» Fantasy » Life, Patricia Silva [ebook reader 8 inch .TXT] 📗

Book online «Life, Patricia Silva [ebook reader 8 inch .TXT] 📗». Author Patricia Silva

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I'm going to Tomas' house after school," I responded.

"Oh, why aren't we just going home?"

"I don't know."

"Why don't you know?"

I sighed. "Well I do know, but I'm not telling you."

"Why aren't you gonna tell me?" she asked.

"Because, I'm not."

"But why?"

"Because I don't feel like it."

"Why don't you feel like it?" she continued.

"...I don't know..", I paused, pondering what to say, " and mom wouldn't want me to..."

"Why wouldn't she?" Sophia persisted.

" 'Cause.."

" 'Cause why?"

"Just because."

"Because why?"

"Because....because you're not old enough...?" I said with a shrug.

"Why aren't I not old enough?"she questioned. I smiled at the fact of her trying to act mature, even though her grammar was not very good.

"Because you're 9," I said.

"So?" she continued.

"I don't know, you're 9."


"Because you were born 9 years ago, so you're 9."


" 'Cause mom got pregnant with you 9 months before 9 years ago." I really didn't want to continue this conversation.

"Why?" she asked.

" 'Cause..."

" 'Cause why?"




"Stop what?"

"Stop asking 'why' to everything."


"Because it's annoying."

"Why is it annoying?"



We finally stopped in front of the elmentary school and I sighed.

"Be good, okay?" I said.

Sophia nodded her head, then I kissed her on the forhead and watched her go up the steps and into the school. Then I turned around and continued walking until I reached the middle school. As I walked through the gates I saw a small group of popular girls, wearing tight mini skirts that were obviously against school uniform, but the security gaurd never seemed to notice. I could feel them watch me as I walked by and I tried not to make eye contact with them as they wispered to eachother and laughed.

Oh, how I'd love to turn around, make my eyes glow and throw a ball of magic in their direction.

But doing that would cause all kinds of complications, so I just continued walking. Then I saw Jack walk by, well I think that's his name anyway. I had to admit, for a popular guy, he was pretty cute. Then some girls came up to him and sarted flirting. The only thing that held me back from doing the same was the fact that I wasn't a popular girl. The kind that wears a ton of make up, small and tight clothes, and for some reason just so happened to be a whole lot prettier than all of us other girls. I kept walking and smiled to myself when I heard that he turned them both down about going to the dance.

Then I heard one of them say, "Oh, c'mon, who are you gonna go with, some ugly, emo girl?"

"Yeah, like Siena Hunt?" The other one said.

Then all three of them laughed. I did the only thing I was socially able to do: keep on walking.

It was going to be a long day.


I walked across the street from Sophia's mentor, Lisa's house, and headed toward the end of town where my mentor, Tomas, lived. I tried not to think about how terrible today was, and instead I thought about the possibilities of what I'd be learning or doing with Tomas for the next week.

As I got closer to the house, I decided to take a short-cut through the forest, even though it would take longer to get there than it would just walking the streets, but I liked the forest better.

As soon as I stepped into a clearing I heard something rustle in the bushes behind me. I turned around, but nothing was there. Then, I heard a SNAP from the other side, and I turned to face it, but again, nothing. I felt my eyes begin to glow as I took a step backwards, then I heard more noise coming from a different direction. I slowly stepped toward the noise, squinting into the thick greenery. All of the sudden, something big jumped at me and I screamed as we both tumbled down the hill and landed in another clearing. A large wolf pinned me down and growled in my face before licking me.

I giggled and said, "Get off me, you furball! I hate you!"

Blake laughed, then rolled off and turned into his 'human' form: a tall fourteen-year-old boy with pale skin, light brown hair and bright gold eyes.

"Not my fault you fall for it every time!" he laughed.

"Oh shut up, I'm going to get you back someday," I replied.

"That's what you always say," he said, standing up. He grabbed my arm and pulled me to my feet.

"Whatever," I said with a smirk.

"Where are you going anyway?" he asked.

"Tomas' house."

"Through the forest?" he raised a brow.

"Yeah," I replied.


"I don't know," I shrugged, " I like the forest."

"Just like how you like the rain?"

"No, it's kinda different."

"Hmph," he grunted with a smirk.

"Hmph what?" I asked and he just continued to smirk.

"Blake," I said.

"What?" he replied, still smiling slightly.

"What?" I asked.

"You're the one who said my name," he said and I rolled my eyes. Blake smiled again and we began to walk back up the hill and past the first clearing, and in the direction I was originally headed.

"So how was your day?" Blake asked after a few minutes.

"It was good," I said with a sigh.

"Okay, that's a lie," he replied.

"No, it's not..."

"Yeah, it is."

"...How do you know?"

"Siena, you're my best friend. I've known you since you were, like, eight. I know when you're lying."

"Oh..." I didn't know what else to say.

"Why, what happened?" he questioned.

"Nothing..." I looked away.

"That's also a lie."

"Well, I'm sorry, how was your day, Mr. Popularity? How many creatures did you hang out with today? How many girls flirted with you?"

"Hey. I'm not that popular, Ms. Loner over here... and I just hung out with my friends."

"Yeah, what about the girls?"

"Oh, c'mon, what are you jealeous?"

"Why would I be jealeous of you?"

"Not me, the girls," Blake said, with a wink.

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever, like I'd be jealous of that..." I could feel my cheeks turn a bit pink.

Blake laughed and I smiled as we walked up to the side of a big two-story house at the end of the forest. I stepped in front of Blake and turned to face him.

"Thanks for walking with me," I said.

"No problem," he replied, "Hey, I'm gonna really talk to you later okay?"

"Hah, about what?"

Blake shrugged, "I don't know, but you've been really quiet lately. You usually tell me everything, and I feel like something's been bugging you, and you won't tell me what," he walked back the way we came.

"Nothing's bugging me," I said barely loud enough for him to hear.

He turned around, rolled his eyes and smiled, then turned into a wolf and walked away. I sighed, for the hundredth time today. I wasn't an adept liar, but I didn't feel like telling anyone about my feelings lately. Not even my best friend.

I walked along the side of the fence until I reached the front, then went through the gate, through the yard and up the steps. I paused, then opened the door and went inside.

Everyone Knows The Princess


I threw my backpack on the couch and walked toward the office, where I heard Tomas searching through some papers. I was about to say hello when I realized he was on the phone.

"Well, it's possible," he said.

I was going to say something to annoy him when he stopped moving through the papers and just listened to the voice on the other side of the phone in an almost too-dramatic silence. His back was facing the door, so I couldn't see the expression on his face, but I guessed that he wasn't smiling.

"Well, no, she doesn't know yet. I haven't told her, but lately she's had a lot to deal with." He ran his fingers through his black hair.

I stepped into the corner by the stairs and pressed my head against the wall.

"Well I mean if something really upsets her, I have no idea how it would affect her. It could mess with her feelings and that could make her symptoms act up."

Then, I realized he was talking about me.

"Well, yes it's bad! She can barely handle it when the visions come and go, which doesn't happen often, but the bad dreams are becoming more and more frequent."

I wondered what the conversation was about. What was it that might upset me?

"I don't know if Ms. Hunt has told them yet, but I doubt it. ... Well, you could tell her, but when she's with Sienna she might ask questions about it, and I don't plan on telling her... Well, no, not until it actually happens. ... I'm not sure, do you think I should? ... Well, we'll know before tomorrow, right? ... Okay, then she'll know, but if not, then I don't want her to worry about it until then. ... Well, you know she isn't exactly friendly with the idea of this whole thing in the first place. ...No, not yet, but she should be here already, she's running late, she's probably with some friends or something. ... No, probably not him, I don't know why but she refuses to get to know him better. ... No, I'm not, but we have some lessons to go over when she gets here, which better be soon. ... Alright. ... Okay, Goodbye."

Tomas hung up the phone and I ran back to the living room and grabbed my backpack when Tomas walked out of the office and returned the phone to the table next to the staircase.

"Oh, there you are, when'd you get here?" he asked.

"Um, just right now," I replied.

"Oh, okay..."

"Hey, my mom said she's not working late today..."

"Oh, okay, I kind of figured..."


"Huh, oh, nothing."

"Why, what is she doing?"

"I don't know, but... nevermind."


Something wierd was going on. Lately, my mom and Tomas have both been keeping things from me. Though, I guess it didn't really matter considering I haven't exactly been telling them about everything either.

Tomas went up the stairs and I followed. I tried not to seem like I just over-heard a conversation that I should know nothing about.


When Tomas finished teaching me about magical politics we went down stairs into the living room and sat down on the sofa. Tomas picked up the romote and turned on the tv. It was on the news channel and the news reporter was talking about something to do with the economy when she stopped and turned it over to a blonde half-cat reporter and a picture of a crown with a question mark appeared behind her.

"In other news," she began, "it has recently been discovered that, not one, but two female wizards have been born with the gift of life."

I leaned forward and Tomas reached for the remote but I grabbed it from him. Something wierd was definately going on.

"They are sisters," the reporter continued, "but their names are to remain anonymous. But we do know that the eldest is 13 years of age and the younger is 9. When it is that their identities will be revealed is up to their parents and mentors. It is certain there will be a coronation ceremony very soon, though it can't happen until the youngest girl turns 10. They will be princesses of Tyren and when the older turns 18 she will take the position of Queen. Currently, Queen Isabelle is very excited to meet the young girls and interested in learning about their gift, that greater of her own gift of nature. This is all very exciting, I'm sure everyone in this world who is hearing the news is pleased to have a gift of life, make

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