» Fantasy » the-domnyom, Ali Saeed [top 10 non fiction books of all time TXT] 📗

Book online «the-domnyom, Ali Saeed [top 10 non fiction books of all time TXT] 📗». Author Ali Saeed

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of his clothes and continued saying:


-"I have written everything I want on this scroll, so I will ask for one wish.. which is the fulfillment of what is written in it. I don't know if this is a witchcraft fraud, maybe it won't work, and we won't know that until we try, this is our only hope

But, if it succeeds, we will have strong servants and followers, and we will be very strong.

It doesn't matter now. We wasted a lot of time." 


He removed his sword from its sheath and gave it to Entus . He stood on top of the jewel and stretched out his hands in front of him, saying:

- "Do it."

But Entus, she was trembling like a paper. burning tears Falling from her eyes.

She no longer saw in front of her the intensity of her flowing tears.

 Entus has been practicing this position for months, while holding the sword, imagining the scene and the situation that will happen in front of her, but the reality is completely different from the processes of thinking and imagination, and thinking that she is now going to Cut her beloved master at this moment. It tore her soul apart. strong master. Her gentle master . Her master, The man she loves him , looks on the ground broken, as if blaming himself for everything:

-" Entus..there is no more time..and this ."And Entus County shouted :

- "Why? Why? Why? Why?!".

"This is my duty to my clan... Will you disobey my last command, Entus ."?Entus raised her head, staring at him, tears falling from her chin. She seemed to bleed under the moonlight.

This was indeed her master's last command, which she would never see again in her life.

Therefore, she felt that she should quell her feelings, and do her last work to the fullest.

Then Entus wiped her tears and took a step back, with a straight face radiating loyalty and respect for her master, and with a heart as hard as steel she held the sword firmly and raised it above her head. The blade of the sword flickered with an ominous crimson light, as if the sword was welcoming this madness.

She said in a trembling voice:

"I hope we meet again." Entus squeezed her eyes and let out a pained cry from the depths of her soul, with all the strength of her body she slammed the sword into her master's arms. 

 LINIAS felt a blinding pain as his arms fell to the ground, and abundant blood gushed out. But he endured the pain and said:

 "Do it quickly!"

Entus trembled in response, threw the sword out of her hands, and began to draw a circle around her master from his gushing blood. She was writing strange letters and symbols inside and outside the circle.

Moments passed, and LINIAS looked pale. tired. Numerous thoughts and memories ran through his head as he stared at Entus below him with great sadness. At that moment the houses were lit. and the magic lamps lit up. LINIAS knew that it was because of the sounds he was making as his mate.

-" Entus quickly!".

However, people came out of their homes, old men, women and boys , and stared at the street with wide eyes.

A man stands before them with two severed hands, blood flowing profusely from them, and a woman revolves around the man, writing something on the ground while sighing in pain as if coming out of the depths of the graves.

They did not know what was happening in front of them, and they would never understand it.

However, they all knew one thing, that they were not human.

It all started with one man shouting:

- " Demons. They are devils !!". Screams, barking erupted like a storm.

- " Demons !!".

 - " Fucks !!".

 - " Bastards ".!! 

"Oh, guards!" 

"They must be killed!!" 

- " Hell dogs ". !!

" Bastards ". 

- "How did they enter the country!!".

- " Heretics". 

-"Kill the demons !!..the bastards!!".


 They were screaming as hungry dogs. However. No one took a single step.


 Entus was writing without caring about the people around her, she focused all her senses on writing complex symbols, and of course if they approached her master, she would kill them without mercy, without any pity.

LINIAS rolled his eyes, examining the people around him, and answered their cries in a tired voice:

-"We are not demons ...but we will be for you tonight ." He lowered his golden eyes and stared into his arms Almrmytin on the ground .

His fingers were holding the scroll Strictly as if alive.

Then the crowd gathered around them, and LINIAS began to worry about the amount of people pouring in, and he realized that everything would end and fail.

But at that moment Entus rose from the ground, and knelt respectfully on one knee before her master, as she wanted her end to this respectable position, and said:

" I finished and everything awaits your will."

 LINIAS wanted to say: This is not the time for these things .

However, this may be the last meeting. So he said as he almost fell to the ground:

-"Your duties are complete, and I have the honor and pride in being one of my loyal followers."

Enteus did not say a word, put her right hand on her left chest, and stared at her Master with eyes of adoration and respect.

LINIAS closed his eyes and then slowly opened them. And look at Entus . They kept staring at each other's eyes silently, as if speaking hundreds of words through those eyes sad. weeping Then he turned his face away from her and said:

- " Farewell".

A strong cold wind blew away his tears and scattered them in the air. Some of his tears fell on Entus ' face . Her master's cold tears were like swords in her heart. That's when ENTUS realized that everything was gone. And she won't see her master anymore.

Entus let out a shriek that made humans freeze in terror as it stuck its fingernails in its face and tore its face off. Her tears turned into running blood.

 How can you take my master from me. She wanted to say those words but her scream prevented those words from coming out of her throat. Her heart ignited with a grudge against people, and she hoped that they would all burn and not one of them would remain. 

 LINIAS turned to the people around him and said:

"And now, damn you, die!"

He stomped on the black jewel with one foot, and the scroll with the other, activating the magic stored inside.

At that moment the sun rose. Or so people thought at that moment as enormous blue flames erupted from under his feet, and soared into the sky in a fleeting moment.

It swelled until it became like a huge hurricane that swallowed the whole world in seconds.

 LINIAS was standing in the midst of this blue, bright, glowing world, and tears strewn from his eyes profusely, for he could hear or see nothing but the wailing of pain and the screams of the one kneeling before him.

 Entus was writhing and Flops in pain, her entire body was melting like butter in an oven, the blue flames melting, her skin, flesh, and bones, and her blood evaporating at frightening speeds.

Until her entire body became liquid as water in ten seconds. Her watery body evaporated into the air at that moment.

 LINIAS squeezed his eyes in pain at this scene. He let out a loud, deafening shriek that reverberated in the place.

Chilling cries rose from everywhere.

Hundreds of voices, thousands of voices, erupt from near and far, from east and west, from north and south. Like the voices of the tormented in Hell.

People run and evaporate in an instant, some fell from windows and balconies, some danced on the roads , andothers crashed into each other and were scattered like dust in an instant. The scene was like hell.

All the sounds stopped in an instant, and not even the wind could be heard.

The kingdom of Verna was small in relation to the kingdoms around, yet it was densely populated.

It has a population of ten million.

And if we add their animals, and their slaves, they number about fifteen million people.

They all evaporated into the air in sixty seconds without a trace.

No one is alive in this kingdom anymore. Not even wild animals but even insects, trees, and plants. Everything alive died and evaporated from this kingdom.


 It was moments ago considered one of the greatest and richest kingdoms.

It has evaporated in one minute. Like a flash of memories.

Except for one person who was standing without arms in this barren land, where there was no life.

 This person, muttered inaudible tired words, was devoured by blue flames in an instant and vanished into thin air.













Chapter 2 :Two hundred years later -1-

The beautiful city became like a cemetery.

 Tall buildings smashed their foundations. seemed like sleeping giants. Palaces that were once shining magnificent. Beautiful buildings, half of which are missing. Streets , markets, and homes. It looked as if it had been crushed by giant hands. Small houses are smashed, their doors are broken.

Stone walls and columns scattered. Crooked dry trees. They looked like monstrous creatures.

 However, the city was not empty as the wolves roared, and wrestled over the rotting, swollen corpses of men. Some gnaw the bones, and some gnaw the arms and legs.


Hundreds of crows plucked out eyes, ripping out swollen bellies with their beaks. Yellowish skeletons scattered , crumbled by the weight of the scorching sun. Bodies piled on top of each other like walls, some hanging from buildings and trees. Corpses fell from the buildings as the walls could not bear the weight of them.

It was not a cemetery.

There was a massacre here , A massacre caused by a woman. However the corpses did not belong to the residents but rather belonged to the knights , who dared enter this place over a hundred years ago.


Among the crumbling walls, a woman sighed. Insanity prevails in the place. Hundreds of crows shrieked with warning, wolves and beasts leaped out.

And the city became empty... and all because of a woman's sigh. And that gentle female voice continued:


-"Monsters learn, but humans never learn.. what.. seems strong? want me to do nothing for him?..liliana.. you're always crazy.. mm.. okay, I accepted your bet.. though it doesn't look like A real man .”


Women's laughter rose from the walls.

“Well, you know what you have to do. We will crush them all...they will know the price of messing with the Vintos .”


Swee laughs rose, as if they were at a party.

"Let's start working!"




A hundred horsemen advanced on their horses.

A smile on their faces was

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