» Fantasy » Windswept, Yezall Strongheart [free ebook novel TXT] 📗

Book online «Windswept, Yezall Strongheart [free ebook novel TXT] 📗». Author Yezall Strongheart

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with him.

Zylena followed the man looking at the back of his head. He had very wispy blond hair, long, reaching his shoulder blades. He wore a white muslin tunic with matching pants that billowed in the breeze. For the life of her she couldn’t remember what his face looked like.

Although he traveled with four other men, not all of them controlled an element. Some were there to facilitate the erecting of tents as temporary shelters for the duration of their stay. Only two other men controlled an element and they were having trouble, after assessing the gathering of people, finding someone eligible for selection.

Eyes bore into her and the crowd grew quiet as the man led her toward the tents that had been quickly set up while the others spoke. Zylena glanced sideways at the girls in front, who had such hopes of being chosen. They glared at her momentarily before directing their attention back to the men still looking over the crowd.

Upon reaching the tent he dropped her hands and pulled aside the flap of the tent beckoning her inside. She eyed him suspiciously and passed through the opening. Once inside he motioned for her to have a seat on the dusty ground. . Reaching for her hands again he introduced himself, “My name is Kaneck.” He smiled widely.

She allowed her hands to be captured in his, “I am Zylena.”
Kaneck was a pleasant-looking man, but she didn’t feel any attraction to him. Zylena was aware of her obligation to proceed with this; she didn’t feel she had a choice.

Zylena looked away from his smiling face when he said nothing further for a few moments. When she looked away, the smile faded. “Zylena, do you have fear?”

Without turning her head she looked into his eyes again, “Yes. And…I have questions.”

He pulled her hands closer to his chest, “That’s what this time is for, talking, making a decision…Come, we must be closer.” He stood and helped her to rise.

This disturbed her, she resisted.

“Please Zylena, I won’t harm you or make you do anything you don’t want to, this is merely part of the process.” He cajoled her.

One of the few things in the sparse furnishings of the tent was a mat. Kaneck drew her to it and pulled her down with him. He lay on his side and positioned her back to his chest. He pulled her close with an arm around her waist.

This was extremely uncomfortable for her. She had never been so close to another human being. The hugs she received from her mother were not this intimate. She was tense, feeling somewhat trapped.

Kaneck could feel her apprehension and stroked her arm, “Tell me your fears….and ask your questions Zylena.” Again resting his arm around her waist he waited for her to speak.

It seemed to Zylena they spoke for a long time. She asked many questions. Some Kaneck was not allowed to answer yet.

As they conversed, Kaneck would draw the back of his hand across Zylena’s cheek, stroke her arm, and rest a hand on her hip, very intimately. Zylena found it hard to concentrate on what he was saying at times.

He told her of Tivolty, a large city, efficiently run by the controllers of the elements. It was governed however, by Lord Tristan, a fair ruler with an immense cabinet of advisers who kept the peace.

There was still a need for an armed force. The city of Tivolty housed the most controllers of any city on the continent. The threat of kidnapping the residents was great. Most of the controllers chose to live there than their own villages for that reason. Many villages had no one with element controlling abilities and they would kidnap and enslave controllers.

The cathedral in the center of town was hard for Kaneck to describe to Zylena. It was an architectural wonder. The craftsman of Tivolty had outdone themselves in the building of this homage to their faith. The many steeples and turrets could be seen above the walls of the city. Beautiful statues and carvings adorned the outside of the building. This is where the Divine Counselor lived. The smaller villages had meager buildings designed for people to receive guidance from the Counselor’s disciples; however the Divine Counselor had the final say in religious matters.

There was a never-ending debate about how the controllers received their gift. Most believed it could only be gifted from Gaia because it was helpful in their daily lives. Others believed the source was less than benign and could be used against them. They went so far as to say it could be used as a weapon.

The residential area and business area was consistent with most of the smaller villages. Some of the more well to do businesses, tailors, jewelers, blacksmith, and the like had stone buildings. A majority of the wares such as fresh vegetables, breads, crafts, all were found in the outdoor market. The Market was a very colorful part of town because of the many colors of fabrics covering the stands to shade the product being sold by the vendors. It was always bustling with people from early morning until after dark. Street musicians strolled through the crowds hoping for a coin or two. Scruffy children ran everywhere laughing, and stealing a fruit when the opportunity arose.

Zylena listened quietly while Kaneck spoke of the city, only squirming slightly when he touched her more intimately. Now her questions were more about the controllers themselves about the process needed for the transfer of power.

Kaneck rose up on one elbow. He pulled her shoulder backwards and down to view her face. “Zylena, you must commit to be my mate before I can say more. What I will tell you is that because you commit to be my mate does not mean we are bound to each other.”

“I don’t understand….” Zylena looked up at him innocently.

He smiled down on her. The thought of having this lovely woman by his side was an enjoyable one. “Our duty is to pass power to the one who can benefit from it the most. It has nothing to do with being together forever, unless it is mutually agreed. It has happened.” He paused, “You have free will Zylena. You may stay here or travel to Tivolty with me. Either way we will be Element Mates, which you can never change. You will be the only one to receive power from me. When needed, we will draw power from each other, no matter where we are. Together we are a formable force.”

Zylena stared at him for a moment taking it all in. “I commit to you.” She said just above a whisper.

“Are you sure?” Kaneck looked deeply into her eyes.

Zylena took a deep breath. Having her own agenda; she had made up her mind. It didn’t matter what the process was. Her mother had survived it. She was born to become an Element Mate; she couldn’t run away from that. “Yes.”

Kaneck held her tightly. “Now I can tell you the rest. Zylena, I must enter your body in the most intimate way.”

She tensed in his arms.

“Don’t be afraid.” He waited, “Do you understand?”

Zylena couldn’t look at him now. A tidal wave of emotions washed over her. “Yes…Yes I do.” It made sense to her now why some Element Mates chose to live alone. What man would want her after this? Kaneck was seemingly all business and wasn’t looking for a partner; she didn’t think she would have a future with him either.

Kaneck sat up but still held her. “Take as much time as you want Zylena, when you are ready we will prepare. You can’t leave this tent until we are done. We are on another plane of existence.”

“Then there is magic involved…I knew it.” She looked up at him.

“The Counselor frowns on that word. He believes Gaia has control of this. When we entered this tent we were sent to this place, magic or Gaia, we are here till the power is passed.” Kaneck replied.

Zylena sagged against Kaneck chest. “Well then, I am not knowledgeable in this area; so I put myself in your hands.”

Kaneck laughed softly,
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