» Fantasy » IQ 138, Ainsley Dillon [reading an ebook txt] 📗

Book online «IQ 138, Ainsley Dillon [reading an ebook txt] 📗». Author Ainsley Dillon

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What?! “You will all be assigned a testing partner, which will be someone your teachers have recommended for you to study and complete your assessments next to each other during our test session today. Your partner and yourself have had a similar IQ on your other assessments as well. I will read the partners in alphabetical order.”


“Cally Frener and Ally Henderson!” She called. I gave one last sympathetic look to her as she and Ally went and sat at the first pair of desks.


The names continued to be called, until there was only two people left; me and Zachary Gefferson.

Chapter 2: Testing Partners

        Chapter 2- Test Partners


Zachary and I walked over to the last table, and I sat in the lonely chair in the corner. I have no friends or contact to anyone eligible to be my friend in the corner. This is most miserable I have ever been in my life. The worst part of it all was that Zachary tried to communicate with me. So, trying again, I shoved my History book in his face, and pretended to study. He laughs, in that annoyingly cute laugh of his, and I wanted to punch him in the face with his laugh, (metaphorically) the feeling was almost unbearable. My hair starts to slowly turn a dark pink. And did I say cute? What I meant was: How in the world can someone in this world be so annoying, yet cute? Ughh… that’s worse. Oh, well.

As we sit down, he smirks and opens up his history book and starts reading, acting very interested in the part that he was reading. So, I started again on Hamlet, getting very close to the end even though I had just started it today. The hours passed so quickly, Zachary had to come bang me over the head with his History book. I groaned and got up, not realizing I had fallen asleep.


“You know you didn’t have to hit me that hard.” I remarked.


“I had already whacked you twice before you decided to get up, so yes, I did have to hit you that hard.” he gave me a giddy smile and ran away to the buffet line.


“Hey! Come back!” I yelled and ran up the buffet line to confront him about his ever-shrinking maturity. Cally sees me and winks and points in his direction, where Zachary is gesturing to have Cally and I stand in front of him. Right next to Ally Henderson.


“Oh no,” I said to Cally.

“Oh…Yes.” she said.


They were giggling wildly, and Cally’s nails were painted hot pink. I swear, the weirdness of this place is going to make me puke. When we got to the first station, I realized how much I couldn’t eat. So I went with a Coke, and Cally and I went to eat in our rooms. After I finished the Coke, I got sick. Really sick.


I will spare you from the description because I would hate to relive that experience again. Let’s just say that mashed potatoes mixed with chocolate chip ice cream do not throw up nicely. Well, what does? Cally did the best thing, and ran out of the room with a wash-cloth covering her mouth. At that time I had thought, Good job Cally, strong as an ox. But, as it turned out, she had went and got the nurse. The nurse told me her name, and gave me a sedative to help me sleep. I slept well into the night, and woke up with a start. Five minutes before the test.


On my forehead, there was a sticky note that read:

Maiah!! You need to wake up!

Thanks Cally, your help is appreciated. *Cough, Cough, says sarcastically.*


I uncover myself and put some clothes on and walk out the door, down to the testing room marked with: Maiah Keaner, Zachary Gefferson. As my hair slowly turns a deep shade of red, I walked in. Zachary was already there, waiting for me with his pencil in between his top lip and nose, creating a realistic toothbrush mustache. I laughed, trying to conceal it with a cough, but it was inevitable. I had laughed. At something that Zachary Gefferson had said. Kill me now.  


As I sat down, a man in a dark suit and black tie walked in, giving me the largest stack of papers I have ever seen in my life. At the top of the papers was a form that said: History, Assessment One. Again, history isn’t my strongest suit, but let’s give it a go.


“This is the history portion of the assessment,” he continues in an official sounding voice. “You will have until lunch time to complete it, and then you must turn it over and an official will come over and take it away. Do not worry about ripping the paper or pencils, they are industrially unbreakable.”


Question One: Explain how the fifth World War started in 2017. Give the names of three generals who were in the front lines and if they had any history of alcohol or drug addiction.


Easy, the fifth World War started as an act of rebellion against the government purposely enacting an oil spill. The three generals were Charles Overhill, Jackson Landers, and Andrew Gefferson.  (Zachary’s Grandfather) Now, the last question, I don’t understand. If they had an addiction, why would they be in the front lines. Studies show the worst kind of soldiers are dumb and active because they’ll go berserk and start shooting everyone. So I’m going to say no, they did not have any drug or alcohol addictions.


The questions start to blur as I keep going, trying not to get nauseas. Zach looks completely comfortable, and closes his packet 20 minutes before lunch. I sigh as I come to the last questions.


Question 246: Give your best explaination to why Ava Fulkerson disappeared, with details of your opinion on how/why she disappeared.


This question surprises me, since it is such recent history. Ava Fulkerson disappeared about 10 years ago, but this made history because she was born into politics, being Jesse Handleton’s daughter.Surprising the whole world, she openly denied having anything to do with her father, seeing as she was a Morph, and he had made her what she saw as a monster. You see, Handleton didn’t test it on the public first. He tested it on his own wife. After knowing th truth, Jesse’s wife left him, leaving their daughter in the middle. Most think after she learned what her father had done to her; and thousands more, she ran away. Others think she was kidnapped. It remains a mystery.


Question 247: Explain how the Morph serum was created, and the current whereabouts of the scientist who created it. Also, include your opinion about Morphs and how they benefit or hurt the perfect world we live in today.


They can’t ask this question?! They’re basically asking us if we think we were created because of a good reason or a bad reason. And now they’re also asking us whether we are stalkers of Jesse Handleton, the man who created the serum in the first place. We all know he lives in the United Nations building where he continues his studies on making a new and improved human hybrid. I finish my essay long answer, including how I don’t know if it is also a good thing if you passed the test, seeing as we haven’t seen or heard from my brother and dad for years. I was about to answer the last part of the question when the bell rang.  


There was a bell wrung, the sound of lunch starting. Across from the testing stations, I can hear groaning and some tears. I guess I’m not the only one who hasn’t finished. Zachary smirks and runs up to the lunch buffet, but I don’t care to join him. I feel queasy, and run back to our room. I am met by Ally Henderson, who sat in the bathroom, throwing up a lunch or dinner from yesterday, I don’t remember the last time she ate.


“Are you alright?” I chuckled and coughed, she looked at me malevolently, and continued to throw up. “Of course you’re not. You’re throwing up.” I get the look again. “I was just thinking, do you want to worry about our test scores together, I mean, I guess that’s why you’re throwing up, isn’t it?”


I wait a couple of minutes, and she stops, goes to one of the rusty sinks, washes her mouth out, and continues to walk into my room. She wraps herself in a blanket, and lays down on the bed, cradling her stomach.


“Did you not finish either?” she asked. I shook my head, and sat next to her.

“I was on the last question, and didn’t get to fully explain my answer.” I continued, frowning at the memory.

“I had three pages left. God, I’m so slow!!! It took me years for the first question. Except for the part about Zachary’s grandfather, of course.” She starts chewing her blonde hair with nervousness. Of course, all of the girls in my class aced that question.


“Why did you get him?” She asked accusingly.

“What do you mean?” I asked, though I kind of knew where this was going.

“My dad payed the lady that gave us the test partners; I don’t know her name, but he payed her with a big check so Zachary and I could be partners. My family needs the money, and Zachary’s family is the only one that could give it to us. It was my job to persuade him.” At that I almost puked with disgust, and Allison shamefully pulls out a vial of blue liquid, and a tear slips down her nose, balancing over her lip.

“When he wasn’t looking, I was supposed to pour this in his water, and he wouldn’t notice; it’s tasteless. This would put him under control, with this in my hair. She takes out the bow in her hair I always found immature, and I could see a small device sticking out. This is a sort of neurotransmitter so I could control him with my thoughts. I would go to the mysterious lady, and she would take Zachary and I home where he could, or my thoughts, could persuade his parents to donate money to this charity my dad and I created, hardwired to our bank account. Can you imagine going from one of the richest families in the world, then one of the poorest?” She grips the front of my shirt, tears streaming down her face. “You can’t imagine, Maiah Keaner.” she says my name as if it’s an insult. I storm out of the room, Allison screaming after me, “It’s not fair, you don’t deserve him!”


What is wrong with these people?! I don’t love Zachary, as if! What makes them think that?! He’s the most annoying person on this planet that I have ever met and I hate, hate him! He causes so much trouble for other people, especially me, and he thinks it’s ok! People need to meet this guy for real, and then they would see what I see.  

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