» Fantasy » Jack Frost, Shannon Sabotage [best summer reads of all time TXT] 📗

Book online «Jack Frost, Shannon Sabotage [best summer reads of all time TXT] 📗». Author Shannon Sabotage

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Chapter 3~

Chapter 3~
About fifteen minutes later after chatting with Barney, Jack stood and got off the bus and walked to his first class, Trigonometry. He opened the door to the classroom and his teacher sat at her desk quietly reading a magazine and snaking on an apple. He greeted her and she smiled and did the same. He sat down in the back where he could see just fine despite the teacher’s accusations. He was always the first one to arrive at class. He didn’t enjoy Trigonometry or anyone in that class but he always liked being on time. That being one of the manners his mother had taught him as he had grown older.
He took out a book to read as students were steadily arriving through the door taking their seats. As he flipped through the book, The Tale of Two Cities; he looked up to see his friend Danni looking down at him. She took the seat beside Jack slinging her bag over the desk and crashing it onto the carpet. They both looked down at the satchel that was now throwing up books and crumbled up notes shared by them. Danni shoved all the contents back into the bag and slid it under the desk lastly getting it with her red Converse. Jack smirked and looked back up at her. She smiled back then popped her knuckles causing Jack to flinch. She laughed at him and yelled as someone fall over her desk,
“Hey, Buster, watch where you’re stumblin’!”
He only looked at her like she had lost her mind and scurried away. Danni was a loud mouth, tomboy who didn’t give a rat’s ass if someone didn’t like her; she preferred it that way. She smiled satisfied and turned back to Jack who was still a little startled by her rage. She snapped her boney fingers in his face and he only laughed. Danni turned to the front of the classroom and noticed a boy was asleep in the front row. She pulled out a notebook from her bag, ripped out a sheet of paper and crumbled it throwing it directly at his back. He sprung up cussing loudly and turning around red faced. Danni smiled and pointed at Jack who was now reading his book.
“Hey, Bastard!”
Jack looked up helplessly and big eyed to find his classmate was now in front of him.
He questioned receiving a nod from the much stronger student.
“Yeah, you. Who do you think you are throwing shit at me?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Jason.”
Jason sighed very loud getting frustrated with Jack’s obliviousness. He slammed his hand on the desk and Danni shot up.
“Dude! Are you such a vegetable that you think that he would throw something at you?! You seriously have no brain if you assume that Jack would do that when I’m sitting right next to him, and may I add that I have perfect aim.”
She sat down smirking causing Jason to get even redder in the face. Jack confused as ever, just continued reading his book. Danni caused so much unneeded trouble and conflict in Jack’s life. But he never really seemed to mind.
“Jason, please get back in your seat.”
Jason turned around to see the teacher had been speaking to him and he did as asked. Danni leaned back into her chair and smiled triumphantly. The teacher had begun teaching and Jack put his book away to give his full attention. Jack was the average student, nothing below nothing above. He made As and Bs, he did his best in music than he did his academics such as Math and English.
Soon class had ended and Jack was invited to skip second and third with a few friends. He felt guilt as he made his way to the courtyard on the side of the school. He sat down on a concrete bench beside the small garden that had been neglected over the years. Jack plucked a dead rose from its stem and looked at it closely. He looked around him to confirm no one was watching and he blew through his frosty lips causing small ice particles to form on the brown petals. He twirled the rose between his index finger and thumb covering the entire surface with frost.
He heard a snap of a branch behind him and brought the rose down in his hands towards the ground. He dropped the rose as he saw the face of Chastain, a long time friend since he’d moved here years ago. She smiled showing a faded dimple on the right side of her mouth and walked towards Jack slowly. She sat beside him on the bench and handed him a sucker. He took it gladly and started taking the wrapper off.
“So, how have you been?”
She questioned as Jack popped the sucker into his mouth.
“Not bad, you?”
“I’ve been better, but today has been the best day since last Thursday.”
She dropped her glance to the ground beneath Jack’s feet as he nodded. Chastain leaned toward the ground picking up the frosted rose. Jack’s hands got warmer with anxiety as she inspected the flower.
“Looks like Jack Frost has been here.”
She smiled lightly as the ice started melting in her hand. Jack only nodded and turned to the decayed garden.
He turned back to her and raised an eyebrow.
“Have you ever met your father?”
This was a sore topic for Jack considering he had never even seen a picture of his father. He had no clue what he was like or if he looked like him in any way. All he knew was that he was named after his father, Jack.
“No, why?”
“Have you ever wanted to?”
He hesitated looking down at his hands. Of course he wanted to know his father, even if he was a terrible man or he had left because he didn’t want him. Every child wants to know their father, deep down inside they all yearn for that.
“I guess so.”
“You guess?”
Jack nodded wanting the topic to change soon. Chastain just let it slip away as she held the now completely melted rose. Someone jerked Jack back by the shoulders causing him to fall off the bench and onto the frozen grass. As Jack struggled to get back on his feet, Danni’s step-brother laughed at him now taking his seat beside Chastain. Jack got up leaving his grass covered lollipop on the ground and brushed grass off his clothing. He took the other bench across from the one he had been sitting on as Chastain slapped the back of Jeremiah’s head hard causing him to yelp in pain. Jack smirked and laughed at Jeremiah’s pain.
Jeremiah is an arrogant egotistic jerk who always picks on Jack. Like an older brother but he doesn’t care as much. Jeremiah wrapped his arm around Chastain’s shoulder and pulled her into his side causing her to drop the rose. She, like everyone else detested him. She pushed him away but he only came back. Danni emerged from the trees and pried Jeremiah off of Chastain. Chastain thanked Danni and she acted like it was nothing. Jeremiah now took his place on the ground beside Jack’s legs.
“So, beautiful how you been?”
Danni spoke to Chastain with her cheeks lightly reddening from calling her beautiful. They all knew but Chastain that Danni had a thing for her.
“Oh, I’m fine, thank you. How have you been?”
Danni shrugged thinking of something to say as Jeremiah tugged on Jack’s shoelaces.
“I’m okay, other than living with Jeremiah. It’s all good.”
Chastain laughed lightly into her hand and looked back up seeing Barnabas come tumbling down the hill from the 400 building screaming his head off. Everyone stood looking at him run so fast. He tripped over his feet and fell on his stomach hard. A girl with fiery orange hair ran over the hill down to him kneeling at his side. She caught Jack’s eye and he watched her as she helped Barney up off the ground.
“Who’s the beauty?”
Jeremiah was the first to speak inferring the girl with the orange hair. Jack looked at him envious and looked back at the girl. As Barney brushed himself off he introduced her,
“Her name’s…I forgot how to say it.”
He looked at her pleadingly and she spoke with her words soft and delicate,
“Hestia, my name’s Hestia Brooklyn, it’s nice to meet all of you.”
She shook each of students’ hands lightly. She shook Jeremiah’s hand him smirking and calling her gorgeous, she didn’t show any blush from his sweet talk. Then Danni’s hand, her kissing Hestia’s hand ever so stupidly. Hestia smiled and laughed from that than shook Chastain’s hand. Chastain smiled her bright smile causing Hestia to smile just as big. And last but not least she shook Jack’s hand. As their skin touched a shock went through causing both of them to pull back. They looked at their hands and then each other like a connection was made.
“Whoa.” They spoke simultaneously. Everyone looked at them confused.
“What happened?”
A voice came from behind them and they all looked in the direction the voice came from. Blaine London a popular scene queen pushed through branches and looked at the new girl smiling. Hestia held out her hand trying to forget the weird incident that just happened and shook Blaine’s hand calmly.
“My name’s Hestia, nice to meet you.”
“Same to you, I’m Blaine.”
They pulled their hands back and Chastain questioned Barney,
“Why were you two running?”
“Oh, I was being chased by some jocks and I smashed into her” He gestured toward Hestia and continued, “And our bracelets got linked until I started running down the hill. And that’s when I fell and here we are.”
Hestia looked at her wrist realizing the missing jewelry.
“I’ve seemed to have lost my bracelet. Could someone help me-
“I’ll help you find it.”
Jack offered before she could finish her sentence. She smiled at him and nodded leaving her bag on the bench and walking back up the hill with Jack following. They searched in the grass in silence until Hestia spoke timidly,
“Jack was it?”
“Yes, that’s my name.”
“Um…did you feel that…shock…when we shook hands?”
She lifted her head up looking at him as he looked for her bracelet. He nodded to her question knowing she was looking at him.
“Okay, I thought I was going crazy.”
“It was probably just static, nothing big or anything.”
She nodded in agreement and went back to hunting for her wristlet. Jack stood holding a small silver chain.
“Is this it, Hestia?”
She looked up and nodded smiling big. She stood almost tripping and ran to him grabbing it from his hand. As she locked it around her small wrist Jack smiled. Hestia wrapped

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