» Fantasy » Guardian Angels, Misty [read me a book .txt] 📗

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Sarah nodded her head. Cass sighed.
“Everyone knows the attack was a hit and run, but no one remembers seeing a red sports car do it! Have you been sleeping at night?” She asked. Sarah shook her head no.
“I can’t, I keep having the nightmares about the accident. They wont go away.” Sarah looked away. “And I keep getting these feelings that I’m being watched all the time. Sleep doesn’t come easy.”
“Maybe you should go to the nurse and lie down for a few minutes. I’ll cover for you in class.” Cass suggested. Sarah nodded, holding her head in her hand. She had a slight head ache forming. Cass walked her to the nurses office, where the nurse, Mrs. Kiline, was grateful to see her. Cass explained what had happened while pushing Sarah off to one of the beds in the back of the room. Sarah was just in a daze at this point. She swore she had seen that red car just now, and at the accident. Other people who saw the accident had said it was a black car going so fast no one could get the license plates. Sarah had been confused since then, since she saw the man stop and get out of his car and kick Kristen, she knows that actually happened.
“Sarah, how about some Tylenol? Would that help you?” Mrs. Kiline walked over with a bottle in her hand. She had just sent Cass off with a note to tell Sarah’s first period teacher where she was. Sarah sat down slowly, looking up at the nurse.
“You think I’m crazy too don’t you?” She asked right out. Mrs. Kiline just smiled, and poured out some of the small pills.
“No, I believe you. I saw it there this morning as well. Take these.” She handed Sarah the pills along with a glass of water. Sarah looked at Mrs. Kiline with a puzzled look, wondering if she was telling the truth, or making something up to make her feel better. It didn’t matter that much though, she knew what she saw was real to her.
“Thank you.” Sarah took the medication, and then a sleeping pill, and got a long, almost dreamless sleep.
The dreams she did have, were about Kristen. Past images of when they were little kids. How they would play together all the time and Kristen would take on a whole different attitude when she was only with Sarah. The images were so happy, nothing like the nightmares she had been having over and over again.
“Sarah? Sarah are you okay?” Mrs. Kiline shook her awake. Sarah jumped up, startled to be awaken by such force. She felt her face was wet.
“You were crying, I though you might be in pain?” She said, extra cautious. Sarah wiped her face, finding lots of cold, and dried up tears mixed with the warm ones that were still coming out of her eyes. Sarah started laughing.
“No. I was having a good dream this time. Back when Kristen and I were little kids playing together.” Sarah choked on her tears, as more started to come out as she thought of it. Mrs. Kiline smiled, relaxing a bit. She rested her hands on Sarah’s shoulder.
“I believe you will see Kristen again. Things are changing for you, and you must be strong and accept them.” She was speaking in riddles, and it was making Sarah’s head hurt again.
“I can’t see Kristen again. She’s dead!” Sarah growled, mostly out of confusion. The nurse just grinned, patted her on the shoulder and walked over to her desk. Sarah watched her, as she wiped her face clear of the tears.
“You’re free to go, when ever you feel well enough, but you basically slept the whole day.” She called from her desk. Sarah got up slowly, and her legs felt a bit week. Holding on to the wall, she slowly made her way to the door. She took one look back at Mrs. Kiline, who looked up and smiled, then went back to her paper work. Shaking her head, she thought she saw someone else standing behind Mrs. Kiline, but then the image was gone. Thinking she was hallucinating again, she exited the room.
“Ah! There you are. I was just coming to check up on you.” Cass appeared next to Sarah. She jumped, a bit startled.
“Sheesh, you scared me!” Sarah said, breathing heavily. Cass laughed.
“Looks like you got some rest. That’s good. What do you have planned for tonight, its Friday?” She asked. Sarah thought for a second, then looked at Cass with sorrow in her eyes.
“It’s Friday, I’m going to visit Kristen’s grave for a while.” She answered.
“Oh yeah, that’s what you always do on Friday nights. You know, you should come to the club with us. Its teen night tonight and I’m sure it’ll help clear your mind for a while.” Cass suggested. Sarah politely shook her head.
“No. I really want to go to the grave.” With that Sarah turned and headed for her locker, not even waiting for Cass to come up with a come back.

Chapter 2

The graveyard was across town. Sarah walked there by herself after school, since it was easier to reach from there rather than from her house. Once she was there, looking around she tried to picture the map in her mind that led to Kristen’s grave. It was somewhere in the back, because of the way the graveyard was set up, only rich, important families had the front lots with the over extraordinary gravestones. Kristen’s family hadn’t been that well off to begin with, and now with her death, her parents had split up and moved away, leaving Kristen’s grave in her care.
Sarah sighed, looking at the small handful of flowers in her hands. Each time they seemed to be getting smaller and smaller, only because she was running low on money to buy flowers with, and her mother didn’t feel the need to give her anymore. This small bouquet was pick from wild flowers on her way over. She felt bad, for being so cheap, but she knew Kristen would understand.
Walking through the grave yard today though, she felt it had a different atmosphere. Like there were people all around her, watching her, but she couldn’t see them. The idea of being watched gave her creeps. She shrugged it off and headed towards the back. She reached Kristen’s gave and saw that it was covered in grass clippings. Sighing, she proceeded to brush them off, passing her hand over the carving of her name slowly.
Then, she felt it again, a warm yet cold presence. Sarah jumped to her feet and looked around, but there was no one else in the garden but herself and a maintenance guy way on the other side of the graveyard, clumsily cutting the grass. She took one harder look around, trying to see if there was anyone else there, which she really thought there was. She shook the thought out of her head, thinking she was just imagining things again.
Sarah turned back around and placed the wild flowers onto the grave, and proceeded to go into a small prayer. The warmer presence was felt again, and this time she thought it was right next to her, but Sarah didn’t want to open her eyes to see who it was.
“You know, I really prefer Roses than Dandelions.” A voice said. The voice seemed too familiar to Sarah that she snapped her eyes open. In front of her, she saw an all too familiar black boot, just floating at eye level from her kneeling position. Sarah didn’t know what scared her more, the fact that it was floating, or the fact that it had talked.
“Ahh!” Sarah yelled, jumping backwards and landing on her butt. From further away she could see that the boot was in fact attached to a person. She was floating in a sitting position, with one leg resting on top of her knee. Ripped baggy jeans led up to a tight white sleeveless t-shirt. Her arms were crossed in a menacing way, but when Sarah got up to the face, the person was smiling, but it was more like a grin. She had long, beautiful blond hair that shined in the sunlight, and her eyes were the deepest blue you could imagine.
“It can’t be!” Sarah squeaked. She was wide eyed, scared out of her wits.
“Oh, yes it can be. What surprises me the most is that you can see me clearly now.” She stood on the ground, making Sarah a little more comfortable.
“But, you’re supposed to be dead! How can you be standing in front of me?”
“Very simple, I’m an Angel.” She grinned. Sarah just stared at her, completely confused. The girl laughed.
“I figured you wouldn’t believe me. They warned me too.” She took a seat on the ground. “Let’s see, how do I do that again?” She closed her eyes. She looked like she was concentrating on something. Her body glowed a shade of yellow, and then wings magically sprouted from her back. Beautiful, pure snow white, feathered angel wings. Sarah gasped in awe. They were so beautiful, so pure, that they could only have come from a true angel or spirit.
“Who are you?” Sarah asked, backing up more. The girl looked at her funny, while stretching her wings out.
“You really don’t recognize me? That’s odd, I didn’t think my appearance changed that much.” She sighed. “Maybe it’s because I’m not wearing my leather jacket.” She thought out loud. She looked at Sarah over quickly.
“You are defiantly Sarah Lincon though. Short black hair, emerald green eyes, and has a stuffed teddy bear collection that she’s afraid to let people know about. Hidden in your closet, upper-left side I believe was last months hiding spot?” She grinned. Sarah almost fainted.
“But, you are supposed to be dead? How are you here?” She asked.
“I am dead. Note the wings stupid.” She flapped them again, creating a small gust that Sarah actually felt, but didn’t see the grass move from it. “I’ve picked you to be my partner as a Guardian’s Angel.” She smiled. Sarah looked at her puzzled.
“So you really are Kristen?” She asked, just blurting it out. The angel

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