» Fantasy » i still love you jake, based on the book by stephanie meyer [classic books for 11 year olds .txt] 📗

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choice.she was going to live or michael and jake were going to die.alice took my hand and we ran to the hospital.katie was lying on one of the beds completely motionless.
"carlisle,how bad is it?edward wont tell me.what are the chances of her waking up?"
"theres a 80% chance that she wont."
i hissed and lunged at michael.emmett swept him up into his arms and held him out of my reach.roslaie,alice and esme were desperateley trying to hold me back.i could feel jasper attempting to calm me down again,but this time i blocked him out.
i stormed out of the room.only alice followed me.
"where are you going?"
"to jacobs."
"you cant bella!"
"do you see her waking up alice?"she shook her head.
"but i do see you happy again,"
"shes my sister alice."
"im going to get edward."

i kept on walking.but then edward was in front of me,holding my wrists.i put my head against his up my murdurous feelings.
"what if she never wakes up.i have to kill her."
"you wont of killed her,"
"but it will feel that way.i should just bite her,"
"no.bella,you wont have to make that choice.i wont let it come to that."edward promised.
"i want to talk to michael."
"i dont think thats such a good idea,"
"i promise i wont kill him."i went into the waiting room.michael and alice were playing cards."
"carlisle is there somewhere i could talk to michael please."
"my office."carlisle led the way into to his office and shut the door as he left.
"im sorry about what happened-"
"she loves you michael.she says shes not sure but i know she you love her?"
"how can i trust you?how do i know that you'lle never leave her?that you'lle kepp her safe and happy?i dont know what youre tuly like."
"neither did i.until i found alice its clear.ill show you."he put his hands on my shoulders.i was no longer in carlisles office.i was watching a younger michael and alice get taken to the mental asylum.the picture changed to what it was like in the asylum.he was locked up.the only daylight he saw was when the nurses came to give him medecine.there was one final image.he was lost.a dark figure was stalking him.michael cried out in pain as the creature bent over him.then i was back in the office.
"what was that?"
"since i found out who alice was,i can see my entire past,"
"id better go."i said walking out of the room.i needed to talk to someone.not alice or edward though.then i had an idea.'edward can you send jasper to me please.outside the hospital.

jasper walked over to me,a calm feeling washed over me.
"jazz dont.thats not why i wanted you."
jasper looked confused."then why?"
"alice."i mouthed.
he sat down next to me.
"michael showed me his past and alice was in it."
jaspers eyes seemed to get darker."ill kill him!"he shouted,getting up.i grabbed the collar of his shirt.
"dont will hurt alice."he stopped struggling when i menchoned alices name.
"you might want to go and see katie.shes worried about something,"
"shes awake?"
he nodded his head.i walked a little too quickly through the hospital and into the room were katie was.she was sat up,looking so breakable.i ghosted over to her.

death for love
"how are you feeling?"
she shrugged"alright."
"she can go home in a few days."carlisle said.i threw my arms around him.he seemed a bit surprised at my action.
"alice wants to go shopping with you."edward said,popping his head round the door.i looked at katie.
"go."she urged"at least i dont have to go shopping for a while."i ran outside.

alice was standing by my car."hope you dont mind driving."
"course not."i got into the drivers seat.alice sat in the passanger and jasper behind her.
"so where are we going?"
i started edward i no longer needed to pay much attention to the reflexes were quicker than humans. i pulled over at a service station.alice jumped out of the car to pay for the petrol.
"have you told her about what michael showed me?"
"me neither."
"is that why youre worried?"
"i would help but that would probably end with a headache."jasper laughed.but the sound of his laughter made me remember my that i couldnt ask anyone else because they would lie to keep me happy.
"do you prefer me now as a vampire or a human?"my question caught him off guard.
"well,i like not wanting to kill a vampire you seem to get in even more etrouble than before,"
i laughed"is that even possible?"
"whats wrong now?"jasper asked.feeling my worry get worse.i didnt reply.
"katie,"he guesses.i nodded.
"do they both really love her jasper?i wont let them break her heart,"
"its similiar to you,jacob and ed.except katie loves them both."
"if its like me then she'll end up being a vampire,"i mumbled.i jumped out of the car and ran to the hospital.i didnt realise it but jasper was running behind me and alice was in the car,driving it home.i went round the back of the hospital and jumped through the third floor window.jasper appeared a sew seconds after me.
"that wasnt clever
bella,"i complained.
"nobody saw."
everyone else in the room was just watching us.michael and jake were either side of katie.aal of the others were standing round the room in twos or three's.alice walked in the room.her face blank and empty.
"bella,get katie out of here now,"
"whats wrong alice?"
"the volturi.they know about katie.the gifts she will aquire once a vampire.they want to change her.make her part of the guard."
katie gasped.i sat on the bed and wrapped my arm round her shoulder.
"i wont let them get you,"i whispered.
"with some practise katie could help you protect her.she could use her power on felix and demetri.i dont think it will work on alec."jasper said
"she should learn.but im not planning to let them get that close."i turned to katie."i know your tired.but please try.make them attack me."
"i hate you.your not my sister anymore.i should just let aro have you."i could see the anger on her face.then jasper and michael leapt at me from behind.emmett caught my arm and edward caught my other.the were all growling at me.jacob was suddenly growling at me too.but he didnt change into a werewolf.
"enough."carlisle said.katie dropped her eyes and the boys were back to normal.
"i dont think you should wind me up anymore,"katie said
"please dont,"jasper commented.
"what the heck is going on?"jacob shouted.
"right.katie has a vampire ability even though shes only works on men.shes trying to learn to control it.and the volturi are coming after her."i said.
jacob smiled,"so whats the plan,"
"i dont want you to get involved jacob.theres no guarntee that any of us will survive,that you'lle survive."
jacobs voice sounded a bit rougher than before."whats the plan?"
"bella will go somewhere safe with katie and the rest of us will meet the the volturi might turn into a fight.bella will be the last defense."edward announced.i glared at him.this was the first id heard of the plan.when he married me he said that wed always do everything together.i wasnt going to hide when my husband and family were fighting.
"bella dont argue."
"im not hiding while you take all of the risks again.let me fight with you.
he shook his head"ill fight with you."
i turned to jacob"i need you to stay here and protect forks.charlie and billy,"he nodded.
"alice run katie home so that she can pack a bag.we'll meet you at the airport in 20 mins,"said carlisle.alice grabbed katie and jumped out of the window.we all followed her but went the opposite way.

we ran to the airport.using the trees for cover.lucky that it was rarely sunny in forks.edward booked us three flights to southampton.suddenly alice appeared at my side,alice set her on the floor.katie looked truly frightened.
"where are we going?"she asked,her voice breaking at the end.
"the flight to southampton is now boarding."
esme pulled me in for a did emmett."please dont do anyhting silly.not till you get back.
alice kissed me on the cheek.jasper said."dont worry,we'll protect her.carlisle wished us good luck and surprisingly rosalie hugged me.

southampton was a good place for rained a lot.
"theyre coming."edward whispered.he was speaking from alices mind.he had tried jaspers but his brain was ticking at such speeds that made edward dizzy."theres 20 of them.only six i know.chelsea,renata,demetri,alec but no jane."then edward froze.
"what is it?"
"i cant hear them anymore.all of their minds have gone blank."

"it means we've won,"a child like voice announced.
"i criuched infront of katie."felix,theyre here."
felix walked in,he was wearin the same grey robe as last time.
"how did you find us?"i asked
"demetri,"edward hissed.
"and a little help from your friend.the dog,"i gasped.
"you better not of hurt him!"
"afraid not.aro wanted all of you alive including the mongruel."
"put these on and come with us."felix said,throwing two red cloaks at us.i pulled it on over the top of my clothes.katie took my hand and i pulled her closer to my side,further away from was pointless fighting because we would lose and katie would have no chance.they put us on a plane.but they split ed and me up.felix sat with edward and jane with me and katie.
"where are the others?"
"with aro.theres nine of you now.where does this new boy fit in?"jane asked,the curiosity burning in her eyes.
"at first not at all.but then we found out that he is alices brother."
"what does aro want with us.i know his plans for katie but why keep everyone else alive?"
"he plans to offer you,edward,carlisle,jasper and alice a place on his guard.i dont approve,"
"what about the others?"
"dont know."she said"i think i liked you better when you were human,you asked less questions,"
i was quiet then.i made a promise that i would get katie out no matter what the sacrafice.then katie whispered.
"if something happens to me just get yourself out.dont start a fight."

aro greeted us as we walked into the room.he took my hand and edward nodded at me.i dropped my shiled in order to let aro read my thoughts.when he let go i stepped back.the rest of my family were against the back wall,some standing others sitting.each of their faces held a different type of concern.jasper was rubbing absently at his right arm.
"what happened to jasper?"i asked
"stupid boy.he started a fight with them."jane laughed."he was lucky i wasnt here,"
"why?"katie asked
"you'lle see.hope it works on you unlike your sister,"
"wheres jacob?"
"im here,"he said walking into the room and throwing his arms around me.i noticed that aro had taken a step back when jacob had come over.
"may i try?"he asked me,gesturing at katie.
"ask her,"
"of course.katie may i see if your an exception to my gifts as your sister was?"
she nodded and held her hand out.
" wish to become a i think my proposal would be perfect for you.we will change you into a vampire if you will join the guard."
"shes not yet 16.she'll be underage."
"we will make an exception,"
"no thank you,"katie said quietly.
" you know too much and have to diisapear from the picture.felix,"
i stepped infront of katie.felix took a step forward and i slid further into my crouch.all of the cullens ran over.forming a protective circle around katie.jacob was stood next to her in the centre.all of the guard and some of the volturi were using their gifts against us now.jasper fell to the floor as he met janes gaze.then it was my shield was round katie and for the first time i me the full force that is jane.she was burning me from the inside.demetri took advantage of this and threw me against the back wall.i waited.frozen.any
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