» Fantasy » Strange Mate of Mine, Zai Kuichi [books to read for 12 year olds txt] 📗

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that my senses are getting sharper and sharper. I sniffed the surrounding and the smell was pointed directly at a table that is in the corner of the cafeteria. Nicholas. He is alone.



Ughh I could not forget his eyes earlier this first period, they were just so mesmerizing. Snap out of it Lal, somewhere out there you have a mate that is waiting for you, you should not look at other guys. I told myself.



He looked at me, and I did not notice that I have been staring at him all this time. He gave me a curious look, and suddenly turned his head to the other direction. Okaaaay?



The time went fast, and before I knew it. School has ended. I walked towards the direction of the school’s entrance, which is also the exit. Rounding up the corner, I bumped into someone. Judging from the smell that hit my nose, I already know who it was without looking at that person. Nicholas.



“Sorry” he mumbled.



“It’s ok, I wasn’t looking where I was going. No harm done” I said.



He walked past me and he got hit by a dodge ball to the face. From the corner I saw Kyle and his group of friends laughing.



“Sorry about that newbie, you should really be more alert” said Skye one of the football jocks. Jerks. They totally did that on purpose! I could tell, it’s that obvious.



He just gave them a weak smile and, continued walking to his destination, without a single word.



“What a wimp,” said Bryan, and the other jocks laughed with him. I so want to give these guys a kick in their groins.



“Well, Hi there Lal, Miss little popular, what a delight seeing you here,” Skye flirted at me and winked. Pfft like I would fall for his pathetic charms, to which surprisingly girls fall for. I rolled my eyes at his attempt.



“Nice seeing you too,” I responded with disinterest. “And goodbye, I better get going, I need to go home early,” I quickly excused myself and started to fast walk towards the school’s exit.



“Dude, you should totally date Lal! She is smoki’n hot! Just look at that ass of hers! I would totally do her,” I heard them talking about me, like I couldn’t hear them. Having sharp senses, I can hear them loud and clear. Hearing them fantasize about me with pervy thoughts, I so wanna rip their throats out.



I am now at the entrance gate, and suddenly a car stopped in front of me. “Get in,” said my Brother.



I gave him a confuse look. “Why are you here bro?” I asked.



“The pack is on high alert right now, we have rogues on our territory, that’s why I’m here to pick you up,” he explained.



Rogues? That is not good. Usually when I hear rogues, it just means trouble. Nodding at his explanation, I quickly hop into his car.



I just hope that nothing bad is going to happen during my Birthday with rogues at our territory.





>> End of chapter 2.




M: Short Chapter again, gaah... I promise to make it longer in the near future.


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If you do, I'll give you ice cream. Cookies and cream anyone?


>> Not edited





Chapter 3: Preparations




Lal's POV




“So? Are we on? To the mall?” Belle asked me through the phone. We decided to go shopping for new dresses for my birthday tonight, even the twins are coming with us.



“Of course! We wouldn’t want to look bad for my birthday now, would we? Oh! In addition, we should totally try that new salon! I hear they are very good.” I responded with a slight teasing tone.



“I can’t wait! We are so totally gonna be the belle of the party,” she exclaimed enthusiastic.



I gave her a chuckle “Your name is Belle.”



“I meant beauty, darling.”



“Just like your name,” I stated simply.



“Whatever,” I heard her mumbled.



“So…what time do we meet?”



“After lunch would be fine, Oh and don’t forget to tell Kiara and Temari alright? Bye! I gotta go, see you later, my brothers are causing trouble again,” and after she said that, she hung up rather quickly.



I stared at my phone for a brief moment. Her brothers huh? I thought they were away for the weekend? Shrugging it off, I quickly texted Temari and Kiara of the time and our meeting place.




To: Temari, Kiara

Guys! one o’clock at my place. Do not be late, and please don’t dress up too much, we are just going shopping, ok?




Pressing the send button, I gave a sigh. The twins can sometimes dress up too much, with multiple colors. If you were with them, you would totally think if they had gone to Japan, with the dressing up in a harajuku style of clothing. Don’t get me wrong, I like their style, but sometimes it is just a little bit too much.




By the time I finished my lunch, the doorbell rang. Wow. They really did take that “don’t be late and be on time” seriously. I am so proud of them right now. Smiling to myself, I made my way to the front door almost running, when I bumped to my brother. Ouch.



“Woah, easy there tiger. What has gotten you to be excited on answering the door?” my Brother asked me with amusement on his facial features.



“I’m not a tiger Brother, I’m a werewolf. And I’m going shopping with my friends, wanna come?” I offered him.



“Oh? Shopping? Totally! I have  a shirt with like no matching shoes,” he responded like a teenage girl. Ha! I can clearly sense the sarcasm he is using with that tone. But I gotta admit, he sounds funny.



“Come on Bro, I can sense the sarcasm. And by the way I saw a jacket that would totally look good on you!” I squealed.



He ruffled my hair in response. “Sure thing Lil Sis, wouldn’t want you pouting now? Would we? And of course, we are on high alert right now. It is best if someone is keeping an eye on you, like someone who is strong, good in fighting and rather very good looking.”



“Like Tom?” I responded playfully. Tom is his best friend; they treat each other like also brothers now.



“Ouch Sis, I meant this one,” he addressed to himself. I chuckled at that and patted his back.



“Come on!” I practically dragged him towards the front door.



Opening the front door, I saw my friends grinning. I gave them a smile and pointed at my brother “he’s coming with us.” They all squealed and a wide grin now plastered on their faces. Well… it is obvious that they like my brother.



 We went and hopped on to my brother’s car. I am seated in the front seat and my friends at the back. Why am I having an aching feeling right now? I thought to myself.



“Here we are, now ladies. Be back at..”  My brother glanced at his wristwatch “four o’clock is that good?”



We nodded and saluted him. “Yes sir!” we but all said simultaneously. He chuckled at us, and gave as wave. After that, we immediately started going from store to store.








After we finished shopping, my friends and I headed towards that salon we just talked about earlier. Heading towards it, I must say that it is…. “New.” I could not think of any appropriate words to describe right now. Must be from all that shopping.



“Let us go ladies,” said I to my friends. They nodded at me and a wide grin was immediately plastered upon their face.



We entered the salon and was immediately greeted by a fancy surrounding. This totally looks fabulous.



“Hi.” Said a lady in her young 20’s.



“Hello.” We said at her.



 “What can I do for you, lovely young ladies?” asked the lady.



“We would like to have a makeover. You see my friend here….” Belle pointed at me, “It is her birthday today, and we would totally appreciate it if you can make her look outstanding on her special day, and of course us.” She stated simply.



“Certainly!” she chirped and led us inside.



Everything was fancy inside, I could not stop repeating that word in the back of my mind. I can’t wait for tonight







End of Chapter 3.




M: I’m not really happy with this chapter =_=”

I lost the original copy, so I had to remake everything.


Again, it’s a bit short.. but… oh well… *shrugs*



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>> Not edited






Chapter 4: The party and the Rogues

Gosh, sorry for the long update..  >.> I got writer’s block (how embarrassing)

So anyways, I already solve that problem. (found my old notes)

>> One update per week

Anyways not edited sorry…

Now on with the story…







Lal’s POV


Everything was now set. My hair and makeup done and now I’m wearing the dress I bought. It was a simple blue cocktail dress, with frilly designs and a ribbon at the back.


“Everyone can I have your attention?” my dad took a glass and tap it with a fork to have everyone’s attention. They all silenced themselves and gave their attention to my father.


“Tonight is my Baby girl’s birthday! Well she’s not a baby anymore and that makes me very sad. Anyways, I would just like to thank everyone for coming to my Daughter’s birthday and may you all have a wonderful evening. Happy birthday Princess, cheers!” day raise his drink and everyone soon followed while exclaiming “HAPPY BIRTHDAY” to me.


I stood  up from my seat and gave a “Thank you, everyone, thanks so much!”


They all clapped and continued on what they were doing, after we all ate our dinner.


“Hey bestie! Happy Birthday!” Belle exclaimed followed by the twins also saying “Happy Birthday” to me in unison. Amazing as ever.


“Thank you guys! Enough with that, let’s just enjoy the party,” I said to them and dragged them to the dance floor. We partied all the way.


It was a long night and I am pretty much tired because of the whole power shopping earlier. I went out from the pack house for a while and headed to the woods to get some fresh air and also because of the nauseating feeling I felt since early this morning.


“What a long night, and I’m beat,” I sighed while watching the sky. I heard a rustle in the bushes nearby, and on instinct, I went to defense mode. A rabbit came out of the bush, and seeing it made me relax a bit.


After a few moments I heard a growling sound near me. Since last week, my sense has been becoming sharp lately. I sniffed the air, and found out that there were also werewolves nearby, and from the smell of it, they

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