» Fantasy » Moon stone, hima [read with me txt] 📗

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along with her.

Reluctantly, I moved into the confines of the forest, I wanted her more than anything. I need to devise a new plan to attack this pack that held my heart. I ran in frustration to the pack house, my beta sensed everything that happened, his face is elated with joy knowing that I finally found my mate and that I had imprinted someone.

“Do you want to attack them tonight?” That idea sounded so exciting especially taking them down meant having her but I had something’s to take care of before we attacked.

<Yasmin’s pov>
I could never forget how his blue eyes turned into silver and how a feral growl just like Danny’s escaped from his lips. We are having a lot of fun and everything seemed to be fine until everyone wet rigid and Jerry started dragging me outside the pool, they formed a circle around us and walked us home, it was like there is something in the woods that is going to pounce on us at anytime. The girls comprehended to the situation and acted like but I missed something that they all knew.

I heard Danny scratching the door, he wanted to let me in and so I did, it pounced on to my bed and made comfortable. I pushed it aside to make some space for me; I fell asleep on the haunted by weird dreams that day.

It was like I was house arrested, they didn’t let me go out, I couldn’t even talk long walks. Most of the times I heard Jerry and his gang having arguments when I tried to eavesdrop, they would suddenly go silent as if they knew that I was hearing. It irritated me to a great extent. I couldn’t take it any longer after staying two days in the limits of the room. I sneaked out of my room and started walking at a leisure pace in the forest, I inhaled deeply the scent of wet soil, I watched amazed at the canopy of trees that protected me from sunlight. I sat by a tree and leaned my back towards it; I pulled out my I-pod and ear plugs… I startled as I hear a rustle of leaves, I shrugged. It must be probably Jerry but isn’t he in the house discussing something with the others.

“Jerry…”I whispered afraid to speak up. There is no answer.

“Sam…is that you? You are freaking me out guys.” I called.

“Am I?” A slow but steady voice replied, I could feel the power in that voice. It wasn’t like any voice that I heard.

“Who are you? Show yourself…” I said.

Another rustle of leaves again and then I saw a most handsome guy emerge out of the trees, he is as tall as Jerry, broad shouldered, his muscles flexed as he walked towards me, his hooded eyes held my gaze, his smart mouth set in a playful grin. I couldn’t avert my eyes away from him.

“Hello, Yasmin.” He flashed his brilliant smile.

“How do you know my name?” I couldn’t ignore the gut feeling that said that he is dangerous.

“Yas…run.” I heard the familiar voice of Jerry. A feral growl resounded in the forest and a huge white wolf stood separating me and Jerry, the white wolf bent his head lower and gestured me to fall back. Something about it seemed so familiar… I saw Jerry rushing charging towards the white wolf with a spike in his hand.

“Don’t…”I rushed towards him, he isn’t going to harm it. The white wolf send it’s paw and I stumbled and fell backwards.

“Watch…” the powerful voice that I heard before said, I searched for him but he was nowhere to be seen, I was damn sure that it was him that I heard.

I heard another growl and I saw Jerry jumping high up into the air, he jumped into the air with two legs and landed on four paws… Danny was standing in the place where Jerry had to be.

“Danny…” I shouted. It perked up its ears and gave fleeting glimpse towards me.

Growls erupted in the forest, I covered my eyes afraid to see what’s happening after a while I heard low whimper; the white wolf was standing majestically over Danny. It looked ferocious… Danny whimpered as blood oozed from its legs.

“Danny…”my voice was meek but it caught the white wolf attention, It released Danny and left.

“See you until the next time…” that same voice said. The white wolf raced off into the forest catching a last glimpse at me.

I rushed towards Danny, but there is no Danny all I could see was Jerry writhing in pain, I froze unable to understand anything, it didn’t make any sense. It was a long walk from here and I don’t know if he could make it there. Thankfully Sam and others walked towards us, they carried Jerry away into the house, I tagged along them checking out the forest for that mystery man again.

“Don’t you think we should call a doctor?” I asked as Aunt Rose cleaned up the wounds.

“He’ll heal don’t worry…” Grandpa said.

“Don’t you think we should give him tetanus shot or something because it’s an animal bite…”I said.

“He is fine…”Grandpa said. I scooted over to his side, something is really not right. I watched in amazement as his wound began to contract and cover up on whole, there isn’t a tiny scratch in its place, I prodded grandpa to see it, he just nodded as if it is a casual thing to see.

“What’s happening?” I screamed at him.

“You shouldn’t have gone out alone…” Jerry replied curtly.

“Don’t tell me that… I want to know what’s really happening.”

I heard grandpa heave a big sigh. “Jerry is a werewolf…” Did I hear it, right?

“In fact all the boys are werewolves…”he corrected. I thought it was my overactive imagination when I saw a few years back Jerry changing into a big dog… My family said that was my dream.

“And you are?” I asked.

“I used to be one…” Jerry cut me off before I could ask any more questions.

“It’s not important now; the important thing that we need to is to plan an attack…”

“Are you out of your mind?” Grandpa grumbled.

Jerry glared at him. “The chance of making it out alive after fighting a descendant is close to 0.”he said.

“What do they want?” Jenny put a quick question.

“They claim this territory to be their own and they want her…” Grandpa said eying me.

Chills ran down my body, what me? What do they want with me? What else they wanted to kill me but for what?

“Never… ” Jerry screamed.

I felt at ease after hearing that. “We have no other choice…” Jack said.

“Hey…What are you talking? You want him to handover me to him to become their meal?” I yelled at him.

“What are we going to do?” Jerry looked at Grandpa for answer.

“I know what I’m going to do….I’m going back home away from all this.” I said heading up the stairs.

“No… you aren’t honey.” I heard the familiar voice of the stranger.

Growls erupted in the room as the stranger walked in with a group, In a flick of second the stranger had pinned Jerry to the ground.

“I’m in a good mood so I’ll spare all the lives of your pack…” He sneered.

“Now… do we have any agreement?” He asked helping Jerry up.

Jerry nodded, that’s it? He is going to give up on me that easily. That hurt me a lot…

“I thought you loved me…” I said in a disappointed voice.

“I do…but I value my pack’s life more than anything.” He said.

I kicked him with all the force that I could muster and it felt like hitting a rock, I shouted in pain. The stranger and Jerry reached out for me at a time but I shoved them off.

“I’m not going anywhere… If I’m going anywhere that would be my home...” I said rubbing my feet with fingers.

“Let me help you…”The stranger knelled down and massaged my fingers.

“Who are you? Why do you want to kill me?” I said making a sad face. He chuckled.

“I’ll never dream of hurting you…” The way he said it offered me peace of my mind.

“Can I go home?” I asked tentatively.

“You cannot…”he said.

“But…”He hushed me, his eyes met mine and I felt trapped in those eyes, he scooped me up and carried me away.

I woke in a huge, plush bed. I was afraid to see myself in new surroundings. I got down the bed and soft feather mattress touched my feet.

“Good morning…” The mysterious stranger sat in front of my bed holding a steaming cup of coffee and sandwich set on the table.

“I hope you are hungry…”his face was set with the devilish grin.

“Who are you? Where am I?” I asked tentatively reaching for the cup.

I sat on the bed Indian style keeping a safe distance away from him, sipping the hot coffee, I know that he probably would have mixed something in it but my groaning stomach fogged my senses.

“I am Kyle and I think you probably guessed that I’m a were wolf.”

“The white wolf…” He grinned.

“You are in my house…” he said.

“Why did you bring me here? Do you want um…”

“You are my mate…” he said.

“That doesn’t make any sense…”I said.

“Close your eyes…” I frowned but did what he said.
“Take a few deep breaths… Do you hear my voice…” I nodded.

“Can you see me…? Can you feel my heart beat?” the faint rhythm of his heart pounded in my head, his heart was synchronized with that of my own hear beat. A slow smile spread across my face. Weird but fascinating.

“Our two hearts are bonded and if something happens to you…”he trailed off.

“I get it…” I could feel his pain literally when he uttered those sentences.

“Does that mean I’m stuck here forever…”I asked.

“For a few days…”

“Will you let me go after that?” I asked a bit too excited.

“You’ll get used to it…”he chuckled.

“Do you love me?” My question surprised him. “I mean imprinting on someone doesn’t mean that you love them, right? It’s just like an agreement between two hearts…”

He laughed merrily. “Imprinting a person is like love at first sight only stronger…”he said.

I nodded.

“Grandpa mentioned something about descendants what does that mean?” I asked.

“Descendants are the off springs of the originals, the real were wolves or you can say pure bloods… Your family is wolves made by the wolf bite.” I looked confused.

“My ancestors are spirit warriors, they used to use their different animal spirits using an animal spirit is like using a part of us but one of our ancestor totally gave into his animal spirit while fighting to save his family. The wolf spirit he gave into took our, his body and since then it was only his wolf that he changed into…” I nodded.

“So you are actually spirit warriors that are no longer using other animal spirits…” I asked. He nodded.

He slowly
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