» Fantasy » Unraveling Truth, Rebecca C. [best books to read TXT] 📗

Book online «Unraveling Truth, Rebecca C. [best books to read TXT] 📗». Author Rebecca C.

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clean everyone’s dishes when they are finished. Breakfast, we don’t sit at the table, we just grab something and go to work, then clean the dishes. My head felt like it was going to explode with all the new information. Until this day, I had only known of people, animals, houses, and how to talk.
Leona and I ate quietly while the royals chatted amongst themselves. Leona made me eat a lot, saying I would need the energy later on for tomorrow. Sitting across from me was Lance and Lillian. I smiled at them both, liking Lillian’s crystal blue eyes, and Lance’s bright green ones.
Lillian snorted, and looked at me like I was something gross. “Looks like a gnome,” she snickered. My friendly expression turned to one of hurt. How could she be so mean? Lance nudged her, giving her a disapproving glare, and smiled back at me. My mood only lightened a tad.
“Come on Lucy dear,” Leona said after she washed the dishes, I had helped dry them. I cant reach the sink yet. I followed her without hesitation,, already trusting her completely. We went down long, twisting halls until we come to a plain wooden door with a rose engraved at the top. She twisted the gold colored handle and nudged me inside before shutting the door behind herself.
“Can I trust you?” was the first thing she asked. I nodded, of course she could.
“Good, but you must swear never to tell a soul,” she insisted, dead serious.
“I swear,” I promised. I almost couldn’t hide the smile, this was the most exciting this today.
“I’m going to teach you how to read. This is very dangerous, it can get us killed. We are not allowed to read, or write,” She said in a whisper.
“Why not?” I asked. I barley even know what reading is, but I heard some of the royals making letters into words.
“Because they don’t want us to have fun, they think we wont do any work if were caught up in book fantasies,” she replied, “I am serious, you mustn’t tell anyone. Or I swear, they will kill us both,”
I nodded, shocked, but understanding. Leona walked over to the little night table and pulled a drawer open. She took out a book, pen, and notebook.
“Lets begin,”
Leona is gone now. On my 7th birthday, the royals all told me that she “was taking a break” But I doubt that, really. Plus, she told me what was going to happen. She said that they found out about the lessons and that they were going to kill her. The only was they didn’t do the same to me was because she persuaded them not to. Saying that I didn’t learn anything, that I couldn’t pay attention. I learned a lot more than just reading though.
I felt a hot tear run down my cheek, and I quickly whipped it away. I hurried up the stairs to my room, embarrassed by my foolishness. I shouldn’t be thinking of the past.
I opened the door and shut it behind me, and it shut with a bang.
My bed is small, and it’s pillow and blanket are lavender, about the most colorful thing in the room. Other than the other two beds that were blue and orange.
I pulled open the drawer to my white dresser, and pulled out the clothes I needed, taking careful not to put the book hidden in one of the dresses. I grabbed the rest of my things, and but them in the bag I had. After double checking I had everything, I zipped the ugly brown thing shut.
Now, at the moment, I had nothing to do. Dinner would began soon, in little than half the hour. So as long as no one needs me, I’m good. Which is highly unlikely.
“Lucinda!” Lillian’s voice screeched from somewhere in the castle. My point proven exactly. Sighing, I hurried down the hall to check her room for her.
Her door was ajar, and I glanced inside. It was a mess. Clothes spewed everywhere, the dresser tipped over, papers scattered on the floor. That wasn’t the worst sight, though. Lillian had her hand raised, just above a cowering Tobias. My eyes went wide, and I instinctively dived forward, in front of the little boy.
Pain blossomed in my cheek as Lillian’s hand came down. I stumbled back, but quickly regained composure and pushed Tobias behind me. Not even thinking of the throbbing pain in my cheek for a second.
“Look what he did to my room! My room! You’re cleaning this up!” Lillian screeched, nearing hysterical. Her perfect finger pointed straight at me. Anger boiled in side me. I was sick of this little snot-faced brat.
“You better put that finger down before I snap it,” I growled, continuing, “And how dare you hit him. He is only a child! Your brother,” I hissed angrily. I could feel something inside me threatening to spill over, something growing. I just knew I had to put her in line.
We stared daggers at each other for a second, then her eyes flashed red. The air around me seemed to be withdrawn and my eyes went wide. I clutched my neck, unable to breath. My throat stung, and my lungs burned from lack of oxygen. I shouldn’t have said that. Shouldn’t have said anything. What in heavens name was I thinking? I never do that type of thing!
Black dots began to dance across my vision, and the room seemed to spin. “Lillian!” someone’s voice boomed, a second later my breathing was restored. I collapsed to the ground coughing and gasping for air. Tobias crawled into my lap, crying.
Lance stood in the door way, a bewildered and angry expression on his face.
“What is going on?” he demanded. He glared at Lillian, not even glancing my way. I could see Lillian turn from ‘syco brat’ to ‘innocent little sister’.
“It was all her! She destroyed my room! Even tried to hurt Tobias! She’s crazy, and I had to stop her!”
If I wasn’t still trying to breath steadily, I would have laughed. I only hoped he wouldn’t believe her.
“Nu-uh! I-I messed up her ro-room! L-Lil was going to hit me!” Tobias said, still crying. I put my arms around him, hugging him close. He is a brave little boy, if only I could keep protecting him. What will he do when I am not here?
Lillian glared at him, and him and I both cowered back. Lance looked over at me, his hard face softening only a little.
“Tobias, go help mother in the garden,” he said grabbing my arm and heading out the door. I stumbled after him, not quite stable. Tobias scrambled to his feet and ran down the hall to the stairs.
Lance’s grip was tight, and I had to rush to keep up. Finally after we were a ways down the hall, he stopped. He turned his eyes on me, and I looked at my arm, wishing he would let go before I lot the circulation in it. Seeing how tightly he held it, he let go, mumbling “sorry”
A bruise was forming there, and I rubbed it. I still didn’t look up. Embarrassed and frightened.
“What really happened?” he asked, voice softer. I managed to say it without stuttering to much.
“She called, I came, she was going to hit him, I jumped between them,” I touched my cheek, “She yelled at me, and..I got mad…I yelled back, I couldn’t help it, you saw the rest” I said quickly. A moment of silence passed and I focused on the pounding of my heart. Or maybe it was the throbbing in my cheek.
“She hit you?” he asked. I nodded, again touching my cheek. His hand brushed back my long dark-blonde hair from the face while his other hand tugged my chin up, so I was no longer looking down. His soft gaze hardened when he saw the bruise. His jaw clenched.
After a moment that seemed to last forever, he released me. I took a step back, and avoided his eyes. I hated my weakness, my shyness. I cant even stand up for myself. Why am I even alive. Really, sometimes I wonder if I have a propose in life.
“Hey, your okay. Don’t worry. Lillian should not have done that. I’ll make sure nothing happens to you over this, this is all Lilly’s fault,” he said gently, as I started to tremble. Without meaning to, I doubted his words. He doesn’t have a say in what happens to me. His mother and father do. Both would listen to Lillian, despite the Queen being as nice as Lance. It would look bad if he went against the king.
“Its time for supper, come on,” he said, and I fallowed him down the hall, and stairs, and turns. Until finally, we met the dining room doors. They were big and a deep brown, with elegant carvings on the border.
I don’t think I could even bother hoping that Lillian hadn’t told her parents about what happened. Only, it would be her version of it. Fantastic. Sensational, Superb.
Lance pushed open the two big doors, and they swung open with ease. Inside were Marco, Emory, Kalica, and Susanna. The other servants. Also Queen Salvian and King Hugo on the other end of the table, who both looked annoyed. All eyes turned to us and the doors banged shut behind us. I ducked my head down and hurried toward the end of the table Emory was at. His blue-grey eyes looked at me worriedly as I sat in the wooden chair next to him, still looking down. My hair creating a curtain, shielding me from all staring eyes.
“Lance, where is your sister? Tobias has told me about what happened, with detail,” Salvian said, and I felt her gaze on me. I shrunk back into me chair, not wanting the attention.
“Yes well, I haven’t an idea where she might be. But if you have any questions about what happened, I wouldn’t go to her first, mother,” Lance replied, taking his seat next to his father.
“Lance, are you implying that your sister would not be truthful?” Hugo questioned loudly. Its not that he sounded mad, or even annoyed. Maybe a little shocked, and angry…
“Take my words as you will and think of the meaning, father. You will know my intentions,” Lance stated boldly. No one but him and his sister talk to him like that. It’s considered disrespectful and rude.
The doors shutting cut off what Hugo was going to say next, and everyone glanced over to the door. Speak of the devil. There was Lillian, in her red and gold, elegant dress. Looking perfect as always. Her eyes met mine, as cold as ice, and I ducked me head low, avoiding her eyes. Cold and cruel.
Her feet made little sound as she traveled over to her seat next to her mother.
“Mother,” she greeted her and sat down.
“Lillian, we have a matter to discuss after dinner,” Salvain said evenly.
“Yes mother,” Lillian said back, just as even. An awkward silence fallowed suite. You could hear shuffling feet under the table. My feet being one of them.
“Everyone is here, let us eat,” Hugo announced, and small chatter broke out along with the sound of plates moving.
On the royal side, there was a full buffet. On our side however, there was bread, butter, beans, water, and some fruit. I grabbed a piece of bread and some beans, along with some grapes. When I was little, I thought this was a lot.
“Hey, what’s wrong, Luce?”
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