» Fantasy » Something More, S.N. Rimmer [ebook reader txt] 📗

Book online «Something More, S.N. Rimmer [ebook reader txt] 📗». Author S.N. Rimmer

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it but was otherwise empty. No cards, no papers, nothing but money. 
"70 dollars." I said to no one in particular and stood picking up the empty wallets and placing them in the night stand drawer beside my king sized bed along with the countless other discarded wallets. I placed the money into my own wallet and put it back into the bottom of my backpack,  making sure to cover it with the notebook and pencils I kept in my backpack as well. 
After doing a bit of tidying the room was almost completely dark so I changed into a long t shirt and a pair of panties and settled into bed, hugging Iggy, my teddy bear, to my chest. 
Slowly, comfortably, I fell asleep to the sound of my own heart beat in my ears and the lulling sounds of the city outside of my room. chapter 3: A Last Little Surprise

 When I awoke the next morning, it felt like someone was banging a chisel and hammer against the front of my head. My ears were roaring with the sounds of car horns and people yelling and talking. I could even hear footsteps. But it wasn't normal city noise, it was louder, magnified. It sounded catastrophic and mad me want to claw my ears out. Instead, I covered my ears with my palms and curled into a ball,  hoping that the ungodly noise would go away. Eventually, it did and all I could hear was my beating heart and heavy breathing. 

What the hell was that? I asked myself. I sat up slowly and threw my legs over the bed so that my toes barely touched the floor. My hands were shaking and all of the hair on my body was standing up. What's going on? I was scared and confused. 
Slowly, testing my balance, I stood up. When I didn't immediately topple over, I took a few steps and began to feel more comfortable and balanced.
I brought in a deep calming breath, then I put on a white tee-shirt and a pair of black skinny jeans as well as my black converses, then grabbed my backpack and walked out the door.
By the time I was the the bottom of the stairs, I was huffing and puffing. I've never felt so tired and weak in my life then I did now, including the time I got the flu, but I had things to do, and if I wanted to eat later, I had to do them now. 
After I was done dying, I headed out the wooden door of the hotel that had a broken lock. I bumped into someone right out of the gate and snagged his wallet out of his coat pocket and kept walking. He never noticed. I placed the wallet into my backpack and kept walking.
I followed the delicious smell for a block to a bakery where I bought my breakfast, a cream cheese danish and a bottle of milk. 
"Thank you." The woman who handed me my change back said cheerily. I nodded and took the bag that sat on the counter and headed out the door for my favorite secluded park a few blocks away. 
I liked the park because it was quiet, save for the occasional teenager going for a walk or a bird that would chirp on the tree branches beside me. I liked my lips as I headed the park, to find that my usual bench was already occupied by a familiar man in a plaid shirt and old tattered blue jeans. 
"So you're stalking me now?" I asked half jokingly as I placed my paper bag onto the table along with my milk and pulled out the danish. 
"Nah," he spoke around a mouthful of French fries, "just thought you might like some company. That's all." 
I sighed and took a bite of my danish. 
"it's a bit late for breakfast, don't you think?" he asked. 
"Huh?" I asked as I swallowed and looked up at his eyes. 
He motioned to the sky with his head. "it's about 2 or 3."
I looked up and quickly regretted it. The sun made my head pound so hard it made me dizzy. "Ugh!" I covered my eyes and took a sip of milk hoping it would sooth my now slightly upset stomach.  It didn't, it just made it worse so I pushed everything out of my way and put my head down on the table. 
"Are you OK?" The man asked as I felt a hand on my back. 
"I... Uh... Yeah." I raised my head to look at him as the pain faded.
"You should probably go home and sleep. You're probably getting sick." The man said. 
It was around then that I realized that I didn't know his name. "Hey, I never caught your name."
"My name is Dave." He answered. 
"My name is Aisilynn." I told him as I stood up. "But I can't go home yet. I still need to pick up some food for later." 
"No,  just go home. I'll pick you up something nice to eat and have my dog Kobe drop it off at your door. He could sniff you out from miles away. You just go home and sleep."
I debated with myself for a second then nodded.  "Sure. Thanks, Dave." 
He nodded and I collected my trash and threw it away then went to the abandoned hotel room I called home. 
I don't really remember much of the trip home because I was so out of it. It felt sort of like the time I stayed up for two nights strait when I was 10 boycotting bedtime. Except now I wanted to go to sleep and I had a bad headache. By the time I made it to my room, I collapsed into my bed, face first, with my clothes still on. I threw my backpack to the floor beside the bed and kicked my shoes off and dragged myself up the bed and under the covers.
I closed my eyes as I started to shiver. I was cold but I knew it wasn't cold In the room. If anything it should be hot. It's the middle of June. But instead of questioning it, I curled up under the covers and willed myself to fall asleep and eventually I did.


I was vaguely aware of my own labored breathing and my rapid heart beat as I floated in a tar black void. I felt as if I was nothing at all, weightless. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't get enough air into my lungs and my heart was fluttering in my ribcage as if it were desperately trying to escape a predator.
Then I saw myself from the outside. I was naked and floating with my arms out to my side. My pale skin looked paler then normal and had patches of red across my face and chest. Beads of the red liquid rolled across my untouched abdomen and sides then dripped off of my body when they could go no farther. Blood, something in me said. I could see my chest rise and fall rapidly.
"Aislynn..." someone called "Aislynn..."  the voice was foreign. I've never heard it before, but it was comforting. It made me feel almost... Safe. 
But the blood, God, there was so much blood. It had pretty much covered my whole body now. I could taste blood on my toung. 
No, no... No more, please. I begged.


I sat bolt upright in bed, clutching the sheets to my chest. Once I caught my breath, I let my body slump back down to my pillow. My heart was racing and I was wide awake now. My stomach twisted and did its impression of a dying whale.
I sighed and sat up. For the most part I felt fine. Actually, I felt restless and wanted to roam around town a bit. What can it hurt? I'll go get something to munch on and eat while I walk. Yeah, that sounded good.
I stood up and slipped on my shoes and grabbed my purse instead of my backpack and my wallet from my dresser and placed it into my purse. I practically ran down the stairs at full speed then out the door. I felt the best I've felt in a long time as I continued to run down the mostly empty streets of New York City. All of the vendors were closed and most of the stores were too besides the few 24 hr drug stores and convenience stores and bars. Which led me to believe it was quite late. A clock inside of a store confirmed this saying that it was 2:08 am. Most of the normal people were asleep or at least at home and the only ones left were the drunkards that had been recently kicked out of the bars, and we'll... Me.
I ducked into an open convenience store and received an odd look from the man at the cash register. I ignored it and browsed the isles of the store. I wasn't sure what I wanted but my stomach was telling me what ever I choose, I better choose fast because it was getting very impatient with me. 
I was walking in the freezer section when I spotted a few rows of single Popsicles. I settled on a dark red one which I assumed was black cherry and went to the register to have the man scan it so I can pay for it since it was the only thing that caught my eye. 
"87¢. Is that all, ma'am?" The man raised an inquiring eyebrow as he handed it back to me and I handed him a dollar. 
"Yeah, thanks." I pulled the wrapper down and bit off the end as he gave me back my change with I placed into the zipper portion of my wallet which I then placed into my purse and walked out the door. 
Just before the door closed I heard someone, the man I assume, mutter something about weird eyes. I shrugged and kept on walking the same way I was when I entered the store. Slowly, I ate my Popsicle even though it wasn't really what I was looking for.
I walked along the sidewalk until I realized I wasn't going to find what I wanted so I turned back and headed for the park this time. I still wasn't tired and I didn't plan on sleeping at the moment. I was too wired to sleep. 
When I finished my popsicle, I threw the stick into a garbage can and kept walking. I reached the park a few minutes after I threw the stick away and went to my usual spot at my bench table.
I ended up laying on top of the table with one hand on my heart and the other at my side as I watched the stars twinkle and the thin, wispy clouds roll by. My legs dangled off the edge at the knees and I swung them rhythmically. The slight breeze was warm with a tinge of coolness on it. I breathed in deeply and caught the scent of metal and leather and... gunpowder. 
"Hey, you can't sleep here, ma'am." A deep voice sounded from somewhere behind me. 
I tilted my head back and met a pair of tawny eyes. The man who the eyes belonged to had ebony skin and was rather scrawny for a police officer but none the less wore a blue police uniform. As our

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