» Fantasy » Pure Blood, TheComplicated [top young adult novels txt] 📗

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bag over his right shoulder and making his way to his black and white Lamborghini. “Here goes nothing.” He muttered under his breath while starting the engine and off he went, almost as fast as a cheater.

Chapter 3 – Phillips Boarding School

Three of the four girls went to their class a little earlier while the other one stared dreamily at the winter wonderland outside the window. The bell rang. ' Stupid, stupid. Now your gonna be late' Erin's conscience warned her. 'Shut up,' she scolded it and walked calmly to her form room without caring if she was late or not. She entered the class room with a grand entrance while some unknown student was up front. “Morning Guys,” she greeted her class and they all stared at her and happily replied, “Morning Erin,” She smiled and went over to her window seat.

“Erin, how dare you walk into my-” The teacher started shouting.
“Shut up old man, I'm tired you know.” She interrupted. “And your voice is something in the morning that I don't wanna hear.”
'did she just tell me to shut up, did she just call me an old man?' the teacher thought shocked, 'the nerve of that child.' She placed her head on the table and ignored the teachers ranting. When she got bored of hearing it in the background she looked up with an innocent look on her face. “Didn't I say to shut up” She stated politely.

The teacher was angry and he was about to explode when she said. “I'm tired of your yapping already, just shut-the-hell-up.” She commented and did a zipping motion on his mouth. Suddenly, Mr Holmes didn't utter a word. Oh he tried, but he couldn't, “See that's better isn't it guys?” She laughed and looked at the faces that admired her handiwork. But her happiness was short lived when she heard their thoughts. 'that guy is really hot,' or 'wow he has unusual eyes like Erin, I wonder if he's also a vampire.'

Her head snapped towards the new comer and a small smile spread across her face, yes he was attractive but she wasn't interested. Mr Holmes was writing on the board, However each time when he wrote the sentence, Erin used levitation on the board rubber and rubbed away what he wrote . The class burst into uncontrolled laughter while he grunted and looked at her sternly. He knew that she could read his mind and thought of the punishment. Mr Holmes projected it louder than other thoughts in the room and indeed she heard it.

'As your punishment Erin Winter, You are to be his' he pointed at the knew guy. 'partner until you graduate.' Erin jumped out of her seat exclaiming a loud “WHAT? GIVE ME A BREAK!” While the guy at the front smirked and she knew that he heard the punishment too. “Fine,” She sighed sitting back down, the crimson eyed teen made his way over to her desk. “Me names Kyle,” He smiled revealing his sharp canines. “And what makes you think that I care” Erin sulked.

“Aww, don't be like that,” He looked at her almost pleadingly.
“Like what?” She snapped frustrated that he'd have to tag along everywhere she went.
“Bitchy,” He said seriously. She stared at him.
“I. Don't. Like. You.” Erin spelled out as he flew towards the other end of the class room.

The class stopped laughing and stared at the new pair fighting. They were shocked that the knew comer had the nerve to talk to Erin in a manner like that. But after all he didn't know that when she's angry, she could kill someone. “Ow sweetie,” He fake rubbed his head. “That hurt, and I was just starting to like you.”

“Like me my ass boy.” She spat and the bell rang. Everyone were glad, they didn't want to get into a fight between two vampires, especially a fight that included Erin. Vampire fights in this school were rare, because everyone knew their place. Erin slung her bag over her shoulder and made her way out. She abruptly stopped and looked at Mr Holmes. “Don't make me regret it Sir,” She smirked while doing the unzipping motion. “Erin.” His voice came out soar.
“What now?” He snapped,
“Don't forget him.” He pointed at a smiling Kyle. 'darn it'

The ginger girl waited a second before the raven head was by her side. As they were walking, people looked at them in awe, after all it's not often that Erin is arguing with some but Jade. However as soon as she saw a blonde haired kid walk out of a class room she left the crimson eyed freak behind and ran towards him. “Z-a-ck” She shouted spelling out every syllable. The blonde haired guy turned around only to be met with wide open arms that went round his neck and a pair of long legs that hoisted them selves at his waist.

Zack's beautiful blue eyes widened at the sight of Erin so close and blushed a deep red. Her eyes were watery and he saw them before she burried her face in the crook of his neck. “H-hey Erin,” He stammered. “W-what's wrong?” She looked back up at him and pointed to Kyle. Zack narrowed his unnaturally deep sea eyes at the new guy. “I'm stuck with him until I graduate.” she complained.

“Aww, come on Angel,” He tried soothing her. “It's not that bad.” Erin smiled half heartedly at the guy before her. She nodded and quickly jumped off. She still had her arms draped around his neck while whispering into his sensitive ear, “But if I get pissed, don't blame me if you find him dead.” He let out a laugh while she dropped her hands to her sides and looked at Zack in amusement. “Give me a piggy back ride please” He looked at her puppy dog eyes and couldn't refuse. “Hop on,” He said simply and she did. All the while Kyle was trailing behind them unhappily, when he suddenly got bored of getting ignored.

“Oi ginger brat.” He shouted across the hall where she was giggling and messing up the blondes hair. She didn't turn around until she felt her hair burning but when she did, she just put up a hand and threw him to the other end of the corridor. Her hair was black at the tips , not that she cared. “Damn it, I've never been treated with such violation.” He muttered to him self. “Are you all right?” Asked Lilly kneeling beside him.

“No, that ginger brat just threw me against the wall.” He confessed to the stranger.
“Oh your talking about Erin.” Lilly understood straight away. “Don't mind her, she doesn't like any guys here apart from Zack.” She smiled knowingly.
“Yeah well she'll have to like me sooner or later.” He snapped.
“Whys that?” Sarah questioned walking over to the collapsed Kyle.
“'Cause I'm her partner until we graduate,” He smirked.

“What?” They both shouted in unison.
“Haven't you heard?” Jade asked smiling while retying her two plaits. “She made Mr Holmes shut up in form room and that was his punishment.”
“And I thought Jade was a nuisance,” Sarah commented.
“Hey, at least I don't need anger management like that freak.” She snapped.

“What's your lesson anyway?” Asked Jade
“Maths.” He sighed. “And I'm stuck with 'her'.” He made a face that showed pure disgust
“Like you said.” Said Sarah with a bored tone. “She'll have to like you sooner or later and you'll have to like her too” They took him to his class and made their way to theirs.

Poor Kyle had to survive the rest of the day watching Zack and Erin smile, talk, laugh, enjoy their time together and...and... 'WHAT'S SO GREAT ABOUT HIM ANYWAY?!' his thought snapped. 'jealous are we?' his conscience spoke. 'Shut the hell up!' he shouted inside his head. “And anyway why do I care.” He muttered. The school day finally ended and tutor time came again. It didn't even start yet but Erin and Zack were already talking outside the class room while whispers started inside about 'the couple'.

Before Erin could even say goodbye, Kyle dragged her into form. “Darn it!” She snapped at him, “Who the hell do you think you are!” she looked him up and down. Kyle was outraged 'I'm your bloody partner' he thought. “What?” she poked his chest. “What do you mean 'I'm your bloody partner, that don't mean nothing” She questioned.

“What the hell is wrong with you!” He shouted at her. “It's only been a few hours and you already hate me, get a flipping hold of your self girl.” The class watched in amusement as they argued. “Get a hold of myself?” She asked. “Follow your own advise, stupid,” They argued and argued until they realised that a teacher walked in minutes ago “Stop it now.” He shouted over their raised voices. They stopped glaring at each other just to turn around and tell Mr Holmes to shut the hell up. “Detention!” He screamed. “Both of you.”
“Say what?” They shot a look at him. He sighed before deciding to carry on speaking.
“Like it or not, your going to be partners until you graduate. End of story.” He snapped.

“With this thing here?” Erin asked pointing at Kyle. The class laughed.
“I could say the same for you stupid.” He stared at her with his crimson eyes full of anger, however they softened when they met her emerald ones. 'get a hold of your self' he told him self harshly making sure she didn't hear it.

Two months passed but their peer relationship didn't change. However one thing did, Kyle completely forgot about the mission and waking up to a phone call from Simon wasn't exactly what he had in mind. “This is Kyle.” he answered tiredly,
“Kyle, long time no see!” Simon shouted excitedly through the phone. “So did you get rid of it yet?” The tired raven head tried to figure out what Simon meant, and then he remembered.

“Of cause not!” Kyle snapped. “There are so many vampires in this damn school that I don't know which one I'm meant to get rid off.” He ran a hand through his hair frustrated at that jerk. Simon was right, there was no way they could be related but his dad told him otherwise. “I'll give you another year,” Simon sighed, all his excitement deflated. After that, Kyle hung up on him and sat up in bed.

It was February the first and it was a school day. Kyle went into the bathroom still thinking on how to find that pure blood when he heard a knock on the door followed by a loud, “Yo Kyle, hurry up or we'll get another detention 'cause of you.” Kyle brushed his teeth and made his way over to the door where a very irritated ginger girl was standing. “Hey brat, shut your trap.” He snapped. “And we're usually late because of you stupid.”

She stared at him in awe, “Well if you hurried the heck up and went to class before me, you wouldn't be stuck with me ass wipe,” She smirked. Kyle thought her sentence over before replying. “That's true.” He paused thinking of a smart remark. “But your my partner and like it or not we're meant to arrive to form together.” Erin growled and puffed up her cheeks in anger.
“What ever just get fully dressed,” She sighed seeing that he only had his trousers on.

Kyle flashed a smile before he shut the door and
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