» Fantasy » The Woods, Sally Ann Nicole [13 ebook reader txt] 📗

Book online «The Woods, Sally Ann Nicole [13 ebook reader txt] 📗». Author Sally Ann Nicole

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back at Grizzly that relief was short lived. He didn't look good at all and despite how much I hated my boss, I loved Grizzly. He was my big brotherly companion through thick and thin. Though he was definitely a brat, which I told him all the time.

A rustling alerted me of the things that were going on around me. The wolf had suddenly gained numbers. Around me was a mixture of large and normal wolves, all staring at me. A squeak erupted from my throat and I sank to my knees, pulling Grizzly in my lap and holding the stick out to each of them, ready for a fight to the death. I knew who would win this fight though. Some of the more normal looking wolves that would only come up to my hip or lower snarled and snapped their teeth at me. Despite Grizzly's obvious pain he managed to snarl back at the creature. I swung at it and it narrowly avoided my branch. A smirk crossed my lips and I gave a growl of my own at the thing.Maybe I was going insane, either way I was almost positive I was about to die. Not like anyone would ever know.

The larger wolves were sitting on the ground now, watching me with eyes that were much too intelligent for my comfort. Their eyes were a startling shade of violet, which automatically reminded me of my mystery dream guy. "Go away," I pleaded, hugging Grizzly's blood soaked body to me. In reply a large wolf stood and walked forward, staring at me intently. I stared back and then lifted my branch threateningly. But as I did this I felt a sense of calm overwhelms me and set the branch back down. The wolves around me howled, singing me to sleep.My dream this time was not one that pleased me, if you can call it a dream. It was full of horrible monsters and pain. Not to mention the blood, so much blood, everywhere I looked. Though throughout the whole nightmare I was well aware that it was fake and that I needed to wake up. But for the life of me why I needed to wake up I couldn't remember.

By the time sleep finally released me I was so confused that I thought I was laying upside down when I was just laying on my stomach, which I never do. It felt too smothering to me to sleep like that. I took in a deep breath then let it out slowly before opening my eyes and stretching, arching my back. My breath caught in my throat as I realized I was not where I should be. Everything around me was pitch black and I would have thought that my eyes were still asleep if I didn't know better. "H-hello?" I stuttered, fear gripping at my quickly pounding heart. "H-hello?" A lower male voice responded somewhere near me, making me jump. Was he mocking me? "Look, whoever you are…I just want to go home." I told the person, standing up slowly and spinning in a slow circle. Maybe I was in a windowless room, since I had been on a bed. Wait…hadn't I been in the woods earlier? Yes, because I was looking for Grizzly then… "Where's the wolves?" I asked with panic in my voice as I remembered. "Where's Grizzly? Where am I? Who are you?" I stammered on, backing up till my back bumped against a wall. I slid along the wall slowly, looking for a door. "Me, I'm a stranger, the wolves are here, Grizzly is not, and you are in the darkness." The strange guy answered me. I wasn't quite scared enough to not feel the hint of annoyance that rose in me at this guys mocking. I would have replied if I hadn't realized something he said that scared the hell out of me. "The wolves are here?" I asked slowly, my heart pounding faster in my chest. Where? I peered into the darkness, my eyes narrowing to try to see into it. But it didn't work, all I saw was endless ebony.

The guy obviously found my question not worth answering and didn't reply. I continued to feel around the wall until my hand found what I was looking for, a wooden door. I reached down to the doorknob and turned it, finding it locked. Of course it would be locked, I was stupid to think otherwise. A feral growl rang through out the room and my body froze, every muscle locked tight with fear.

"I would suggest against running, never run from a predator." The oh-so-helpful male told me as the growl subsided. "Thanks," I muttered unhappily as my muscles relaxed slightly. But I still felt like a deer caught in the midst of a pack of wolves. "Isn't there a light in this room?" I asked with a small hint of annoyance in my voice that I was pretty proud of. Amazing how I could be annoyed when I was terrified. "Yes," Was the vague answer that I got. "Well can you turn it on?" I asked, between clenched teeth. This guy got more annoying by the second.

"No." He answered simply then added, "You can though." I sighed and asked with impatience leaking from my voice, "How?" He chuckled, a deep sound that made me want to purr with happiness at the sound, like a cat. It was very…attractive and was an odd music to my ears. Not to mention there was something familiar about it. "Light switch," He told me when he was done laughing at my expense.I frowned and felt my cheeks warm a bit with a blush, now I felt stupid. I felt along the walls and asked, "Am I warm of cold?" He chuckled again, which resulted in a tingle gliding down my spine. "Very warm." Seconds later I'd found a switch and flicked it on.

The immediate lighting made me squint my eyes and blink rapidly as my eyes adjusted. I stared intently at the wall, unsure if I wanted to look at the horrors that were possibly behind me. But my curiosity had always been my downfall and now was no exception. Warily, I spun on my heels to look at the room around me. It had stone walls, like a basement or cellar, with two beds. On one of the beds sat the man from my dreams, stroking a small black wolf whose head lay on his lap. The other bed held Grizzly's mangled body. My eyes welled up with tears at the sight of him, thinking him dead. But then there was a small rise in his chest and I knew my companion was alive still…if only barely. I took a step towards him then jumped back as a growl sounded from seemingly no where. A small white wolf slunk out from underneath the bed that Grizzly lay on then stalked towards me. I pressed my back against the wall and felt a small tear escape my eye.

Another growl erupted into the air and I was surprise to find it was from the man, but it had sounded exactly like an animal. "Tula, no eating our guest." He snarled at the wolf, baring his teeth to it. Tula looked to him and then stalked over to the bed and jumped onto it, snuggling into the black wolf's side. I would have thought it adorable if I weren't so scared. "Is that all of them?" I whispered, not trusting my voice not to shake if I spoke louder. But it seemed that the man had no problem hearing and shook his hair, his golden bangs flopping into his eyes before he pushed them back and pointed into the corner, "Ajax."

I looked over to Ajax who sat in the corner, watching us with a calm gaze. He was like the big wolves from what I would guess was last night, his eyes a intimidating shade of violet. His pelt was a glossy brown with white tipped ears and a spot of black on his rump. I stepped towards my boss's dog and said, "Alright Ajax, I just want to check on Grizzly…so please don't kill me." Ajax continued to watch, making no sign that he even heard me. I took it as encouragement though and walked quickly over to the bed, placing my hand on the large German Shepherds head. A whimper came from the dog's mouth and I took in a deep breath. "It's okay Grizzly, it's just me, you know me." I cooed softly to one of my favorite dogs in the world.

"He will bite if you hurt him." Stated the man that's name I still didn't know. I clenched my teeth, anger consuming me. "WHY DID YOU LET THEM DO THIS!" I yelled angrily, spinning to glare at him. The wolves reacted to my anger by standing and growling, their fur rising in hostility. Ajax in the corner continued to stare calmly though. "Oh shut it, you stupid mutts. If I had my stick you'd be shishkabobs." I threatened half-heartedly, glaring at the man."They are not mine, I do not tell them what to do." He replied calmly with a shrug of his shoulders. Then added, "You shouldn't have let him run away to begin with."

I gasped, so I had been being watched, I knew it! "Why were you watching me?" I asked, my anger turning to curiosity. Well, any normal girl would be curious as to why an extremely attractive guy was watching her work with a unruly flower bed for a old rich spoiled brat of a woman. The guy shrugged, looking to the two wolves in front of him and beginning to pet them once again. Obviously he was tired of talking to me. Well fine, I had a dog to tend to. At least Grizzly would be nice to me.

I slid up onto the bed and began to inspect all Grizzly's wounds and there were many. He had numerous bite marks all over him and a large scratch down his side. Thankfully no vital organs had been harmed or exposed. Which surprised me a little. "He will survive." The man told me, standing up. I watched closely as he left the room, the wolves following him, All except Ajax who had no moved one inch and was now watching me with intelligent thoughtful eyes. "Fine," I murmured to myself with disbelief, the poor beast was just laying there pathetically looking at me for help while the mutt in the corner sat like a statue. I flipped Ajax the bird and could have sworn he grinned at me, which resulted in a glare from me. "Great, I'm imagining the big bad wolf can understand me." I muttered with disbelief before sitting down on the floor beside the bed. I was wary as to cause anymore harm to my bosses dog, she was already gonna kill me for the scars his wounds would cause. I crossed my legs sitting indian-style as my kindergarten teacher and taught me so many years ago and looked back at the big wolf. His eyes were thing that kept catching my attention and before long I found myself lost in the swirl of violet and black orb. It was as if I was transported to a new world, a world I imagined would be what it would be like if humans had never touched it.

I sat in the middle of a rich green clearing, a circle of large spruce trees surrounded me. The sky above me was filled with light blue that didn't have a single imperfection in the light colored ocean of it. I took in a deep breath to access my situation and scents I knew but didn't flooded to me. I could smell the sweet scent of flowers in
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