the room for them and as was customary priests always lodged in the best places in inns for free to find the favor of the gods. They ate rabbit for dinner with asparagus and rosemary potatoes before turning in to a night of sleep in a feather bed not one made of hay that they were so used to sleeping in every night.

Chapter Three

Camden awoke first to daylight pouring in through the slats of the shutters. He had slept almost a half a day and missed breakfast. Nic was snoring with his feet splayed out from under the covers. Camden slipped out of bed and put his tunic on over the leggings he had slept in. He had to remember to buy a new pair today when he went to get his sword. He decided it was better to let Nic sleep so he opened the door as quietly as possible and went to Naham's room room to find he was not there. Camden decided to go downstairs and see if he could find out where the man had gone. When he got down stairs the aroma of pork and apple sauce tantalized his taste buds. The matron of the inn saw him come downstairs and motioned him over.
"Where's your friend? Still sleeping I see." Was her observation.
"Ma''am, Where is the priest?"
"He went to the council first thing this morning said he would not be back until around supper." She informed him.
"Thank you." Was his weak reply.
"No let's see to getting you fed. Sit over there." And she motioned to the nearest table from the counter.
Camden took a seat and was served a plate of Pork with applesauce and more of the rosemary potatoes which seemed to be a. He ate heartily and even asked for seconds. Before going upstairs to see if Nicolsa had awoken yet. When he got upstairs he no longer heard snoring as he opened the door but saw Nic sitting up in the bed in a daze.
"Wha? Where did you all go?" He asked.
"I was eating breakfast and Naham ha gone to the council to tell them what we saw."
"I didn't know where you all had gone. I just woke up here all alone." He drawled coming out of his sleepiness.
"I suggest you eat then we will buy more clothes. The ones we have are rags now."
"That's a good idea. I have some money in my money pouch." Nic Commented.

After Nic had eaten and they had filled their wayfarer pouches with way bread and fruits as was custom They set out on their way. They passed by fruit and vegetable stands along the way. The hawkers yelled their wares out to the passerby.


Publication Date: 09-21-2010

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