» Fantasy » Kira: The Powerful Tamer, Nick Venom [distant reading .txt] 📗

Book online «Kira: The Powerful Tamer, Nick Venom [distant reading .txt] 📗». Author Nick Venom

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grabbed a metal pipe by the side of his tent and crept closer to the outskirts of his camp. He heard the sounds of branches snapping and glass ruffling in front of him through the darkness of the dimly lit sea of trees. He waited for the sounds to reach him before activating Freeze Strike. He fired his skill into the forest, hoping that he caught the cause of the sounds. 

He held onto the metal pipe tightly as he hopped over the fence and went to find the cause of the sounds. Frozen stiff waiting for him, some distance from his camp, was a wounded animal - a red and blue hawk. The hawk had a large chunk taken out of its left wing. The hawk was crying out as blood---which hadn’t been frozen by Kira’s skill---leaked out. Kira unfroze the wounded animal and brought it to his camp, watching as his life was slowly being drained from it. 

“What do I do?” He asked himself. “It’s dying.” He looked around and noticed a box next to his tent. Nazifa dropped items he found at the edge of the forests and delivered them to Kira as gifts - some of them were useful as they were normal clothes, such as a black tee-shirt, matching black jeans, and black boots that he switched out from his usual attire. He accepted them as part of the truce---that’s been developing well since their initial encounter. 

Kira ripped the box open and dug through it, discovering a red potion hiding within it. “What is this?” He asked himself.

“A healing potion, dummy,” Visa told him. She made a portal within Kira’s camp, popping her head in to oversee the situation.

“It can heal the bird?” Kira asked her---a hint of desperation on full display in his tone. 

“Only if you can heal the hawk now. Waste any more seconds and the hawk will die.” Visa muttered, sounding bored.

Kira nodded and got to work, forcing the dying hawk to devour the healing potion. He carefully dripped the potion’s liquid down the hawk’s mouth, allowing it to enter its stomach and break apart. The liquid acted immediately, regenerating its missing chunks, closing the hawk’s wounds, and leaving no scars behind. It was as if the hawk had never been wounded.

The hawk’s heartbeats---which has been fleeting---stabilized. Life began flooding back into the near-colorless body of the hawk. The hawk regained its beautiful and vibrant red and blue colors. The hawk’s eyes regained their color, illuminating its black pupils. 

An hour passed before the hawk managed to recover its strength. The hawk could stand properly and fly for short periods of time. Kira was amazed at the hawk’s strength. The hawk flew around Kira for a short while before perching onto his shoulder. “What a beautiful hawk. Should I give you a name?” He asked out loud. The hawk nodded his head frantically as if it could understand him. 

“How about I call you… Jordan.” Jordan immediately let out a loud keeeeeee-arr into the air while flapping its wings, ecstatic as its name. Kira smiled as he watched Jordan fly around. “Well, it’s nice to meet you Jordan. My second companion.”


Half a year later, a goblin ambush woke Kira up. The sounds of the goblins’ collective roar jerked him awake. He jumped out of bed and picked up his trusty metal pipe to deal with the attackers. Jordan followed after him with immense speed using a skill known as Godspeed. Fortunately, after Jordan was healed by Kira, he had developed two skills. The first one being Godspeed and the other being Sonic Roar.

Without being ordered, Jordan flew into the air, watching as the chaos unfolded on the perimeter of the camp. He then pointed himself downwards before launching Sonic Roar. The attack was angled to hit the goblins and not the fences. 

Meanwhile, Kira smashed the goblins’ brains in. He used Freeze Strike to stop a large group of goblins before using his pipe to crack them on their heads and killing them. However, the pair couldn’t defend the entire camp by themselves. The dimness of the night didn’t help them either. 

Kira launched his pipe at one goblin before freezing another. He reached into his pocket and took a bronze dagger out, leaping onto a goblin and stabbing at its brain. He jumped off the goblin and leaped onto another. 

By this time, Jordan was busy eliminating every goblin he could from above but stopped when a sudden roar attracted his attention. Jordan looked up and noticed a stray wyvern approaching him - a long distance away. The wyvern was more than half the size of Nazifa and lacked the beautiful black scales he had. Instead, the wyvern had dirty green scales with hints of yellow scattered on it. 

Jordan flew down and perched on Kira’s shoulder as he jumped off a goblin. “I heard the roar. What is it?” Kira asked him. Jordan responded in screams, giving Kira an answer that he hoped was wrong. “Wyverns? Can we defeat one of those?” He asked. Jordan screamed at him, comforting him. “You’re right. We can’t let the wyvern trample on our progress. I’m going to need your help in defeating them. Are you up to it, Jordan?” Jordan nodded without hesitation. 

They both then pushed themselves in exterminating the pests of the forest and were able to defeat them with some luck on their side. Although it was a great feat to eliminate as many as they did within a minute, a new threat had arrived and it bared its fangs immediately. The wyvern was nearly over them, intimidating the weaker Kira and Jordan. 

“It doesn’t look like we’ll be surviving this. If I go down, then run.” He instructed Jordan. Jordan shook his head while now perched on Kira’s shoulder. “I see,” Kira remarked, grinning. He looked up at the wyvern as it was upon them. It roared as it circled the camp, preparing its magic. Kira activated Freeze Strike and fired it at the wyvern, but the monster was too quick and dodged the attack. This difference in speed didn’t dishearten him, instead, doing the opposite. Kira fired the skill multiple times---all missing. However, this wasn’t the peak of his plan. Jordan flew off and swerved around the sea of trees to flank the wyvern and attack it with its Sonic Roar. 

Kira continued to throw Freeze Strike at the wyvern---who treated it as a game. The wyvern didn’t consider Kira a major threat, treating him like an ant. However, its overconfidence would be its downfall as Jordan finished flanking the wyvern, and now an opportunity to attack quickly arose.

The wyvern dodged two more attacks and noticed that Kira was running out of gas. He intended to attack once Kira was out of attacks, but never detected the presence of Jordan behind him. Jordan activated Solar Roar and launched it at the wyvern---breaking its eardrums. The wyvern’s ears slightly bled, giving the pair a moment of celebration. However, the moment didn’t last long.

The wyvern roared and let out an attack of its own - Blaze of Fury was launched on Kira, his camp, and the surrounding area. Kira used Gate to escape the attack, teleporting some distance away. There he watched the wyvern launch heaps of flames onto the trees, slowly charring the forest.

By this time, Visa popped her head out of a portal she had created next to Kira. “Woah, you look like you’re in trouble.” She remarked as she watched the wyvern tear his camp apart.

“Can you help me?” He asked her.

“Nope, you’re on your own. I’m here to laugh at your pain.” She remarked. Kira ignored her and began developing a hail mary plan. Visa figured out his intention, shaking her head. She went through the portal and, shortly, returned with a golden fox. “Here, this might help.”

“A golden fox?”

“A golden nine-tail fox.”

Kira looked at her. “Does the fox have overpowered skills?”


“So… how does this help me?”

“It helps by reminding you that you have a dragon king buddy who could help you.”

“Why couldn’t you’ve told me this before?”

“It was too funny watching you run out like an imbecile,” Visa said, acting as if her words were facts.

“You’re an awful goddess.”

“Still called me a goddess,” Visa remarked before going through the portal, closing it after her. Kira shook her head as he looked down at the fox. 

“That goddess,” he muttered under his breath. “I’m going to kill her one day.” Suddenly, almost out of nowhere, a branch cracked off and fell, hitting him on the head. He looked up at the tree, scowling. “Visa!” He shouted. “Are you that petty?” Another branch cutting its ties with the tree answered his question, plummeting and nearly hitting Kira. He sidestepped around the branch before opening a Gate. “Jordan!” He called out. Jordan emerged from the unlit sea of trees---in the opposite direction of the camp---and perched on Kira’s shoulder. Kira led the golden fox into the Gate and appeared in front of Nazifa’s camp. Nazifa was standing up, watching the wyvern with aggravated eyes. 

“I see your predicament,” Nazifa said. “I will assist you!” He told Kira without waiting for him to beg for help.

“Thanks, Nazifa. The wyvern destroyed my camp and is burning down the forest.” Kira added.

“How dare an anikosa’s underling damage my territory?”

“Anikosa?” Kira questioned.

“It translates to bastard in the human language,” Nazifa told him before launching himself in the air. Nazifa roared as he flew in the air, immediately closing the distance between the wyvern and himself. Thee wyvern noticed Nazifa and launched Blaze of Fury at him. However, the fire skill was too weak to dent Nazifa. Nazifa caught up to the wyvern and grabbed its head, clenching it tightly. “Weak,” he remarked as he launched himself downwards with the wyvern’s hand in his fist. He pointed his fist at the ground, pummeling the wyvern’s head into tightly packed dirt---thousands of feet underground. Nazifa then rose from the crater that he caused. “Weak anikosa.” 

Kira, meanwhile, had used Gate to watch the one-sided fight from a safe distance away. He cheered Nazifa on as he pummeled the wyvern into the ground. He felt proud watching Nazifa rising from the crater as dawn broke - the sun rising behind him. 

The fox snuggled with Kira, alerting him to its presence. He crouched down and looked the fox in the eye. “Do you want to be my friend?” He asked. The fox nodded, extending a paw. Kira grinned as he grabbed the fox’s paw and shook it. “From today on, your name is Melody.” He declared. 

Nazifa let out a roar, ensuring to scare off any competitors nearby. However, he scared the nearby town of Striktin - he could care less. They were just a normal human town with no real advantage over him.

With the wyvern and goblins dead and the moon on the run, Kira and Nazifa took a few moments to celebrate their own wins---no matter how small. The truce remained strong.


“I can’t believe that it’s been fifty years.” He told Jordan and Melody. He talked to them while laying on a mattress - which he got from Nazifa; it was a better fit than the straw-filled bed he had been using.

Within the fifty years, he’d been in this new world, his looks never changed. He looked the same that he did when he was fifteen and nothing could change that.

After the wyvern attack, Kira managed to build a new camp, some distance away from his old one, with better defenses. He included a natural source of water within his boundaries. He had also grown close to his partners---Jordan, Melody, and Nazifa. They had kept him company throughout the years---stabilizing his mental state. 

“It’s a little weird to think that Nazifa is a father now. I’m not even sure if there was a female dragon involved… maybe he’s asexual.” He thought aloud. He watched as clouds passed by him, gently brushing against each other. He was falling asleep because of the sights.

Suddenly, however, a roar from Nazifa

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