» Fantasy » The Ghouls of Gontiluna, Ryan Matthew Harker [books to read as a couple TXT] 📗

Book online «The Ghouls of Gontiluna, Ryan Matthew Harker [books to read as a couple TXT] 📗». Author Ryan Matthew Harker

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here to safety.” He turned to Tanner and Max. “After we get to the stables I need the two of you to go in and grab the horses. Sefu and I will help Absinthe and Candlelite keep the exit clear, grab the horses and then we can all ride the hell out of here. Understood?” Everyone nodded affirmatively.
“Are there any questions?” No one said anything.
“Alright then,” Jeshux shouldered his rifle and everyone else did the same. “No time like the present.”
Candlelite did not waste any time. He went straight to the doors and threw them open. With an ear shattering howl the massive werewolf hurdled through the portal right into a pack of the undead. Absinthe was right behind him. On all fours the bellowing she-bear bowled through the crowd, knocking the former mages flat and tearing through them with her nine inch claws. Between the two of them and the suddenness of their attack the landing was clear in a manner of seconds.
They started down the stairs.
As soon as the landing was clear Jeshux and the others rushed out to take up positions behind the pillars, shooting hot plasma as they went.
While the travelers had been holed up inside the hallway trying to decide what to do more of the zombies had congregated outside the guild hall. At the appearance of their quarry the creatures began to swarm up the stairs, eager to satisfy the lust for living flesh that had become their sole reason for existence. More and more of these twisted beings began to come out of the woodworks; from open doorways, alleys, and side streets they swarmed. They were drawn by the sounds of fighting and were furious at being left out of the fun of another supposedly easy meal. They were fast too, some of them so fast that while they appeared to move with little effort they still traveled almost too fast for the eye to follow.
Even with the aid of their allies Candlelite and Absinthe were hard pressed to keep the stairs clear enough for the others to follow them down. Bodies and pieces of bodies were strewn about all over the place like the abandoned toys of a petulant child. The two behemoths battled back and forth oblivious to the gore they splattered and the jellied remains that they trampled underfoot.
Jeshux began to wonder how they would ever win through and he kept an eye on the stairs in the hope of spotting an opening for advancement. It was about this time, as he directed the gunfire of his companions, that he dimly heard a shout from down the street.
Jeshux looked up from the stairs and was surprised to see what appeared to be his entire army being led by McAriicoys and fleeing a swarm of vampires.
“Reinforcements!” he shouted. “Give them cover!”
Reorienting themselves and redirecting their gunfire from the zombies to the vampires Sefu, Max and Tanner began to cut the flying vermin out of the sky by the dozens. Unfortunately there seemed to be no end to the flying horde that pursued their comrades.
The fleeing mercenaries drew closer as the battle on the stairs raged on, however Candlelite and Absinthe had both heard McAriicoys yell and wasted no time in pulling away from the Zombies to aid the approaching army. They flung brown robes in every direction as they battled their way down the stairs.
“It’s the Chosen Ones!” McAriicoys called out. He was dressed in full battle armor and wielded his plasma rifle like a wild man.
Just as the bestial couple reached the bottom of the stairs so did the mercenaries. Turning back to the horde of brown robed beings that had trailed after them down the stairs the werewolf and she-bear again began to tear into the hungry creatures. Although unsure because of their saviors wild appearances the mercenaries never hesitated in turning their weapons on this new menace and were quickly able to clear a path up the stairs.
Halfway up a pack of werewolves of the true variety joined the ascending fight.
Jeshux had seen the slobbering beasts hot on McAriicoys heels, running far ahead of a slower approaching group of goblins and humans, and a trail of them littered the street. Harmony! He thought while he shouted orders from on top of the landing as they continued to fire upon their enemies in what was now a three sided battle.
Not discriminating mercenaries from werewolves the brown robed zombies were attacking anyone who came within reach. Although most of them were in a distinct state of disrepair, with one or more limbs missing, eyes tore out or entrails trailing along as they moved about, none of these grievous injuries seemed to impair them in the least and some of them had even started to feast upon the fallen.
It did not take long for the rest of the humans and goblins to reach the stairs and that was when the three way battle began in earnest.
Candlelite and Absinthe were hard pressed to keep the stairs clear. Even with their friends on the landing and the mercenaries in their midst the odds were overwhelmingly against them.
The werewolves were by far their most fearsome opponents. Although the generic breeds were smaller than Candlelite and endowed with only above average intelligence for a canine or lupine animal they were still extremely strong and possessed a malicious capacity for inflicting pain and terror. Rampaging about the stairs the vicious animals tore through mercenaries and zombies alike with equal zeal.
On the other hand the zombies were the second most fierce of their enemies. Imbued with superhuman strength, speed and extremely hard if not nearly impossible to kill, they also had a seemingly insurmountable advantage in numbers. No matter their abnormal abilities, despite the fact that some of them did go down or paused to gorge on fresh flesh, the fact was that they just kept on coming from throughout the entire area and more appeared to converge on the stairs.
Candlelite heard Absinthe bellow in pain and rage and turned to see two werewolves on her back, slashing her with their great claws. She could not do anything to dislodge them either. Rising on her hind legs and thrashing about wildly the stubborn monsters continued to hold fast and the great bear was forced to drop back to all fours to confront a handful of goblins that were approaching menacingly with their gobline scimitars.
Rushing towards his besieged lover as she swept aside two goblins with one tremendous swipe of her paw Candlelite leapt through the air, tackling the two werewolves from her back and bore them to the ground. Landing with a thud and a crack one of the werewolves broke its back on one of the large risers while the other managed to roll free as Candlelite jumped to his feet. Facing off with each other the werewolf was dwarfed by the shape shifter by at least a foot and a half. Fearless in the face of the larger werewolf the snarling beast advanced. Candlelite calmly stood his ground and waited for his opportunity to strike. The only outward sign of his impatience was the steady clenching and unclenching of his claws.
Tensing his legs muscles in preparation to spring Candlelite’s eyes narrowed and his lips drew back from his fangs. Saliva dripped from his jaws and then the other werewolf made its move only to be impacted in mid-attack from the side by Absinthe. The hulking bear crushed the werewolf into the stairs and sank her massive jaws into its neck and tore out its throat with a great gush of blood.
The she-bear painted a gruesome picture, blood spattered and gray haired flesh hanging from her jaws, but at that moment Candlelite saw her with jaded eyes and he could not have loved her more.
There was no time for reflections of the heart though as the battle still raged around them. The mercenaries had valiantly fought their way to the landing at the top of the stairs and Candlelite and Absinthe were found suddenly alone, surrounded by enemies who wanted them dead. The vampires had been driven off and the rest of Harmony’s ‘men’ were being kept occupied by the zombies.
The undead creatures just kept coming. Thousands of them darted about the square in front of the guild hall hoping to get their share of the action. Some of them moved so fast that they were no more than a blur to the eye. With how empty Gontiluna had been it was unbelievable to think that so many of them could have been in the area, somewhere in hiding.
Seeing that the mercenaries had escaped the melee the werewolf and the she-bear began to bull their way up the stairs. Absinthe led the way forcibly making her way by bowling over goblins, humans, zombies, and werewolves like she would crash through brush. Candlelite was close behind her, picking through the scattered wreckage of her passage he kept anyone from stopping her.
As powerful as the two of them were though, it was unlikely that they would be able to battle their way back to their companions. Even with the retreat of the vampiric aerial support and the preoccupation of the rest of Harmony’s troops there were just too many zombies to contend with.
They were in danger of being drug down and consumed by the numerous gathering of undead when an organized concentration of plasma streaked into the crowd and cut through the enemy like butter. Scores of mercs stood on the landing with their rifles shouldered and dished out a fiery rain of death upon their foes. Harmony’s creatures and the zombies were cut up and fell to the ground until they resembled nothing more than a freshly timbered forest. The stench of burnt flesh was thick and choking.
The sudden rifle fire gave Candlelite and Absinthe the reprieve they needed. Expending the last of their flagging energy they put on an extra burst of speed and made the landing. Retreating before them, firing over their heads and around their sides, the mercenaries made the safety of the guild hall. Absinthe was in next, once more forced into the confines of the entry hall. Candlelite was close behind and he slammed the large doors shut as soon as he was clear.

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