» Fantasy » Andromeda and the platinum scroll, Dionne Newman [best novels of all time .TXT] 📗

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but well be back, ok honey.” Ella said. “mummy please” Andromeda whispered, her voice broken with emotion. The men were back down the stairs with two small bags, “let’s get going shall we?” the man replied, his voice harsh. Looking round his eyes stopped on Andromeda and he looked straight through her as if he couldn’t see her. Of course he couldn’t see her Marvin had most likely charmed both her and ashen so that no one bar Ella and Marvin could see or hear them! Ella and Marvin both stood up and started towards the door “MUMMY, PLEASE, Please, MUMMY, don’t go.” Andromeda screamed. Her mother’s face broke and she dissolved into tears as both parents walked out the door and stepped into the portal which one of the gormless looking guards had just set up. “Mummy, no, no, mummy, please,” Andromeda begged, her voice thick, tears still streaming and an awful pain in her stomach. She watched as her mother and father stepped into the portal, the three men right behind them. As soon as all five people were inside the portal, it closed up, and flew off. Andromeda ran after it screaming “mummy come back, come back, please, why are you leaving me? Daddy…mummy…please…I love you”, the neighbours watched her with pain in their eyes. Obviously the charm had worn off, she ran as fast as she could, hoping that she could grab onto the portal and go with her parents. She kept running she could still see the portal and then it was gone “NO!” Andromeda screamed and sank to her knees, they were gone and suddenly she realised she was outside the towns portal, she was in the muggle world and now she couldn’t get back through the border…she was stuck here. Andromeda curled up on the ground and sobbed, her heart felt as if it had just been ripped apart. Ashen, with her wings hidden, knelt down and put her hands on Andromeda. After a few minutes of shushing and hushing to try and calm the child and failing to do so, Ashen picked up Andromeda and carried her through the muggle town, Andromeda lay there, arms wrapped around Ashen’s neck, sobbing into her chest. Ashen walked for a while looking for somewhere that they could eat and rest, they came to a wooded area and ashen decided that it was the safest place for them to stay, she carried Andromeda with her as she climbed the tree, at last she found a small alcove and extended it with what was left of her magic – hiding her wings drained the magic she had – and settled Andromeda down, Ashen then carried onto light a fire to keep them warm and produce a bed for them both to lie on. Andromeda went over to the bed and lay down; Ashen went over copied Andromeda's movements and lay down beside her, hugging her close. They went on like this for months sleeping in the tree, stealing food and not knowing how or where Andromeda's parents were, a few months passed and one afternoon when Andromeda was looking at the scroll her mother left her, trying to decipher what the odd language it was written in was and what it actually said when an envelope flew into the trees alcove and landed in Andromeda's lap. Staring at it with baited breath Andromeda opened the envelope and read:
Dear Andromeda,
I am sorry that I haven’t been able to write to you but I was under close supervision, its best to tell you, your mother is dead, she died due to stress, but she died peacefully. She loved you so much Andromeda you must know that, we both do, if there was any we could have stayed with you we would have and one day when you are older you will understand, do not drown yourself in your sorrows, your mother wouldn’t have wanted that, we both want you to succeed and do well in whatever life you chose to have, muggle or not, we will always be proud of you baby and I’m sorry we had to leave, like I said we had to, there was no other choice. I am glad you have Ashen to look after you. I know you will be sad reading this right now but soon you will receive a great surprise and I hope you grasp this opportunity and enjoy it like your mother and I did, I love you always and forever baby
From daddy with lots of love
PS. I have broken free of the place your mother and I were held and I am now on the run so don’t write back, do not worry about me, I will contact you again soon and tell you if it is safe to write back, then I shall come and see you, I love you. xxx
The images in Andromeda's head stopped and she remembered she was lying on the grass, sitting up she realised she was crying again, she didn’t bother wiping them away. “I’m going to bed, see ya” she mumbled to Ashen, Andromeda climbed up the tree and into the alcove, pulling back the covers of the bed she got under and pulled the covers back up until they swallowed her up. It was dark and warm, Andromeda started to fell sleepy and her eyes started to droop, within minutes she was fast asleep, dreaming of the time her father took her to pick out which dragon she wanted to have, she didn’t want the dragon instead she wanted the gold scarf that the keeper was wearing, so instead her father took her into the village and they scoured the shops until they found one with the gold scarf, she remembered putting the scarf on, her grin stretching so far she thought it would come right off her face and the warm feeling she got in her stomach. That image remained in her head for the rest of the night as if it was engraved into her brain.

The Letter

Andromeda woke the next morning, something slapping against her face, “gerroff” she mumbled slapping it away, it continued slapping away “I Said GET…oh!” it was a golden envelope with a multi-coloured wax seal. Sitting up she grabbed the letter and opened it, closing her eyes and taking a breath, when she opened her eyes a letter written in extremely neat handwriting was floating in front of face, Andromeda held the letter and read:

Dear Miss Lorr,
As you are most likely well aware there is a magical world outside the muggle boundaries, we are delighted to inform you that your name has been considered and approved for the Haylsdron School of Sorcery and Spells, and you are therefore being invited to join as a first year to our school, we hope that you will oblige to our request and arrive at the school gates on the 18th of August. The password for the boundary of Oxpott town is Defidaloos and the spell which you will need to take you to the school gates is Porta delmadus Haylsdron (pore-ta-del-mad-us-hails-drone).
On your arrival at the gates our caretaker will meet you and escort you to our fine dining hall, where you will be sorted into one of the five houses, you will then be seated and have dinner with the rest of the school. Lessons start next morning at 9 o clock sharp. You can collect your class timetable from your year head in the sitting area of your dormitory.
If you desire to come to our school, please send us a letter immediately so we can order your school books.

Hope to see you at the start of term.
Yours sincerely,
R. Shieldheart. 
Professor Rita Shieldheart
Headteacher of Haylsdron School of Sorcery and Spells

Andromeda gasped and dropped the letter “Oh my God, oh, oh, ASHEN! Come see this, ASHEN!” Ashen flew up and saw the look on Andromeda's face it was a look she hadn’t seen for a very long time, “what is it?” ashen asked. Andromeda held out the letter, ashen read it and a smile crept up on her face “wow are you going then?” she asked “obviously” Andromeda gasped she couldn’t believe it. Just then another letter came into the alcove, grabbing it and wrenching it open she read:
Andromeda baby,
Todays the day and I know you just got your letter, are you excited? Of course you are duh! I hope you enjoy your time there and I know you will, I also know that as soon as you read that letter you decided you were going to go. Well get your stuff packed quickly and get yourself over to the border, you’re going home! I love you so much, you’re going to be a great little witch, like I’ve always said and I bet you excel in everything, maybe not flying though, you have difficulty walking let alone flying ha-ha. You still can’t reply but soon you’ll be able to. I look forward to hearing from you when the time comes. Your mother would be as proud as I am right now, and I know she’s watching over you. Good luck
Love from your proud daddy xxx
PS. Watch out for the wimblees at the school, those little critters bite, seriously. X
“Ashen we’re going home” I can’t believe it, let’s get packed!” she smiled as broadly as she could, butterflies buzzing in her stomach…


Publication Date: 10-22-2011

All Rights Reserved

to all my family who pushed me to start writing again

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