» Fantasy » So...Do You Want Me Or Not?, Wayofthewiltedrose [sight word readers txt] 📗

Book online «So...Do You Want Me Or Not?, Wayofthewiltedrose [sight word readers txt] 📗». Author Wayofthewiltedrose

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at home." I said simply.

"I'll go get it. I don't mind having to be scarred by your ugly sister." Alek shrugged, grabbing my keys from my hand, and heading for the door.

A few minutes later, Alek ran back in, his face pale. In one of his hands, my phone was clutched, the other held a piece of crumpled up paper.

"Guys, we have a problem." Alek panted. We all jumped up, ready for attack by some rogues. Usually when Alek said 'problem' he meant 'attack'.

"Not that problem. This." Alek opened the piece of paper, reading it aloud.

"By the time you see this, I'll already be gone. Don't bother checking my room for me. This isn't a joke, Aden. I'm really leaving. I've learned that I'm not wanted, so..I guess you get what you wanted. Tell everyone I said bye. This will be the last time you hear from me. By the way, I know I'm horrible at note-writing.



My heart crumbled. Sure, I was a jerk to Avril, but I never wanted her to leave! I am so dead when my parents find out. All the guys gasped, except for Landon, who froze, before crumbling to the ground, clutching his chest as if someone shot him.

"Are you okay, Landon?" Silas asked.

Landon gasped, before looking up at me, his eyes full of pain.

"She's so stupid. Sh-she shouldn't have left!" Landon stuttered in a pained voice.

Dang, Landon was taking this the worst. Why did he care about her? Last time I checked, she embarrassed him, the Alpha, in front of the pack!

"Why do you care?" I asked him suspiciously, cocking one of my eyebrows up.

Landon froze. "S-she's your little sister. I grew up with her. She's like family...Plus we need the numbers in our pack, because, you know, with the rogue sightings."

I shook my head. This must be the worst day of my life. I am so dead when my parents find out...

Chapter 2

-Avril's POV-

I got off the train, walking towards the house Gage told me to go to. I walked faster as I saw the huge gray house in front of me. I stopped at the door, hesitating.

I was really here. At Gage's house. A place I thought I'd never go to.

I raised my hand to knock, but the door opened, revealing a boy with blond hair, and gray eyes. Instantly, I recognized him. It was Gage.

"Avril? I was just coming to pick you up." He said, as I embraced him in a teary hug.

"They were mean to me, Gage. Jerks!" I cried into his chest, tears misting in my eyes.

"Come on. I'll introduce you to my friends." Gage said softly, breaking the hug. I slid my hand into his with a shaky smile, before letting him lead me into the house.

Gage lead me to the living room, where four guys sat, joking and laughing. My heart broke. They reminded me so much of Aden and his friends, the people who bullied me the most.

"Guys, there's someone I want you to meet. I've been telling you about her, remember?" Gage spoke up, causing all of their heads to whip to me. They looked at me, confused, before turning to Gage. I noticed that two were identical, both with brown hair. Twins.

"Hi." I said quietly, my eyes averted.

"These are Derek, Shane, Jesse, and Silas." Gage said.

"Hey." One of the twins said. "I'm Shane. Don't get me confused for my dim witted brother, Jesse."

The other twin, Jesse, pouted. "I am not the dim witted one. Only a dim wit would think I'm dim-witted."

Jesse and Shane both hair short brown hair, and greenish eyes. I would be having trouble telling the difference between them.

"I'm Derek." A guy with sandy blond hair and gray eyes said.

"That would make me Silas." A guy with brownish-black hair and blue eyes like mine said.

"I'm Avril." I said weakly, in a cracked voice.

"So, what, are you Gage's little bed toy?" Jesse asked with a smirk.

I turned red. How would they get to that so quickly?!

"Jesse! I-its not like that!" Gage cried, while the other boys laughed at our reaction.

I looked to Gage, once the color remained normal in my face. Gage was full on flushed, looking at the ground. He reminded me of Aden, before he turned evil. Shy, often blushing, embarrassed. I missed my old Aden.

"You look like Aden." I muttered to Gage. That snapped Gage out of his embarrassment.

He rounded on me, backing me to the wall. A few of the guys whooped, thinking Gage was going to kiss me, or something. Gage put his hands on the wall, at both sides of my head. He caged me in.

"Don't ever compare me to that ass-face of a brother you have. You know, I am nothing like that jerk-"

"I meant before he turned crap evil." I replied, pushing Gage away from me slightly. "Besides, I know nobody is as mean as my brother and his friends...E-especially after t-today."

I started to break down. I slumped to the ground, putting my head in my hands, willing the tears to dry. I just couldn't help but feel torn up when I thought about Landon and Aden.

"Whats wrong, Avril?" All the guys asked, as I shook at the thought of today. I had been rejected by my mate. In front of the school, in front of my brother, because I wasn't slutty enough, because I wasn't pretty, or stick thin.

"L-Landon-" I broke off in a sob. I couldn't get the words out. The only one who seemed to understand was Gage.

"Calm down. Why don't you explain to the boys why you're here." Gage said.

I sat on Gage's lap while I explained, since there was only enough room for 5 on the couch.
I contacted my wolf.

Please, don't be angry at me. He rejected us, so I ran. Explain to these boys why we ran from him, and we can go running soon.

I heard a humph, before my wolf took over to explain.

"Well, First off, I'm from the Moon Bane pack," Jesse and Shane gasped. "Well, my older brother was friends with the soon to be Alpha, and they did everything together. So, in their minds, they had to be like, REALLY popular,"

My wolf paused and growled. "So, they did everything, even, even bullying me. Soon, everyone followed, and there wasn't a day in my life that I was beat up, made fun of, or left by my brother. I tried to stay, because, well, I had no where to go."

"And then today, well, my brother's friend, Landon, he's the Alpha, turned 16, so he was supposed to find his mate. I'm

his mate. I didn't find out until after school, when my brother gave Landon a ride. I was waiting for the popular crowd to leave, and I brushed past Landon, and I knew. He rejected me in front of everyone. And then my brother didn't believe me. He just yelled at me about how much of a stupid freak I am, and that my crush

had gone out of hand. I was never going to hear the end of it, so I just...left. And then I got here." My wolf growled, before giving me control.

I looked up at the guys, to see all of them pissed off. But Gage, he was fuming. He had that kind of look Aden would give me before he'd smack me for something I did.

"That BASTARD!" Gage growled, his eyes turning gold, the color of a wolf. "I'm going to go kill him. Whats the address."

We all looked at Gage. His wolf was ready to take over, but it was obvious Gage was fighting it the best he could.

"Dude, come on. Don't scare the poor girl away. For all we know, she could make a good bed toy." Shane smirked, before laughing at the menacing glare I gave him.

I sighed. I've seen Alphas fighting their wolf before. Landon was my friend before middle school. I knew just what to say.

"Gage, calm down. Me leaving is going to make Aden in crap trouble, and once I'm ready, we can go back, and you can savor the sound of Landon's neck breaking, okay?" I said, brushing hair out of his eyes. Silas, Jesse, Shane, and Derek looked at me as if I grew another head. Slowly, Gage gained control, his arms around my waist.

"Okay, Gage, you couldn't make it more obvious that you want a bed toy." Derek laughed.

"I do not! Come on, let's see how trained she is." He got up, changing the subject. I fell from his lap, landing on my feet.


"Okay, Avril, try to pin Silas down. Nothing else." Gage called. "Change."

I just looked down at my clothes, than back at him. Did he expect me to strip naked out in the open? Gage sighed, pointing to a large oak tree.

"Behind the tree. I thought you figured that out."

I walked behind a large oak, peeling off my clothes, before turning into my white wolf. I trotted back to the porch, a smile on my wolf face. I was smaller than most femme wolves, because I had no training early on in my wolf life, thanks to my brother who raised me. Fighting Silas is going to be hell. I looked at Silas' wolf. He was big, bad, and brown furred. The opposite of me.

"Well, I'll be damned. White wolves do exist." Derek muttered. "But they're small as hell."

I gave him a look that said I've been insulted enough for one life.

"You're just pinning him down."

I gave him a look that said I get it.


I leered at Silas. He lunged, and my wolf instincts took over. I dodged, leaving Silas confused. I mentally did a happy dance.

I didn't get tackled! I didn't get-OOMPH!

Silas pinned me, his brown wolf eyes seductive.

"Silas, stop eye fucking the girl. Give her another chance. She seemed to have zoned out." Derek said.

I pushed Silas off of me, getting back on my feet. Silas tried to circle me, like a vulture, but I knew better this time. When he went to lunge at me, instead of going left or right, I jumped over him. I turned back around, to see him charging me. He hit me, sending both of use rolling. I snapped at him, getting close to his skin, but not biting. Finally we stopped, Silas on top and me on bottom. I pushed him off of me,

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