» Fantasy » Airma, Sammantha Lewis [booksvooks txt] 📗

Book online «Airma, Sammantha Lewis [booksvooks txt] 📗». Author Sammantha Lewis

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she open her eyes she revealed her once violet eyes to be a honey tinted brown similar to her siblings.She knew that as long as she continued to focus her energy on her eyes that they would remain brown. She ran down the brick road to the small inn.
She opened the door to the inn, and entered the fire light room. Her long brown hair clung her face, and the hem of her skirt left a trail of rain water. She approached the desk where an older woman wearing a shawl sat with a guest booklet.
"May I help you?" the woman asked.
"Yes, um I would like a room for the night." she said.The Woman flipped threw the large book several times before looking up at Maribel with a sympathetic smile.
"I'm sorry dear, but it seams that all the rooms are not available." Maribel's smile quickly faded when she heard this.
"Is there another Inn in town?" she asked, but the woman simply shook her head.
"I'm afraid not, but I could let you sit by the fire until the rain stops."
"That very kind of you ,but I need a place to stay for the night!" As Maribel tried hopelessly to compromise with the manager she until she felt a tap on her shoulder. When she turned around she saw a man about in his twenty's with chin length black hair.
"I couldn't help but over hear about your dilemma" He looked at her with a warm smile on his face.
"I would be willing to share my room with you if you like." Maribel crossed her arms with a smug look on her face.
"sir that is very kind of you, but I am not about to share a room with a man who I have just met."
"Oh you would not be sharing a room at all, you see I have rented a separate room for my page. So naturally you would have his."
"Well if that is the circumstances, then I will humbly except your offer." The dark haired man lead her up the stairs
"May I ask you name?" She asked.
"Klaus. And yours?" he said
"Maribel." Klaus unlocked the wooden door and handed her the key to her room.
" Well then good night Maribel." She entered the room and closed the door behind her. She quickly changed in to a plain cotton night gown, and hung her clothes near the fire place to dry. She climbed into the small bed and laid down with Loki resting on her stomach. KIDNAPPED


he next morning Maribel was woken up by a knock at the door. Maribel climbed out of bed and made her way to the door. when she opened the door the small girl holding her breakfast tray looked up at Maribel in horror.
"Here's you breakfast ma'am." the small girl barley managed to speak. Maribel smiled at her warmly and took the tray of food. The little girl turned around and ran down the hall
"Mama!" she called frantically as she raced down the stairs. Maribel was confused about the young girls reaction to her. She decided not to mind it and set the tray on her bed and made her way over to vanity on the other side of the room. As she brushed her hair her eyes drifted to her reflection of her face. When she saw her eyes she gasped and dropped the brush from her hands.
"L-Loki! We need to leave now!"Loki's head shot up,
"what is it now?" he groaned, but when he saw her eyes he understood completely.
"your eyes are amethyst again." Maribel looked at him with fear and quickly changed into her original clothes. She grabbed the room key and rushed down stairs with Loki healing her. She placed the key on the desk and rushed out the door. When she left the inn Klaus caught her shoulder and stopped her.
"Maribel, are you leaving?"
"I am afraid so."
"Then let me be your escort to where you need to be." Maribel looked over her shoulder to she the inn keepers rushing towards them.
"If you insist!" without a second thought Maribel Leaped into Klaus' carriage. After several miles Maribel Looked at Klaus.
"This is far enough, I don't want overexert your kindness." Klaus shook his head at her,
"I'm afraid I cannot do that, Maribel. You are dreadfully far from Lenzanna, that would not be-"
"I never mentioned going to Lenzanna."
"I know who you are Maribel, Elizabeth, Remy. Your the famous witch of the north. Your also the key to my succession of the throne." Maribel's eyes widened with both fear and
shock she slammed on the roof of the carriage.
"Driver, stop!" Maribel jiggled the handel on the carriage door,
"I need to get off." Klaus' eyes turned cold and heartless
"Like I said before Maribel, I cannot do that." The page who was sitting next Maribel grabbed her wrists with one hand and covered her mouth and nose with a handkerchief just long enough to make her blackout.
When Maribel came to, she woke up in a small luxurious room. She abruptly sat up and tried to recall what had gotten her here.
"Loki? Loki where are you?" Maribel heard a rustling sound coming from the wardrobe. When she opened it Loki leaped out of the leather sack and gasped for air.
"I thought I was never going to see the sun again!" he exclaimed dramatically. Maribel laughed for a second and then knelt down in front of him.
"Loki, where are we? what is happening?" Loki washed his face and then looked up at her.
"They want you to help them find some stone, and as for where we are.. I take it we're on an airship." Maribel rushed to the porthole and unlatched it. She gazed above her head at the small jets and the large mast peering over the side of the ship. She then closed the porthole and looked at Loki,
"your right." She ran to the door and tried to open it, but had no success.
"Mare, your powers!" Loki barked at her. Maribel remembered her powers and pointed her index finger at the door. A small blue spark zapped the door handle. Maribel then tried again to open the door but failed again.
"Dammit! The damn door is charmed!" Maribel walked over to the wooden desk in the corner of the room and sat there with her head cupped in her hands. She sat there for hours felling like a fool for trusting him. Suddenly there was a loud bang on the door, followed by two more,the final bang sent the door swinging open. The person who had kicked it open was a young man with golden hair and deep green eyes. Maribel stood there petrified with fear. He came to were she was standing and cover her mouth with his hand to stop her scream,
"Listen carefully, I am not here to harm you. I only ask for your cooperation, allow me to hide here, and deny that you saw me." Maribel stared into his green eyes and saw not hatred only sincerity. She glanced down at his wrist and saw a large bruise on both wrists that wrapped around his wrist like a ring. she realized that that he was telling her the truth and that he needed her help. She then nodded her head yes, and almost like a reflex he ran to the wardrobe and hide himself inside. Maribel watched as the guards ran past her room. she looked down the hallway to conform that no other guards were coming. Maribel ran to the wardrobe and knocked on it quietly.
"um.. the guards are gone." she whispered.The man jumped out of the wardrobe and grabbed her wrist and pulled her towards the door.
"Hold on! what do you think your doing?" the man looked at her and said.
"you are a captive, right? I saw the exit let me help you." Maribel's eyes widened and she fell silent and followed him up the stairs.
She could hear the guards casing after them and wondered if she had only made the situation worse. When they burst threw the door of the sky deck, Maribel's fear had become reality. There the were cornered with men behind them and in front of them, in all directions. Maribel remembered looking out the window and seeing a forest far below them. She then peered at the men between her and the railing of the ship. The blonde man saw that her eyes were fixated on the men's feet and that she appeared to be counting them. Which is exactly what she was doing. Suddenly a narrow flam shout from Maribel's feet and darted towards the men as if it following a trail of gun powder. The men scattered and left reviled an opening. Maribel ran to the edge of the ship and leaped over the edge followed by the ferret.A bright golden light appeared and the Blonde man ran to the railing and looked over the railing ,not to see a woman falling to her death, but a woman riding on the back of a griffon. Maribel waved to the thirty baffled men and called
"sir, I suggest that you join me now before you are captured again." before the guards could grab him he had thrown him self over board and was caught by the griffon.



hen they landed Maribel leaped of the griffon and was followed by the blonde.
"What might your name be?" he asked her. The Griffon was submerged in the golden light once more and revealed to be Loki. Maribel Knelt down to Loki and tided a string with a bell attached to it around it. The small bell was tarnished and had a six pointed stare with with wings engraved into it. The star on the bell glowed the same golden light as before. Maribel turned to face him and simply replied,
"Maribel, and yours?"
"My Name is Erin , I am the third son of King Claudio."
"Then I suppose your here to take me away and force me to help you as well."
"Then your the witch of the north?" he asked her. Maribel shook

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