» Fantasy » Emmett and Rosalie Cullen, Georgie Jones [classic novels TXT] 📗

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brought her hands up to either side of my face and deepened the kiss. Suddenly I couldn’t get enough of her. There was so much for me to have but I just couldn’t get it. My desire for her steadily grew until it was unbearable. Then she pulled away but I wasn’t ready. I held onto her so she couldn’t leave me. “You’re hungry. You need to hunt. Come on I’ll show you how.” She said eagerly. As she said this I became aware of a burning sensation in my throat. It wasn’t as bad as the fires of hell but it was close. “Ow!” I moaned. She chuckled. “If you hunt that pain will go away.” She assured me. I nodded and, holding onto her hand, let her lead me out of the room and down the stairs. Three people were sitting around a table in what looked like a dining room. There were two men and one woman. She smiled at me and Rosalie. “Every one.” Rosalie announced. “This is Emmett.” The men smiled at me too. “Hello, my name is Edward.” Said the first man. “This is my mother and father Esme and Carlisle.” He said as well. “So Emmett, has Rosalie told about what happened to you?” Asked Carlisle. I nodded my head. “Yeah, it sounds awesome but I’m really hungry.” I complained. Rosalie squeezed my hand and pulled me towards the door. “We’ll be back…some time.” She said, pulling my hand harder. “Come on, let’s hunt.”


We ran until we were deep into the middle of the forest then I stopped him. His eyes were bright with excitement. I smiled at him. “Ok. I want you to take a deep breath then tell me what you smell.” I told him. He nodded and breathed deeply. “I can smell flowers, trees, grass, little animals in trees and, most importantly, you.” He concluded after not a moments thought. My smile deepened at that. This is going to take some time. I thought to myself. “Ok then, ignore my scent and all the trees and things and just focus on animals, big animals.” I instructed. “Fine.” He said moodily. He took another deep breath. “There something on the far right. I think it might be some deer but I’m not sure.” He said. I nodded my head. “Very good.” He grinned. “Now we run after it. When you see the animals go down into a crouch and move forward slowly so that you don’t scare them away.” I said quickly before we both set up and full pelt towards the unappealing smell. We finally got close enough to see them and, as instructed, Emmett went down into a crouch, eyes fixed on the deer. I did the same. “Ok, now pick one to get first. Then move onto another.” I said in barely more than a whisper. He nodded and moved forward slowly. “When you’re ready, spring at it. You’ll know what to do after that.” I said. This time he didn’t reply. He was too busy hunting. He’s doing very well. I thought to myself.


All I could focus on was the smell of animal blood. It pulled me closer and closer to a stag grazing on the edge of field. Rosalie sat in a crouch at my side, focused on another deer a bit further into the field. I couldn’t hold on any longer. I leaped out and grabbed hold the animal with my hands. I threw my body weight towards the floor, crushing the animal beneath me. I exposed its neck and bit deep into it. The blood flowed through me and filled me with energy, calming the burn in my throat. Soon the animal was empty but I felt nicely filled. I straightened up into a sitting position and looked around. Rosalie was on the other side of the field finishing her animal. When she finished she stood up and turned to me. I grinned at her. “Happy?” She asked. I nodded my head vigorously. “That was fun.” I smiled. She jogged over to me and sat down on the grass. She snuggled up to me and wrapped her arms around my waist. I wrapped my arms around her as if I could protect her from the rest of the world. She sighed into my arms and settled her head on my chest. I brought my hand up to her chin and pushed it up so my lips met hers. “Mmm…mmm...mmm.” She moaned as the kiss deepened and her body started to push against mine, lowering me and her to the ground. I pulled her firmly on top of me as we reached the floor. My hands went up to her hair and I ran my fingers through the soft, blonde curls. Her hands wandered down to my shirt and began to undo the buttons. She was taking too long. I wanted her now but she was taking too long so I helped. Soon we were both naked and making love. This is nice. Was my last thought before I became lost in my pleasure.

3 weeks later

“I can’t believe it.” I squealed to Esme. “I’m getting married TODAY!” Esme smiled at me. “I’m so happy for you dear. And you look beautiful.” She complemented as she bustled around me, getting everything in place and making sure my hair was nice and tight in its bun. “I’m so excited.” I squealed again. I started jumping up and down. “Calm down dear or you’ll mess it all up and we’ll have to start again.” Esme instructed. I sighed and kept still while she perfected every last inch of me. Emmett always said to me that I never needed perfecting, that I was already as gorgeous as I was going to get. And I always believed him. But after looking in the mirror at me in my dress I thought there might be one exception. I heard Carlisle’s soft footsteps on the stairs and suddenly he was at the door. “It’s time,” He smiled “Edward’s just about to start.” And, as if that was the cue, Edward started playing the wedding march on the piano downstairs. I walked over to Carlisle quickly and joined arms with him. And slowly we made our way down the stairs to my husband. The room was overflowing with flowers and ribbons. White ribbons tied with white roses linked themselves over the ceiling and bouquets of white roses were scattered around the room in vases and on tables or just one rose in some people’s hands. As I was taking it all in at first I didn’t notice the tall, dark-haired god waiting to marry me at the end of the aisle. It wasn’t until me and Carlisle reached the end that I realized just how stunning Emmett looked in a suit. He turned to face me just as my hand reached out for his. He took and looked me in the eye and smiled.


Her long, golden-blonde hair was tied up in a tight bun with two golden ribbons. Two white, diamond-studded hair slides occupied either side of her hair and the veil was tucked neatly into them to hold it up. Her golden eyes looked up at me and they filled with love and happiness. She smiled dazzlingly. I couldn’t help but smile back at her. I was so happy. I would remember this day for the rest of eternity. The day I tied myself with my soul mate. My eyes swam down her dress, soaking in every little detail so that in 100 years from now I might still bring up this image. Her white satin dress was long and flowing with a train that led ¼ meter back. The shape and design of the dress was simple with long sleeves and a drooping neck line that showed off some cleavage, just what she wanted. Everything is what she wanted. All I want to do is please her. I’ve never felt this way about another person before, suddenly everything I see is her. It’s all her. Everything I ever wanted.


I’ve never felt this way about another person before, suddenly everything I see is him. It’s all him. Everything I ever wanted.

Publication Date: 03-11-2011

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