» Fantasy » Grey Lilies, Meli J Nightly [latest books to read txt] 📗

Book online «Grey Lilies, Meli J Nightly [latest books to read txt] 📗». Author Meli J Nightly

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A few inches away the man came to a halt. "Samantha?" the man asked, turning suddenly to face her.

Samantha's eyes opened wide. She slowly turned around to face the man who had called out her name. It wasn't like in the dream; it wasn't ‘that’ man's voice. Still, she was curious. “Do you know me?"
The man had a quizzical look on his face. "Know you? Of course I know you. Are you okay?"

Her mind felt like it was starting to work a thousand miles per hour. There was one theory she had, this man who actually knew her name was the man who actually saved her from God-knows-who, and that was why he had gotten injured too. Another theory was: he could be the young master that the old woman was talking about.

However he did not look young at all, more like in his mid-forties, so that would flunk her second theory. But then again, the old nurse was pretty old. Either way, this man happened to know her and it was the perfect opportunity to discover what exactly had happened to her and learn about herself in the process.

"If you know me, could you…could you be the master that the old nurse was actually talking about?"

"Master. Your master?" He asked with a cocked eyebrow while the young woman looked at him awaiting his answer.

"So you do know who I am... and you know what actually happened to me? I lost my memory, sir, and I have no idea of who I am."

He eyed her for a moment. "Hasn't anyone told you who you are? Or who do you belong to?"

"Belong?" she asked as if that word resounded in her head. ‘You belong to me,’ the voice resonating in her head was the same one she had heard in her dreams. But who was it?

His face lit up, and a smirk embedded his face, a malicious smirk that Samantha dismissed. "Of course, Sammy, did you forget about me? You belong to me. I am your master."

When he uttered those words her heart did not jump as it had when she’d first heard them spoken in her room. This time the way that man said it was kind of chilling. His eyes seemed ill-mannered and she was now more scared than interested. "You're my master?"
"Yes, dear. I own you. And what happened to you was really bad. Truly, I became saddened just thinking that you could have left this world."

Somehow it made her believe that the man was actually telling the truth. But her heart was screaming out something she just simply couldn't understand.
"What happened to me? Were you, sir, the one who saved me?" She asked shyly.

The man looked thoughtful for a while, but then he finally answered. "You had a terrible accident. Some powerful men were after you. It was lucky I was near that area and that I could actually save you in time. I'm glad it wasn't any worse."

Samantha looked at her savior. "I am now in your debt, sir. I owe you my life." She curtsied, something she felt that she had done before.

"Well then. I am delighted to hear you are okay." His eyes roved back and forth to the sides of the empty hallway. "Has anyone come to visit you?"

"Visit me? Other than the doctor and the nurses; no one else, sir. Was somebody important supposed to visit me?"

"No, no. Of course not. You don't have any family other than us. That is, my wife Mrs. Winchester and myself. You may call me Mr. Winchester as you always have." He spoke these words quickly, glancing back and forth at both ends of the hallway.

"Well I thank you Mr. Winchester, for your kindness."
The man nodded and continued, looking back into her eyes. "Are you feeling better?"

"Yes sir. I'm feeling a bit better. I am looking forward to serving you, and maybe you can tell me a bit about who I am, or of what I do, so that maybe I can recover little by little my memories."

"I'll be more than glad to help you with that. After all, you belong to me. I will take good care of you, child. Now go get dressed and we will leave." Mr. Winchester said as he placed an arm around the girl’s lean shoulder. His cold touch sent shivers down her spine. There was something quite strange about him and she just didn't know what it was. But so far he was the only person giving her clear answers. There was no denying that he knew something, if not everything, about her. She did as she was told, and without saying a word she left with him. The feeling of being lonely was slowly starting to disappear, but the feeling of anxiety was building. Would she ever get her memory back?

The long line of trees, the air and riding in a big fancy car; there was something about it all. "Am I starting to remember?” While Samantha was lost in thought, she couldn't help but notice that Mr. Winchester kept gazing at her. His green eyes pierced through her skin. She derived her attention to the outside of her window. After all, she didn't want to think anything bad about the man who had saved her life.

She held on tightly to the lilies she saw in had in her room, someone must have left them there for her. However, she did not have the nerve to ask Mr. Winchester. The lilies were brighter than the usual lilies in the wild, they looked rare. Samantha’s expression turned into awe as a large gate opened to make way for the automobile. The house was big and the entrance itself was enormous. As she stepped out of the car her anxiety returned.

"Are you alright?" Mr. Winchester asked with a worried tone.

Samantha placed a hand to her chest. "Yes. I'm alright. Thank you."

The front French like doors opened and a tall graceful blond woman came out to greet them. She could not dissimulate her confused expression at seeing the fragile looking woman next to her beloved husband.

"Wha-“ She began, but was immediately cut off by her husband.

"My love, Samantha is fine. I bet you thought she was fairly injured, but I have bought her home at last." Saved, he thought. There was no chance in letting her ruin his precious plan.

‘Home at last?’ Mrs. Winchester was at lost for words. Her husband moved in to give her a hasty peck on the lips and guided her inside the house.

"Take the girl inside. Give her something to eat. Should she ask you anything, do not give her any answers," Mr. Winchester murmured to one of the servants. The servant nodded and obediently went to do what was ordered. Meanwhile, Mr. Winchester locked the door of the office room.

"What in the world are you thinking? Have you lost your mind?!" Mrs. Winchester let out everything she had been depriving herself from saying.

"Oh calm down woman. She was in the hospital and so was I. It was fate. She lost her memory, she doesn't know who she is and no idea of what is going on. He didn't go visit her either." A feeling of excitement rushed over him, it was all just too perfect. Mrs. Winchester, however, still callous to anything he had to say.

"And don't you think that's a bit odd? Do you know what HE will do to us if he finds out you bought her here?! Do you care so little about my life and yours. How about our son?! Is he not important to you Charles?" The exasperated woman cried out. She was about to pluck her hair out from her husband's insanity.

"Do not raise your voice at me. I did it because its time he pays for what he has done to me. It's because of him our company will not grow. He's a violent and vicious man and now I have his most precious treasure," he informed his wife pleased as if he had found the 8th wonder of the world.

"That Woman! Why is that woman so special? She always looked like a regular servant to me. A poor lowlife girl."

"She, my dear, is a genius with numbers. It is her who has helped him and his father create the empire that they have today," he explained nonchalantly.
Mrs. Winchester looked at him in disbelief, "The reason they have their little empire is because they kill anyone who gets in their way. And you were about to be killed too! You cannot go defying him."

"His old man is dead and now only he is left with his brother. I know I can make him move out-of-the-way. It’s time for a new empire to rise. Our empire. We will be the most powerful family in Versailles."

"You really will not rest until you get us all killed." She sighed at seeing she had no other choice but to agree with everything her husband said. "And how do you plan on hiding out this woman?"

"We will move for a while, to our château in England. Until everything calms down."
"England? And leave the business without anyone to manage it?"

"I already have someone. And besides you should feel happy, now you will get to spend my money while shopping in Europe," the man said with a sarcastic venomous tone. And with that he left her side while she just furrowed her brow. Who knew what kind of dismay her husband’s capricious antics would bring.

"How could you let her run away?" His voice was soft yet stern. It was that tone of voice that everyone feared. They knew that he did not need to yell; in fact no one had ever heard him raise his voice at anyone. The doctor's knees trembled; he stuttered his words and did not know how to even explain, for he did not know what was going on.

"Sir, we did as you ordered. We gave her a full wing of the hospital all to herself. The nurses tried to avoid talking to her. They restrained themselves only to check up on her. When one of them went she was already gone."

The man smoothly grabbed his gun from his coat and placed it on the doctors throat. The doctor shivered and squirmed, he did not want to die that way. "Ple- please... sir-"

"What are you doing? Leave him alone. She probably got her memory back and remembered that she hates you... couldn't that be a possibility Doc?" A young man came inside, elegant as well, yet shorter than the man holding the doctor's life in his hands.

The doctor gulped and nodded. "He-he's right. She could have recovered her memory. We do not know how the mind might work completely. Something or someone might have triggered it. That's certainly a possibility."

The man let go of him and put his gun away. His stare was cold as ice. "Her memory came back". His worse fear came true, she had left his side. He could try to find her, he knew he could. But maybe that's not what she wanted. He didn't want to see her beautiful innocent
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